Paying the Price (RP)

Feb 5, 2025 10:32 am
Forked from After Arundel, which continues out of sync.
Feb 5, 2025 10:36 am
- Persephone -

The nightclub is packed. You have only spent a few weeks in London, but you suspect that, in that time, everyone has been getting fatter, everyone but the dedicated gym-freaks, probably the incessant rain meaning no one walks anywhere anymore. The traffic certainly is worse than when you were here before, and you don't remember the (famous) weather being this bad.

"Lord" Wentworth has provided you with the usual. Enough to find your target in this mass of people.

• Do you have a photograph? Or must you rely on your senses to pick out your target?
• Are you given a Facebook or Linked-In profile, or something more technological (for those who have such things)?
  • How up to date is the demon bureaucracy? (How invested in AI?)

• How did you track Howard Winters to this club on this night? What is your process? How 'prepared' are you?

What do you do?
Describe your character as we first see her.
Feb 6, 2025 3:10 am
Persephone arrives at the club via the private "company" car she is allowed to use when on business. She slides out of the back seat and waves a VIP badge at the bouncer, provided for her by Wentworth. They had met earlier, in his offices, high up in some nameless glass tower in the City, with a view of the sludgy grey Thames. She remembers their meeting well...

"Agent Sato, I have here a dossier of great import. You must process this contract, with a temporal restriction of midnight Greenwich time, this evening. You will be provided a car, as well as access to the establishment, a business named, "The Libertine." I trust that the name provides enough context for the nature of the clientele. Dress accordingly."

What a tosser. Every dossier he hands her is 'of great import,' because he thinks everything he does is important. Ugh...

Within the dossier was a head shot of her target as well as a typed info sheet on him: it contains his demographic info, his habits, background, etc. More than she probably needed, but it never hurt to have the info, just in case things got weird. And as usual, the document seems to be hand-typed, which makes sense; her patron is excessively careful with information and does not trust sending it electronically very often.

Howard Winters, huh? Ah yes, asked for fabulous wealth, in exchange for a five-year time limit. Well, his time is up; I hope he made the most of it.

She enters the night club and heads turn. She stands about 5 foot 6 inches, with a slender dancer's body. She wears an elegant black Versace mini dress, strapless and form fitting, and a pair of expensive, but relatively low Jimmy Choo heels. Her hair is up, pinned up with a silver brooch, which in fact has a very sharp point at its tip, hidden within her hair. She holds a small black and silver Christian Louboutin clutch purse. Small diamonds sparkle in her earlobes.
Feb 6, 2025 8:59 am
- Persephone -

If you studied the dossier, you may have picked up clues that it is not typed today, that Wentworth may have had it for a while, that the urgency of great import stems strongly from the fact that this has to happen tonight. You don't have much time to prepare your target for a smooth transition. Maybe it fell though the cracks? Maybe Wentworth, himself, only received it recently? Maybe it is a test for the new girl? Maybe he is just a bastard? You could go over his head... but the price for being wrong is almost as bad as the price for appearing weak and needy.
The bouncers —unusually huddled inside the club door— barely glance at your VIP pass before waving you in. They don't want damp customers any more than the revellers want to get rained on. Your car pulled up so close to the entrance that this would not have been much of an issue anyway.

The revelers, themselves, give you an appreciative once over as you enter, before returning to their dancing. Your expensive clothing does not stand out all that much, here. There is a huge mix of dress-styles, but even the casual outfits have expensive price-tags, this is that sort of club.

They did not stamp your hand at the door, but the young man at the 'coat-check' offers to hold your purse for you. There is an array of safes on the wall behind him. He would not bat an eye if you decided to keep your purse, that is not unusual, but taking it onto the dance-floor might be.

'Howard Winters' is not a Chinese name, but his photo looks Chinese, and his race is probably listed as such on the census, even if that is not quite accurate, the London census is a bit of a blunt instrument, and up until two censuses ago he would have been listed as 'Other ethnic group'. The Asian population in London is growing steadily, year on year, but he should be still be relatively easy to pick out from the crowd.

What do you do?
Feb 6, 2025 11:15 pm
Persephone hands off her umbrella and purse to the coat check guy, though she does keep her slender smart phone with her. She moves through the crowd with the skill of someone who has been to upscale clubs many times before, either for work or pleasure, and this one is no different. She looks for a raised area, perhaps a balcony or mezzanine, from which to view the crowd and, hopefully, pick out her target. Once she has spotted him, she intends to follow him discretely, until she can get him alone. Whether that's in a bathroom stall here at the club, one of the private rooms, or outside on his way home, remains to be seen.
Feb 7, 2025 6:11 am
- Persephone -

Howard is not in the crowds of people dancing or milling around the bar area or the loos. There is a private, VIP room, with some activity, a bouncer checks inside each time, but, it seems, no one is being turned away so far, the wait-staff are constantly ferrying in drinks and caviar, and probably other things.

If Howard is partying his life away in there, someone who looks like you would have no problem gaining entry, but it is not, currently, very private.

What do you do?
Feb 7, 2025 6:42 am
Persephone takes in the situation and considers her options. She could lie low and wait for him to leave, but the dossier has a time limit and he might be in there all night. So she decides to enter, so she can lay eyes on the target herself and make a better plan. Maybe she'll try seduction?

She grabs a drink from a nearby bar and orders an obituary -- a gin martini with absinthe. She loves the taste and she smirks at her own little inside joke with herself; she is, after all, going to be causing an obituary for Howard tonight.

Drink in hand, she weaves her way to the VIP room and plays the part of a high class party girl, the kind that are granted access to VIP rooms with little fuss. Once in, she blends in with the crowd as best she can and surveys the area.
Feb 7, 2025 6:56 am
- Persephone -

The nearly half-dozen bodies are a bit much for the VIP room, but the bouncer appears used to this and lets you in at Howard's eager nod.

"Hey gorgeous." Howard says waving you over, clearly drunk, and probably high, but not slurring his words. "What's your pleasure?" He indicates the table, laden with only the most expensive Champaign, other delicacies.

The girl on his lap looks somewhat miffed as she is made to shuffle down and make room for something new. The couch does not have space for everyone to sit without some people sharing, but you can slip in beside Howard and let the rest sort themselves out if you don't want to share a spot with him.

Howard appears... well, accepting of his fate. Not happy about it, but making the most of the situation. It could have been worse, you have seen or heard horror stories when people bunker down and try to cheat fate, it does not look like Howard will give you a hard time. It's a pity, he actually seems like a good guy.

What do you do?
Feb 7, 2025 6:27 pm
Persephone grits her teeth and holds her breath for a moment, steeling her nerves for what she must do. Then, she smiles and slides in next to her target.

For a short time, she sits there, playing with his hair, laughing at his jokes, and sliding her leg along his. Then she leans in, and in a breathy whisper, says, "Why don’t we go somewhere private? Just you and me?"
Feb 7, 2025 6:43 pm
- Persephone -

"We're all friends here." Howard says, which suggests he does not know these other people any better than he knows you, they are not exactly friends.

"And we have nothing to hide." Indeed, the girl you ousted from his lap has ended up on the lap of the other girl, and they are kissing —though it looks like they are not at all sure what happens after that. The other guy on the couch is watching the two girls, looking more scared than anything else, as though he knows if he wants to tell his friends about this he needs to join in, but does not have the heart. Eventually he excuses himself, squeezes past and exits the VIP room with a bottle of bubbly in each hand.

Without leaving the nightclub —which will be hard to persuade Howard to do— this is probably the most privacy you can expect.

Howard looks like he planned to be having the time of his life, throwing money around and making new friends, and is clearly tempted by what you appear to be offering, but he has been rather unresponsive. His last hours on earth is meant to a big blowout, but he is just feeling depressed.

His 'friends' are only there to get what they can from his generosity, they don't understand what he is going through. You can't know what is going on in his head, but it seems like he really just wants to talk to someone.

What do you do?
Feb 8, 2025 4:39 am
Persephone feels her resolve begin to slip. If only he had been a total creep! If only he had tried to take advantage of her, it would have been so much easier to ... to defend herself against him... she thinks, frowning.

Finally, she sighs and changes her posture, sitting up and looking at him directly. She says, "OK, you look like you wanna talk. So tell me, why throw this big exorbitant party with a bunch of parasitic strangers? You seem like the lonliest person here." Her tone suggests she is being sincere, if blunt.
Feb 8, 2025 10:30 am
- Persephone -

Howard does not need much in the line of persuasion to get him talking.

"What does it matter?" He demands. "You can't take it with you." He seems resigned to his fate and expects to die tonight. "The only thing that counts is the friends you make along the way and making their lives better." Ironically he is not making anyone's life better with this party, and these 'friends' are not the type that would help one move a fridge.

"I thought money could solve all my problems." He says. "But all the fancy, foreign treatments did nothing and my Anabel died less than a year later, and half the money was gone. Next year my wife left me... took half of what was left in the divorce."

He is babbling, you don't have context for most of what he is saying. Your dossier does not contain details of why he made a deal, just what he got (lottery win), and the deadline (five years to the day). You don't even know how big a lottery win he got. Was it worth it? His attitude seems to suggest he thinks he had no choice and would do it again, hoping for a better result.

The having taken a downturn, the two girls become uncomfortable and get up to leave, shimmying their dresses back down to 'decent'. One gives you a 'call me' hand gesture as she leaves, giggling, with her new friend. You are alone with Howard in the VIP room, though the bouncer can look in at any time and see you he probably can't hear what is being said over the music out there.

Howard watches the girls leave with no reaction, their presence brought him no joy in his last hours.

"You probably don't want to stick around for what comes next." He says morosely, and somewhat ominously. "Take anything you want," he indicates the table, "I don't want any more. Or if you want something harder..." He fishes a large baggie of white powder from his pocket and leaves the offer hanging.

You might notice that the bag of drugs had not been opened —actually, Howard seems completely sober, not having partaken of the bounty he has laid on— though the baggie would easily be enough for a 'fatal overdose'.

What do you do?
Feb 9, 2025 1:17 am
Persephone listens as Howard speaks, a mix of emotions roiling within her. On the one hand, he is clearly pitiable. He is lonely, friendless, without love or beauty or joy or fulfillment or any of the things that makes life worth living. Persephone does not wish to add to his misery. Indeed, a part of her is screaming out to protect this man, to take care of him, to help him escape his own mistakes.

On the other hand, this man is a fool for entering into this deal and deserves his fate. He gave away his soul? For a lottery win? When he had loved ones he could lose, like this Anabel, and a wife... Yes. He is a fool and he deserves to pay the price he agreed to. And that is just what she tells him. Because, after all, aren't we all prisoners of our own mistakes? There is no way out.

She turns to face him, putting her hands on his shoulders so he looks at her and can't escape her words. She speaks, with an earnest directness that spares nothing.

"So let me get this straight. You had a wife and a... daughter? Was Anabel your child? You had a family. You had your life. And you thought that something as petty and inane as a lottery win would bring you happiness? Look what you already had, and have now lost! You had a chance for true happiness, and you traded it away. For this.". She gestures around them. "An empty VIP room at a pointless club, just you and a big bag of coke. Pathetic. Contemptible. Disgusting. You know the end is coming for you. And believe me, you cannot imagine the pain it can involve. So why don't you go ahead and do everyone a favor?"

She picks up the bag of cocaine and opens it. She leans into him, suggestively, her body sliding up against his. She hold the bag up toward him and says, "Why not finally take control of what happens to you, for once in your life? Finally make a decision that is truly yours. It's time, Howard. It's time for the end. Go ahead; I'll stay with you."

She raises the open bag to his face, waiting for him to inhale.

She knows, deep down, she is lying to him as much as she is lying to herself. She knows that none of this is his choice, not really. But he traded away his ability to make choices when he signed the pact and nothing can be done about it now. So she might as well do her job and get this over with.

She also knows, in another, darker part of her heart, that she will shove his face into the bag if necessary. She hopes it won't come to that.


Persuade an NPC (Heart +2) - (2d6+2)

(15) + 2 = 8

Feb 9, 2025 2:57 pm
- Persephone -

Your words have left Howard distraught. He nods slightly, confirming that Anabel was his daughter, and that he had a wife. "I ... tried ..." He says, so quietly that you could easily miss his defensive words.

He looks at you with fear in his eyes when you speak your harsh words of condemnation. He was already scared of dying, and your description of the pain has not lessened that fear. He does not know who you are —clearly not just a pretty girl— but he looks around the otherwise-empty VIP room before his tear-filled eyes lock on yours.

"Will you stay with me?" He begs. "Please! I don't to be alone."

Staying till the very end could lead to questions.

What do you do?
Feb 9, 2025 3:06 pm
Persephone sighs and nods in acquiescence. "Yes, I’ll stay until the deed is done. Howard, it is time."

She waits until he ingests an obviously fatal dose, encouraging him. She watches as it begins to take effect.

Then she says, "You did it, Howard. You have escaped this awful life. I don’t not envy what awaits you after this."

She stands, straightens her dress, and looks for an opportunity to slip out largely unnoticed. She is leaving Howard to die alone. After all, in our way, we all die alone.

"I hope his fate is better than mine," she whispers to herself, trying to contain her nausea and self-loathing as she leaves.
Feb 9, 2025 3:53 pm
- Persephone -

The deed is done. Within moments it will be too late even for emergency medical intervention to change the outcome. Howard's eyes —still horribly conscious— look desperately on as you stand to abandon him to whatever mechanism takes over from here. Mortals won't perceive what comes next for him, but you probably don't want to see it, and don't need to be here anymore.

If you leave now, the bouncer will see Howard, still 'alive', and you should be able to get away fairly clean.

What do you do?
You can roll Escape a Situation (with fairly low stakes) to get out of here. There is definitely still an opportunity if you act fast.
Feb 9, 2025 4:22 pm
Persephone makes eye contact with Howard one last time, though she had tried to avoid doing so. Her stomach twists as she sees the look in his eye. She mouths the words, "I'm sorry," as she slips out of the room. If and when she gets away free, she vomits in a nearby alley, disgusted by what she has done.


Escape. +1 Blood. - (2d6+1)

(55) + 1 = 11

Feb 11, 2025 5:35 pm
Persephone stumbles out of the alley wiping the sick from her face. She glances down to see some of it has dirtied her very expensive dress. Now drenched in rain, Pers also realizes she has left her umbrella and her very expensive purse behind as well.

"Ugh. I'm a mess. Well, I can't go back for them. And I just can't stomach seeing that car right now."

She sighs heavily and begins to walk to the nearest station, which ends up being the Mansion House stop on the Central line. She rides it, with everyone giving her a wide berth, as she smells of sick and drips all over the floor, like a feral cat caught in the rain.

She gets off at Piccadilly, her stop, and walks the few blocks toward Mayfair. Her condo is in northeast Mayfair, close to Soho and Piccadilly. Well, she calls it hers; it's her patron's, of course. Wentworth gave her a key and a stern lecture about treating our patron's property with respect.

She arrives at her building at the night doorman struggles to contain his surprise at Persephone's appearance as he opens the door for her. She drips her way across the lobby to the elevator and takes it to one of the top floors. She's not the top floor -- that belongs to someone else, someone who owns the whole floor, apparently. Her condo is one floor down, but it is on a corner, giving her a nice view northeast to southeast. Which is great for an early riser, which she used to be, before all this.

Her elevator opens -- fortunately she was alone on the ride up -- and she exits. As she turns the corner out of the elevator room, she sees someone standing in front of her door.

No. Ugh, not NOW. What is she doing here??

Persephone's younger sister Circe (yes, mom and dad had a thing for greek mythology) is a bit shorter than Persephone. And even though she is only three years younger, her babyface always makes her appear younger still. She finally looks like a grown woman and not a child, though she still could easily be a freshman or sophomore in college based on her appearance. Ugh, and her fashion sense, apparently. She is wearing tan UGG boots, brown leggings as pants, and a charcoal colored rain slicker with a hood, which is currently down. She is dry, so she must have been here for a while, waiting. Her hair is cut short, in a chin length bob, and is straight and black. She has... oh no, she has luggage! What?!

She turns and smiles to see Persephone, but her smile turns into a frown of concern at Persephone's condition. "Ohmigod Pers! What happened to you? Oh.. is that... did you throw up? Jeez Pers, what happened to you?"

Persephone sighs heavily and waves off her concern. She says only, "I had a bad night is all. Drank too much, lost my umbrella, got caught in the rain. I'll be fine. I'm... I'm not usually like this. Don't tell mom, ok?"

She looks to Circe when she says this last thing, a look of concern in her eyes. Circe nods; she was always willing to cover for her big sis whenever Persephone would make bad decisions. Which seemed to be more and more often lately.

Persephone turns and types in her key code. Grateful that she did not lose her keys, only a purse with some makeup and her umbrella, she opens her door and lets her sister in.

Her condo is laid out an open floor plan with minimalist decor. As they enter, two two large wall sized windows at the corner of the building dominate the scene, with the rain running down the glass and the city lights from central and North London sparkling through beyond. IN the center of the space are some low, minimalist couches and tables. To the left, a dining room sits near an island and a modern kitchen with high end appliances, all appearing unused. There is a pile of a week's worth of delivery food and several empty wine bottles on the counter. To the right are three doors, two of them open. One goes into a spacious bathroom for guests and the other into Persephone's bedroom suite. Circe can glimpse into the bedroom and see another set of windows, a king size bed, unmade, an office space with computer and ergo chair, and a master bath with the light left on and a mess all over the vanity.

Persephone rushes in an begins picking up, embarrassed. "I uh, I had a party and haven't had a chance to clean up yet... Um, make yourself at home. There's a guest room behind that closed door, with its own bathroom. No window though, sorry."

She turns back to her sister and looks at her luggage. She says, "So! Visiting for a night or two before heading out somewhere? Maybe a European tour?"

Circe laughs, a little uncomfortably, and replies, "I've got good news, sis! I'm moving to London!!!! I'll stay with you until I get a job and a place. And, um, I was hoping maybe you could help me find a job? You know, maybe like interning at your company or something?"

She looks at Persephone eagerly, innocently. Persephone feels like throwing up again.
Feb 12, 2025 1:23 pm
- Persephone -

The sleepy but still helpful attendant at Mansion House station does not react at all to your state of dress. They are accustomed to seeing such things at the end of the night. They do inform you that the Embankment interchange is flooded, so you need to take the long way round, via the Central Line, changing to the Piccadilly line, or Bakerloo line if you miss that.

The trains are warm and steamy, making the lashing wind and rain even more miserable on you last leg home. On top of that, you now have to deal with invading sisters.

• Did you know she was coming? Did you forget? Or did you miss a communication from the family? Or is this a thing she does?

• Is Circe impressed by your apartment, or is this what she thinks of as normal? Or 'normal for you', her massively successful sister?

Circe slept on the plane, it being about time to get up back home, so she wants to chat. About London, about the job you are about to get her today, about life and love and everything else.

What do you do?
Feb 12, 2025 5:13 pm
Persephone is soaking, sweaty, soiled, and sullen as she stands in her living room with her happily babbling sister. Circe was detailing every element of her trip -- the food, the in flight movie, the guy snoring next to her, etc. Persephone is about to lose it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming‽" she snaps. Realizing the harshness of her tone, she softens, and adds, "I, uh, would have cleared my schedule for you, dear."

Circe stops short in her monologue, taken aback by the sharpness of Pers' words. But then she laughs and says, "I did tell you! I sent you an email two weeks ago! To your Stanford email address!"

Persephone wants to throw her sister out. Instead, she practice a breathing exercise and says, "Hon, I don't check that any more. I graduated years ago."

Circe looks surprised and says, "Oh! I didn't know! I still use my Wellesley College email address. Well, anyway, I'm here! And we are gonna have so much fun!" She walks around the apartment, taking it in. "This is a new look for you! Soooo clean and ... my, expensive. And WHAT a view! This place is amazing, Pers."

Persephone manages a weak smile and says, "It's corporate housing; it came furnished. And thanks."

Persephone follows after her sister and gathers her hands into her own. She looks at her and speaks earnestly. She says, "Circ, I, um, my work... it's... well, it can be very stressful. With long, often odd hours. Um, high priority meetings across global time zones, you know? So I might not always be around, and sometimes I might need a little alone time to chill after an especially stressful day, OK? You are welcome to stay but, I just don't want you to think we'll be hanging out all the time, like we used to when you would visit me at Stanford. OK?"

