Paying the Price (RP)

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Mar 5, 2025 8:16 pm
Emma stepped into the apartment just as Persephone picked up her phone. She heard her talking from the living room, but by the time she entered the bedroom, she looked as calm and collected as ever. Her eyes immediately went to the two puncture wounds on Pers' shoulder, and the fact that she was only in her bra. She raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity crossing her face as she stepped closer.

"Are you OK?" she tossed her coat onto the bed as she moved over to look at the bite marks more closely, brushing her fingers lightly against her skin "You’re fine!" she breathed a sigh of relief once she noticed the wounds weren't deep. Standing up, she even managed a small smile "If one little bite could turn you into a vampire, the world would be overrun by them. Hell, I let a vampire feed on me before, and I’m still here."

Her expression shifted briefly, as a thought passed through through her head "I wonder how new vampires do get made? I’ll need to ask Benji about it. I’ve been meaning to talk to him anyway"

The soft, desperate whimpers from the closet made her pause for a split second. Right! They needed to help Chablis first; there will be plenty of time to talk later. Without missing a beat, she unrolled the sleeve of her turtleneck and exposed her arm "Let’s get this over with" she motioned for Bev to approach "Chablis is starving. We can’t let her go any longer without blood, and I don’t want her biting anyone else."
Mar 5, 2025 11:34 pm
When Emma declared that her vampire bite was no big deal, Persephone pouted on the floor.

"Yeah ok sure, it’s just one little bite… from a vampire!! Do they have, like, STDs? Like, how do I get checked for vampire syphilis? I hate this…" she muttered.

Then Emma’s words sank in. "Wait what?! You let a vampire bite you? Why on earth…And the hell is Benjamin?? Wait who is that with you??"

Persephone became suddenly uncomfortable and grabbed a filthy pillow off the bed to hold in front of herself.
Mar 6, 2025 7:32 am
- Emma -

"Do you think that will work?" Bev asks, hurrying along behind you. "I brought some blood-packs, as well. Oh, god, I hope I don't lose my job for stealing them!" She pants, like it is good to finally get that concern spoken out loud. "All the ... flavours." She lets out a little, nervous giggle at her joke about blood-types. "In case they have a preference."

She is thinking about the time Benji showed up at her door, deranged and desperate to feed [ref]. And he was not 'starving'. You do not know this story, though, but can sense Bev's trepidation.

The 'bite' on Persephone's shoulder is not neat like the controlled, almost gentle, ones you and Bev had. This was an attack, not a 'feeding', and the fangs scored lines across her skin as the attacking vampire was tossed aside and deflected by her demon nature. They did not penetrate all that deep, though —as Bev will observe when she gets to examine the patient: 'almost like the skin was hard enough to deflect the attack... but that's crazy-talk'.

What do you do?
Mar 6, 2025 7:35 am
- Persephone -

The black woman in scrubs and a large afro definitely glanced at your breasts first, before you could cover up. She is a nurse and has seen many breasts before, but yours are not to be ignored. However it was cursory (it would be impolite not to look, right?:) and she is more concerned about your injury —hard to assess without cleaning the blood off, and there is little time for that or conversation, Chablis has begun pounding on the door again, the trace amounts of blood on your shirt —it looks like a lot, but really isn't— had only distracted her for a moment.

Anyway, some removed part of your brain tells you, Bev is hopelessly in love with Emma, you can tell that from how she looks at her. Though Emma's gaydar may not be as well tuned as yours and she seems oblivious... and also, married. Now is not the time for such thoughts.

Bev seems frozen in indecision, not sure what to do first. Her instinct is to help the patient, but the vampire in the closet seems like it needs to be triaged higher. She does seem very interested in the question of 'how new vampires get made', but, then, that is an interesting question.

What do you do?
Mar 6, 2025 11:42 am
"Bev; " Emma raised her voice as the pounding from the inside of the closet grew louder "We need to feed her, now. If we don’t, she's going to be a problem for all of us" she managed to keep her cool, despite the urgency of the situation. Sitting down on the bed, she stretched out her arm for Bev: "Go ahead. And Pers; once the needle is in me, give the other end of the plastic tube to Chablis, through the crack in the door.
Mar 6, 2025 9:30 pm
Persephone tilted her head and smirked for a moment seeing the nurse's response. Hearing the urgency in Emma's voice and the escalating violence coming from he door behind her, however, Persephone relented and said, "OK, as long as I'm not, like, about to turn... Take care of Chablis first..."

