Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

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Oct 20, 2016 3:20 am
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri finishes securing her equipment and heads downstairs with the others. She listens quietly at this point, not just to their conversation but to any others she can overhear. She is curious about what has gone on outside her cell over the last few months, to the point where it would seem that the world was falling down around them.
Make a perception check
Oct 20, 2016 11:48 am
Making a Perception check.....
I hate Random Number Generators.
Last edited October 20, 2016 11:50 am


Perception Check - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Oct 20, 2016 9:46 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Making a Perception check.....
I hate Random Number Generators.
You try to listen but the cavalcade of prisoners are boisterously laughing and talking. You do, for a moment, catch the words of one of the few guard left:

"I don't know how much longer were going to make it. The orcs have been come incensed since that damn barrier went up. I don't know what kind of god damn magic created it but we have to find a way to bring it down and soon or else no one is going to make it out alive."
Oct 20, 2016 9:59 pm
As your group congregates near the eating hall downstairs, Garrick approaches:

"Alright lassies. I hope ye found some nice weapons because ye're going hunting. Earlier today one of the village storehouses was raided by those dirty orcs. They took a month worth of supplies and we've been assigned ta get them back. I've got a map for ye and a few days of rations. It's about a days walk ta the settlement where we think they took the supplies. Bring back the supplies ta the village and I will see ta it that ye get properly rewarded."

He hands you the a rolled up scroll of parchment from his backpack, looks at the groups and says:

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. A good militia always needs two things. One is a name to be feared. The other is a leader. What do ye what to call yerselves and which one of your ruffians are going ta lead?"
Oct 20, 2016 10:13 pm
"Leader should have the most experience, I nominate myself, of course. As for the name? Jailbirds perhaps?"
Oct 20, 2016 10:38 pm
"Seems a bit early to be claiming yourself the most experienced here. We don't know anything about each other or how we perform." Vyndri thought for a moment. "Perhaps we can appoint a provisional leader for the moment, as a sort of probationary test period. We will follow the appointed leader's orders but they will remain open to feedback and if the other members of the team they do not qualify to lead the group, then we can appoint a new leader." She looked amongst the members of the team to see how they felt about the idea.
Last edited October 20, 2016 10:39 pm
Oct 20, 2016 10:56 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
"Seems a bit early to be claiming yourself the most experienced here. We don't know anything about each other or how we perform." Vyndri thought for a moment. "Perhaps we can appoint a provisional leader for the moment, as a sort of probationary test period. We will follow the appointed leader's orders but they will remain open to feedback and if the other members of the team they do not qualify to lead the group, then we can appoint a new leader." She looked amongst the members of the team to see how they felt about the idea.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Garik grinning. He seems to almost be chuckling to himself and you get the sense that he may have even asked this question just to get a rise out of the group.
Oct 21, 2016 12:23 am
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Oct 21, 2016 3:39 am
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Last edited October 21, 2016 3:56 am
Oct 21, 2016 10:41 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Oct 21, 2016 10:42 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Garick hands you the rolled up map. You unfurl it and see this:
Oct 21, 2016 10:45 am
SgtSquiggles says:
Lord_Oney says:
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Garick hands you the rolled up map. You unfurl it and see this:

You quickly begin to realize that the purple marking on the map has been drawn to indicate the magical barrier keeping everyone locked in town.
Oct 21, 2016 11:56 am
SgtSquiggles says:
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Trying to convince him to take charge, rather than letting any of the other PC's boss me around. Particularly the elves.
Roll was 14 +3=17
Oct 21, 2016 1:30 pm
Bo inspects the map closely. Pointing at the mountains in the boundary, " what is the name of them mountains?..."
Oct 21, 2016 2:01 pm
"Does the barrier extend into the waters outside of town?" Vyndri asks, noticing that the purple circle doesn't extend into the water.
Oct 21, 2016 6:37 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
SgtSquiggles says:
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Trying to convince him to take charge, rather than letting any of the other PC's boss me around. Particularly the elves.
Roll was 14 +3=17
You implore Garik to take charge of the time and he looks at your rather convinced and lets out a quiet cackle.
"Dinna worry thar lass. I be certainly in charge of ye group or prisoners. Its always ask me men...and er.... women ta choose a leader just ta see what kind of fightin' it will cause. Git yer way. Find those supplies and report back here."
Oct 21, 2016 6:40 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
"Does the barrier extend into the waters outside of town?" Vyndri asks, noticing that the purple circle doesn't extend into the water.
Garrick looks at the maps, points to the waters, and says:

"Aye. Tha barrier runs deep. Ye kinna dig under it. Ye kinna fly over it. Ye kinna hurt it with any weapon in our arsenal. And in fact, it carved a path and killed trees in tha forest ta make way for itself."
Oct 21, 2016 6:42 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo inspects the map closely. Pointing at the mountains in the boundary, " what is the name of them mountains?..."
"Tha mountain be named "Mount Rathegar". Nae from around here be ye lad?"
Oct 21, 2016 8:13 pm
"Can't say I am." Bo told the dwarf.
Oct 22, 2016 12:53 am
Lord_Oney says:
"Can't say I am." Bo told the dwarf.
"Well, see that camp thar on tha map? That be the orc camp. Thar are rumors that thar might be more orc camps in those woods. But we think that the camp on the map is the one where are supplies might be".
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