She then takes her sister to a sofa and sits her down. She takes a deep breath and says, "now why don't you tell me all about you, and what you've been up to, while I make you something to drink."
Feb 12, 2025 7:25 pm
- Persephone -

"Ew! Pers. You are soaking wet!" Circe objects when you try to settle on the swanky sofa. "Take a shower."

She is quite happy to talk to you through the shower door (or curtain). She is your sister and you have nothing to hide anyway... or do you? Any new tattoos or marks?

What do you do?
Feb 12, 2025 11:15 pm
Persephone frowns at Circe's admonition, realizing that she is indeed soaking wet and should not be sitting on the furniture. So she nods and they continue to chat as she takes a shower.

She does her best not to reveal too much, however. After all, there was a strange scar now on her chest -- a burn mark of a sigil of infernal design, marking her as the property of her patron. And then there are the bruises from sparring, too hard at times, at the local gym, not to mention those she got from taking a tumble after drinking too much a few nights prior. Her drinking, and partying, and casual liaisons, have all increased exponentially in frequency, but she wants nothing more than not to think about her situation, not to feel her remorse at what she is doing to people. Innocent people. People just like her. If she lets it, the pain will swallow her up. So she does what she can to avoid it.

So instead, Persephone talks about how her boss, Wentworth, is a stuffy jerk, and how she has been enjoying exploring London again, and how much she's been getting into her Kickboxing class at the local gym, and studiously avoiding any actual description of what she does for work.
Feb 13, 2025 1:31 pm
- Persephone -

"Kickboxing!" Circe exclaims, suitably distracted from talking about work. "That is so cool! Can I join?"

Circe is a gently soul, but then people might not have expected you to be doing martial arts either. Doing that together —however briefly— would be a bonding experience, but —and possibly more importantly— would provide a convenient excuse for your bruises and injuries... but what if the demon side of your comes out during training and Circe sees?

What do you do?
Feb 14, 2025 8:03 pm
Persephone sighs audibly as she reaches out of the shower for her towel and then steps out with it already wrapped around her body, hiding her mark and the worst of her bruises. Mostly, she just wants to put off her sister's probing questions and go to bed.

"Sure hon, I can show you the place. I'm not sure I'll be free to go any time soon, but maybe. But for now, I need to get some sleep, ok? And I don't have an early meeting, so feel free to go out and grab breakfast or whatever when you wake up tomorrow. I'll probably sleep in and, well, there's no food in the house right now. Sorry." Her voice is tired and perhaps a little patronizing, but final. She kisses her sister on the cheek and says goodnight and heads to her bedroom, which she locks, and tries to sleep. Instead, she tosses and turns, seeing Howard's eyes in her head pleading with her all night.
Feb 14, 2025 8:11 pm
The problem with turning her life into a novel was that she had no idea how the story was supposed to end, and no clear sense of which parts to include. Should she write about Sarah? Arundel? Miriam? David? There was no way to know which of the threads will end up being the most significant, and she didn't want to go back at a later point of time and document something when it was no longer fresh in her mind. She ended up deciding to write about everything, even if it consumed a little bit more of her time.

Sitting by the window in the coffee shop, the sound of her fingers tapping on the keyboard was drowned out by the drumming of rain against the glass.

The never-ending thunderstorm showed the most promise of becoming a pivotal plot point. The only issue was that she had no idea what was causing it, except that it was undeniably supernatural in nature. Maybe ‘Emma’ should get herself involved in that investigation?

She sipped her coffee, savoring the warmth for a moment before she set the cup back down. Yes. She needed to find a way to get involved. There had to be plenty of people investigating that mystery already, surely they (or at least, some of them), wouldn’t mind a tag-along?

But first, she needed to finish the chapter about her encounter with Miriam.

Her fingers resumed their tapping, and with her eyes on the screen, she was completely oblivious to the flow of people coming and going in the coffee shop around her...
Feb 14, 2025 8:22 pm
The next morning, Persephone awoke late. She had finally fallen asleep near dawn and had slept until late morning. Circe had grown tired of waiting, apparently, because she was gone, leaving a note that read, "Went exploring! Might do the British Museum. Be back for dinner."

Thank goodness, Pers thinks. She sits in her living room on her sofa, legs crossed, drinking her coffee and she realizes, Well, I guess I can't avoid it. My sister is here now. I might as well... And with that, she gets dressed for the day and heads out.

An hour or two later, Persephone walks into a coffee shop, knowing whom she is likely to see there. She'd spied Emma working there before, in her writing headspace, and totally unaware Persephone was there. And today she was there again, visible through the window from outside, just as Persephone had hoped, or at least half-hoped.

Persephone was wearing what she called corporate comfortable -- a warm, soft midi skirt of navy and brown checked wool, a soft cream blouse under a slim and flattering gray cashmere cardigan, sensible but stylish leather boots, and a navy rain slicker with hood. She hadn't replaced her umbrella yet, unfortunately, so she took off her soaking wet coat and shook it in the entryway before coming into the coffee shop.

She approached Emma, took a deep breath, and said, "Ohmigod is that you, Emma?! Hi! It's been so long! How are you!?"
Feb 14, 2025 9:34 pm
"Pers?" Emma’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t seen her old friend in ages, and the sight of her brought a wave of warmth. Persephone looked great, just like she remembered her. The fashionable outfit she was wearing looked so effortlessly chic, and she pulled off the look with such confidence that Emma momentarily wished she could afford to dress like that.

She herself was dressed much more casually, no different than what she would be wearing at her own home. An oversized gray sweater that she borrowed from David, and that still carried a hint of his scent, and a pair of jeans. Her own raincoat was hung over the back of her chair; she didn’t feel like she needed it anymore, in the warmth of the cozy coffee shop.

"I can’t believe it!!! How have you been?" she said once she recovered from her shock.
Quickly pushing her laptop aside, she jumped up, arms wide for a warm hug.
Feb 14, 2025 10:20 pm
Persephone smiled warmly and hugged Emma, sincerely happy to see her old friend. She said, "Oh I want to hear what you've been up to! And what you're working on now. And how married life is! And so much. But lemme grab my coffee..." Pers quickly ordered her coffee -- a quad ristretto espresso -- and rejoined Emma, sitting across the table from her.

She sipped her espresso and said, "OK! Tell me everything."
Feb 15, 2025 6:00 am
While Persephone went to order her coffee, Emma stood up and gathered her things. She moved from the window bar, to one of the larger tables, so they could sit comfortably and look at each other while they talked. Pers! She hadn’t seen her in years, but she was still excited about seeing her old friend, and couldn’t wait to hear what she’s been up to.

Her eyes light up when she returned with her espresso, and the first thing she told her was what brought the most joy to her life:

"Well, yes, I’m married now" she held up her hand to show her the simple gold ring adorning her finger "David is wonderful. We’re really happy together" she distracted herself by picking up her own coffee to keep herself from gushing over her husband. "What about you? How long have you been in town?"
Feb 15, 2025 7:14 pm
Persephone smiles to hear that her friend is so happy in her marriage. "Oh that’s so wonderful!! I’m so happy for you, Emma."

Persephone looks away, uncomfortable — or is it shame? — and adds, "I’m sorry I couldn’t make the wedding… It was… it was a bad time for me."

Then she shrugs and says, "and now? Ah, just work. I was recently assigned to the London office, but I’m not sure for how long I’ll be here. Just boring … uh, HR type stuff."

Changing the subject again, she happily declares, "I read your book! It was hot!"
Feb 15, 2025 7:15 pm
And then she asks a follow up: "So! What are you working on now? Tell me all about it!"
Feb 15, 2025 9:27 pm
"Oh, don’t worry about the wedding. It was really small. We didn't even have a reception or anything. Just the ceremony at the church" It wasn't an attempt to make Pers feel better over missing her wedding. She and David couldn’t afford a big wedding anyway, and she didn’t want to reveal just how tight money was for them "You should have seen me in that dress though" she said with a playful grin, and quickly turned her phone toward Persephone to show her the screensaver - a picture of herself in the stunning white dress, standing in front of the church.
[ +- ] Emma in her wedding dress
Her face did lit up once Pers mentioned her book, and she couldn’t hide her excitement. "You read it?" she leaned forward just a bit, and pulled back the oversized sweater, which had slipped down one shoulder yet again "It's awesome, isn't it? It actually sells! I'm already working on my next novel, but there still lots of work to do" now she sounded not only excited, but a bit exhausted as well. She had lots of really good parts, but still no plan on what would be the main narrative.

"Enough about me" she changed the subject "Where are you staying while you’re here? I really hope you’re here for a while. It’s been too long since we’ve had time to hang out"
Feb 16, 2025 12:52 am
Persephone leant over and looked at Emma's phone. Her mouth opened and turned into a wide smile. "OH EMMA!! You look so beautiful! You are positively glowing. Radiant! I am sorry I wasn't there. I should have been. But I am still so happy for you."

"And of course I read your book! When my dear friend writes a best seller, you'd better believe I'll read it! Besides, I kind of love steamy romance books. And with monsters? Even more so! So I was totally your target demographic. But even if it had been about something else, I would have read it, because it was yours!"

When the conversation turned back to her, however, Persephone became less animated. She said, "Yeah, they have me staying at a company condo in Mayfair, on the Soho side. It's nice, but a little... I don't know... austere? Very corporate chic. Oh! And my sister is visiting too! So you know, maybe we can have a big reunion or something. So yeah, I got in town not too long ago and I've been settling into the dreary monotony of work -- very corporate stuff. Contract management, HR, etc."

Then she turned the subject back to Emma again. "So! What does David do? I know you had told me at one point, but -- sorry! -- I can't remember."
Feb 16, 2025 9:30 am
Emma’s eyes lit up when Persephone mentioned reading her book. "I’m so glad you liked it! I know it’s not highbrow entertainment or anything. It was meant to get people’s hearts racing, you know? A roller coaster of emotion; fear, arousal - that sort of thing" yes, some critics did pan it for being trashy, but who cares? The book was selling, and that was the important part. "You'll like the next one, too. It's going to be...a bit darker, if you can imagine that. More like a Stephen King novel, but with more, emmm. 'romance'"

Her jaw almost dropped when she mentioned staying in Mayfair "No way!" she sat up iin her chair, practically glowing with joy "I live just a minute away, on Bridle Street. We're practically neighbors" That would mean they could see each other much more often now, but she didn't want to assume anything. Pers still had a day job, and judging by the way she was dressed, a high-paying, demanding one. Maybe she wouldn't have that much free time for Emma in her life after all.

"You must come over tonight then! I’m having a few friends over, and I’d love for you to join us. It’s been way too long, and it would be so good to catch up. You'll get so see David too - he works at the Environmental Health Department at London’s City Hall these days" she couldn't help but smile when talking about her husband, and it took effort for her to stop "You know what he's like. Very idealistic. Always wanting to make a difference" she realized she was doing it again, and turned her attention back to Pers:

"How’s your sister doing? Is she enjoying London?"
@vagueGM, did Kat get back to Emma about the invite for later that evening? I think it would be fun to get both Kat and Pers on the same scene
Feb 16, 2025 3:30 pm
Persephone looked visibly excited at the prospect of reading Emma's second book. "Ooh I can't wait to read it! If you need anyone to read drafts, let me know! It'd be just like when we were back in school, doing homework together!"

She smiled softly with the nostalgic memory, but then a dark cloud passed over her face, as she realized that halcyon time has long past.

Pers smiled and nodded in agreement at the realization that they live so close, but the smile does not quite reach her eyes. I'll have to be careful not to let her find out... I can't let anyone know... she thought, feeling deep shame over her new line of work.

She perked up at the invitation to a get together. That, at least, was something she knew how to do. "Oh that sounds fun! I'd love to. Do you mind if I bring my sister along? She's just arrived and is excited to spend time with me and see London. She is also looking for a job and thinks I can get her one, but..." Persephone trailed off and shook her head, indicating she thought the idea unlikely.

"Here, this is my local number. What's your address?" Persephone shared the number to the cell phone she got for herself when she arrived -- she always got one whenever she would stay in another country for a time, so that her friends or non-work contacts didn't have to dial internationally. She also had a "work phone" given to her by Wentworth, but she understood that the work phone was not to be used for personal calls. She did not share her own home address right away, however.

She smiled at Emma's description of David and commented, "Aw, that's sweet!" She then turned to an important matter, asking, "So, will this be a formal affair or casual? And who else will be there? And should I bring something?"
Feb 16, 2025 4:18 pm
"Sure; I'll send you a draft once I get it in shape" She couldn't send Pers a series of half-baked, loosely-tied chapters. She wouldn't feel comfortable about other people reviewing her work until she could weave it all into one narrative.

"We're just chilling tonight with a few friends. Nothing special. Wine. Snacks. Some games. You don't need to bring anything - other than your sister" The more the merrier, as far as Emma was concerned, though she would now have to burrow a few chairs from Mr. Kalman to make sure everyone had a place to sit. She texted Pers the address after they exchanged numbers, then set her phone back on the table "But you got to invite me over to your place one time in return. I'm dying to see what you've done with the place" seeing how posh and stylish Pers was, she was sure it would be nothing short of amazing.
Feb 16, 2025 4:31 pm
Persephone smiled and said, "Wonderful! We'll be there! Maybe I'll bring some wine. And of course, I'd be happy to have you and David over for dinner some time. I haven't had a chance to do anything with the condo yet -- it came furnished, and I don't know how long I'll be there, so..." She shrugged apologetically.
Hmm... Is there something else we want to accomplish in this scene?
Feb 16, 2025 7:01 pm
Emma and David's cozy apartment consisted of a single living room that doubled as a dining area, and an adjoining bedroom. The two had made the most of the tight space, carefully selecting only the essentials. Besides the large sofa facing a sleek flat-screen TV, and a smaller, single-person couch beside it, there wasn’t much in the way of furniture. Even the sitting corner, which held a compact table, was so small it really could only accommodate the two of them for a quiet coffee, a simple meal, or for typing on their laptops.

The big, wide windows in the living room were the defining feature, making the space feel a bit larger than it actually was. They opened up to the street outside, though these days you couldn’t see an inch past the windowpane due to the heavy rain.

A few carefully placed houseplants and a couple of abstract art posters on the walls, completed the room’s stylish vibe.

"Hello and welcome!" Emma opened the door with a smile. She was dressed casually for an evening at home; a chunky knit teal sweater, black leggings, and a pair of flip-flops.
[ +- ] Clicky!
Feb 16, 2025 9:17 pm
Persephone arrived with Circe in tow, holding a bottle of very expensive red wine she had found in a wine cabinet installed beneath the counter in her kitchen.
[ +- ] WIne cabinet

Persephone is wearing expensive somewhat dressy but casual and comfy clothes. Tonight her outfit is a taupe cashmere blazer over a tan ribbed turtleneck, with black tapered pants and low heels. Her sister Circe follows closely behind, wearing an oversized light brown cardigan sweater hanging loosely over a black silky knee length dress.
[ +- ] Outfits
Persephone smiled as the door opened. She began to say hello when Circe rushed past her to hug Emma. They had known each other when Circe would come visit Persephone in college and Circe absolutely adored Emma back then.

Circe babbled at Emma excitedly. "Ohmigod you look so amazing! And that outfit is so cute! And oh hey look what I am wearing! I found it in Pers' luggage! Do you believe she still hasn't unpacked yet? And apparently she has been in London for like a whole month already! Like, what? And hey I read your book like three times, once in my friends' smutty monster lovers' book club! Oh, wait, is that offensive to you? I mean it's a great book too, not just smut, but you know it is really good too. And Pers told me you're working on a new book? I can't wait..." etc etc

Persephone nodded, hoping this would happen. They could chat at each other and she could sip drinks and try to feel normal for an evening.
Feb 17, 2025 5:26 am
"You shouldn't have" she shook her head when she saw the bottle of red wine Pers had brought. She didn't know the first thing about wines, but she was sure it was an expensive one "You can hand it over to David. He's in the kitchen" she pointed at her husband, who was busy carefully arranging the appetizers on a tray.

There was one other young woman already there. Emma managed to convince Sarah to change from the oversized clothes to something that would complement her figure, but she didn't manage to pry her from her phone. She was sitting on the couch with her legs tucked underneath her, lifting her eyes only for a brief second to look at the guests before returning to her scrolling

"This is Sarah" she gave a short introduction "She's staying with us for a while" she stopped short of adding 'until she can find her own place', not wanting to panic the young woman this evening.

"So, you liked my book, huh?" she beamed at Circe. She actually didn't mind it being called 'smutty'. It was a better fit than a 'romance'. "I don't have a problem with that at all" her lips curled into a sultry smile: "we could all do with a little 'smut' in our lives, don't you think?"
Feb 17, 2025 5:40 am
- Persephone -

"Persephone!" David greets. "It is so good to see you. And you must be Circe." He says your sister. "Everyone has been dying to meet you. How was your flight?"

His answer is interrupted by the doorbell, and he let's his wife continue to babble on with Circe while he lets the last guest in. He is already feeling a little outnumbered in the y-chromosome department, and seems slightly less enthusiastic about the latest addition to the crowded living-room. Nevertheless he welcomes Kat warmly enough.

Kat either did not get the memo, or did not understand it. She is dressed for a totally different sort of party: Scandalously short dress and extremely high-heeled boots that go all the way up to mid-thigh. She eyes David appreciatively, before looking around the room and discovering that he is the only man, this is a bit of an inversion from her usual nights out.

Kat speaks very little English, but seems nice enough. Circe did some Russian Language Studies at college, and tries to translate and interpret, but Kat speaks fast, and it is different to classrooms or tourist holidays.


Something about Kat is... wrong?

How do you pick up on the demon taint attached to Kat? What senses do you use? What is it like? She is not one of yours, and you don't get the impression she made any sort of deal like you specialise in, but there is something similar hanging about her...

What do you do?
Feb 17, 2025 5:56 am
Kat's dress was totally out of sync with everyone else’s more casual attire, but Emma could still appreciate a daring dress when she saw one. Besides, she didn't want to make her guest feel uncomfortable. "Wow, Kat, you look Aa-mazing!" She walked over to greet her with a warm smile, taking a moment to admire her mini dress.

"Make yourself at home. This - " she pointed at the sole man in the room "Is my husband David. Pers is an old friend from school, and this is her sister, Circe" she gestured at each as she spoke out their names "And the young woman on the couch is Sarah"

"Everyone - this is 'Ekaterina'" she tried to engage Kat in conversation and make her feel more at ease, though it looked very much like she had no problem being the center of attention: "You mentioned you are doing some modeling, right?"
Feb 17, 2025 6:16 am
Persephone gladly headed to the kitchen to deliver the bottle of wine to David, leaving Emma and Circe to chat for a moment. She set the wine on the counter and smiled at David's friendly greeting. "It's good to see you again, David! It's been too long. I heard you are fighting the good fight. Environmental health, was it?"

She hadn't seen him since college, or at least it had been well before the wedding. He looked great; a bit more mature, and still a handsome guy. Persephone felt happiness that Emma had found a good partner, but she also felt a pang of jealousy. Emma's life seemed so... normal, so domestic. This was the life Persephone had thought she would have one day, with the right man or woman. But fate, it seemed, has a sense of humor.

She returned to the front room with David when the final guest arrived. When the door opened, Persephone heard ... no, felt a buzzing in her ears, like a swarm of flies. The hair on the back of her heck stood on end. And for a fleeting moment she smelled something that reminded her of decaying human remains.

But then it all passed and a Russian woman was standing there, dressed to kill. Persephone eyed her curiously, but the buzzing in her ears remained, a dim background sensation whenever she looked at this woman. Persephone had had odd sensations around other people linked to the infernal realm, but they all worked for her patron and, so, they all had a similar 'vibe,' for lack of a better word. When she would meet another of her patron's people, she would get a wave of nausea and a whiff of brimstone off them. This, though, was different, she thought.

She must be associated with another demon! I wonder if this woman's patron is allied with or an enemy of my patron? I bet infernal politics are endlessly byzantine and infinitely cut throat, which means I had better be extremely careful around this woman. But perhaps... perhaps I can gather some information that would be useful to my patron?

