Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

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Oct 22, 2016 1:27 am
He inspects the map closer. "This river, " he traces the water on the south side of the boundary," She flow to or away from the town? A month of supplies are hard to move even for orcs. I want to get to that camp," He turned to his companions," and back again as quickly as possible." Bo holds up his wrists, "we die in 5 days. What do you all plan to accomplish in that time? I plan on getting back what was taken, killing as many orcs as possible, and coming back bathed in blood and flesh of our FOE! We move as one, we think as one." He turns back to the dwarf. "And I want some god damned eggs when we get back."
Oct 22, 2016 2:36 am
Vyndri nods at the excitable Tiefling. "Plan sounds as good as any, although you can keep the blood bath. I think I'd prefer one with water...and maybe bubbles."
Oct 22, 2016 4:45 am
"Who lead, de orcs?" Cantrice asks. "And dey all riled up by some'ting you niceun townfolk 'as done. What'chu, do?"
Last edited October 22, 2016 4:57 am
Oct 22, 2016 2:28 pm
Vyndri adjusted her gear, making sure she was ready for the trek ahead. "Perhaps they are just as afraid of being locked in this barrier as the townsfolk are. I can understand this sentiment. No one likes being locked up. Not that it will stop us from doing what has to be done."
Oct 22, 2016 3:48 pm
Garik looks at you all and says:

"Off ye go now. Ye ain't got time ta be wasting around here."
Oct 22, 2016 4:26 pm
Cantrice leaves without another word, eagerly skipping ahead of the group.
Oct 23, 2016 9:08 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Cantrice leaves without another word, eagerly skipping ahead of the group.
Cantrice walks out of the keep. She marches down the street a little ways into the heart of the village. Before her, Cantrice sees a small, quaint village. People look on edge. As she walks down the streets people seem to be whispering behind her.
Oct 23, 2016 9:44 pm
Bo follows Cantrice at his own pace, letting her skip along and ahead of him. He notices the looks and the whispers. Bo was used to this treatment, but why her. Sure she was different, but not enough to warrant this. He made sure to keep Cantrice in eyesight.
Oct 23, 2016 10:14 pm
Vyndri follows after the others, keeping her mind on the map and the task. With only 5 days to get the job done, they would need to make haste.
Oct 24, 2016 2:20 am
Cantrice grins and waves at anyone that makes eye contact with her. Despite her outward appearance, she's taking careful note of the state of the village. Do the people appear well fed? Is there food available? Are there any guards patrolling the street?
Oct 24, 2016 2:21 am
Perception roll 11 +0 +11
Oct 24, 2016 6:15 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Perception roll 11 +0 +11
Looking around you don't see any guards. In fact, you notice most of the population on the streets are women, children, and older men. They don't appear to be suffering from hunger pains yet.

As you walk around the town trying to figure out what is going on, you hear a very guttural roar coming from the edge of town and then what hears like women screaming.
Oct 24, 2016 6:53 am
Bo grabs hold of his sword and waits to see whats going on before running off with out any clue as to what is happening. "Any suggestions on what that was?"
Oct 24, 2016 1:34 pm
My character speaks Orcish as a language, so it stands to reason that she's able to identify Orcush bellowing without needing to roll for it. Does that sound like an orc getting angry?
Oct 24, 2016 2:08 pm
Vyndri drew her short bow and nocked an arrow. "Are we starting this already?"
Oct 26, 2016 10:25 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
My character speaks Orcish as a language, so it stands to reason that she's able to identify Orcush bellowing without needing to roll for it. Does that sound like an orc getting angry?
You hear an orcish bellow yelling "Grab the children"
Oct 26, 2016 10:28 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri drew her short bow and nocked an arrow. "Are we starting this already?"
On the street ahead of you, you see a small band of orcs grabbing children. Their parents fight to hang on to them but the orcs are ferociously tearing them away from their crying mother's clutches.
Oct 26, 2016 11:17 pm
Cantrice approaches the Orcs, yelling the Orcish equivalent of cheerful greeting. "Hello, how are you today? Watcha doing?"
Last edited October 26, 2016 11:17 pm
Oct 28, 2016 10:46 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Cantrice approaches the Orcs, yelling the Orcish equivalent of cheerful greeting. "Hello, how are you today? Watcha doing?"
Standing before you, you see a crowd of orcs. Each of the orcs have grabbed one of the villagers children in their clutches. The children are crying and struggling to get away from the clutches of the Orcs. As you speak, the orcs spin around, looking for the source of these words. You can see the Orcs looking at you and almost as if the gears are grinding in their head they slowly put together that you can speak in their tongue. An orc, who looks to be the leader of this group steps forward. He gets uncomfortably close to you and lowers his face down to eye level with your face. He holds his face there for just a moment inspecting you.

He then steps back and erupts in laughter. The crowd of orcs look at him, then look at each other, and erupt into laughter as well.

"So, the pink skin can speak our tongue. Well tell your people this pink skin. You will remove the magic walls and let us out of this prison or we will continue to raid your villages and kill your kin".

He turns back to the crowd of orcs. He makes eye contact with one of the children who are crying. He lifts his hand and wipes the tear from the kids face. Then in the other hand, he raises his scimitar.
Make a straight dexterity check.
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