When Emma gave her instruction, however, Persephone said in alarm, "You're... going to give her your blood?! Emma, why do you know how to do all this? This is not normal, girl."

But Pers did what she is told and prepared to slide the tube beneath the door. As she did so, she observed Emma and her friend and it clicked. Ah, this poor girl is in love with our Emma... And yep, Emma probably has no idea... Persephone sighed.

"OK, I'm ready. Do it... Bev, was it?"
Mar 7, 2025 9:25 am
- Emma -

"Um..." Bev says, hesitating. "Shouldn't we try these first?" She holds up a blood pack with dark liquid sloshing inside. She tears off a corner of the bag and slips in under the door, darting back as it is snatched from her fingers.

A moment later you hear Chablis retching and what sounds exactly like a bag of blood being flung against a closet wall in disgust. "Wrong flavour, d'ya think?" Bev tries to joke, but it is clear you were right, this needs to be fresh blood. Let's hope the tube does not make it too unpalatable.

Sharing a look with Persephone, and with a sigh, Bev checks your blood-pressure and heart-rate —she won't be hurried— understandably they are both a little high, but she notes them down before releasing the pressure on the cuff and expertly placing a needle in the crook of your arm and attaching a two meter, transparent tube. "We will need to move closer." She says nervously.

Is there anything you do?
Mar 7, 2025 9:28 am
- Persephone -

Noticing you noticing, Bev gives a shy smile and a small shrug, as if to say 'what can you do?'. She is clearly shaken by the whole situation, and your alarm is actually helping her cope, it would be really strange —strangER— if everyone was calmly taking this in stride.

Her hands shake a bit, right up until the point she needs to pierce Emma's skin, but then professionalism takes over, she has done this... well things like this... hundreds of times, and easily finds a vein, releases the little turquoise pinchy-thing and lets the bright red blood fill the tube before pinching it off again and handing the end to you. She adjusts the sphygmomanometer she first placed around Emma's biceps to aid the bloodflow...

Hopefully Emma's weight on the bed will be enough to keep it in place without you holding it.

Chablis did not like the packaged blood, but if you were not being careful you could have lost a hand as she eagerly snatches the end of the tube from you.

So eager is Chablis that she rips the tube and needle right out of Emma's arm, sucking it dry before she even finishes dragging it in. You will need to get a better grip, or make a plan to stop this happening again and again. Bev does not want to keep sticking the donor, already she will have a bruise from that yanking extraction.

What do you do?
Mar 7, 2025 9:59 am
Emma winced when the needle was yanked out of her vein. She bit back a curse as the blood trickled down her forearm, but her expression hardened. "See! That’s exactly what I was worried about" Had she allowed Chablis to bite her, she would have ended up in the ICU. Or the morgue

"Alright!" she straightened up, and sat down next to the closet "Pers; put your weight on the door, in case she tries to jump through. I don’t want to end up with another hole in my arm. And this time, don’t push all of the tube in. An inch will do, alright? Just barely enough for her to get her lips around it"

She knows they have little time before Chablis starts thrashing. She was trying to do whatever it takes to make sure this entire thing doesn't spirals out of control, but it was damn hard not to get up and leave the apartment.

"Chablis!" she called out to the vampire "Take it easy. You can’t just rip it out. I’m trying to help you, but you got to chill for a second" She took a deep breath, then nodded for Bev to try again.
Mar 7, 2025 8:37 pm
Persephone yelps with surprise and concern when the tube gets ripped out of Emma's arm with such violence. "Gods, she's an animal!" she exclaims. Sighing and shaking her head in disbelief, she stands up from her position of trying to hold the bed in place and plops her bottom down next to the door, putting one foot on the door itself and the other on the doorframe, as she slides the tube back under the door. This time, however, she holding it tightly with both hands, and only sticks it under an inch or so. Hopefully Chablis will have to get on hands and knees and smash her mouth against the bottom of the door to get at it.

While this procedure is being prepared, Persephone looks at Emma with serious concern and says, "Bev seems amazing, but I thought you were, like, bringing a vampire expert, not a nurse. No offense, Bev. But, like, this is crazy! What are you going to do with a vampire? This is a very temporary solution, hun..."
Mar 8, 2025 9:03 am
- Emma and Persephone -

Chablis does not seem to hear your words, the smell and taste of blood has driven her into a frenzy. Indeed, if you had tried to let her bite one of you it would have been a disaster. It is a wonder Chablis has restrained herself enough to not go out and attack people in the street, though you can not be sure how much longer that state of affairs would have persisted. Think about if Gene had made his way inside...