Persephone approached Kat and smiled when she was introduced. "Hi. So tell me, Kat, what brings you to London? Modeling, was it?" And to Emma, she asks, "So, Emma! How do you know Kat?"
Feb 18, 2025 7:14 am
- Emma and Persephone -

"Model. Da." Kat agrees. "But... getting too old." She seems sad at her failure, though she is the youngest person in the room.

There may have been a tentative hint of recognition between Kat and Sarah, though neither of them seem to know each other for sure.

"Land of the free. Opportunities." Kat explains to Persephone's questions about 'why London'. It does not seem like she is able to pick up on the shared connection, you don't get the impression she would be very good at hiding that if she did... but you never know.

What do you all do?
Feb 18, 2025 8:21 am
Emma didn’t know how hard it was to break into the fashion industry, but to her, Kat looked like a striking young woman that could make heads turn anywhere. Maybe Kat expected she would have been discovered by now, and if she hadn’t made it by the time she was twenty, she wasn’t going to make it at all. Which sounded like a load of bullocks. It was all about opportunities, and the right connections. Kat probably didn’t have that – not in Russia. It was all a game of luck, timing, and who you knew. Maybe that is what she decided to latch herself to the much older ‘Sin’. A powerful man like that could open all sort of doors for her, though from what she witnessed at dinner, it seemed like Kat’s involvement with him had more to do with how much money he was willing to spend on her – and her habits.

"Well, it’s their loss" she said, and meant it, feeling sorry that the stars never aligned for her.

Wishing to change the subject, she grabbed the wine bottle David already opened and reached for the plastic cups. It was a bit embarrassing, but there were no other choices. David was a teetotaler, and Emma didn’t like drinking alone. Their apartment was tiny, and the kitchen barely had enough space for the everyday things they needed, let alone a dozen glasses that would mostly sit unused. Plastic cups were the only option.

She filled them out generously, and passed them around, without leaving Sarah out "Sorry about the cups" she offered an apologetic smile "It’s not ideal, but it still tastes the same, right? After the first glass, I’m sure no one will mind what they’re drinking from."
Feb 18, 2025 6:25 pm
Persephone eyed Kat again. Was she lying? Was she merely a model worried that she had missed her shot? Somehow Pers doubted it, but she supposed it could be so. Perhaps the infernal aura she carries is by association somehow? Persephone wasn't really sure how these things worked, to be honest; in reality, she was still very new to such things. Even so, she would keep an eye on Kat tonight. She nodded in response to Kat's explanation and asked, "So how do you like London?"

She took the plastic cup from Emma and smiled. She laughed and said, "Ha, it reminds me of college! I think the last time we hung out we drank wine out of solo cups, so this is giving big nostalgia!"
Feb 18, 2025 6:42 pm
- Persephone -

The wine, it seems, does not taste as good from plastic cups, but only those who have had the means to compare would appreciate that. It may be more than just pretentiousness that dictates different vessels for different beverages.

Kat concedes that is it wetter than she expected. It is hard to have a casual conversation with her, the language barrier is a barrier, and it cuts her off from people. Something about that fact niggles at the back of your mind. You are an intelligent girl, you should be able to work this out, given careful observation of the subject.

What do you do?
'Working Kat out' may be purely an in-fiction task. There are not (m)any mechanics that would help you.
For reasons that well be clear later, Figure Someone Out is no help.
If you get desperate enough you could • summon your dark patron's attention directly on your location and ask, but that has consequences.
Feb 18, 2025 8:24 pm
Persephone gulped down the wine and glanced over to Circe, making sure she was OK. She then turned her attention back to Kat. This woman intrigued her, mostly because she could not yet put her finger on what it was about her that stood out. She had an infernal air about her, but seemed... well, less threatening than the others she'd met who carried such an aura. Was she something different? Perhaps not human at all? Or maybe a toy for a demon, rather than one herself?

She turned to Emma as the three of them stood and asked, "So Emma, how do you and Kat know each other? And Kat, do you have a sponsor here in London? Someone supporting your modeling career, perhaps? I would imagine you could draw some exceptional patrons..."
Feb 18, 2025 9:56 pm
"Oh, we met at a dinner party" she didn’t go into any more details than that, feeling a need to keep it vague. Her smile did tighten ever so slightly when Pers started questioning Kat. She didn't like what she was implying when she mentioned 'patron', or even 'several' of them. It wasn't like she herself didn't suspect Kat relationship with 'Sin' was anything but transactional, but it was impolite to insinuate it. To her face, no less.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" she decided to intervene and run interference for her guest before Kat had the chance to answer, instead directing the question back to Pers with a whimsical smile.
Feb 18, 2025 10:37 pm
Persephone was a bit surprised that Emma interfered with her little infernal investigation. Apparently Emma liked this demon-tainted Russian woman. Of course she likes her... she invited her to her house didn't she?! Ugh, I am making myself crazy. So what if she has had interactions with demons... It's not like she's the only one.

She smiled at Emma and said, "Well, my corporation sponsors all kind of cultural projects; it's a good tax write-off for them and it builds good will with the community. London is filled with wealthy corporations and individuals, and it's not a cheap city to live in, after all."

Seeing that she would likely not have the opportunity to press Kat for more information, Persephone relented and switched tacts. She looked down at Kat's dress and said, "I love your dress, by the way! I wore something like it at the club just last night, actually!" She took the opportunity to scan the model's body, wondering if she had a demonic mark like Persephone's. She couldn't help but admire what she saw.
Feb 19, 2025 5:18 am
Emma relaxed when the conversation shifted away from Kat and her 'patrons'. She sipped her wine, feeling a bit lighter, before her mind circled back to what Pers just mentioned:

"Wait. Your company sponsors cultural projects!? Like... how does that work exactly?" There was a genuine interest in her voice "I mean, I’m a writer. I could probably offer something 'cultural', too. Is it something you might be able to get me in touch with?" she wouldn't mind some extra money. Who knows when her next book would be published, and what kind of royalty deal she would be able to negotiate? It sucked always having second thoughts about every expenditure.

But then Pers continued talking about clubbing, and Emma's eyes lit up: "Oh my god, we definitely should go out together sometime, just like the old days. Maybe Circe would join us, too? And Kat? I think it would be a blast"
Feb 19, 2025 5:42 am
Kat struggles to follow everything that is being said. She knows you are fighting over her, but does not seem all that concerned by this occurrence. Words like 'cultural projects' and 'good will with the community' go over her head, but she does seem to understand 'tax write-off' and 'sponsor' —even though she might think of that more like Emma imagines it than like Persephone does. She is open to anything that is on offer, and does not seem to be 'committed' to Sin and his crowd.

She also understands 'dress' and 'club' and 'go out' and eagerly agrees to join you for a night out if she can make time. She does not come out and say it, but it is heavily implied she mostly 'works nights'.

What do you do?
Feb 19, 2025 6:22 am
Persephone nodded and smiled uncomfortably at Emma’s line of questioning.

Crap, well that backfired…

She shrugged and said, apologetically, "Well, I don’t know how it happens or anything; I just know the company sponsors the arts. I could ask, but I certainly couldn’t make any promises…?"

Persephone felt awful. All I’ve done is lie to my sister and my friend. And now I’m lying even more. I’m am a terrible person. I’m going to have to tell someone, eventually. Could I tell them? Not Circe; I couldn’t bear to see her disappointed in her big sister… she looks up to me so much. And she might tell my parents and that’s… No. but Emma? Maybe? But it would blow her mind, to learn that the supernatural is real. It’s not just romantic fantasy.

Turning back the Kat, Persephone tried one last time to get info without Emma undermining her. She looked to the Russian model and asked, "So, um, Kat. Do you have a modeling agency? Or do you work with specific brands?"
Feb 19, 2025 8:22 am
"Well, if it is not too much trouble" she sensed Pers was backtracking a bit. She couldn’t understand why, but she didn’t want to press the matter. Confident that Kat had some ready-made story about what agency she is working with, she was content to leave them alone for a while so she could help David with the appetizers. They didn’t prepare anything too fancy; Italian bruschettas with diced tomatoes, garlic, and basil, plus a charcuterie board with cured meats, assortment of cheese, and some fresh fruit.

As she set the trays on the coffee table in front of the couch, she quickly glanced at Sarah to see how she was handling herself. It was probably best not to call too much attention to the withdrawn young woman, but part of her wished she could find a way to coax her out of her shell.

"So, Circe" she instead turned her attention to Pers sister, offering her a bruschetta over a paper napkin "What’s next for you? Pers mentioned you were staying with her for a while?"
Feb 19, 2025 1:41 pm
Persephone felt another pang of guilt for lying to her friend. She nodded and tried to smile at Emma, saying, "I will!" She watched as Emma left.

She turned to Kat and her smile faded. She said, "You know, there's something familiar about you. You remind me very much of someone I know and I can't put my finger on it. What the devil is his name? What in hell is his infernal name? Ah well, maybe it will come to me."

She watched Kat for a reaction. If she saw none, she studied her once more. Could this girl be a plaything of a demon and not even realize who it is she spends her time with? Could she be so naive?

HA! As if I myself were not lulled into a false sense of safety by my 'friend' who offered me solace and support when I was at my lowest, only for me to learn too late who -- or what -- he really was!

Persephone chatted for a while more with Kat before excusing herself to go to the bathroom. She entered and locked the door. She looked into the mirror, disgusted, and tears began to well up in her eyes. She wiped them away, and tried to fix her makeup, though a touch of red around the edges remained. She was, quite literally, doomed.
Feb 19, 2025 2:53 pm
- Persephone -

It is probable all your subtle hints and clever wordplay went over Kat's head again, but she shows no hint that she knows anything about 'infernal hell devils'. She does not seem surprised that you recognise her and want to confront her about it; not happy, but not surprised, you get the impression you are not the first.

Away from all the voices you have time to think. You are an expert in the subtle details of the contract, and your contracts are not signed on paper. You can read something of the taint upon Kat, she is definitely bound, her soul earmarked for collection, but you don't get the impression she signed any contract or reaped any reward. Yet she is still set to pay the price.

What do you do?
You can answer for Circe about her future plans [ref].
Feb 19, 2025 3:35 pm
Persephone's eyes narrowed as she studied Kat one more time. Oh my god! She's doomed to hell, like me, but somehow she... doesn't know! How? This... this is wrong. I ... I have to help her. Somehow.

Persephone changed her tack entirely. She looked Kat directly in the eyes and said, "Kat. Ekaterina. You have fallen in with some bad people, haven't you? They use you. They might provide for you, but you are owned. I know, because I am owned too. By evil, powerful people, who own me body and soul. I can't free myself, but maybe... maybe I can help free you. Would you let me help you? I... I need to help someone for a change."

The sincerity, desperation, and urgency in Persephone's voice and expression were clear.


Circe smiled warmly at Emma and took the bruschetta, which she promptly popped into her mouth between swigs of wine from the plastic cup. As she chewed, she said, "Oh Emma, your place is so cute! I hope to have a place like this one day! Living in a big city in a cozy little place with my hubby, working on my art! Oh, and yeah! That's the plan, ha ha! I'm hoping my big shot sis can land me a job doing business stuff, ha. They've got to need like file clerks and mailroom people, right? And who knows, maybe I'll discover I actually like the corporate stuff, like she does!"

Circe had been all smiles and warmth, but then she frowned for a moment and asked, "Hey Emma, do you know what Persephone actually does? Like for her job? 'Cause she kind of won't tell me."
Feb 19, 2025 5:04 pm
Persephone and Kat's animated conversation was hard to miss. Pers was unusually engaged with Kat - almost too engaged, and something about the intensity of the conversation It wasn't unlike Pers to be so wrapped up in someone so quickly, so there had to be something going on there. She tried to dismiss the thought, but stole one last glance before turning her attention back to Circe:

"Yes, it's pretty great" she readily agreed with her assessment of her life. Despite all the struggles, and money being tight, she would never exchange her life for a boring 9-5 at a cubicle in some gray office building. "Pers?" she gave a light tug of her shoulders when Circe asked what her sister was doing "She works at HR. I didn't ask what exactly she was doing, but I'm guessing it is about dealing with employee stuff; Recruitment, Work Contracts, Performance Reviews. Termination... I'm sure she will tell you all about it if you press her" Emma didn't see why she wouldn't. Maybe because it was too boring, and Pers was too tired explaining it after a long day at the office "Anyways, I don't think they have file clerks and mailroom people today. It's all digital. We don't have them at the Independent either. In fact, I rarely come to the office myself. Can't remember when was the last time I actually saw Mr. Thompson. I usually just mail him my columns...."
Feb 19, 2025 5:32 pm
Circe's mouth opened in surprise and understanding, revealing that she had not yet finishing chewing the bruschetta. She covered her mouth and swallowed quickly, then laughed and gulped some more wine. She said, "Oh duh! Of course it's all digital. I watch too many old movies. Um, well, I mean, what I [I]really[/I] want is a job doing, like, graphic design, you know? Like, maybe laying out fashion spreads for a magazine, or designing logos and graphics for a cool coffee shop, or something. That way I can actually use my art classes! And then, when I'm not at work, I can draw and paint as much as I want!. But I am guessing Persephone can't help much with her HR thing or whatever. hey, does your newspaper need that sort of thing?" Circe looked at Emma with excitement and hope.
Feb 19, 2025 6:35 pm
"Any company could use a good graphic designer. I'm sure even the one Pers works at has at least one position. I can send your CV to our HR department, in case they are looking for someone" she wasn't sure there WAS a position open, but who knows? Maybe the stars will align for Circe. She was much more interested, however, in seeing some of her work. Emma appreciated art, in almost any form. It was always cool to see what talented people could come up with "I'd love to see some of your work. Do you have any pictures you can show me?"
Feb 19, 2025 6:50 pm
Circe's face lit up at Emma's request to see her work. She pulled out her phone and immediately began to show her photos. Two particular ones stood out to Emma.
Feb 19, 2025 10:17 pm
- Persephone -

Kat looks around at all the women in the room, then at you in 'understanding'. "Da, body and soul." She says, sitting down next to Sarah, who has been listening quietly the whole time.

"How you get us out?" Kat asks, including Sarah in the 'us', it seems. "When you no get yourself out? You think your pimp so much better than mine? Or her manager?" It appears she thinks you are a prostitute —though she prefers the term 'escort'— and really has no clue about the rest.

What do you do?
Feb 20, 2025 4:53 am
Persephone looked at the two women and felt a deep pang of sympathy. She had not realized it until that moment; she was property. She was an object belonging to a demon, just as these women were objects belonging to a pimp and a "manager". These three women were all, effectively, enslaved.

Persephone could not free herself, but dammit, she would pay whatever the cost to free the other two. She had only ever experienced suffering, self-loathing, and disgust in her time after signing that contract. Well, tonight, that changes. Tonight, she was going to help herself to the power afforded her by her damnation.

She excused herself for a moment and went to the bathroom once more. She looked in the mirror and she reached out. She intended to let out her power in order to summon her dark patron’s attention directly to her location, to these two women, and ask that she be granted this boon. She bit her lip hard enough to taste blood and, with blood in her mouth, she whispered, "Help me free these women from their slavery, my patron, and I will owe you an even greater debt. I will do things even more debased. I will not resist. Give me power and have my willing cooperation. Please. I need this." These last few words were tinged with desperation as tears welled in her eyes.
She will cash in her one debt with her patron if necessary to ask for this. Shall I roll Spirit for the Let It Out?
Feb 20, 2025 5:24 am
Letting it out...


Let it out - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Feb 20, 2025 5:26 am
"Wow, this really is impressive" Emma was genuinely taken aback by the boldness of it "I bet you can do this professionally. Do you mind sending me these pictures, so I can show some people?" Emma had all sorts of connections, and has reviewed a couple of avant-garde art galleries for her column. Maybe one of the gallery owners would like to showcase one of Circe's pieces? It couldn't harm asking. She was about to suggest just that, when Kat sat down on the couch next to her and said something that made her choke on her wine.

Pers? Really? That was what this was all about?

Emma’s mind raced, a sinking feeling spreading through her chest. She had suspected Kat might be an escort, but she never imagined Pers was involved in something like that too. Was that why she’d been so secretive about her work? And why had she been so fixated on Kat tonight? Trying to "headhunt" her for a different agency? It was almost too much to process.

Pers? How had her friend gotten involved in something like this? When did it start? Why?

The shock was still settling in as more questions kept piling up. Emma wasn’t against sex work - as long as no one was getting exploited! but she wasn’t sure this was what was going on with Pers. Kat had mentioned a "pimp," but the details of the conversation weren’t clear. Neither she nor Pers seemed particularly happy with their current arrangement.

What was she supposed to do now? What was she supposed to say?

She glanced over at Circe, giving her a blank stare, wondering how much of the conversation she had overheard. She had to say something, but before she could gather her thoughts, Persephone had already excused herself to the bathroom, for the second time that evening. Maybe there’s something else going on. A more uncomfortable suspicion crept in. Could Pers have a drug habit too?

Still in turmoil over the revelation, she got up, walked toward the bathroom, and knocked gently on the door:
"Pers? Are you alright in there?"
Feb 20, 2025 5:27 am
Persephone will take the Corruption, but ignore the Complications. She wants to call her patron's attention to where she is at so she can offer him a Debt to give her some guidance on how she could free these women of their servitude.
Feb 20, 2025 5:47 am
- Emma -

Maybe you have misjudged the situation, the flatulent, rotten-eggs smell sure smells more like gastric distress than drugs, you think. You hear slightly desperate and strained mutterings from inside the bathroom, hopefully Persephone does not blow out an o-ring.

Thinking back you can't recall Persephone eating any of the food you prepared, so it does not look like food-poisoning from that, you probably don't need to tell the others to stop eating, right?

What do you do?
Feb 20, 2025 5:55 am
- Persephone -

How does your Dark Patron speak to you at times like this? Do they appear in the bathroom with you? In the mirror with you? In the mirror as you? Wentworth avoids technology, does your Dark Patron do the same or contact you through your phone?
What is it like to deal with them directly? Is this the first time you have summoned them? Does dealing with Wentworth seems like better option, now?
Your trouble nets you some inforamtion:

There is no contract with Ekaterina, so no direct conflict of interest for you to 'save' her, in any way you can. As you suspected, she is a pawn in someone else's game, souls are needed as payment, but, it seems, it does not always need to be the soul of the one reaping the reward, sacrificing someone else works on the smaller scales.

You don't have the names of the other parties involved, but possibly Emma could shed some light on Kat's contacts?

Your Dark Patron knows nothing about Sarah or her situation. But, now that you have drawn their attention to her, they seem intrigued. "There is potential there." They inform you about the situation in general rather then the girl in specific. "A power-vacuum that is worth looking into." You know that this 'looking into' is now your job, there may be contracts for you to arrange.
Emma is at your door, closer than you might like right now. Doing this in her flat was risky, what if she finds out about you and your world?

What do you do?
Feb 20, 2025 6:35 am
After she uttered her words and spat blood into the sink -- an offering? -- Persephone looked back up at the mirror. Behind her, suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared and time slowed to a stop. The faucet's drip of water paused midair. Space warped around them. And red eyes -- burning, piercing eyes -- peered out from the shadowy humanoid form into Persephone's. She got the distinct impression that her patron intentionally hid its true form from her for some reason, concealed in this caul of shadow, caught in a moment of time.

Darkness crowded in around her, blotting out the bathroom and everything else. Only she and those red eyes remained until she looked back at the mirror and, peering out of her own face, were those inhuman red eyes. A voice rumbled inside her head, like thunder from a faraway storm, echoing across the distance. Persephone did not hear words but somehow she knew things now that she did not before. And then, just as it arrived, her patron receded, pulling out of her mind with a feeling like being turned inside out, as if she were vomiting her feet up and out of her mouth. But as it left her, she felt it take something with it -- some small piece of her gone forever. Was it a memory? Some of her ability to feel empathy? She could not be sure. She knew with a chilling realization that she would not miss it, whatever it had been. Whatever she had been.

My god, what have I become?

Then reality came crashing back at her. The light, the sound of the faucet drip hitting the sink, the ambient noise of the ventilation, were all deafening. She fell to her knees and cried out. The smell was unbearable; brimstone, decay, rotting flesh, bad eggs... the light, the noise.... it was too much. She regurgitated her wine into the toilet nearby and slumped to the floor.

