Honestly, I "left" another site to come here. I still game on the other site, as I’m in an active game that started in 2019, but will never join another game there.
I like the layout of this site much better. It’s easy to see when new games are available, and there’s a variety of systems. I love rules-lite and weird indie stuff, but it seems there’s always DnD and such for those more into
that (which I suspect is Most People).
I really love how much can be done artistically with Character Sheets and rolls. The snippet option is fun for displaying enemy HP as a Street Fighteresque health bar, and throwing in a spoiler fulla battle music found on YouTube is a nice touch.
[ +- ] Screenshots
A die roll and Health Bars!
A spoiler fulla game music!
And I love snippets so much, I made that the term for the moves players can buy!

But that said, the
best part about GP is that I feel people are, for the most part, generally respectful and welcoming here. That isn’t the case everywhere on the internet, so I’m grateful to @Dmbrainiac for pointing this site out!
Like crazybirdman, I personally don’t know of a better gaming site (and I won’t warn you about the "worse" ones because that would be an awful thing to do), so if GP isn’t doing the trick for you, you’ll have to explore.