The vampire in the closet (now there's a chapter title for you Emma) quickly chews up the inch of tube, her instinct is to bite, and has probably ingested that plastic and a fair number of splinters of wood from the door. 'Ingested plastics' are probably not a thing you need to worry about, but mini-stakes are a —macabrely humorous— concern? ... Nothing you can do about that, though.

A bigger concern is the potential growing mouse-hole at the bottom of the closet door. Fortunately the bed casts that in shadows, but if Chablis realises the flimsiness she may try to tear though the door to get a more fulfilling meal. Lapping at the blood is going to take a while to satiate her.

"Oh. I wish I know the flow rate." Bev says nervously. A tube filled with fluid is impossible to measure, and she fears exsanguinating her patient. "You will let me know if you feel... light-headed, or anything?" She asks Emma, knowing that that may be too late anyway, or mean nothing.

Bev tries to monitor Emma's complexion for paleness and tries to listen to her pulse rate over the noise. "I why didn't I bring a pulse oximeter." She wails, but the hospital ones are large and not easily snuck out. "Next time I will have one of the cheap finger ones." She is planning for a next time?!

The light you turned on when you came in might help Bev monitor Emma's health, but it also might induce Chablis to claw her way through the crack under the door. This situation is not controlled.

What do you do?
Mar 8, 2025 12:37 pm
The sound of Chablis gnawing at the tube had her worried that she might lose whatever small amount of control she still possessed and try to break out and lash at them again. But more than that, she felt an unexpected surge of empathy. Poor Chablis. She was acting like a wild animal, consumed by hunger, but she knew she wasn’t just a creature of hunger and instinct. There was a person buried deep inside. She just had to reach her, whatever part of her was still human.

She too a deep breath, trying to steady herself even as her blood continued to flow from her vein. She lowered her voice, trying to soften it into something calm, and soothing, despite the stress of the situation: "Chablis... I’m giving you what you need. And not just me" she glanced at Bev, who should be the next in line to volunteer "But you have to relax first. I know you're starving, but we’re here, and we’re trying to help you. We can’t do that if you’re putting us in danger "


Persuade an NPC (+Heart) - (2d6+3)

(44) + 3 = 11

Mar 8, 2025 3:49 pm
- Emma and Persephone -

Chablis stops to listen to Emma's words, though the tongue keeps lapping at the end of the tube. "More?" She enquires between licks.

"Not just you. Right." Bev says looking to Persephone for a moment before sighing and taking out another tube and another cuff for her own arm. She came prepared.

It does not seem a good idea to stop while getting the next person lined up and Persephone is busy, so Bev pulls a face as she has to manage getting the needle in from an awkward angle, and the cuff, and the pinch, all with one hand. It would be flattering to say she makes it look easy, but that is just not true.

The line charged, Bev passes it to Persephone. "You really should be wearing gloves for this." The observes, a bit late, but they are in the bag.

Persephone passes the new tube under the door, just out of reach of the teeth, and Bev opens the valve, allowing a trickle of blood to spill out onto the closet floor. Chablis ignores this, fixated on Emma's line. When Bev pinches that off Chablis moves over to try the new blood, but complains, and her tongue returns to worry the empty tube. "Can I have some more?" She begs.

"What is this?" Bev exclaims. "Racists vampires?" You are pretty sure she is joking, Chablis has not seen Bev's skin, and surely African blood does not taste different?

In the end you have to keep a small trickle of Emma's blood flowing into the same spot as Bev's, Chablis laps up Bev's blood while trying to get Emma's from the tube next to it. It is a balancing act to get enough from Emma to sweeten the meal and not drain Emma too much so she passes out.

What do you do?
Mar 8, 2025 5:04 pm
Emma breathed a quiet sigh of relief. The angry snarls and clawing at the closet door faded, and Chablis was sound enough to start talking again, even if all she was saying was asking for more blood. She allowed herself a small moment of peace before she felt the lightheadedness wash over her. "That's enough...pull the needle out" her body was signaling that it had given as much as it could. Bev's blood would have to do.

Feeling exhuasting settling in, she got up and moved to the far side of the bed, exhaling slowly as she tried to regain her strength "Damn. That was... too close" she glanced at Pers "We couldn't have done it without you. And I’m sorry for not asking you to volunteer. It's just that we don’t know what your blood might do to Chablis. I don’t want to risk it" She closed her eyes for a moment and breathed heavily. Damn. How much blood did she give? She needed to rest. And to eat and drink something, before she passed out

"It’s another thing we’ll need to ask Benji about, I suppose. What happens when a vampire feeds from... someone like you?"
Mar 8, 2025 5:34 pm
- Emma -

Chablis continues to lick till gravity empties your tube, then she stops when it is only Bev's. "More please." She pleads.