So that... that's HER. The demon who owns me. My god. She was not sure if the patron was a her, but the way it occupied her body felt familiar in a way that made her prefer 'her' over 'him', or even 'they' or 'it.' She went with it.
"Pers? Are you alright in there?"
"Um, just a second!" Persephone shouted back, feebly. She scrambled to her feet, wiped the sick from her chin, and went to the door, trying her best to compose herself. It was only after she opened the door that she glanced back and saw her blood in the sink.

"Um... I'm fine! Sorry. I guess the wine didn't agree with me. I... um, sorry, my word that is a bad smell. I am so sorry, Emma! Can I ... um... open a window or something? Ugh, this is embarrassing."
Later, upon reflection, Persephone would realize that she very much preferred dealing with that pompous ass Wentworth than that. This was the first time Persephone had interacted directly; every previous exchange had been through intermediaries or, perhaps, with her dark patron hiding in an appealing human form.
Feb 20, 2025 6:59 am
Emma pinched her nose with her fingers as the foul odor wafted through the bathroom door. The smell was downright vile. She didn’t think it had anything to do with the food she’d served; Persephone hadn’t eaten a thing, and even if she had, food poisoning didn’t develop that quickly, as far as she recalled.

Though she could barely stand the stench, she lingered by the door, her concern for her friend stronger than any physical discomfort.

"Don’t worry about it!" she was relieved once the door finally opened. She didn't believe whatever was happening inside was just about the wine, but she wasn't going to argue. Pers obviously needed her support right now.

After quickly rinsing the specs of blood in the sink, spraying an entire bottle of air freshener inside, and activating the bathroom ventilator, she closed the door behind her and looked at Pers with concern: "Can I get you a glass of water? Maybe some tea?"

When they returned back to the living room, she forced a bright smile to her lips, pretending that the last few minutes never occurred. She did exchange a quick glance with her husband, however, wondering just how much of the conversation he caught wind of. Not only had Emma invited a couple of escorts into their home, but it turned out that Sarah, who had been living with them, was apparently one as well.

She didn’t want to think about what was running through David’s mind right now. Trying to shake off the discomfort, she cleared her throat: "What do you say about playing a few games? Might be fun to switch gears a bit" she suggested, desperate to move away from the tension and shift the focus elsewhere.
Feb 20, 2025 6:45 pm
Persephone looked at Emma, ashamed, and nodded. "Yes, please. Some tea would be nice. Thank you."

As they were walking down the hall and back to the party, Persephone asked quietly, "Could we talk, maybe? Like just us two. Sometime soon?"

When they arrived back with the others and Emma proposed a game, Persephone smiled. Escape into fun, pleasure, or just about anything was a welcome diversion right now. She went over and gave Circe an unusually emotional hug and nodded to Kat and Sarah, as if to say, I meant what I said about freeing you.
Feb 20, 2025 6:47 pm
Also, @Delirium , I wasn't thinking that Emma and David would have necessarily overheard Persephone's whole conversation with Kat and Sarah -- Emma was over speaking to Circe about her art, after all. But they certainly could have overheard some of it! She certainly wouldn't have wanted Circe to hear, though.
Feb 21, 2025 7:06 am
- Persephone -

Not having heard the rumours, Circe has exchanged numbers with Kat, and also invited her kickboxing lessons —your kickboxing—, and is just turning to Emma and inviting her along as well. This thing that used to be an outlet for you has suddenly become a ... a public gathering. How does that make you feel?

What do you do?
Feb 21, 2025 7:08 am
- Emma -

"Games? What manner of games?" Kat asks. She is game for anything, but the language barrier will make many parlour games hard. What do you have in the house?

Circe is enthusiastically inviting you kickboxing lessons, which she says will be very fun.

What do you do?
Feb 21, 2025 7:49 am
"Sure; we can catch up tomorrow if you want" she felt torn between wanting to be there for her, and the growing sense of unease over what Pers had gotten herself involved in. This was all so unlike her; Pers was always the one with everything figured out. She was smart, and ambitious; Emma was sure she was going to make it big one day. How did she ever end up as an escort??

She excused herself to the kitchen, her mind still reeling as she sat the kettle to boil. Once she returned with the tea and handed the cup to Pers with a soft nod, she sat down on the floor next to the coffee table, making herself comfortable as the others continued chatting. The kickboxing lessons sounded like lots of fun, and she didn't want to miss an opportunity to support Pers. Of course, she would join.

Then, she quickly transitioned into explaining the game. She picked one specifically that didn't require any knowledge of English, one Kat might even be familiar with. 'Verish Ne Verish' was the Russian variant of 'Cheat', a shedding-type of card game that required lots of deception, lies, and a little bit of strategy. She shuffled the decks quickly as she explained the rules, dealing all the cards between them - David included.

"Empty your cups before we start the first round" she led by example, gulping the reminder of the wine in her own cup "-these games are much more fun if you don't take yourself too seriously"
Feb 21, 2025 6:48 pm
Persephone nodded a meek affirmation when Emma offered to meet tomorrow. "Thanks" was all she could muster. She returned to the party to discover Circe inviting the whole party to Persephone's kickboxing class. She felt her shoulders and neck tense up; a migraine was coming on. She squeezed the bridge of her nose and felt the hint of tears threatening to burst forth. She inhaled and exhaled tightly, trying and failing to relax. She cracked her neck and muttered to herself, It's fine. it's fine! I can find a new class. They can have that one. I .. ... yeah. This is just my life now.

She slumped, feeling absolutely defeated. She joined the others, prepared to try to participate in the game, but her heart wasn't in it. She wasn't really present at all. She felt like an empty husk.
Feb 21, 2025 10:25 pm
Benji finishes up at the station earlier than he usually would to make sure he makes it back to his apartment in time for the meeting with Amira. He stops at the Tesco Express on the way home to buy a tin of biscuits to share with his guests and the mice, and some walnuts and blueberries for Snowy. He’s been trying to feed the raven cat food, at Lizabeth’s recommendation (she did some research online, apparently), but Snowy turned up his beak at that. Maybe he’ll like nuts and berries better.

Amira and her two Sisters are already waiting outside when he arrives. "Oh! Good morning! You're early. I hope you haven’t been waiting long?" he greets them as he leads them up the stairs to his apartment.
Feb 22, 2025 12:46 pm
- Emma -

Kat does her best, she is an enthusiastic player, but only has the barest grasp of the orally relayed rules. Sarah is not keen to join in, and you got the strong impression the whole night that she would much rather have slunk away into the other room for the duration, and is only present at your behest.

Persephone does not seem to be enjoying herself. Perhaps she is feeling ill? Your friend always seemed so 'sorted out', 'most likely to succeed' and all that, it is hard to reconcile that impression with her now working as a ... you know. Even worse, she is arranging for innocent, young, Circe to get into that line of work too!

What do you do?
Feb 22, 2025 12:48 pm
- Benji -

"Not long at all." Amira says, though they all look cold, standing outside.

It briefly occurs to you that you don't know her sisters' names, if you tried to find out about them, or did know, you have forgotten (or forgotten to look into it). By the time you get upstairs and need to make introductions it seems perfectly natural to introduce Lizabeth and Amira and leave the other two unmentioned... unless you did introduce them and forgot their names since then? Lizabeth does not remark on this and it soon slips from your mind.

Tortoises can —and should— go for weeks or months without eating, but you are sure Hermes has eaten more frequently than your new Snowy raven... just how long can a raven go without food? You don't think it has eaten anything since getting here. (When you get round to offering it nuts and berries ... or even biscuits and mice... it turns up its nose beak at that too, looking sad.)

What do you do?
Feb 22, 2025 2:36 pm
The evening was supposed to be a light, fun gathering with friends, but it turned different than she expected. Per's mood hung over the room like a dark cloud, and she found herself glancing at her friend from time to time, wondering what happened to the confident, successful woman she had once admired.

Maybe she should have never invited her over tonight. She did want to help her, but now was not the time for a heart-to-heart talk. It was selfish of her, but was asking for one pleasant evening without drama too much to ask for?

At least Kat was having fun. She was happily engaged, despite the language barrier, and her carefree nature was like a breath of fresh air. She felt a little lighter when she was around her, not bogged down by secrets or inner turmoil. She needed more people like that in her social circle, she decided. People without emotional baggage, who knew how to live in the moment, and enjoy the small things in life.

Not wanting to force people to participate if they didn't want to, she allowed Sarah, and whomever else, to opt out of the next rounds if they felt like it.
I don't know if I have anything else for this scene. We can sum up and move forward, as far as I'm concerned.
Feb 22, 2025 6:56 pm
im also ok moving on. I promise i wont have pers being a mopey killjoy all the time!
Feb 23, 2025 2:40 am
After making the introductions, Benji dithers about for a bit, offering his guests tea and biscuits and chairs. Once everyone is comfortable — Lizabeth on the couch and a Sister on each of the three dining chairs — he settles on the piano stool in the corner of the room to quietly supervise the conversation. While they talk, he desperately tries to coax Snowy into eating a blueberry, slumping against the piano in despair as the fussy raven continues to thwart his efforts.
Feb 23, 2025 5:15 am
- Benji -

Lizabeth is an easy-going soul, but even she is starting to get a little irritated by all the people wanting to talk to her about what she found... days ago, she has found other stuff since then —as your living-room can attest— but no one seems to care about the new old-stuff.

"I have already told everyone everything I know." She complains, not for the first time. "How can 'hypnosis' help? You can't dredge up more memories than are there." She points out, looking at you accusingly as if to ask 'why are you making me do this?'. She seems oddly hesitant to let others go traipsing through her past.

Amira's short sister slips quietly onto the couch, patting Lizabeth's hand consolingly, it seems to help calm Lizabeth.

Amira's tall sister, on the other hand, seems very interested in Snowy, her eyes track its every movement from where she sits primly in her chair.

Neither sister has spoken while Amira tries to explain what they want to do. Amira looks to you, she had hoped you had already gotten Lizabeth to agree, but apparently you have not done enough.

What do you do?
Did you ever talk to Lizabeth about this at all? We did not see in on-screen, but maybe it happened while we weren't looking?
Feb 23, 2025 5:47 am
"I agree with Lizabeth," Benji flatly answers Amira’s look. He expressed hesitation about the idea of hypnosis on the phone and Amira has yet to change his mind about that. "I don’t see what good hypnosis would do and, if Lizabeth’s not comfortable with the idea, that’s the end of the discussion, as far as I’m concerned. I’d really like to help you, like I said on the phone, but it’s difficult to trust you when you withhold information from us. You obviously know more about this than you let on the other night. Why don’t you tell us more about this ‘lamp’?"
I think he would have told Lizabeth that Amira mentioned it, but I don’t think he’s tried to persuade her it’s a good idea or anything like that.
Feb 23, 2025 6:14 am
- Benji -

Amira looks hurt that you you would say such a thing to her. "Not everyone is as trusting you are are, Benji." She says reasonably. "And not everyone is worthy of trust. First off: I did not know you. Second: I need authorisation before I can speak to representatives of other factions. And third: when we first met I did not know about the lamp, just about the arrest for 'wielding dangerous energies'.

"Strictly speaking I shouldn't have told you about a 'lamp'." The short sister shakes her head in quiet exasperation at Amira for having done so. "That term is one generally best kept quiet so as not cause a stampede. I suggest you refrain from mentioning it if you want to keep Lizabeth and yourself from drawing even more attention than you already have."

Turning back to Lizabeth she tries to explain, though it would really help if she had you onboard for this. "What you found is missing. The army deny having it, the police deny having it, and I am inclined to believe them from the fact that both are watching your place right now... you did know that right?"

"Yes, Joe has been most polite and helpful." Lizabeth says. "We went for pizza last night." Making Amira bury her face in her hands for a moment, but she seems more amused than concerned by this detail.

"Well, yes, the pine tree is a good sort, so far as 'James Bond types' go." She does not ask 'what all have you told him'. "His are as likely to lock the lamp up as to try use it... I think. But we would still rather they not get the chance to test their resilience to temptation.

"What we are hoping to learn from hypnosis is, first and foremost: who 'tasered' you, and if they took the artifact. The army and then the cops arrived after that happened." This is slightly different to Lizabeth's story, where the tasering and the army happened at the same time.

What do you do?
Feb 23, 2025 6:36 am
Benji feels a little bad for hurting Amira’s feelings, but it has not escaped his notice that she still hasn’t explained what this lamp actually is or does or why it’s so dangerous.

When the conversation circles back to the topic of hypnosis, he looks to Lizabeth. The decision is entirely hers. "What do you think? I’ll be here the whole time, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to."
Feb 23, 2025 12:07 pm
It was pretty late by the time everyone left. The evening had been strange, but maybe not as strange as some of her past nights. At least this one didn’t end with her being scolded in the Administrator's office. While David moved through the house, collecting glasses and plates, she helped Sarah make the bed on the couch. "I’m sorry about the disruption tonight" she said softly as she fluffed the pillow

Sarah usually stayed up late, but they still kept her from getting to sleep earlier if she wanted to. Living in such a small apartment, without a private space to call her own, wasn't easy. "Next time, I’ll talk things through with you before inviting anyone over" she promised.

With David outside taking out the trash, she used the opportunity to send a quick text to Kat. She was glad she’d invited her. Things would have felt even more awkward without her, and she wanted to let her know she appreciated she came over: "Hey! Thanks for coming tonight" she hesitated for a moment as she considered what to type next. The cozy night at home might not have been Kat’s idea of a good time, and she wanted to make sure they would meet again if it wasn't: "Next time – you pick what we do 😉"

She thought about texting Per and Circe too, but something held her back. What could she possibly say to Pers? She’d been distant the whole evening, and she wasn't sure what to say about the big revelation either. She couldn't even make sense of what she felt about it. Maybe it wasn’t the right time...

She set her phone aside and started her usual evening routine, waiting for David to come back so they could gossip about the night’s events before heading to bed.
Feb 24, 2025 3:14 am
- Emma -

Sarah shrugs at your apology, she seems surprised that you would even think to say such a thing. She is even more surprised that you would involve her in your planning for next time, like she had not thought she had a say in the matter. The fact that there will be a 'next time' and that she will still be staying with you when that happens seems completely natural to her, this is her life now.

Kat responds with a excited message, there is lots of bad spelling and grammar, but you get the gist that this was her idea of a 'perfect night'. No pressure or expectations and no men groping her on the dance-floor.

When David comes to bed-and-gossip he can not keep the concern from face. "Is Persephone alright?" He asks, obviously he noticed something, the bathroom visits or the tension, but tactfully did not say anything then and does not push on it now.

What do you do?
Feb 24, 2025 3:15 am
Gauging Lizabeth's response. [ref]


Luck roll: - (2d6-1)

(33) - 1 = 5

Feb 24, 2025 3:20 am
- Benji -

"I don't want to." Lizabeth says more categorically now that she is sure you will support her.

"I'm sorry." She says to the Night Sisters. "I don't feel comfortable with someone routing around in my head."

Amira looks disappointed, but her short sister shakes her head minutely —possibly too slight for even your vampire sense to pick up on— and she backs off.

The tall sister inclines her head equally minutely to Amira who casually comments on your pet raven. "What's his name?" She asks, by-the-by, as they stand to leave.

What do you do?
Feb 24, 2025 5:14 am
Emma would have pulled Kat into a hug if she was there right now. She smiled as she texted her back, telling her 'good night', and that it was a 'joy' having her over.

Later, after slipping into bed and cuddling with David under her blankets, she sighed and paused for a moment when he asked her about Pers. It was obvious he didn't catch any part of the conversation that night, and she was not sure it was a bad thing. But she was determined to keep no more secrets from him. Not even the whole 'vampire' thing, which she was just waiting for the right opportunity to break to him. She took a breath, her fingers lightly brushing against his skin as she spoke.

"She works as an escort now. Kat does, too. And from what I overheard, Sarah as well."
Her voice grew a little sadder as she continued with the rest: "There was some talk about Pers trying to convince Kat to switch agencies"" her heart sank just saying it. Pers was once an old friend; it was hard to wrap her mind around the fact that she was mixed up in something like this.
Feb 24, 2025 6:14 am
Persephone left Emma's house, ashamed at her behavior, confused about her vision of her patron, worried about Circe's growing interest in Persephone's life, and the fates of Kat and Sarah. How could she save them? How could she protect Circe? COuld she save herself?

No. She was lost. But may she could save others. Maybe.

That night, she tossed and turned in bed. She got up and journaled. She drew tarot cards (she drew The Tower...great, yeah she already knows her life is falling apart). She even tried praying, but the words tasted like ash in her mouth.

She needed help. She didn't know who else to turn to. What few friends she once had were back in California, though she had burned a lot of those bridges before she left. She couldn't go to her parents. She couldn't involve Circe.

Emma. Maybe she could cope with it, maybe. She had to try.

By this time, it was almost dawn. She sent Emma a short text, and then another, and another.

"Good morning! I'm up early apparently and wond"

Her hands were shaking so badly, she accidentally hit send.

"Heh, sorry! Hit send on accident. So would you wanna come over and have some coffee this morning?"

Oh! What about Circe??? Panicking, she looked up her kickboxing school online. Oh thank the goddess they have an intro class this morning! She quickly booked the class.

"Circe will be in a kickboxing class, so it will just be us. I want to explain "

She looked at the sentence, unsure of how to finish it. So she just hit Send.

She lay in bed and played out what she might say to Emma, over and over, for an hour or two. Nothing felt right. She finally gave up and took a shower, slammed an energy drink, and put together a simple breakfast of yogurt, fruit, and granola. She didn't eat it, leaving it on the counter for Circe. She started a pot of coffee and went to awaken her sister.

Circe was confused about getting awoken so early -- it was like 7 am and she was still a bit jetlagged, after all. But Persephone insisted, putting on a fake enthusiasm for her big day in London. She said, "I have all kinds of fun plans for us. First thing, you are gonna take the intro class at my Kickboxing Academy! I have breakfast made already, so get those lazy bones up and join me. Chop chop!"

Eventually, she got a confused and still sleepy Circe out the door and sat at her kitchen bar with a large mug of coffee, checking her phone addictively and wondering what in the world she was going to say to Emma.
Feb 24, 2025 10:38 am
"Sorry we couldn’t be more helpful," Benji says, sincerely, hopping up to open the door for Amira and her sisters. "If I find out anything more about where this lamp has ended up, I’ll let you know."

When Amira asks about the raven, Benji frowns at the bird in question, sulking in his golden cage. "I don’t know. I’ve been calling him Snowy, but that’s not his real name. He doesn’t belong to me. I’m just bird-sitting for a friend. Incidentally, do any of you know what ravens like to eat? He’s been giving me a lot of trouble."
Feb 24, 2025 11:04 am
- Benji -

"No clue." Amira says about raven diet. "Don't they eat ... everything?

"Anyway, it was nice to finally meet you." Amira says to Lizabeth. "If you change your mind..." She doesn't finish, not wanting to push too hard.

"Well... goodbye. Keep in touch." Amira says clearly disappointed by the mornings endeavour.

What do you do?
Feb 24, 2025 12:31 pm
An hour or so later, Benji trots into Parliament Square with a freshly printed stack of papers tucked under his arm and a skip in his step. The librarian at UCL had been very helpful and very kind. She had explained that the book he was looking for had been digitised and could be accessed as a pdf on any of the library computers. Then, seeing the confused, slightly-terrified expression on his face, she had offered to print it for him. Fifteen minutes and a few quid later, he had the book! The librarian had even stapled it for him.

"Good morning, Mrs Fawcett," he greets the statue. A few tourists taking photographs nearby shoot him strange looks, but he ignores them. "I’ve brought you a gift on behalf of my friend, Jacob— Mary: A Fiction, written by Mary Wollstonecraft and annotated by Lord Byron." He holds up the stack of papers for the statue to see, feeling triumphant.
Feb 24, 2025 1:26 pm
It was dark outside when Emma woke up to the soft buzz of her phone alarm. Even though it was already seven in the morning, the heavy clouds blanketing the sky made it feel like the dead of night. Groggy, she reached for her phone and scrolled through her messages, among them was the one from Pers. She hesitated before opening it, finally deciding against it. She didn’t want to deal with anyone else’s problems first thing in the morning.

