Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

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Oct 18, 2016 10:39 am
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri stares at the paper for a few moments before reluctantly filling in the objects she desired from her effects. The signet ring and scroll of pedigree which identified her as the daughter of a noble of elvish lands. Clearly this title meant little to those that ruled Fallkirk but it was still important to her, even if she was not on the best of terms with her father. If they could not get them to her, she would simply have to get them back herself when she got out of this situation. As she filled out the paper, she knew she would also need to send a message to Fallkirk. Vris and her other retainers would certainly still be waiting for her though they might not know she had been transferred and nearly starved to death.

Following the others in her little band, she entered the armory and set about looking for appropriate equipment. A collection of daggers, a shortsword and shortbow with a quiver of arrows. She found a set of leather armor, a bit lacking in much of the protective bits but based on her size compared to others it would suffice. She was also surprised to find a decent set of thieves' tools, likely confiscated from another prisoner and left to collect dust. "These will do nicely."

She brought her requests to Quinton, additionally requesting the contents of a standard burglar's pack. She gave a sly smile to the quartermaster at her request, winking at his questioning look. "We all have our talents."
Make a straight charisma roll, if you please.
Oct 18, 2016 12:39 pm
Charisma roll


Charisma Roll - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Oct 18, 2016 4:16 pm
Bo wondered about the room, unsure of what to grab. He looked at the other two, "they are ging to need something to hide behind," he whispered to himself. He picked up a greatsword and a chain shirt and put them on the Smithy's table. "And a dungeoniers pack. Oh and my thieves tools should be around 'ere someplace."
Last edited October 18, 2016 4:16 pm
Oct 18, 2016 9:25 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Charisma roll
Quinton looks down at you seemingly unimpressed. And grunts: "S'pose so".
Oct 18, 2016 9:27 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo wondered about the room, unsure of what to grab. He looked at the other two, "they are ging to need something to hide behind," he whispered to himself. He picked up a greatsword and a chain shirt and put them on the Smithy's table. "And a dungeoniers pack. Oh and my thieves tools should be around 'ere someplace."
You all place your items on the counter. Quinton sorts through the pile of equipment. Picks up one of the weapons and inspects the quality. Then looks to the group and says:

"Is this all of it then?"
Oct 18, 2016 9:29 pm
Bo smirks, "don't forget our change."
Oct 18, 2016 11:14 pm
Vyndri follows Bo's lead. "Perhaps a money back guarantee?"
Oct 19, 2016 12:53 am
I spit on the floor and shake my head at the other two

"Screw pocket change, there a bounty we can collect for the Orcs we kill? How about for their kit? I'll bet its worth some serious coin, and with that barrier up and all you'll need metal to melt down and repurpose."

I collect my gear and move towards the door, eager to be on the hunt
Oct 19, 2016 3:38 am
Just as Sharia gets to the door, a new face pears through the open frame.

"D'is de armory? Redbeard downstairs be saying I'm in da group with'a biiiiiig scary demon-man."

Stepping through the doorway is an attractive looking human woman, with ebony dark skin and her hair in badly tangled dreadlocks. She's dressed in rags, but stands straight, and has a wide toothy grin adorning her features. At the corners of her mouth you can see a Glasgow smile. The woman speaks with a thick accent, so that occasionally you might have to think to understand what she says.

"Chou be lookin' like h'im." She nods towards Bo.
I don't have a good image for this character.
Last edited October 19, 2016 3:38 am
Oct 19, 2016 4:53 am
Bo winks at the human with his golden eye. "I must be the deamon he spoke of." He turns back to the smith. "This sword is impressive, but it better not be just looks. So help me I will come back for you." Bo holds his hand out waiting for his change.
Oct 19, 2016 10:59 am
The woman skips across the room, selecting some a quarter staff, crossbow, leather armour and a few other useful items.

"Cantrice Bellagrimm." She introduces herself. "Me t'ink's me be seein' double." Cantrice looks towards the two elves, grinning widely at her own joke.
Oct 19, 2016 8:45 pm
Vyndri took a look at the other elf in the group and returned a faint smile to Cantrice. "We always say you humans look all alike, so I suppose that's fair. Although I can't say I've seen any quite as unique as yourself."

She took just one moment to take a good look at her companion before giving a slight curtsy in greeting. "My name is Vyndri. I am honored to make your acquaintance."
Oct 19, 2016 10:38 pm
Quinton comes back to the counter with a coin purse for each player.

"Your weapons have been signed out to you. Here is 50 gold per person in discretionary coin. This is not your salary. Town Guards make 10 gold pieces a week. This money is to be used in the service of LostHollow. Make sure you get a receipt for any and all purchases made with this money. Any frivolous spending or failure to get a receipt will result in a deduction of your weekly pay. Warden can provide you with Travel and Expense forms at the usage of any of these purchases."
Oct 19, 2016 10:46 pm
"There being only one me." Cantrice promised. "Prolly for da bess."
Oct 19, 2016 11:29 pm
Bo pulled his chain shirt on and strapped on his greatsword to his back. Taking his purse from the smith, "Well now that we are all familiar and done with the pleasures of first impressions." He moved to the door and opened it, bowed slightly and gestured out, "shall we?"
Oct 20, 2016 12:29 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo pulled his chain shirt on and strapped on his greatsword to his back. Taking his purse from the smith, "Well now that we are all familiar and done with the pleasures of first impressions." He moved to the door and opened it, bowed slightly and gestured out, "shall we?"
Into the room walks the red bearded dwarf that you saw before.

"Quinton. I trust ye took care of me troops here. Be they all armored up and ready ta fight?"

Quinton looks over at the dwarf and flashes a small smile saying:

"Garrik, my friend. You know I will always take care of anyone serving under you."

Garrik turns to the party, stands up just a little straighter, and says

"Alright men. Do anything you need to in the next 5 minutes and then meet me downstairs. We are going to discuss our mission"
Oct 20, 2016 12:32 am
I follow the dwarf downstairs, shouldering my backpack.
"Hey boss any bounty money for the orcs we kill?"
Oct 20, 2016 2:04 am
"Does anyone here speak Orcish?" A loud, raucous bellowing comes from Cantrice, sounding rather inhuman.
She's speaking Orcish.
Oct 20, 2016 2:05 am
Vyndri finishes securing her equipment and heads downstairs with the others. She listens quietly at this point, not just to their conversation but to any others she can overhear. She is curious about what has gone on outside her cell over the last few months, to the point where it would seem that the world was falling down around them.
Oct 20, 2016 3:02 am
Bo follows the group in the rear. "I want more eggs."
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