Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

Oct 13, 2016 3:06 am

You find yourself in the small village of Losthollow, a prisoner housed in Losthollow keep. You've been captive in Losthollow for about 3 months, having been transferred from the larger city of Falkirk to alleviate a prison over crowding issue they had there. Shortly after your arrival in Losthollow you noticed things became very strange. For the past two months the guards have seemed on edge. Over time, you noticed that it seemed the guard was growing understaffed; guards you once saw regularly you haven't seen in months.

Two weeks ago things changed. The guards stopped showing up. First it was for half a shift, then a whole shift, then handfuls of days at a time. It has been 3 days since the last time a guard checked in on you and the other prisoners. You are starving. You have a small metal cup in your cell that you have sit between the cell bars of a window on the exterior wall that you use to collect rain water.

From the cell next door you hear a voice call out
"Psssst. Can you spare some water?"
Oct 13, 2016 4:15 am
A dirty Elf woman reaches over to grab the metal cup and takes a swig before passing the remainder over to the prisoner next door. "Don't hog it all" She drawls, starvation eating at her
Last edited October 13, 2016 4:16 am
Oct 13, 2016 10:37 am
The prisoner is a thin man with dusty grey hair despite his youthful look. You can discern from his slight pointed ears and his high, arched eyebrows he is likely of elven kin. You figure some sort of half-elf.

He reaches out his hand, takes a small sip of the water, and immediately relief washes over his face. He hands the cup back to you and says:
"Thanks friend. I don't think we've officially met. I am Theraine. What is your name?"
Oct 13, 2016 3:22 pm
The elf woman replaces the cup to its original place on the window to continue gathering water "Sharia. I would say 'well met' but given the circumstances I find the phrase out of place."
Oct 13, 2016 3:50 pm
He looks at you with the best grin you expect one can give you who is imprisoned. He leans in and asks: "So what are you in fire"?
Oct 13, 2016 4:22 pm
I shake my head "Not quite sure, they weren't exactly forthcoming when they stole all my belongings and threw me in this cell." I take a closer look at the cell around me
Oct 13, 2016 9:18 pm
You look around and you see yourself in a stone room. You estimate that it is about 8ft in both length and width and about 10 feet in height. The walls, floors, and ceiling are a thick and dense stone, though the floor is covered in straw. In your cell is a wooden cot with no bedding or pillows. There is a small grate in the middle of the cell that leads to the sewers below; it is essentially your chamber pot. There is a very small barred window and a portcullis for a door. You can look through the grates of the portcullis and see other identical cells. You estimate that there are about 20 cells in total. All are occupied. By reaching through the portcullis you were able to exchange the metal cup with Theraine and if you press your face upto the grated door you can see into his cell.
Oct 13, 2016 9:19 pm
"Hey. Bo! Bo are you awake yet? Wake up you good for nothing bag of bones."
Oct 13, 2016 10:54 pm
I look through the barred window to try and determine how high up the cell block is before peering out to identify the source of the shouting
Oct 13, 2016 11:23 pm
Aritanya says:
I look through the barred window to try and determine how high up the cell block is before peering out to identify the source of the shouting
The best you can tell, it looks like you are on the 5th floor of this keep.
Oct 14, 2016 12:45 am
Realizing this, I will turn to the door and begin testing the lock, hinges etc to see how sturdy they are
Oct 14, 2016 2:17 am
Aritanya says:
Realizing this, I will turn to the door and begin testing the lock, hinges etc to see how sturdy they are
You shake the portcullis.
Roll an Investigation or strength Check
Oct 14, 2016 4:31 am
SgtSquiggles says:
"Hey. Bo! Bo are you awake yet? Wake up you good for nothing bag of bones."
With a short grunt and a immediate followed cough Bo woke up after realizing someone was yelling his name. He was a tall well built Tiefling, rough hands and knuckles, scars about his writs from years in shackles. He scrached his eyes and blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light.

Bo raised up his head a few inches, "Who needs what?!" He yelled back, not leaving his cot. He took a whif of the air around him.
Last edited October 14, 2016 4:32 am
Oct 14, 2016 6:58 am
Roll an Investigation or strength Check
14 strength
Oct 14, 2016 10:27 am
Sharia shakes, shimmies, and pushes the door with all of her might. However, the door is sturdy and well constructed. With all of her strength it doesn't seem like she could move the door off the hinges.

Bo, having just woken up hears the frantic clanging of Sharia's door. He realizes she's trying to look for a way to escape, which is of course something that all of the prisoners have done on many occasion.

Just then, from down the hall, you both hear the sound of a mechanical clank. You recognize it as the unlocking of the door to the prison level. Someone is coming in from outside.
Oct 14, 2016 10:30 am
Theraine whispers over to Sharia "Shhhh! Quite down. Someone is coming. Don't get yourself in trouble, its been 3 days without food as it stands." He then looks over at Bo with a worried look "Bo, you fool, get it together, a guard is coming. We might eat this day!"
Oct 14, 2016 3:35 pm
not being a fan of this cell, I reluctantly quiet down, the idea of being fed is better than freedom for the moment
"They can't keep me in here for long, I'm getting out of this dungeon."
I whisper
Last edited October 14, 2016 3:39 pm
Oct 14, 2016 5:52 pm
Bo rested his head back down, not hopeful of the possibility of being fed. Morelikely a beating or a new prisoner he thought to himself.

Bo inspected the ceiling from his cot.
Oct 14, 2016 10:05 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo rested his head back down, not hopeful of the possibility of being fed. Morelikely a beating or a new prisoner he thought to himself.

Bo inspected the ceiling from his cot.
The cieling itself looks like a plain, stone slab. However, Bo notices a spider has been building a web in the corner of the of the ceiling. It looks intricate and must have taken some time to build. He wonders why he hasn't noticed it before.
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