She dragged herself out of bed with a sigh. The room was still cold, and it was soooooo tempting to stay wrapped up in the warmth of the covers for just a little longer. If only she didn’t have so many errands to run today…

After running through her usual routine and scrubbing away the remnants of sleep, she finally picked up her phone again and went through Persephone's text, lips twisting into a sad frown. She stared at the message for a moment, then poured the freshly brewed cup of coffee into the sink.

She didn’t want to take on anyone else’s mess. Her life was complicated enough already. She and Pers used to be close, but years had passed without contact. Was it fair of her to reach out now, and ask for her help? She better not ask me for money for drugs. After the way she looked like last night, she assumed the worse.

At the end of the day, she was too much of a bleeding heart to turn her away. They were friends once, even if that felt like a lifetime ago. Having coffee wasn’t asking for much, and she could keep it brief.

"Don’t worry about explaining anything. I don’t mind what you do for a living, I just want to make sure you're safe. I’ll swing by for a bit before starting my day."

She hit ‘send,’ hoping Pers wouldn’t expect too much from her, and get the message that she couldn’t afford to stay long.

Grabbing her coat from the hook by the door, she wrapped a scarf around her neck and picked up her umbrella. The wind was biting this morning, together with the rain, so she bundled up as best as she could. A few short minutes later she was at Pers, ringing the buzzer to her appartement.
Feb 24, 2025 6:02 pm
Persephone had finally dozed off after she got Circe out the door. She was slumped on one of the low, minimalist sofas with her coffee, still full, sitting on the low coffee table in front of her. She didn't even awaken when her phone buzzed with Emma's text. Indeed, it was only when the doorbell buzzed that she bolted upward, in that strange state of disoriented panic when one suddenly wakes from deep sleep.

"Um, yes! I'm coming! Just a moment..." She stumbled upwards and kicked the coffee table with her shin. She cursed and ignored the pain. As she looked around, she realized she had not picked up as she had wanted to. The place wasn't a total disaster, but the kitchen was a mess of dirty dishes, empty wine bottles, and delivery boxes that she still hadn't had a chance to clean up since Circe's arrival.

She splashed some water on her face and rubbed it with a dish towel -- ew this is dirty! -- and she tossed it aside. She walked over to the door and smoothed her rumpled clothes. At least she had gotten dressed this morning, before waking Circe.

Persephone opened the door and smiled at Emma. She was wearing a causal, loose-fitting pair of black yoga capri pants and an oversized sweatshirt with the word Stanford across the front. She wore fluffy pink ankle socks, had her hair in a messy pony, and wore no makeup. She had deep, dark circles under her eyes, which were a bit bloodshot -- she looked exactly as she felt, exhausted. She mustered some cheer and welcomed her friend.

"Hi Emma! Thanks for coming by. Come in!"

She held the door for Emma and offered to take her coat as the door closed behind them. She walked into the condo, a large space with an open floor plan on the corner of the second to top floor, just below the penthouse. The big feature were floor to ceiling windows on two walls, giving a breathtaking view of the city around them. In the middle of the space, a minimalist and likely expensive set of sofas and a coffee table sat, looking austere and unused, save for a cup of coffee leaving a ring. To the side opposite the windows was a large, commercial grade kitchen with stainless steel appliances, an island, and ample counter space, though most of it was occupied with empty take out boxes, wine bottles, and dirty dishes.

Persephone walked around the island and got a mug and the coffee pot, which was still hot and mostly full. Pouring a cup, she asked, "I forget how you like it. Cream or sugar?" She offered Emma her coffee once it was prepared to her liking and invited her to join her on the sofas.

After an awkward pause, Persephone opted for small talk, saying, "So, um, how are you?"
Feb 24, 2025 9:08 pm
Persephone’s disheveled appearance was shocking, but not nearly as much as the sight of her apartment. The space was beyond enormous—like something out of a magazine, but somehow even more breathtaking in person. The furniture was sleek, modern, and definitely expensive, and the view!! If only the rain wasn’t pouring, she was sure it would have been breathtaking.

How on earth could Persephone afford all of this?

She had no idea escorts made that kind of money. It was uncomfortable thinking about it as she glanced at the mess around her. Pizza boxes, empty wine bottles scattered across the counters. She couldn’t help but think that Persephone had been entertaining men here, maybe even as recently as last night. That would explain why her friend looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

Emma, on the other hand, looked perfectly put-together. Her outfit was elegant, in a minimalistic sort of way; a beige raincoat over a tight-fitting black turtleneck, and a pair of jeans. Her makeup was also minimal, but flawless, and her blonde hair neatly braided, French style. The contrast between her composed appearance and Persephone’s haggardness couldn’t have been starker.
[ +- ] Pic!
"Wow" Despite the mess, the apartment was undeniably beautiful, and she couldn’t help but admire it "This place is amazing... everything looks great." She moved closer to the floor-to-ceiling windows, trying to take in the view despite the downpour. "Just black, thanks" she called out to Pers "I try to keep it healthy... those things really add up" Her smile was a little strained, her mind still on the clutter, and what it might mean.

Sitting down on the couch, she crossed her legs and took a sip of the coffee, holding the cup for warmth. She was acutely aware of how out of place she might have seemed in the apartment—so put-together, while Persephone looked like she was running on fumes. They had exchanged small talk just yesterday at the coffee shop, so she knew the usual "How are you?" was nothing more than a way to break the ice.

"I'm fine, you know. Nothing new since last night" she said softly, trying to force herself to look into Pers bloodshot eyes "But how are you really doing?" Both of them knew something was off, but she needed to hear it from Pers. Give her the opportunity to pour her heart out.
Feb 25, 2025 2:26 am
Persephone smiled weakly at Emma's compliments. She replied, "Yeah, the company actually owns the space. I've just been assigned to it while I'm in London. When I'm working, they drive me aroud in a company car, give me pretty much inlimited discrtionary spedning for food, clothing, and so on... It's ...nice, I guess."

She took her coffee from the coffee table, now cold, and sipped it. When Emma asked her how she was really doing, Persephone could feel a breakdown coing on.

No. That won't do anyone any good. Suck it up, you wimp.

She closed her eyes and breathed for a moment, regaining her composure. She looked at Emma and began her story.

"So. Um, this is gonna sound strange, and you probably won't believe me, but I swear, Emma, it's true! OK?"

She gulped hard and contiinued.

"So, after graduation, I went to Stanford and studied computer science and marketing and wanted to write that art app I always used to talk about, right? Well, I met a girl there, Meredith, and fell in love. We worked on the app together. We raised venture capital -- a lot of it. Several hundred thousand dollars. This was gonna be BIG and it felt like my dreams were coming true. We incorporated as an LLC, started hiring, working on prototypes, alpha testing, the whole nine. We did market studies and it looked like, if we could position it properly, it could be a major player. Meredith found this mysterious angel investor to come in witih a big sum -- millions, this time. She insisted he was a sure bet, so I leveraged all my savings. I was so excited, and so confident, even my parents bought in; they basically put their retirement funds on the line. "

Persephone stopped for a moment, as tears began to roll down her face. She sniffled and conitnued.

"We had all this debt, Emma. And then, without warning, she took it. All of it. Meredith emptied our accounts and disappeared. We couldn't pay our devs. Our product was DOA. We would have no way to generate income or pay back the debt. My money -- my parents' money - was gone. All of it. I... I panicked. i didn't know what to do. I went back to the angel investor that Meredith had brought in -- I hadn't met with him prior, but he was willing to meet with me -- and explained the situation. He was empathetic; he was kind; he was was fabulously wealthy; he was, in a word, my savior. My life's work, my parent's retirement -- everything -- he could save it all. All I needed ot do was ... sign his contract."

She sobbed now, nearly wailing with pain, in between sentences, as she continued.

"I didn't know what else to do! I... I couldn't let that happen to my parents. My parents, Emma! I signed it all over to him. All of me. Body and soul. He wrote a check, I paid off my debts, launched my app, and... it failed. We made enough to pay the devs and the intiail investors, but nowhere near enough to pay back the angel investor. Not that it mattered. I had signed myself over to him."

Her sobbing subsided and she turned to Emma and looked directly at her. She said, "I sold my soul for that money, Emma. Like, literally. To a devil. The angel investor worked for the being that now owns me. Like a certified, fire and brimstome, biblical demon, Emma. I am not joking. I'm doomed for all eternity to serve a demon and do its bidding. And I knew what I was doing when I did it, but I couldn't see any other way. I was such an idiot..."

She looked down at the coffee table and shook her head. Her voice was hollow now, defeated. She continued, "So now, I travel around the world in fabulous luxury, getting people to sign away their souls, just like what happened to me. And sometimes, Emma? Sometimes I don't close a deal; sometimes I have to... enforce a contract. and that means, when someone's time is up... I..."

She pulled her legs up onto the sofa and hugged them against her chest, hard. She began to shake and shiver, unable to speak.
Feb 25, 2025 5:15 am
- Benji -

Ignoring the ignorant tourists —despite the weather, they still come— Millicent Fawcett turns her gaze upon you (somehow, still without moving).

"Benji." She 'says' by way of greeting —apparently she knows who you are! "You have brought me my book... Wait. What is that?" She demands, spying the sheaf of papers you carry, which does not look at all like an old book. "You're not trying to trick me into reading your screenplay are you?"

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 5:26 am
Emma assumed Persephone was about to tell her how she got into escorting, and at first, everything seemed to align with the narrative she imagined: her partner, lover, and friend fleeing with all the money, then going back to the investor, signing over ‘everything’ for another chance at success.

She didn’t flinch when Pers said she ‘sold her soul to the devil’. At first, she thought it was just a metaphor. But when she insisted it was all real, Emma blinked and frowned.

The story was getting stranger and stranger by the second. What the hell was going on???

Pers sounded sincere, but the words didn’t make any sense. How could she have signed herself over to a devil? Was she having a psychotic break over everything that happened? Was she off her meds? Using drugs? The idea that she actually did sell her soul was worse than any of the more plausible options.

She didn’t rule out the possibility of demons existing. After all, she knew vampires were real, and Bev had mentioned a ‘demon hunter’ friend. But she was desperately hoping that Persephone was totally off her rocker rather than making a conscious choice to sell her soul.

Whatever the case, this was bad. Real bad. She wasn’t equipped to help her one way or the other.

She hesitated, struggling to figure out what to say. "Pers… this is horrible." She put her coffee down on the table and reached out to take her hands. She wanted to tell her everything would be okay, that they’d figure this out somehow, but she couldn’t. There was no comforting way to say everything will be okay when Pers was talking about selling her soul to a demon and spending the rest of eternity in hell. This wasn’t something she could fix with reassuring words and a tub of ice cream.

She shifted, trying to think through it. Maybe this wasn’t just a spiritual crisis. Maybe Persephone was suffering from something medical. That’s what Emma wanted to hope for at this point.

"Look, I don’t even know what to say to all of this" Her tone softened, and she rubbed her thumb over Persephone’s hand. "I think you need some rest. It’ll be good for you, at least to clear your head. Maybe things will make more sense after you get some sleep. Take a break. Take care of yourself."

She paused before continuing, unsure of how to broach the next part, but knowing she had to say it "And maybe… maybe you need to talk to a professional. A doctor? Or, a priest?" A doctor could help rule out the possibility that she is hallucinating it all, or help her if she was. And, if she really believed she made a contract with a demon, maybe a priest could guide her, help her repent, or whatever they do. Maybe that would be enough to set her mind at ease...
Feb 25, 2025 5:55 am
"No, this is the book," Benji insists. "It was inside the computer so I had to get a librarian print it out for you. I know it probably doesn’t look like you were expecting it would, but it’s still the same book. See?" Benji climbs up onto her pedestal to place the ‘book’ in Millicent’s arms, holding his umbrella over her to protect the papers from the rain.
Feb 25, 2025 6:11 am
- Benji -

"I don't trust those computers." Millicent says. "Sand that can think? Sounds like a terrible idea." You can't tell if she is messing with you.

Once up on the statue —Millicent does not seem to mind at all, but the (German) tourists tut in a very English way— you see that, tucked in behind the banner she holds, is a perspex cover. Millicent instructs you to place the book behind it, out of the elements, but first to turn to a particular page. There is a little back and forth to make sure the page numbers match on your printing.

"Well, that was nice of you, Benji." The statue says. She still looks a little dubious about the newly printed work, but it is better than nothing. It might occur to you that she will need someone to turn the page for her, reading a book could take a long time, that way, it is a good thing the statues are patient.

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 10:50 am
"Any time," says Benji, truly very pleased to have been able to help her. He hops down from the pedestal and glances up at the sky. The sun is hidden behind the rainclouds (thankfully), but it’s nearly noon and he’s beginning to feel quite sleepy. He’d been hoping to take a detour past Jacob’s bookshop on his way home (to pick up another copy of Emma’s book for Byron and to try to find some food for Snowy), so he’d better get going if he wants to get any sleep at all before Miriam comes over later. Turning back to Millicent, he bows politely and says, "It’s been a pleasure, Mrs Fawcett. I hope you enjoy the book."
Feb 25, 2025 12:18 pm
Persephone laughed bitterly. "Ha! You think I’m insane. Well, I guess I don’t blame you. I didn’t truly believe it either, not until I saw it for myself. Ok. I guess I’ll just… show you."

She sighed heavily and stood. She stepped around the coffee table and took up a position across from Emma. She looked at Emma and said, "I’m going to show you what I have become. But please, I promise I won’t hurt you, ok? You’re safe."

She called on the fell power within, imbued within by her infernal pact.


The Devil Inside - (2d6+1)

(44) + 1 = 9

Feb 25, 2025 12:44 pm
Persephone closed her eyes and, for a moment, nothing happened. No, that’s not right; something happened, but it was subtle. There was a sound, an energy, like an old CRT TV turning on, and a sudden change in air pressure in the room.

Persephone opened her eyes and they were oily black. Smoke began to flow up and out of them, forming a halo around her head. Her skin grew pale, translucent, and her bones began to shift visibly under her skin, twisting into unnatural shapes — jagged, spiky shapes — shapes for rending flesh. Her shirt tore from the jagged bones and gray, fibrous wings sprouted from her back. They resembled giant moth wings, but with wisps of smoke coming off them.

She held her arms out to her sides and spoke. Her voice sounded unnatural, an octave lower, and like there were three of her speaking at once. She said, "This is my true form, Emma. I’m… I’ve become… a monster."

And then she put her arms down and the transformation reversed. But this time, a vortex of smoke whirled around her and dissipated, leaving only Persephone, the human Persephone. Now her clothes were torn, however. And strangely, she looked revitalized. The circles beneath her eyes were gone. The color had returned to her face. She looked fresh and new.
Choosing Heal 2 harm to represent feeling rejuvenated and I guess +1 forward?
Feb 25, 2025 1:35 pm
- Benji -

Something has leaked at Jacob's and everything is wet and stinking like a bog. Mildew and fungus is growing everywhere and there is even a vine creeping out of the pool of stagnant water in what used to be Jacob's most precious part of the shop.

Emma's books were not kept in one of the secured or controlled areas and they are all mouldy and falling apart already (they don't make them like they used to). Maybe you can get one directly from her? Byron might appreciate and autographed copy?

There is nothing here that looks remotely like 'raven food'. You can take everything from the fridge and shelves and try it, though.
When you leave, you spot someone watching the place. Your personal watchers have been more open since you confronted Joe, but this guy is on another level, it is almost like they wants to get caught.

What do you do?
Feb 25, 2025 6:03 pm
Emma’s breath caught in her throat as she watched Persephone’s transformation unfold before her eyes. Part of her wanted to recoil, or flee, but a far stronger part of her was captivated by awe. She had seen things that defied logic before. She invited a vampire to bite her. She has seen Benji effortlessly lift a slab of stone that weighed several metric tons. But this… this was different. Something from beyond.

Persephone wasn’t just a person anymore. She was a monster. Translucent skin, stretched tight across jagged, deformed bones. Empty voids for eyes with smoke pouring from them. Massive smoky wings unfurling form her back, and voices that sounded like thunderous chorus.

Despite the surreal, terrifying spectacle before her, she couldn’t help but feel drawn in by it. It was beautiful, in a way. A primal presence greater than her own understanding. Terrifying, and magnificent, like looking into the heart of some cosmic force. She felt so small and insignificant, and for a brief moment, understood what it was to gaze upon something beyond humanity – not just in power, but in meaning.

When the transformation reversed and the smoky wings dissolved, Perspone looked more alive than ever, as if she transcended human vitality. She looked so much more vibrant, with the weariness gone from her face.

Emma was still reeling as she looked at her, struggling to process everything she had just witnessed.

What the hell did this all mean?

The Devil.
The creation of the world.

Was Persephone now a damned soul, or a demon in the making? Could she be saved, or was her fate to be bound for eternity in hell. She couldn’t make sense of it. Didn’t even know where to begin.

She sighed as she pushed the braided lock of hair behind her shoulder and slowly sank back down onto the couch.
"I swear, I’m like some kind of weirdness magnet" she muttered under her breath. Her voice was quiet, almost a little breathless. "This is a lot to take in."

She paused as she tried to get her thoughts in order, deciding to focus on the practical. She couldn’t comfort Persephone with empty reassurances. She couldn’t pretend she was fine with any of it. With what Pers has done to herself, and to others. But maybe… maybe there was something to be done.

"The contract you signed… I mean, you don’t seem particularly happy, right? Are you sure there’s no exit clause? No terms or conditions that could, maybe, let you out of this? How does this whole thing even work?"
Feb 25, 2025 11:07 pm
Persephone's mouth dropped open an her head tilted to one side. "You're a weirness magnet?? That's all? Huh. I guess I expected you to freak out or something."

She collapsed back onto the sofa across from Emma, looking and feeling more comfortable, energetic, and at ease that she had in weeks. She'd been avoiding taking on the demonic form; it was evil, after all, and good for nothing but death. Or so she had thought. Apparently it could also cure hangovers and sleep deprivation! It felt pretty great, actually. Persephone was equal parts excited and afraid.

She nodded as Emma asked about the contract and replied, "It's irrevocable. In principle my patron can offer me my freedom in exchange for something I might give them, or do for them. But here's the thing; everything it wants, everything it has me do, is evil. I... Emma, I had to kill a man two nights ago! I mean, I was supposed to, but I ended up just convincing him to OD. And he did! I might not have done the deed directy, but he is dead because of me."

Persephone's eyes began to well up with tears, but she shook her head in self-disgust and stopped them. She continued speaking, in a level tone.

"Every time I do something my patron wants, I lose a little of myself. If I ever do pay off my debt to my patron, I don't know if there will be any of me left...So I'm not sure waht to do."

For a moment she looked forlorn, despairing. Then a grim determination set in and she grit her teeth and frowned. She spoke again, but this time there was anger and conviction in her voice.

"No. That's not true. There is something I can do. I might be damned, but I can still use these powers to help poeple, too. There's no rule that says I can't. And first and foremost, I can help others who might be trapped by demonic power and influence. Like your friend Kat. She is a kept woman, and whoever keeps her is a demon. I'm sure of it. Now, your other friend, Sarah, I'm less sure of, but I suspect it may be something similar. Emma, I want to help them. To use my power, and influcence, to help free them."
Feb 26, 2025 2:21 am
Benji isn’t too disappointed about Emma’s book. He had wanted to take it to Emma to sign anyway, and he’s sure she probably has a spare copy lying around that she could give him. He is, however, very frustrated to find no hint at all as to what Jacob’s been feeding his raven. Jacob really could have left him some clearer instructions. He fills his pockets with a tiny bit of everything that looks even remotely like a raven might eat it.

When he leaves the shop and spots the watcher, he stops in his tracks and tilts his head curiously. "Hello?"
Feb 26, 2025 3:58 am
- Benji -

"Bebnjni? Iss phtha' you?" The figure gurgles and splutters, struggling to speak. "I hoped it would be you."

As you draw nearer you realise it is Teddy, though it is hard to recognise him through the pulped face. He has been beaten, repeatedly it seems, and peers in your direction through eyes swollen shut and crusted over with blood.