Bev stops her bloodflow since the fussy vampire does not like it on its own. She was looking ashen by the time you called it quits anyway.

You don't know when Chablis last fed, it sure looks like it was before you took Sarah away. How much blood does a vampire need to recuperate from such a fast? You have heard stories of vampires draining people dry, and Chablis wants more. What are you going to do with her, going forward?

"Urg. I can't go back to work like this." Bev says shakily.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 4:19 am
Persephone waits a few moments to make sure that Chablis will no longer explode out of the closet and devour them all. Once she feels it is at least possibly safe, she stands and once again realizes she is topless. She goes to Bev who looks worse the wear than herself and says, "Hey, are you OK? And, um, thanks. For coming, I mean. This is... this is a lot for me to take in. I'm glad someone with a cooler head than mine could be here to help Emma. Oh, um... can you, like, disinfect this bite or something? And I guess I need a bandage..."

After Bev has started tending to Persephone's wound, she catches her eye and says, half-joking, half-flirting, "I guess I should put a shirt on, huh."

Once bandaged and disinfected, she turns to Emma and gets a stern look on her face. "OK. So what the hell, Emma. You Nancy Drew us into this place and I get attacked by a vampire?! You drag poor Bev into this and... hey, where is your vampire expert, anyway? Do they have wait until night time or something? Do I need to hide the garlic or whatever? What the hells is going on‽"
Mar 9, 2025 4:54 am
"Jesus, you’re insatiable!" how much more blood could Chablis possibly need? She was already feeling lightheaded, and had a hard time focusing. She only had that one cup of coffee in the morning, which didn’t help the situation "There isn’t any more. You drained us both dry! Just come out, and talk to us. I’ll…try calling someone in the meantime"

She leaned back on the bed, her eyes following the topless Pers for a brief moment before snapping back to Bev:

"I’m parched. F*** this shit, I was only trying to help" she flopped back onto the bed and covered her brow with one hand as she closed her eyes "Its good thing I did break into the apartment" Accepting responsibility for something that went wrong? That would be completely out of character for her! "Imagine if we didn’t. Poor Chablis could have broken out and went on a killing rampage"

She sighed, and picked up her phone, which felt impossibly heavy in her hand "We will call Benji soon, after we get everything under control and know what’s going on. I don’t want to owe him another favor" she opened her eyes, trying to focus on the screen, but everything looked so hazy "Lets see…who can I call?" she swiped through her contact list. Miriam? The vampire hunter was more likely to stake Chablis than help feed her. Kat? Her blood might also cause problems. Kenedi then?

Why not? Not like she had any other choice.

"Hi…Kenedi" her voice sounded faint, as if she just gotten out of bed "We have a …situation here with a vampire" she paused, frowning at the screen "- yes, sorry. Good morning to you too"
Mar 9, 2025 5:01 am
Persephone frowned at Emma's reply, her refusal to admit that things had gotten out of hand -- apparently, they had gotten out of hand with Emma some time ago. Not that Persephone had room to talk, mind you. Still, it was frustrating.

As Emma looked at her phone, Persephone sighed and turned back to Bev. "Is she always like this?"
Mar 9, 2025 8:53 am
- Persephone -

"No, of course not. Sometimes she is less pale." Bev says agreeing that 'she is always like this'.

She was distracted and busy at the time, but apparently did not miss it. "Why..." She hesitates before continuing. "Er... Why might your blood be bad for the vampire, for Chablis?" She looks innocent, but people need to be careful what they say around Bev, she has curiosity more insatiable than Chablis' hunger.

"I don't suppose there are any little biscuits around the place?" She asks. "We jokingly call the blood donation people 'vampires', and they have little bisuits ... er... biscuits."

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 8:54 am
- Emma -

"Yes. Good morning, Emma." Kenedi says, sounding more amused than annoyed by your pounce. "I thought you were calling about the other thing." She listens to your 'situation with a vampire' and quickly directs whoever she was speaking to at work to another office (or officer), and you hear her moving to a more private place.

"What are you needing? Fire department and SWAT?" She means SO19, but 'S.W.A.T.' is more familiar to civilians. "Or Flying Squad and a warrant?"

What do you do?
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