Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

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Oct 14, 2016 10:12 pm
You hear the rythmic clank of someone walking in full armor. The sound gets closer and closer to the cell. A cough, as a man clears his throat. Then turning the corner, you see a man in a full suit of armor. His hair is grey like granite, he has a faded scar running across one eye; he's a soldier but he looks old and warn. You look at his face but this is not a soldier you have ever seen guard the dungeon.
Oct 14, 2016 10:42 pm
"ATTENTION PRISONERS! My name is Warden. I've been sent here by the town of Losthollow to inform you that we are under state of emergency. A fortnight ago, as the town lay in slumber, a powerful magic was put on our town. The town of Losthollow and the wilderness surrounding have been cut off from the rest of the world. A magical barrier separates us and the rest of Tela`ria. No one knows what caused it. No one knows how to end it. What I can tell you is that it has stirred the local tribe of orcs who live in the forest surrounding our town.

The guard has put up a noble effort to defend us but most of the guard has fallen. As I am sure you have noticed you have had very little care given to you over the last few weeks and for that I do apologize. However, with our forces stretched thin you have not been priority. That, however, will all change. Effective immediately, all crimes both future and retroactively are considered capital crimes and are punishable by swift and immediate death."
Oct 15, 2016 12:11 am
Bo burst into laughter, "you're going to kill us?!" He stood, and walked to the spider in the corner. Bo did not like spiders, but it was the only thing 'new' he had seen in months. Still watching the spider and the web, " you would kill us, for our crimes?......" He scratched the stump of his sawed off horns.

"Becuase you can't find a better use for us? One less thing to worry about?" He turned his gaze to the bars of his cell, at the bringer of bad news. "On who's authority?"
Oct 15, 2016 4:40 am
"Hold your tongue Demon-kin. I am acting on the authority of the people of Losthollow. Supply lines are cuts. There are no trades. There are no supplies. At best we have another month of food rations. The orcs have raided and killed our people. Fact is, they outnumber us 3 to 1. It is simply not prudent to share our rations with criminals. Making all crime capital offenses is a mercy. Its a mercy to those who would otherwise rot in a cage and starve. It is a mercy to the innocent people of Losthollow. However, I agree with the Demon-kin. We have found a better use for you."

The soldier spins around and looks at all the prisoners in the dungeon before he begins to yell.

"PRISONERS OF LOSTHOLLOW KEEP, TODAY IS A DAY THAT FATE HAS SMILED UPON YOU!!! While it is true that all crimes are now capital crimes, I am here to offer pardons to anyone who wants one. However, it is conditional. We are in need of a militia. Any prisoner who agrees to join as a soldier of the Losthollow militia will receive a full pardon for all previous crimes."

The soldier turns around and looks directly at Bo, grins, and says: "How's that for for a 'better use', hell spawn?"
Oct 15, 2016 5:17 am
Bo spat. "It'll do...I do enjoy a good sort." His belly groaned. He gazed back at the spider. 'Food' he thought. He looked passed the guard into the other cells as best he could and spoke to his captive brethren.

"But a good minute soldier can't fight on an empty stomachs can they!!" Bo rubbed his concave stomach.
Oct 15, 2016 1:12 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo spat. "It'll do...I do enjoy a good sort." His belly groaned. He gazed back at the spider. 'Food' he thought. He looked passed the guard into the other cells as best he could and spoke to his captive brethren.

"But a good minute soldier can't fight on an empty stomachs can they!!" Bo rubbed his concave stomach.
Make a persuasion check.
Oct 15, 2016 1:53 pm
16+1, 17 charisma.
Oct 15, 2016 11:07 pm
Lord_Oney says:
16+1, 17 charisma.
The old soldier looks at you and laughs. "Dont worry Devil Spawn, we have a breakfast cooking downstairs for anyone who joins the militia. That is assuming you eat eggs and ham and not the flesh of sacrificed babies or something like that."

The withered man waits for a moment to see if he gets a reaction out of you with his last comment before proceeding to say:

"I'll give you all a few moments to think about your choice. However, know this! All crimes are capital offenses. Including future ones. This town has not the supplies or the tolerance to divvy out our resources to those in wanton violation of the law. If you are pardoned and caught committing a crime between now and the time that wall comes down, you will be put to death without remorse.

The man does an about face, and marches over to the door from which he entered. He turns back to face the room of cells and says:

"Now then, I'll give you all 5 minutes to make your choice. If you choose to join the militia, stand in front of the door with both arms through the holes in the portcullis. If you choose the mercy of death, stay laying in your bed."
Oct 16, 2016 12:42 am
I move to the door eagerly and put my arms through the portcullis
Oct 16, 2016 2:04 am
Bo did not respond to the ignorant man's insult. He cracked his knuckles and smiled on his way to the portcullis. He put his arms through the bars.
Oct 16, 2016 6:37 am
A few moments later the man walks back in the room lugging a heft sack. You hear the sound of metal clanking around in the bag. At first, he stops in front of Sharia. He pulls out a braclet from the sack. He looks at Sharia and says "You first my dear".
Oct 16, 2016 2:28 pm
I grin and accept the bracelet, more concerned about a good meal than the bracelet at this point
Oct 16, 2016 5:46 pm
Aritanya says:
I grin and accept the bracelet, more concerned about a good meal than the bracelet at this point
He snaps the bracelet onto your wrist. He walks to the next cell and does this again to the next willing militia volunteer. The prisoner, after getting this snapped to his wrist asks: "What are these things"

The soldier looks at the prisoner and says: "These are the Binders of Orcus. Our town sage crafted these for us. These bracers contain a powerful enchantment. Every five days the spell has to be "renewed" by our town sage or else the enchantment will be unleashed and kill the wearer instantly. Also, our sage has an incantation that will unleash the effect of the bracelet on command, killing the wearer with no warning. This is to ensure that those who volunteer don't do anything that puts our town at risk.

As he finishes speaking, he approaches Bo's cell to place a binder on Bo's wrists.
Oct 16, 2016 11:47 pm
Bo held his wrists still, and winked at the man after he was clicked in.
Oct 17, 2016 12:36 am
The man unlocks the cell doors, he opens the exterior door to the stairwell to the lower levels, and then announces: "Breakfast will be served shortly. Assignments will be handed out after breakfast. Please feel free to check-in with the armory men on the 3rd floor. Each soldier will be issued 100 gold worth of armor and weaponry as well as 50 gold worth of pocket money. Be on your way.
Oct 17, 2016 1:10 am
"Ah, I was wondering if I would be paid." Bo took another glance at the spider in the cell. "Don't stay here mate, they'll kill you." He chuckled on his way out.
Last edited October 17, 2016 2:19 am
Oct 17, 2016 4:06 pm
I move down to the meal hall and impatiently wait for the food to be served
Oct 17, 2016 4:39 pm
You move down to the ground floor of the keep. It is a large, open feast hall with long oaken tables. Pots of scrambled eggs, breakfast pastries, and cured meats are on the table. Other prisoners have already made their way to the tables and begin gorging themselves on the food. The aroma is mouth watering and your stomach causes you a bit of physical pain as hunger is begging to be quenched. Your eyes land on table with a few open seats and some pots of eggs that are still full to the brim.
Oct 17, 2016 4:43 pm
Ignoring any pleasantries I grab a plate and begin to elbow my way through the others and grab as much food as I can
"Move it rats, I'm hungry" I snarl as I go
Oct 17, 2016 7:23 pm
In the meal hall Bo scopes the spread. Grabs a plate piles eggs into the plate till they are falling off and heads for the group of empty seats. Eating along the way.
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