"I need your help, man." Teddy says, his speech improving as he warms up and the scabs around his mouth break and bleed allowing for more facial movement. "You owe me, man. You were never one to toe the line..." He says, reminding of the the time(s) he smoothed things over with Elliot when your eccentricities got you into trouble. "Now I need someone willing to buck the system. I can't take it anymore."

Maybe the power-vacuum left by Elliot's absence has caused more problems than you realised, insulated as you have been by your own problems. You were sort of 'independent' —compared to people like Teddy who worked directly for Elliot and his predecessors— and Elliot mostly let you get on with your life so long as you did not cause problems, but you do know that you owe fealty to the lord whose territory you operate from... and you currently don't know who that lord is, which could be bad.

What do you do?
Teddy is Cashing in a Debt. If you agree (we can hammer out the details before final agreement) you Mark Night and help him out.
You can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt if you don't want to get involved. If you don't help him you don't Mark his Circle.

I know it isn't Alasdair. • Who is taking over the vampire rulership in the area? Is there one figure most are backing, or are there many contenders to the throne?
Feb 26, 2025 5:46 am
"Yeah, I’m dealing with all sorts of craziness lately." Emma’s tone was surprisingly calm, more than it had any right to be given what she had just witnessed. But she chose not to elaborate. She didn't want to make the conversation about her.

Her eyes did narrow when Persephone spoke about the consequences of her deal, unable to hide a hint of disappointment. Persephone had sold her soul—she could understand the desperation, and that she regretted her choice. But dragging other people into it?? That crossed a line. It wasn’t just about being a victim anymore. It was no longer a 'mistake' - she was making a conscious choice to delay her reckoning at the expense of other people's immortal souls. Something in her was annoyed with seeing her crying for herself, knowing what she was choosing to do was basically worse than murder.

She pushed those feelings aside. Emma was good at compartmentalizing inconvenient truths, especially when she couldn’t do anything about them.

"Demons exist, right? Does that mean Jesus does too? What else is out there?" she didn't expect Pers to answer, but to give her some food for thought "Maybe there is another way to break this contract. But your patron probably hasn’t told you about it because—why would he? It benefits him to keep you bound to him. There has to be more to it, and we need to find someone who knows about this kind of stuff, because honestly, I don’t think we have the full picture here."

She stiffened when Pers mentioned Kat. Part of her didn’t want to believe her new friend could ALSO be involved with demons (what were the odds?) But she couldn’t ignore what Persephone was saying: "I can tell you who Kat is associating with, but be careful. You can’t just waltz in and confront him. He’s a very powerful man."

It was surprising just how much information Pers was able to glean in that short interaction with Kat and Sarah. Maybe someone with Pers demonic nature had a supernatural sense about these things.

"And about Sarah…" she sighed softly "I was just about to head to her apartment to try to get some answers myself. I’ve got a roommate I need to talk to too." She decided to let Persephone in on a bit of what she knew. There was no harm in it, really. "Sarah’s been fed on by a vampire. Multiple times. That’s why I took her in. To protect her. But I’m worried that whoever sees her as his property might come back to ‘reclaim’ her."
Feb 26, 2025 7:26 am
Persephone shrugged at Emma’s theological questions. "I dunno? I mean, yeah, they’re demons, but they don’t seem especially Biblical or anything. I assume angels exist to counterbalance the demons but, maybe not? Who said the universe had to be balanced?"

She shook her head in doubt at the topic of breaking the contract. "Maybe?? Sure don’t know about it. I guess we could do research? I don’t even know where to begin with that…"

When Kat and Sarah came up, Pers replied, "yeah of course he’s powerful. He’s either a demon or a senior henchman to be putting off that much infernal stink. But yeah, I’ll be careful."

After that, all she could says is, "Wait WHAT? Or you telling me vampires are REAL? Ohmigod… heeeyyy wait a minute! Was your book… like, a field report???"
Feb 26, 2025 8:20 am
"Gosh, my first book?" She put an emphasis on the word 'first', since her next novel was indeed very much a personal journal chronicling her life. "No... I got so many things wrong back then. I didn’t know the first thing about vampires." She let out a soft sigh "But when I started researching for my new novel, someone reached out. He claimed to be a real-life vampire, and proposed an exclusive interview." She paused, her fingers idly brushing her hair. She could have told her about her meeting with the vampire lord. How she carefully designed tomake herself irresistible to him. How she allowed him to feed from her. His growing obsession. But what did it matter now? She didn’t want to dwell on these details right now, and besides; Eliot was gone, and it didn’t look like he was ever coming back.

"So here I am," she brought herself back to the moment "I’ve gotten a lot better at spotting them in a crowd since then. And their victims..." She made a reference to Sarah, without speaking her name.

She looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the pouring rain. The dull gray sky, obscuring the light of the sun for so many days now. She drifted for a moment before turning her eyes back at Pers.

"There is so much more going on, but I haven’t had time to look into them yet. Everything’s moving so fast." She gave a small shrug, like the chaos was just another part of her life she was getting used to.

"But I know a few people. I can ask around if you want. There’s definitely someone out there who knows more than what you are being told"
Feb 26, 2025 5:47 pm
Persephone raised her hand in disbelief and asked, "Wait a minute. You got contacted by an elder vampire... for an interview? Wasn't that... from that book? By the romance author? What was her name..." She waved it off and focused on the topic at hand.

She again raised her hands up next to her face in confusion and exclaimed, "Wait, what‽ You 'know people' who might be able to help me with my demon problem?! You know vampires?? Emma! What is happening with you?"

She shook her head in disbelief and then looked at Emma and said, "How did we get involved in all this?!" She sighed. "I miss when we could just go shopping together and talk about our crushes and that big Brit Lit essay we were working on... I miss our friendship. How can we find our way back to that, with ... all this in our lives now?"

She looked sad and added, "And Emma, I'm sorry. I've... I've been selfish, and stupid, and I should have reached out a long time ago. And I should have told you. And... Well, I'm sorry." She reached out a hand to squeeze Emma's.
Feb 26, 2025 7:17 pm
"Anne Rice?" Emma stifled a smile. Obviously, she knew the author. She read all her books; not only the famous ‘Interview with a Vampire’ from the Vampire Chronicles, but the other book series as well, including the ones which were mostly smut. "Her books are obviously all fictional. Real vampires aren’t suave 19th-century gentlemen seducing innocent maidens. They’re predators. Like sharks. Or snakes"

She said it with a casual shrug, as though discussing the nature of supernatural predators was just another day in her life. Unlike Persephone, Emma embraced the supernatural world with an almost giddy fascination, reveling in the strangeness of it all. She wasn’t bound to hell, after all, so she wasn’t overwhelmed by doom and gloom like her friend.

"Are you kidding me?" her lips curled into a smile when Pers reminisced about the old times "We have much more interesting stuff to gossip about now!! And you should see the red dress I got for the recent gala. Even vampires could feel their blood running hot in their icy veins looking at me!"

She instinctively hesitated for just a split second when Pers reached to grasp her hand. Pers was a monster, and something primal inside her recoiled at her touch. But once she overcame the sensation, she pushed the thought out of her mind and folded her other hand over Persephone's, trying to reassure her: "Hey, don’t worry about it. You weren’t in London anyways until recently, right?"
Feb 26, 2025 10:41 pm
"Teddy!" Benji exclaims, dismayed. "What happened? Are you alright? Here, let’s get you inside…"

Encouraging the much bigger vampire to lean on him for support, Benji unlocks Jacob’s shop again and helps Teddy inside. Carefully stepping around the stagnant pool of water, he sits Teddy down on a dry-ish part of the floor and dashes upstairs to look for a first aid kit or something of the sort. When he returns, he has some bandages, a bottle of disinfectant, and a bag of frozen peas to help with the pain and the swelling. He hands the peas to Teddy.
Some more info on the other vampire lords:

Aurelia: Aurelia is the oldest vampire in London. She is Roman, but it’s not known if she’s lived in London since its beginning or moved there later. While some vampires become feral or go mad as they get older, she has become inhumanly cold and detached. The lives and concerns of mortals are insignificant to her and even other vampires are tools to be used or disposed of as needed. She rules everything south of the river. She was not at the party at Arundel, probably because it was of little interest to her.

Lady Ravenhall: A Victorian-era aristocrat in her former life, Lady Ravenhall controls the territory to the west of Elliot’s, although they frequently squabbled over borders. Originally given Kensington and Chelsea when they divided up the former Vampire Queen’s territory, she recently expanded her territory into Elliot’s to include parts of Westminster as well. She surrounds herself with a ‘court’ of other vampire nobles.

Nicholas Flinders: Nicholas is a hedonistic playboy, turned as a young man in the 1920s. He is generally friendly and easygoing (he just wants to have fun!), but his impulsiveness and lack of self control means that his mortal friends and lovers do not tend to live long. His territory encompasses the parts of the City of London not controlled by Elliot and a majority of the East End.

Hawthorn: Reclusive and mysterious, Hawthorn lives in an old manor house in the north of London, which he has not left in a decade. He does not receive guests (except for meals) and he is rarely seen by anyone except his loyal servants. Nevertheless, his name commands great respect among the vampires of London. His territory borders Elliot’s to the north.
Last edited February 27, 2025 1:47 am
Feb 27, 2025 7:22 am
- Benji -

Teddy looks around Jacob's place desultorily, without paying as much attention to the fascinating place as it deserves. Once cleaned up enough to talk without spitting blood all over the place he addresses your question.

"It's a mess, Benji." Teddy says, holding the frozen peas to the side of his face. You can see the he is missing some teeth, including one of his fangs.

"I can't say I was a fan of Elliot. And not only because it is not ... politically expedient ... " He has to think for a moment about that term. "But things were calm, and everybody got to eat." You know that a feeding could have fixed Teddy right up, so, clearly, he has not been able to feed.

"You haven't heard anything about him, have you?" Teddy asks in a quiet whisper. "No? Too bad. I got myself assigned here, watching Jacob's place, in the hopes that you would come by. There are stories that this Jacob guy may have been involved?" He watches you for a reaction. "He was at the party Elliot went missing from... or failed to attend —no one can say for sure which, since none of us were there." There may be little accusation there about the fact you got an invite while others didn't, you don't know the details of how this was decided or if some chose not to come, Alasdair's story of being pressured into attending conflicts somewhat with these facts.

"Lady Ravenhall put a stop to Aurelia's advance." He says. "But the Lady did not take charge, she left us to her lieutenants to squabble over. Some sort of test or worthiness for promoting —at our expense?" He speculates. Lots of people were angry with Elliot's rise to power and wouldn't hesitate to take it out on those who served him —and you may be counted among them— and vampires can be cruel.

"We have to prove ourselves. Every time. If we want to eat, we have to do something for one of the lieutenants ... and hope another does not learn of it... and we get beaten if they don't like something about what we offer.

"A big question... though they are trying to keep it quite... is: 'Where is Elliot?' 'Who took him out?' 'Why now?'" He looks at you pleadingly, if you knew anything it could greatly help his situation. "It wasn't a coup, else they would have been better prepared for the takeover? Right? And they would not be quite so interested in the details of what did happen? Right?" Teddy was never what one would call a great thinker, so these ideas would need to be pretty prevalent and obvious in the courts for him to be speculating about them.

What do you do?
Feb 27, 2025 11:59 am
Benji winces sympathetically at the sight of Teddy’s missing fang. Those take a while to grow back. "Ravenhall’s people did this to you? Why not go to one of the others for help? I mean, not Aurelia, obviously, and Hawthorn won’t see you, but Nicholas is… nice. You could offer to work for him. He would treat you better than this, at least."

He sits down cross-legged on the floor next to Teddy as he thinks over the implications of everything Teddy’s told him. Frankly, he would have preferred that Aurelia take over, rather than Lady Ravenhall. She’s terrifying, sure, but she doesn’t really take much notice of things that don’t affect her or her schemes and she’s not vindictive like Ravenhall is. It would have been easy to simply stay out of her way and avoid her notice. Ravenhall, on the other hand, is petty. She hated Elliot and she’s clearly taking that out on his subordinates. Benji really hopes she doesn’t think that includes him...

In any case, this seems like a great time to hunker down in his lair under the station and wait for things to calm down a little. That’s what he did when they all killed the Vampire Queen anyway. But there’s other things going on this time, and people that need his help – Lizabeth, Miriam, Emma… even Teddy. He can’t just abandon them, can he?

Regarding Elliot: "Personally, I think he was kidnapped by faeries," Benji confides in Teddy, seriously. "I don’t have any evidence or anything. It’s just what I think." He shrugs.
Feb 27, 2025 12:12 pm
- Benji -

"They kill defectors." Teddy responds to your suggestion of doing just that. "Flinders doesn't want to cross Ravenhall. He is scared, I think, though some say there is something else going on there. If I had something to offer him I might try, though. Or even Aurelia if I get desperate enough, but why would they want me?" Teddy has been a good, reliable worker for Elliot, but that does not translate well into a selling-point for his enemies.

"Why would fairies kidnap Elliot?" Teddy asks. It is a change to not get push-back of the 'there are no fairies in London' type, vampires have long memories, and it has not been that long since fairies were a problem.

What do you do?
Feb 27, 2025 12:48 pm
"Well... Alasdair thinks it’s the faeries that are causing the rain. If they’re trying to sow discord, kidnapping Elliot certainly achieves that, right?" says Benji. "Hey, there’s an idea! Maybe you could hide underground with Alasdair and the others down there. I suppose Ravenhall would still want to kill you, but you’d be very difficult to find. It sounds better than getting your fangs kicked in every time you want to eat, anyhow."
Feb 27, 2025 12:53 pm
- Benji -

"Really? Underground with that mossback?" Teddy asks. "Eating rats? Would you do that?"

He eyes you eagerly, now that you have brought up the subject. "Do ... you do you have anyone to eat?" He asks. "I'm starving here."

• What happens when a vampire does not get to eat for half a week?

What do you do?
Feb 27, 2025 3:19 pm
Persephone listened in amazement as Emma described her experience with vampires. "Oooh you have to show me that dress, then!" she commented.

When Emma mentioned how long Persephone had been in London, however, her eyes dropped. In a small voice, she said, "I've... been here for over a month. I saw you in the coffee shop before, but I couldn't bring myself to approach you. I had missed your wedding, I had let us drift apart, I was... a fricking demon... So it took me a little while to build up the courage to 'accidentally' run into you at the cofee shop that day. Emma..." she raised her eyes to meet Emma's again. "I'm so glad I did. You've given me something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope."
Feb 27, 2025 4:57 pm
"My wedding was months ago, and you weren't in London. Don't stress over it" Emma certainly didn't "I'll ask around about this whole demon thing, see if I can dig up something useful. I know a few people who might know more about what you're dealing with. Might take a little while, but I’ll try to get some answers" she promised

She glanced at her phone and noted the time, already mentally gearing up for her next errand. Someone else she promised to help. She picked up her coffee and finished it quickly, a little surge of energy before dealing with a bit more madness

"I’ve gotta get going. I’m heading to Sarah’s apartment to see if I can find any clues about what’s going on with her" she stood up, pausing for a moment as she gathered her thoughts "You're welcome to join me if you want. But if you do, follow my lead on this, okay?" Her eyes sparkled with that mix of excitement and mischief she always wore when she was heading into something unpredictable.
Feb 27, 2025 5:16 pm
Persephone nodded and looked up at Emma as she stood. And for the first time since they'd reconnected, Emma saw Persephone smile authentically, without pain clouding her eyes.

She said, "I'd like to come. I want to help. But...uh... I wrecked my clothes. Lemme change!"

She dashed off to the bedroom. Emma heard her rifling through things and saw the occasional rumpled garment tossed past the open door. A few minutes later, Persephone returned, dressed more properly. She wore a thick heather gray turtleneck and a black raincoat, with loose charcoal-color pants, and some expensive urban walkers that were good for the wet.
[ +- ] Her outfit
She grabbed an umbrella near the door -- one of those large, wind-proof ones, with a glossy wood-grain handle -- and looked at her outfit, and Emma's. She said, "Do we look too twinsies? We could be, like, the fashion police here. Detectives Emma and Persephone are on the case!"
Feb 27, 2025 6:28 pm
"Nothing like saving the day and looking fabulous while doing it" she smirked when Pers joined her in matching outfit. Grabbing her own umbrella, she walked out of the apartment and waited for Pers to lock the door behind them
@vagueGM mentioned Sarah lived in a 'bad part of the city', but I have no idea where in greater London that could be.
Feb 27, 2025 10:08 pm
Benji’s mentioned that he only feeds once a day and even that is more than is strictly necessary. I think the vampires who live underground like Alasdair feed on humans pretty infrequently (maybe once a week, if not less), because being able to maintain control of themselves around humans isn’t a priority for them. I think Teddy would be physically fine to go half a week without feeding, although his ability to stop himself from attacking random humans when the opportunity arises would be dwindling and he might be suffering mentally from the constant gnawing hunger. Also, because they’re undead, vampires’ bodies can’t heal on their own at all (not even at a normal human rate) without feeding on the living, so Teddy’s injuries won’t heal until he feeds.
"If I were in your position, certainly! But maybe not the eating rats part… I like rats an awful lot. Does Alasdair really eat rats, do you think?" Benji is quite upset by the idea—far more upset than he is at the idea of Alasdair killing and eating humans.

When Teddy asks if he has anyone to eat, Benji says, "Possibly, but won’t they notice you’ve fed without permission if your injuries heal?"
Last edited February 27, 2025 10:08 pm
Feb 28, 2025 3:18 am
- Benji -

"Oh... er ... yeah..." Teddy says about the healing. "But I am starving.

"What if I don't go back?" He says, not actually coming out and saying he wants to join you in your (perceived) 'independence', as that would be defecting... but, if the opportunity were there he would jump ship in a moment.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 3:46 am
Benji frowns. ‘Not going back’ was exactly what he’d been suggesting, but Teddy hadn’t liked any of his ideas about that. "…What are you asking for, Teddy?"
Feb 28, 2025 4:11 am
- Benji -

Teddy deflates when you don't take the hint, step up your Status and take him under your protection. He is the sort of person that needs someone to tell him what to do, and would not survive as an independent. He would much rather the decisions and dealing with the aristocracy be done by someone else.

"I can't keep going on like this!" He wails, and you can guess he is speaking more about denying his appetites than about the beatings. "I'm going to snap, man!" He is a good guy —by vampire and thug standards— but his concern is still probably more about the unsanctioned feeding than about any harm it might do to who he feeds on.

"If you could... let me have a little taste of one of yours... we can... I don't know... bloody me up again afterwards so they don't know?" This ruse only has a small chance of working, and you know it will come back to bite one or both of you in the ass.

"Or, if I can bring back some valuable information ... maybe about your demon friend," he looks around the shop for anything that he can glean now that you have brought him past the threshold, but does not know what to look for in this, 'public', section. "They let us eat if we prove ourselves."

What do you do?
He is Cashing in the Debt you owe him, he already alluded to it but was hoping you would help of your own accord.
He is asking for a a favor, or for answers, though he would have settled for a Debt on someone above him as leverage if you had any.

If you don't want to —or feel you can't— help him, you can try to Refuse to Honor a Debt, maybe putting it off till a later time.

You can't expect the other NPCs to solve this for you, so suggesting he go ask them for help does not count (even if he were to do it).

If you took responsibility for his wellbeing and took him under your protection that would elevate you to Status 2, but that would be a very tentative Status. You could solidify it with an Advance, or in the fiction.
Feb 28, 2025 5:08 am
Sarah's apartment was located in a grimy concrete building with a facade covered in graffiti and peeling posters for local clubs. The narrow alley to its side reeked of alcohol, urine, and wet cardboard boxes. With the umbrella held high above her head to shield her from the pouring rain, Emma fumbled through the pocket of her raincoat and fished out her phone, so she could remind herself of the apartment number before ringing the buzzer.
Feb 28, 2025 5:15 am
- Emma and Persephone -

There is no answer to the buzzer, and no indication that it even buzzed. You do notice that the building door is propped discretely open with a half-brick.

Peering through you see a bouncer-looking man pounding on Sarah's door. "Chablis! Sarah! I know you're in there!" He shouts. "The boss is getting right pissed! Poor Amy and Diamond have been covering your shifts! Diamond had to bring her kid in yesterday, and you know I don't like that! Open up!"

