Paying the Price (RP)

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Feb 27, 2025 12:48 pm
"Well... Alasdair thinks it’s the faeries that are causing the rain. If they’re trying to sow discord, kidnapping Elliot certainly achieves that, right?" says Benji. "Hey, there’s an idea! Maybe you could hide underground with Alasdair and the others down there. I suppose Ravenhall would still want to kill you, but you’d be very difficult to find. It sounds better than getting your fangs kicked in every time you want to eat, anyhow."
Feb 27, 2025 12:53 pm
- Benji -

"Really? Underground with that mossback?" Teddy asks. "Eating rats? Would you do that?"

He eyes you eagerly, now that you have brought up the subject. "Do ... you do you have anyone to eat?" He asks. "I'm starving here."

• What happens when a vampire does not get to eat for half a week?

What do you do?
Feb 27, 2025 3:19 pm
Persephone listened in amazement as Emma described her experience with vampires. "Oooh you have to show me that dress, then!" she commented.

When Emma mentioned how long Persephone had been in London, however, her eyes dropped. In a small voice, she said, "I've... been here for over a month. I saw you in the coffee shop before, but I couldn't bring myself to approach you. I had missed your wedding, I had let us drift apart, I was... a fricking demon... So it took me a little while to build up the courage to 'accidentally' run into you at the cofee shop that day. Emma..." she raised her eyes to meet Emma's again. "I'm so glad I did. You've given me something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope."
Feb 27, 2025 4:57 pm
"My wedding was months ago, and you weren't in London. Don't stress over it" Emma certainly didn't "I'll ask around about this whole demon thing, see if I can dig up something useful. I know a few people who might know more about what you're dealing with. Might take a little while, but I’ll try to get some answers" she promised

She glanced at her phone and noted the time, already mentally gearing up for her next errand. Someone else she promised to help. She picked up her coffee and finished it quickly, a little surge of energy before dealing with a bit more madness

"I’ve gotta get going. I’m heading to Sarah’s apartment to see if I can find any clues about what’s going on with her" she stood up, pausing for a moment as she gathered her thoughts "You're welcome to join me if you want. But if you do, follow my lead on this, okay?" Her eyes sparkled with that mix of excitement and mischief she always wore when she was heading into something unpredictable.
Feb 27, 2025 5:16 pm
Persephone nodded and looked up at Emma as she stood. And for the first time since they'd reconnected, Emma saw Persephone smile authentically, without pain clouding her eyes.

She said, "I'd like to come. I want to help. But...uh... I wrecked my clothes. Lemme change!"

She dashed off to the bedroom. Emma heard her rifling through things and saw the occasional rumpled garment tossed past the open door. A few minutes later, Persephone returned, dressed more properly. She wore a thick heather gray turtleneck and a black raincoat, with loose charcoal-color pants, and some expensive urban walkers that were good for the wet.
[ +- ] Her outfit
She grabbed an umbrella near the door -- one of those large, wind-proof ones, with a glossy wood-grain handle -- and looked at her outfit, and Emma's. She said, "Do we look too twinsies? We could be, like, the fashion police here. Detectives Emma and Persephone are on the case!"
Feb 27, 2025 6:28 pm
"Nothing like saving the day and looking fabulous while doing it" she smirked when Pers joined her in matching outfit. Grabbing her own umbrella, she walked out of the apartment and waited for Pers to lock the door behind them
@vagueGM mentioned Sarah lived in a 'bad part of the city', but I have no idea where in greater London that could be.
Feb 27, 2025 10:08 pm
Benji’s mentioned that he only feeds once a day and even that is more than is strictly necessary. I think the vampires who live underground like Alasdair feed on humans pretty infrequently (maybe once a week, if not less), because being able to maintain control of themselves around humans isn’t a priority for them. I think Teddy would be physically fine to go half a week without feeding, although his ability to stop himself from attacking random humans when the opportunity arises would be dwindling and he might be suffering mentally from the constant gnawing hunger. Also, because they’re undead, vampires’ bodies can’t heal on their own at all (not even at a normal human rate) without feeding on the living, so Teddy’s injuries won’t heal until he feeds.
"If I were in your position, certainly! But maybe not the eating rats part… I like rats an awful lot. Does Alasdair really eat rats, do you think?" Benji is quite upset by the idea—far more upset than he is at the idea of Alasdair killing and eating humans.

When Teddy asks if he has anyone to eat, Benji says, "Possibly, but won’t they notice you’ve fed without permission if your injuries heal?"
Last edited February 27, 2025 10:08 pm
Feb 28, 2025 3:18 am
- Benji -

"Oh... er ... yeah..." Teddy says about the healing. "But I am starving.

"What if I don't go back?" He says, not actually coming out and saying he wants to join you in your (perceived) 'independence', as that would be defecting... but, if the opportunity were there he would jump ship in a moment.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 3:46 am
Benji frowns. ‘Not going back’ was exactly what he’d been suggesting, but Teddy hadn’t liked any of his ideas about that. "…What are you asking for, Teddy?"
Feb 28, 2025 4:11 am
- Benji -

Teddy deflates when you don't take the hint, step up your Status and take him under your protection. He is the sort of person that needs someone to tell him what to do, and would not survive as an independent. He would much rather the decisions and dealing with the aristocracy be done by someone else.

"I can't keep going on like this!" He wails, and you can guess he is speaking more about denying his appetites than about the beatings. "I'm going to snap, man!" He is a good guy —by vampire and thug standards— but his concern is still probably more about the unsanctioned feeding than about any harm it might do to who he feeds on.