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 5:26 am
Calmly stepping up to the door, Emma stood next to the big burly man and glanced at him briefly, giving him a knowing nod. She waited patiently to see if anyone would open the door, or for him to give up and leave, so she could try her own method to coax Chablis out.
Feb 28, 2025 5:33 am
- Emma -

The man gives you a professional once-over, apparently approving of what he sees. "You a friend of the ladies?" He asks. "You looking for work? Pretty girl like you, we can find you something."

There is no sign of life from inside.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 5:35 am
Persephone followed Emma toward and into the building, stepping carefully around various bits of gross debris. When they arrived at the hallway to Sarah's apartment and saw the man banging on the door, Pers leant over to Emma and asked, "Chablis? Is that Sarah's roommate? Or...? And who is this odious man? I don't care for him at all."

Persephone stood back, tense and on guard, as Emma stepped up to the door. Something inside Persephone wanted violence, but she ignored that. For now.
Feb 28, 2025 5:50 am
When the slimeball propositioned Emma and her, Persephone stepped forward aggressively. She was struggling to contain the demon as it surged forward, smelling blood. "Oh, pretty girls like us can find work, huh? The folks I work for would eat you for lunch, you scumbag."

She stepped closer to the man looking up at him with disgust. She said, "I have a friend, very near by, who tears people apart for a living. And I mean that quite literally. If I call him, he will come, quickly, and you won't like what happens next. So why don't you run along now, and leave Sarah alone for a while, ok?"
I suppose I am trying to Persuade an NPC with a threat!
Feb 28, 2025 6:04 am
Emma stepped in front of Pers to deliberately take the focus away from her friend. "What’s the matter with you, Claire?" she didn't bother hiding the anger in her voice "I can use the money"

She gave the bouncer a once-over, trying to reassure him with a submissive smile "I’ve got bills to pay. What kind of work are we talking about here? If Sarah could do it, I'm sure I could, too"

She could feel Persephone’s gaze on her, and though she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the turn the situation had taken, she gave her a quick warning glance.
Feb 28, 2025 6:42 am
- Emma and Persephone Claire —

"Whoa! Claire." He says, raising his hands in a 'keep calm' manner that seems very practiced. "No offence meant. No harm done." His eyes dart around the hall for these friends of yours, not wanting any trouble.

"Let's start again?" He says to Emma. "I'm Gene. What's your name?"

Then, by way of explanation: "I am just checking up on Sarah. We all care about the girl, and she has been missing for a couple of days... and erratic for a while before that, too. Do you know if she is alright. We are all worried."

His priority seems to be more on finding out about Sarah —and Chablis, but you did not indicate you knew her, so he is focusing on the 'knowns'— than in recruiting more girls right now.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 6:50 am
"Bella" she gave Gene a polite smile and a fake name as she shook his hand "Nice to meet you, Gene."

She paused for a beat, glancing back toward Persephone to make sure she was staying in the background, or at least following her lead, like she specifically asked her to back in her apartment "We’re friends of Sarah’s" she continued "but we haven’t heard from her in days. We thought we’d drop by, see if she was alright."

She shifted slightly, focusing in on his earlier words "You said she’s been ‘erratic’—what exactly do you mean by that?"
Feb 28, 2025 7:19 am
- Emma Bella -

"You know: Showing up late for work. Forgetting conversations we had 'yesterday'. Forgetting my birthday!" The last one seems to really bother him.

"She's been withdrawn and not wanting to talk. We thought it might be trouble back home, but her folks know nothing... not that they..." He sighs but stops himself before saying something bad about people who are not here to defend themselves.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 7:48 am
"You must have been pretty close" she murmured. Gene knew Sarah's parents. She was expected to remember his birthday. It seemed like Sarah had opened up to him in ways she hadn’t to Emma. She let that hang in the air for a moment, then continued in a more casual tone: "We only know her through a mutual... friend"

She glanced down at the door, then back to Gene "I guess if she’s not answering, there’s not much we can do here" She shrugged lightly, as if it wasn’t a big deal "So, are you really looking for new girls?"
Feb 28, 2025 9:54 am
- Emma -

Gene shrugs when you comment oh how close he was with Sarah, as if to say "we work together". He looks disappointed when you comment that you don't know more. "And... your mutual friends? They don't know anything?" He asks.

He sighs in agreement about being stymied by the lack of answer. He bends and slips a folded note through the crack at the bottom, preparing to leave.

"We are always looking for new talent, if you are interested." He says, but his heart isn't in it, like he is just fulfilling quota expectations.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 12:30 pm
Persephone stood back and watched Emma handle the situation much more deftly that Persephone would have, with her stormy feelings muddling her good sense. She had not been the type to choose violence before; but since taking the demon form this morning, she’s had a craving for a fight.

Persephone played along. "Sorry, I… I thought you trying to hurt Sarah. Bella’s right; we are looking for work. Whatever you got."
Feb 28, 2025 3:01 pm
Persephone struggled to keep her cool…


Keep your cool +Spirit - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Feb 28, 2025 3:51 pm
Stepping a little closer, Emma let her hand brush lightly over Gene's as she spoke, a playful yet needy edge to her voice.
"Come on, aren't we pretty enough for you?"


Lend a Hand or Get In The Way - Power - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Feb 28, 2025 3:59 pm
- Emma -

"'Pretty' I got plenty of." Gene says, still nervous about 'Claire's' threats about 'tearing people apart' [ref], even if, obviously, not 'literally'. "Got more than enough crazy, too, more than I can handle."

He sighs. "I was just checking on a friend." He says under his breath. "Was not planning on doing auditions ... in a place like this." Turning to you he says. "OK. Let's see what you are working with. Lose the coat and give us a twirl? Can you dance... oh, who am I kidding? Like that matters."

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 4:32 pm
So, Sarah is a stripper. That means the vampire feeding on her could be any one of her regulars. Emma's desire to get into the club only grew stronger. She was eager to talk to people close to her, see what clues she could uncover.

Since a turtleneck was far less revealing than any of her club dresses, and she was never shy about showing off her body, she smoothly removed her coat, letting it drop to the floor with a quiet rustle. Her sweater huged her form, flattering her curves while still leaving much to the imagination. She shifted slightly, turning her body sideways so he could get a better appreciation of her silhouette.

"... do you like what you see?" she teased him, knowing that confidence was part of the game.
[ +- ] No Coat!
Feb 28, 2025 5:41 pm
Persephone stepped back, allowing Emma to run the show. She watched her manipulate this man like a pro.

Where did she learn all this?? I’ve never seen her like this before. She’s really changed too, apparently.

Persephone recounted to herself what she knew about this situation.

So, Sarah is an exotic dancer, with a greasy but apparently kind manager. But a vampire has been feeding in her — maybe a regular customer. So Emma’s plan is to… become a dancer too? In hopes of … what? Being the next victim? Why can’t we just go as customers on the next night Sarah is scheduled to dance? See who shows up? Wait a minute… does Emma know how to spot vampires? Because unless they look like Bella Lugosi or something, I have no idea.

Persephone suddenly felt very out of her depth. She chuckled ruefully at that; after all, just an hour ago, she was prepared to rock Emma’s world. But now, it seems, the tables were turned.

Huh, she’s actually a good dancer. She might pull this off!
Mar 1, 2025 4:05 am
- Emma -

"Hmm... Yes. That's enough. Your very pretty, but you know that." Gene says. While his eyes roved over your body you got the impression of professionalism and a lack of interest that could border on insulting. "You've got good moves, too. But no training? Natural talent." His eyes flick to your eyebrows, though he shrugs away whatever thought caused that.

"You're not a 'package deal', are you?" He asks, hoping he does not need to take Crazy-Claire as well. "Who am I kidding. We need dancers, with Sarah and Chablis missing. So come by the club and see the boss." He hands you a card.

• What is the strip-club called? Have you heard of it? Been there?

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 4:06 am
- Persephone -

You made a bad impression. You are hot, but, as Gene said, hot is easy to come by, and you are more than a little scary at the moment.

Gene does not ask you to perform, or remove your coat. If you want to redeem yourself you will need to take the initiative. Or you could tag along to Emma's call-back audition and pretend you were invited.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 4:26 am
Here’s the rolls!


Put a Face to a Name - Ravenhall - (2d6+2)

(55) + 2 = 12

Put a Face to a Name - Nicholas - (2d6+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Put a Face to a Name - Aurelia - (2d6+2)

(51) + 2 = 8

Put a Face to a Name - Hawthorn - (2d6+2)

(16) + 2 = 9

Mar 1, 2025 4:58 am
Gene's strictly professional interest in her did sting for a bit, but she shakes it off quickly, assuming he wasn't interested in women at all "Velvet Sin" Emma looks at the card, noting that the club was just around the corner, before slipping it into her purse. She never heard of the place, but she always avoided strip clubs. Not that she had any problem with nudity (the show she took her in-laws to watch had its fair share), but she preferred the idea that the dancers wanted to be there, something she couldn’t always guarantee in places like these.

"Let's go check it out" she hinted to Pers as she picked up her coat "Morning's always the best time to talk to the boss. Night's the busiest. You know how it goes" She keeps her voice light, hoping Pers will get the drift.

"So, what kind of people come to Velvet Sin?" She gives him a quick glance, feigning concern about the kind of money she might be making, but actually, her real interest lies with understanding what kind of clientele frequents the club "Is it a good gig?"
the last couple of questions will be asked on the way over there, assuming Pers doesn't want to put on a show of her own.
Mar 1, 2025 5:09 am
- Emma -

"True. Though the boss can be a bad mood in the morning, so be... er ... gentle. Morning is the time for bills, and no one likes bills.

"I have to be sure." Gene says, considering how much you seem to know about the biz, as well as Claresephone's suggestions that you, maybe, had connections. "You aren't already with another club, are you? I don't want no trouble."

Gene considers the quality of your clothes, doubtful about how good a gig it is for someone like yourself. "Honestly. The pay is not great, you will need to rely a lot on tips, and the size of the tips depends a lot on how you treat the patrons. We don't allow the bad type, those who think big tipping gives them licence be a dick, even if it could mean more money. We look after our girls... or try to." He says this last bit while glancing back at Sarah's door, a concerned look on his face.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 6:39 am
Persephone stood by, feeling foolish. She swallowed her pride and spoke up.

"Pardon me, I... I wanted to apologize, sir. I only met Sarah recently and got the impression that she was struggling, possibly in trouble. When I came around the corner and saw you banging on the door with a raised voice, well, I thought you were the source of her trouble. I can see now that you are the opposite; you are her friend. So I am sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion; I was just trying to help Sarah."

She shrugs sheepishly and adds, "And I would approeciate a chance to audiiton as well...Here, how about this?"

Persephone removes her coat, hands it to Emma, and steps back. She bends forward, placing her hands on the floor, and goes into a handstand in the middle of the hallway. As she does so, she slowly brings her legs into forward splits, and then returning to standing.

She looks at Emma, shrugs, and says, "Mom wanted me to be a gymnast."
Mar 1, 2025 7:06 am
- Persephone -

Your loose grey jersey [ref] falls 'down' as you invert, possibly revealing more than you planned of what is underneath. You can almost hear Gene thinking 'I'm sure your mother would be proud', but he refrains from insults.

"Do you have any idea what's troubling Sarah?" He asks, experimenting with a civil conversation, but not committing to more till he sees how it goes. "She just suddenly vanished. When did you meet her? Where?"

Gene is still suspicious about why you care about someone you just met, and does not know if he believes your reasons for visiting. He will be watching how you act and what you do.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 7:29 am
Persephone stands back up and tries to regain her dignity, but she largely fails.

She looks at Emma, almost apologetically, and says, "OK look. I met Sarah at a party the other night and she seemed upset. Someone said that a customer of hers had been showing ... more interest than Sarah was comfortable with, acting like he owned her. And I... well, I have experience being owned, treated like property, not getting to decide what I do with my body. So I wanted to help. Like, I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else, ok? But it sounds like you're trying to look out for her, and that makes me feel a lot better about your club."
If it isn't clear, Persephone is authentically trying to be honest and vulnerable here, without confusing the guy with unnecessary details.
Mar 1, 2025 7:31 am
Emma let out an inward sigh. She’d tried her best to steer the conversation away from Sarah, shifting the focus to the club and its clientele. But as soon as Persephone mentioned Sarah’s name again, Gene’s attention circled back to that topic, and they were back to square one. Now they would need to tell more lies, and each one had the potential to unravel their whole story.

"We last saw her about a week ago, at our mutual friend’s place" she kept her tone casual "She seemed pretty withdrawn, so no surprise she went there for a little 'pick-me-up.'" She shrugged and allowed Gene to fill in the blanks as she unfolded her umbrella and stepped out into the street. The walk to the club was short, thankfully, so she wouldn’t have to endure much more of his questioning.

"When was the last time you saw her? And where?" she asked in return. She was intentionally keeping him distracted and running the clock, letting him answer her questions until they were practically at the door.
Mar 1, 2025 7:54 am
- Persephone -

"I am very sorry you had to go through that." Gene says, softening a little towards you.

"Who said that, and which 'customer'?" He asks. "I didn't observe any problems with any of our regulars." He sounds genuinely distraught at the idea that he might have missed something like that happening, it is a common enough occurrence that he is hyper-vigilant about anyone paying any one girl too much attention.

He is still a little suspicious about your desire to work at a strip-club under those terms. 'Being told what to do with your body' is pretty much the job description.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 7:55 am
- Emma -

"'Pick-me-up'?" He demands. "What do you mean? Her erratic behavior made me suspect drugs, but Sarah never did anything like that before, and I did not get the impression... well... in truth, I did not ask." He sounds disappointed with himself. "It is a difficult topic to broach, ye'know.

"Who was this 'mutual friend'?" He asks. "Do they know anything about where she is?"

Gene will confirm that the last time he saw Sarah was the night before you spirited her away, that she was supposed to work that night when she was in your apartment, and that she just did not show, went r'adio silence' on her phone. Chablis worked that night without Sarah, pulled a double (which means twice as many dances in the same timeframe, not a longer shift), but then failed to show up the following night.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 8:07 am
"I asked him if he's seen her, and he didn't" She was going to leave it at that. Gene couldn't expect that she would tell him the name of every one of her associates. They've only just met! "We will let you know if there is any sign of her" she hoped that would be the end of the conversation, but either way, she was determined not to answer any more of his questions.
Mar 1, 2025 1:17 pm
Persephone followed Emma as she walked with the man toward the door, hoping to avoid any further questioning as well. She added only, "I'm sorry, I don't know his name."

She nodded in agreement when Emma asked him to let her know if there's any sign of her and turned to leave.
Mar 1, 2025 2:17 pm
- Emma and Persephone -

In the stark light of day the strip-club looks dingy and uninviting. Gene nods to the bouncer at the door and leads you round back, to the staff entrance where a security guard lets you in.

Even this early in the morning you can hear 'music' thumping in the main room, and the kitchens are ... well, not quite 'bustling', but cooking. Apparently they are open during the day.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Gene pauses to ask, giving you a chance to back out. "Or maybe I treat you to one of our famous steak sandwiches and we leave it at that? Hey?"

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 2:31 pm
"You're going to make me think you don't want us to sign with you" it was very odd of Gene to try to dissuade them after the 'audition' back at Sarah's apartment. She gave him a once over, before nodding "We're already here, so we might as well meet your boss and see what he has to offer us"
anything I can roll to see why Gene had a sudden change of heart?
Mar 1, 2025 3:02 pm
- Emma (and Persephone?) -

"OK." Gene shrugs and leads you through the kitchen to an office. A corridor leads one way to the dark interior of the club, and the other way to the changeing-rooms. He knocks on the office door, and then sticks his head inside, says a few words and hurriedly withdraws, indicating with a 'telephone' hand gesture that you will have to wait.

A few minutes later a bellow of "Gene!" from inside welcomes you to the office of the Velvet Sin. The boss is an old-looking, bald man with loose skin —as though he recently lost a tremendous amount of weight. He glares at you three for disturbing him.

"This is Bella... and Claire." Gene tells his boss. "They are friends of Sarah's and want to be dancers."

"Do they know where Sarah has run off to?" The boss snaps. "I still have her paycheck!" He waves at the mess of papers on his desk and makes it sound like not collecting one's paycheck is the most serious thing someone can do. "Are those the names you want to dance under?" He demands. "Half the girls use fake names. I don't care, we don't deal with the tax-man, here. But I only want to learn one name, OK, I can't be changing all the time, I get confused and use the wrong one and then there is trouble."

He has not given you a moment to answer, and instead presses a button on one of the phones on his desk and asks: "Who's in the club?" The deep, rumbling voice replies: "Frank... and Marty." The boss turns back to the three of you. "They are not picky. You want to work now? Give Crystal a break? Call it an on-the-job audition."

What do you do?
Delirium says:
anything I can roll to see why Gene had a sudden change of heart?
It's neither sudden nor a change of heart, Gene has been unsure if this is a good fit for you all along [ref]. You are not dressed like the usual desperate women who come to this line of work.
Mar 1, 2025 3:25 pm
Emma briefly scanned the room, taking in the disorganization and general lack of care. Papers scattered across the desk, the unsophisticated approach to business. This club clearly wasn’t raking in the big money. The 'boss' (who hadn't even thought to introduce himself), didn't ask for any ID to make sure they were of age, if only to make sure he covered his fat ass. His lax attitude said it all; she had no illusions that this was a high-end establishment, and she wouldn't be surprised if there were a few illicit activities going on in the back rooms.

There was no point trying to interrogate this guy; he was too busy running things into the ground to answer their questions, and they could only raise his suspicion by staying in his office. She would have have better luck searching the locker room or any backrooms they might have for clues. Maybe some of the other dancers had seen or heard something useful.

"Sure; where do we change?"
Mar 1, 2025 4:05 pm
Persephone followed along with Emma, wondering why they were doing this. When told they could perform immediately, Persephone froze. She stood there silently and watched Emma truly commit to this, going further than Persephone was willing to go. She did not share that now, however. Rather, she planned to accompany Emma to the changing area and speak to her about it there.
Mar 2, 2025 5:36 am
- Emma and Persephone -

"Changeroom. That way." The boss says pointing out and down the corridor with the phone he just 'answered' before putting to his ear with a "What!?"

Gene shuffles you out. "I did warn you you may catch Ray in a bad mood." He says by way of apology. You note that the door to the boss' office is clear glass so he can see anyone trying to sneak down to the changerooms, and the kitchen staff stop what they are doing and eye you suspiciously till they see Gene with you and relax.

"You know what you are doing?" Gene asks. "If you need any help Crystal will be in in..." He listens to the song, counting. "three and a half minutes." He says, being rather precise, and also giving you some privacy to get changed, which might be strange given that he is expecting you to take it all off in front of him and others right afterwards.

If you ask Gene to show you around he will come in, else the changeroom is a safe women's space, it seems.

• What does the changeroom look like? Is everyone's locker labeled or do you have to dig through piles to find anything, or is it a little bit of both with the intent to have neatness undermined by an under-staffed lack of time?

What do you do?
You probably don't have long before Gene or Ray have to wonder what you are doing or Crystal returns.
If you want to search the place you will need to Keep Your Cool, possibly to see how much you can systematically get through, or how much you can find vs miss in a frantic search, or if you can avoid getting caught; all depending on how you describe what you are doing.
Mar 2, 2025 6:07 am
The first thing Emma noticed when she stepped into the changeroom was the smell. It was stale and musky, barely hidden beneath a thick cloud of cheap perfume. The room itself was small, rundown, and clearly hadn’t been properly maintained in ages. The walls were lined with lockers—some labeled, some with their names scratched out. A few lockers were piled high with discarded outfits, forgotten socks, and old shoes. A large metal hanger stood in the center, holding a collection of skimpy outfits, and Emma immediately made a beeline for it.

"You know" she spoke to Pers as she picked through the clothes "at first I thought maybe one of the clients was a vampire feeding on the strippers, but the more I think about it, the less it makes sense." She pulled out a naughty schoolgirl outfit, holding it up to examine. She had half a mind to swipe it, but then quickly dismissed the idea. She didn’t have a bag to hide it in. "But that would attract too much attention, right? If one of the dancers had to call in sick every time he visited"

She flipped through the rack, pausing to study each outfit more closely "So maybe it’s one of the dancers themselves. It's like having dinner delivered right to your door every night. If one of the customers gets a bit too worn out after his backroom visit, she could always blame it on the alcohol."