"If you could... let me have a little taste of one of yours... we can... I don't know... bloody me up again afterwards so they don't know?" This ruse only has a small chance of working, and you know it will come back to bite one or both of you in the ass.

"Or, if I can bring back some valuable information ... maybe about your demon friend," he looks around the shop for anything that he can glean now that you have brought him past the threshold, but does not know what to look for in this, 'public', section. "They let us eat if we prove ourselves."

What do you do?
He is Cashing in the Debt you owe him, he already alluded to it but was hoping you would help of your own accord.
He is asking for a a favor, or for answers, though he would have settled for a Debt on someone above him as leverage if you had any.

If you don't want to —or feel you can't— help him, you can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt, maybe putting it off till a later time.

You can't expect the other NPCs to solve this for you, so suggesting he go ask them for help does not count (even if he were to do it).

If you took responsibility for his wellbeing and took him under your protection that would elevate you to Status 2, but that would be a very tentative Status. You could solidify it with an Advance, or in the fiction.
Feb 28, 2025 5:08 am
Sarah's apartment was located in a grimy concrete building with a facade covered in graffiti and peeling posters for local clubs. The narrow alley to its side reeked of alcohol, urine, and wet cardboard boxes. With the umbrella held high above her head to shield her from the pouring rain, Emma fumbled through the pocket of her raincoat and fished out her phone, so she could remind herself of the apartment number before ringing the buzzer.
Feb 28, 2025 5:15 am
- Emma and Persephone -

There is no answer to the buzzer, and no indication that it even buzzed. You do notice that the building door is propped discretely open with a half-brick.

Peering through you see a bouncer-looking man pounding on Sarah's door. "Chablis! Sarah! I know you're in there!" He shouts. "The boss is getting right pissed! Poor Amy and Diamond have been covering your shifts! Diamond had to bring her kid in yesterday, and you know I don't like that! Open up!"

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 5:26 am
Calmly stepping up to the door, Emma stood next to the big burly man and glanced at him briefly, giving him a knowing nod. She waited patiently to see if anyone would open the door, or for him to give up and leave, so she could try her own method to coax Chablis out.
Feb 28, 2025 5:33 am
- Emma -

The man gives you a professional once-over, apparently approving of what he sees. "You a friend of the ladies?" He asks. "You looking for work? Pretty girl like you, we can find you something."

There is no sign of life from inside.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 5:35 am
Persephone followed Emma toward and into the building, stepping carefully around various bits of gross debris. When they arrived at the hallway to Sarah's apartment and saw the man banging on the door, Pers leant over to Emma and asked, "Chablis? Is that Sarah's roommate? Or...? And who is this odious man? I don't care for him at all."

Persephone stood back, tense and on guard, as Emma stepped up to the door. Something inside Persephone wanted violence, but she ignored that. For now.
Feb 28, 2025 5:50 am
When the slimeball propositioned Emma and her, Persephone stepped forward aggressively. She was struggling to contain the demon as it surged forward, smelling blood. "Oh, pretty girls like us can find work, huh? The folks I work for would eat you for lunch, you scumbag."

She stepped closer to the man looking up at him with disgust. She said, "I have a friend, very near by, who tears people apart for a living. And I mean that quite literally. If I call him, he will come, quickly, and you won't like what happens next. So why don't you run along now, and leave Sarah alone for a while, ok?"
I suppose I am trying to Persuade an NPC with a threat!
Feb 28, 2025 6:04 am
Emma stepped in front of Pers to deliberately take the focus away from her friend. "What’s the matter with you, Claire?" she didn't bother hiding the anger in her voice "I can use the money"

She gave the bouncer a once-over, trying to reassure him with a submissive smile "I’ve got bills to pay. What kind of work are we talking about here? If Sarah could do it, I'm sure I could, too"

She could feel Persephone’s gaze on her, and though she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the turn the situation had taken, she gave her a quick warning glance.
Feb 28, 2025 6:42 am
- Emma and Persephone Claire —

"Whoa! Claire." He says, raising his hands in a 'keep calm' manner that seems very practiced. "No offence meant. No harm done." His eyes dart around the hall for these friends of yours, not wanting any trouble.

"Let's start again?" He says to Emma. "I'm Gene. What's your name?"

Then, by way of explanation: "I am just checking up on Sarah. We all care about the girl, and she has been missing for a couple of days... and erratic for a while before that, too. Do you know if she is alright. We are all worried."

His priority seems to be more on finding out about Sarah —and Chablis, but you did not indicate you knew her, so he is focusing on the 'knowns'— than in recruiting more girls right now.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 6:50 am
"Bella" she gave Gene a polite smile and a fake name as she shook his hand "Nice to meet you, Gene."

She paused for a beat, glancing back toward Persephone to make sure she was staying in the background, or at least following her lead, like she specifically asked her to back in her apartment "We’re friends of Sarah’s" she continued "but we haven’t heard from her in days. We thought we’d drop by, see if she was alright."

She shifted slightly, focusing in on his earlier words "You said she’s been ‘erratic’—what exactly do you mean by that?"
Feb 28, 2025 7:19 am
- Emma Bella -

"You know: Showing up late for work. Forgetting conversations we had 'yesterday'. Forgetting my birthday!" The last one seems to really bother him.

"She's been withdrawn and not wanting to talk. We thought it might be trouble back home, but her folks know nothing... not that they..." He sighs but stops himself before saying something bad about people who are not here to defend themselves.

What do you do?
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