Her fingers brushed against the next outfit, scanning the fabric for any signs. Any smudge or stain. Blood was hard to get out, even if the outfits were sent to the wash regularly. She knew from experience that feeding wasn’t always as clean as people liked to think, especially if it was done in a hurry.

"Check the drawers of the vanity" she suggested to Pers, while she was looking through the outfits "..and maybe the trashcans"


Let It Out (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)

(21) + 1 = 4

Mar 2, 2025 6:23 am
- Emma -

What you do notice about the outfits is that they may be tricky to get on, but they are all designed to come off easily. This is a strip-club, not a 'dance around in skimpy outfits club' (do those exist?). They will expect you to get nekkid!
Waiting for Persephone before we resolve this.
Mar 2, 2025 6:57 am
Benji considers his options. He really does want to help Teddy, but he doesn’t know that he can do that in the way Teddy’s expecting him to. If he took Teddy under his protection, surely Ravenhall would just kill them both… There had to be a better way to help him.

"Listen, Teddy" he says, after some thought. "Nicholas owes me a Debt. I helped protect him when he was in trouble a very long time ago. If I gave you that Debt, do you think you could go to him and ask him to protect you in kind? He may be scared of Ravenhall, but I’m sure he’s in a better position to stand up to her than I am."
Mar 2, 2025 7:51 am
- Benji -

"Aw, man! That pansy?" Teddy whines. "He is not reliable, like you are." There is truth in that Nicholas is not considered to be the reliable sort, and Teddy thinks he is scared of Ravenhall and not going to be open to new people. [ref].

You can pass off the Debt Nicholas Owes you, and that will fulfill your Debt to Teddy, but it does not guarantee that teddy will receive a welcome there (warm or otherwise) nor that you won't have complications for dropping a problem at Nicholas' door or getting involved.

What do you do?
Mar 2, 2025 2:12 pm
Persephone followed Gene and Emma to the club. By the time they entered, Pers was walking with her arms wrapped around her, a look of discomfort on her face. When Gene turned to them and asked if they were sure they wanted to do this, Persephone looked immediately to Emma, who stuck with her story.

They shuffled in to meet the boss, an odious man in a filthy office. Ew. This scumbag can't be a vampire, can he? Persephone realized she had absolutely no idea if vampires looked like sexy aristocrats, like in Anne Rice, or anachronistic and unsettling menaces, like in Bram Stoker, or hideous monsters, like in the film Nosferatu.

They filed out of the office and headed to the changing room. Along the way, Gene apologized for Ray's behavior. Persephone glanced at Emma, arched an eyebrow, and replied, "The owner doesn't seem very nice... I guess being the owner comes with a lot of financial stress? Oh wait, he is the owner, right? Or just the manager?"

When they arrived at the changing room, she waited for Gene to leave before turning to Emma, who immediately went to the rack of probably used and sweaty stripper clothes. She stepped next to her to get her attention and said, "Emma! What are you doing?! Are you gonna go through with this??"

As Persephone spoke, Emma whirled through the area, and it dawned on Pers what she was up to. A search! Oh my god she thinks she's Nancy Drew. Honey, this is no game... Concern for her friend in her voice, Persephone added more softly, "Don't you think this has gone far enough?" She sighed, rolled her eyes, and acquiesced, with a "OK fine, but let's just be quick and then get out, ok?"

As Emma proposed her hypotheses, Persephone scanned the place. She listened to Emma and then replied, "I have no idea... I mean, aren't vampires rich and powerful? Why would one want to be a stripper? I'd guess it's the owner, which definitely is not that Ray guy, not another dancer."

She continued her scan of the area.


Keep Your Cool (+Spirit) - (2d6+0)

(24) = 6

Mar 2, 2025 2:35 pm
"No, not all vampires are rich. In fact, many of them aren't. It’s really not that important to them. Money, I mean. Most of them don’t care for it the way humans do" She lowered her voice "Some barely scrape by. And then there's a whole other class of vampires. The ones I call 'Morlocks.' They're… crazy. Seriously. They live underground, in the sewers mostly. You can’t even really call them people anymore. They're ancient, older than most of us, and they kidnap humans to feed on. And yeah - they’re completely insane. The older they get, the worse it is"

She sighed in frustration as she scanned the rows of outfits again. Nothing. Not a single clue. No blood stains, no signs of anything unusual. This was a total waste of time. She hadn’t expected much, but she was still disappointed to come up empty-handed.

"Well, that was a bust" she muttered under her breath, and with a nod to Pers, started heading toward the door "- Let’s get out of here."
Mar 2, 2025 3:35 pm
- Emma and Persephone -

"You leaving?" The cook asks, he does not sound surprised that you got cold feet at that point.

You don't know where Gene is, maybe in the office, or in the front room, or on the door?
If you want to talk to Gene, find him wherever. Or avoid him and take us to the next scene. The mounting costs (clock) may become apparent there.
Mar 2, 2025 4:13 pm
Persephone smiled at the cook and said, "Not sure yet? Hey hon, is that Ray guy the owner? 'Cause he wasn't very nice... I figured, if I could maybe... get on the good side of his boss, if you know what I mean -- the owner, I assume? -- it might be easier for me here. Do you know who they are, or is it just Ray?"
Mar 2, 2025 4:53 pm
- Persephone -

"Don't mind Ray. He is grumpy in the morning and the diet doesn't improve his mood. If we did not ban him from the kitchen he would sneak coffee and have another heart-attack." It sounds like the cook genuinely cares about Ray.

"I don't know the ins-and-outs," he says. "Not my business, or yours. Maybe the bank 'owns' the place? They are always threatening to take it away if Ray doesn't pay, but they don't want to get involved in the day-to-day."

There doesn't seem to be anyone other than Ray in charge. No noteworthy investors or anything.

What do you do?
I would have had Gene give you a similar answer, except that would conflict with your statement "the owner, which definitely is not that Ray guy" in the same post you asked [ref].
I thought about answering anyway and letting your statement be 'I don't believe it' but that seemed to complicate things. :)
Mar 2, 2025 5:58 pm
"You know, that was actually kinda fun" Emma's excitement was palpable once they were back out on the street. She got a rush out of lying her way into the club, and the spark of exhilaration in her eyes was unmistakable "If only we could find something useful in there. Oh well!"

She lead the two back toward Sarah's apartment. Now that Gene was gone, they could try their own luck with Chablis. She pulled her phone out from her purse and dialed her number, but no one picked up, and it was dead quiet on the other side of the door. No faint ring of a phone. Nothing.

With a small, teasing smile, she pulled a couple of bobby pins from her purse "Learned this trick from someone. Watch my back, I'll only need a couple of minutes" and without hesitation, she knelt down in front of the lock, bending the pins then working them into the mechanism.


Let It Out: Gain access to a secure or locked-down location (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)

(55) + 1 = 11

Mar 2, 2025 6:45 pm
Persephone followed Emma, but couldn't help feeling like she was being pulled along faster than she was comfortable with. How does Emma do this? She just... dives in and nothing phases her. I am still trying to wrap my head around vampires... It took me months to come to terms with being a demon. OK, well, that may still be a work in progress, but still... It's like she was born to this world...

They arrived back at Sarah's apartment to find it locked. Emma pulled a hairpin out, or something, and knelt before the door to supposedly unlock it. "Hon, this isn't the movies, you can't just..."

*Click!* The lock opened, to Persephone's great surprise.

"What in the..."

She put her hand on Emma's shoulder an got her to turn and face her. She looked at her with disbelief and said, "Who are you? How is all this -- vampires, demons, picking a lock -- normal for you? You're like a character in Scooby Doo! But, like, with Velma's brain in Daphne's body!"
Mar 3, 2025 7:15 am
- Emma -

This is a fairly crude and simple lock, still, it is an accomplishment to open it with a bobby pin, you know that Persephone is right, this is not the movies, and most locks will need better tools, but actual lock-picks can be hard to explain to the cops.

The door cracks open as the lock releases, despite there being several other locks on it, so you 'got lucky' picking the one(s) that was locked. Inside, it is dark and smells faintly bad, stale, but with none of the telltale fug of people living in a place.

It is quiet, with no sound of breathing or movement, through the wall to one side comes the muffled sounds of someone making intelligible grunts, but that could be from the neighbors, it is hard to tell with the family shouting a floor above, or the steady drip of rain outside the closed curtains.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 10:00 am
Another rush of excitement surged through her as she heard the click of the lock opening. Cheeks flushed from the thrill, she gave Pers a tight-lipped smile: "Come on, this is no different than when we snuck into the Arctic Monkeys concert and ended up meeting Andy backstage. We can't just sit at home all day and expect something amazing to happen."

She turned, pushing the door handle down and peeked inside "Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?"

She had always managed to skirt by on her looks and charm since she was a teen, finding ways to dodge any consequences even when she did get caught. It had become second nature to her, so she didn’t question it anymore, assuming she will always be able to get away with it all. Besides, she was too addicted to the thrill of doing something dangerous, and enthralled by all the secrets she uncovered, to ever give up that part of her life.

Waiting for Persephone to follow her in, she quietly closed the door behind them and turned on the light switch, eager to start their search through the apartment.
Mar 3, 2025 10:23 am
Feeling that a resolution has been reached (even if Teddy isn’t thrilled about it), Benji gets to his feet and offers Teddy a hand to help him up too. "Nicholas is a Vampire Lord. I’m sure he can protect you better than I can," he says, reassuringly. "And if he can’t help you or doesn’t want to, you can always find me again and we’ll try to figure something else out. I just don’t think I’d be able to stop Ravenhall from killing you if you stayed here, is all."
Mar 3, 2025 10:30 am
- Benji -

"Maybe?" Teddy says. "Sure, he has more people?" There is a slight question in there, you seem to be operating at a higher level than the Status 1 you project, and Teddy —and others— suspect there is more to you than meets the eye.

Teddy heads off to try find Nicholas, which is not always that easy with someone so unpredictable. But that is not your problem anymore... except that he was, sorta, a friend.

What do you do now?
Remember to Mark Night. All you need is Mortalis to Advance.
Mar 3, 2025 2:28 pm
A look of amazement spread across Persephone's face. Is she serious??! Her mind began to rattle off all of the very many things that could go wrong, when another voice inside her, a deeper darker voice, said, You are a demon. None of that matters any more. You have already lost your mortal soul; nothing else compares.

She stood in the hallway for a moment, blinking, processing. Then she exhaled, shrugged, and heaed in after Emma.

Once within, she wrinkled her nose at the stale smell and made a face at the unpleasant sound coming through one of the walls. Worried that someone was home, she began to walk in that direction, trying to tell if it was coming from a room within this apartment, or from another unit.
Mar 3, 2025 2:52 pm
- Emma -

The flat is small, especially for two women, it also only has one bedroom. The trash bin is empty, so someone probably took it out since Sarah (and Chablis) 'went missing'.

The inside of the door has many more locks than the outside, but they were not bolted, allowing ingress from the outside.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 2:53 pm
- Persephone -

As you approach the closed door of what can only be the single bedroom —the small bathroom stands open— you are sure the sounds are coming from in there. You hear what is probably the thump of a heel hitting the other side of the brick wall (unlike what is common in America, interior walls in England are mostly made from the same materials as the exterior ones, though some 'revamped' places use wood as dividers).

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:14 pm
Persephone grimaces and gestures to Emma. She whispers, "Emma! There's someone in there! And they're... thumping on the wall?? Oh god I hope that's not a headboard..."

She looks at Emma an says, "Should we peek?" She summons her courage and asks herself, What would Emma do? and heads to the door. She opens it a crack and peeks inside.
Mar 3, 2025 3:24 pm
Emma noted the several locks on the door. It wasn’t unusual for a place in a bad neighborhood to have extra security, but it made her curious. Moving swiftly through the apartment, she checked the fridge and rifled through the cabinets, looking for anything that could tell her how long Chablis had been gone, and what kind of person she really was.

She was about to move and check the bathroom when, she, too, heard the sounds coming from the bedroom. She moved to her Pers side immediately, trying to make sense of the noise as Pers peeked through the crack.


Let It Out: Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area (+Spirit) - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Mar 3, 2025 3:42 pm
- Persephone -

You were just thinking you don't know what a vampire looks like... ell, that is not something you can be saying tomorrow, as one spring from the bed leaps towards you, fangs and nails in full view.

You don't know what Emma picked up on, but she has a moment to warn you of the impending danger before you get your face bitten off... or is it necks that vampires go for.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:43 pm
- Emma -

What was it that tipped you off in time to warn Persephone before walking into a trap?

What do yo do?
Mar 3, 2025 3:44 pm
- Persephone -

• You swing both ways, right? Do you notice that Emma is just so damn hot right now? [ref]
Mar 3, 2025 3:51 pm
@vagueGM: when Persephone is suddenly hit with a wave of attraction to Emma (ref), is this literally while a vampire is lunging at her?!
Mar 3, 2025 3:59 pm
Persephone stumbles back just in time to avoid being ...eaten? Bitten? Drank from? She doesn't even know. What she does know, however, is that she does not like this person. At all. She doesn't even want to think about who the victim is in the other room....

She regains her composure and begins to reach inside, only to find the demon within already trying to explode out of her.


The Devil Inside - (2d6+1)

(24) + 1 = 7

Mar 3, 2025 4:02 pm
Emma couldn’t help but notice the stale, rotting food inside the fridge. Half-eaten takeout, moldy fruit, expired milk. If Chablis had been living here, surely she would’ve cleaned it out by now, right?


The noise from the bedroom broke her train of thought, and her blood ran cold. That was when it clicked, everything connected in a single moment. The multiple locks on the door? Probably to keep anyone from breaking in during the day. The heavy curtains in the living room? Designed to block out the sunlight. Chablis had been Sarah’s roommate. She was always there.

"Pers, watch out!" She called as she saw her friend moving toward the bedroom door "It’s Chablis... She’s a vampire!"
Mar 3, 2025 4:05 pm
Shadow swirls around her and her skin once more becomes translucent. Bones twist, muscle and sinew stretch and throb, and her hands twist into jagged, chitinous raptorial limbs, like a human sized preying mantis made of obsidian. Emma might notice that this time Persephone's form is subtly different, adapting to the situation; no wings sprout, for example, and her skin grows plates of chitin. With the mantis arms, she looks more insectile than she did before.

Persephone speaks, that low and rumbling, three voice chorus once again emanating from her. "What have you done with Chablis?!"
Rolled Blood for the Devil Inside, with a 7, so chose weapons (3-harm hand) and armor +1.
Mar 3, 2025 4:31 pm
Persephone growls in her demonic voice and swings her claws at the door frame next to the lunging vampire, hoping the shower of splinters, not to mention the sound and sight of Persephone, would cow the vampire for a moment.


Let It Out (+Spirit) - (2d6+0)

(53) = 8

Mar 3, 2025 4:48 pm
"No, Pers! Don’t hurt her! She’s starving!!!"

Emma’s mind raced. Chablis had mostly been feeding off one person—Sarah. That didn’t make her a monster in Emma’s eyes. She heard of far worse vampires. The ones who fed indiscriminately. The ones who killed their victims without a second thought. Chablis, on the other hand, seemed to try to limit the damage. She fed on Sarah. She made sure she forgot all about it. It was still cruel and unfair, but as vampires went, was she really that bad?

That didn’t change the situation, however. Chablis was out of control; she could see it in her eyes. Nothing they could say would calm her down until she got what she needed. She almost considered offering her own blood, but she didn’t trust Chablis not to drain her dry, or bit too hard and leave a deep gash that would never heal.

This could turn into a tragedy if they didn’t figure out a way to incapacitate her.

But how?
Mar 3, 2025 5:03 pm
Persephone transformed as the vampire lunged at her through the doorway, armored plates rising to the surface of her skin just in time, as the vampire's ragged teeth gouged into her now chitinous shoulder. "Arrghhhh! It burns!" she cried out. Shadow flared out of her, almost like smoke from a raging fire, and she shoved the vampire backwards, back through the door. She swang her jagged claw arm at the vampire, striking the wooden doorframe and tearing completely through it. Splinters and shards of wood exploded into the room, peppering the vampire and making an awful noise. Onlookers might not be able to tell if Persephone intentionally hit the door frame or was going for a killing blow and the frame just got in the way. Regardless, the growl, the claw, and the hundreds of wooden splinters now piercing the vampire's skin was enough to break through its ferocity. It collapsed onto its back, on the floor, looking up at Persephone in terror.

Meanwhile, the chitinous plate on her shoulder has two nasty gashes in it, and blood began to pool in the gouges from where the fangs had pierced the armor. She leant against the lone remaining door frame and breathes heavily. In between breaths, she growls, "I don't... I don't wanna hurt you. Are you... Chablis?"
Mar 3, 2025 5:17 pm
- Persephone -

"I... I don't know anymore." Chablis says pitiably. This strongly indicates that, at one time, she was Chablis ... even if she pronounced it Sha!-Bliss! Given the strip-club connection, it is probable her (assumed?) surname, which was spelled 'Valour' in Sarah's contacts, was meant to be 'Velour', like the posh fabric?

"I'm so hungry." She whines, her gaze being dragged by her sniffing nose past you to Emma.

What do you (both) do?
Mar 3, 2025 5:23 pm
Persephone turned to Emma, about to yell at her for ...but then Persephone forgot. As Emma approached, entering the dark hallway near the bedroom, she was backlit in the dusty light, giving her a glow about her, almot like an aura of beauty, or an angelic halo. Persephone's head tilted... Wow... she thought. Persephone had always found Emma to be attractive, but they had been more like sisters than lovers. Besides, Persephone didn't know if Emma was bi, and now she was married! Yeah but maybe ...No! What the hell Pers... she thought, and tried to refocus.

She turned back to Chablis and said, "Behave and maybe we can help. She, uh, knows vampires apparently. Maybe they can help."

Turning back to Emma and shaking off her own sudden arousal, Pers asked, "Can your vampire 'friends' help? I'm not feeding her and I don't know want else to do?"
Mar 3, 2025 5:27 pm
- Persephone -

"What the fudge are 'vampires'?" Chablis asks, cowed enough by your looming presence that she is not going for your friend right away, but the fear may wear off at any point, you can't exactly have a long conversation, here.

What do you do?
Mar 3, 2025 5:43 pm
"Just... keep her in the bedroom!" Emma shouted to her from the kitchen. She knew better than to approach. Chablis was likely to go wild at the scent of her blood. Instead, she quickly grabbed her phone and dialed a number, barely giving Bev a chance to pick up before she blurted out her request:

"Bev, I need your help. I’ve got a starving vampire in here. She’s desperate for blood, and I’m not letting her bite me like this. Can you get over here fast? Bring your needles and a tourniquet. We’ll need both of us to handle this"
I want to Call in a Favor (my first ever, yay!). Would that be suitable?
Mar 3, 2025 5:55 pm
- Emma -

"Wha??" Bev sounds muzzy, like you work her in the middle of a dream. It takes her a moment to wake up enough to understand what you are saying.

"A 'starving' vampire?" She asks, sounding calm, though you can hear her moving around and doing things on the other side of the line. "Not Benji?!" She exclaims in concern, incidentally revealing that she knows Benji, a detail that had not come up yet in your conversations and could make things interesting.

You hear a door close —that was quick, but then she is an emergency nurse— and from a distance, her face clearly away from the phone: "OK. I have the address you sent."

It will take time for Bev to get to you.

What do you do in the meantime?
Strikeout the Debt. And Mark Mortalis.
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it, plays into the very reason for the Debt. :)
Mar 3, 2025 6:09 pm
Persephone looked around the room — could she confine Chablis here somehow? The door was damaged and probably wouldn’t help much. Then she got an idea.

Persephone growled at Chablis, saying, "We are getting you something to eat now. But I need you to wait in the closet. Now."

She stepped forward toward Chablis, hoping her menacing appearance was enough to drive her back and into the bedroom closet. Once she was in there, Pers drug the bed in front of the door, effectively trapping her inside.
Mar 3, 2025 6:11 pm
"Thanks!" she blurted quickly before ending the call. She knew it will be a hassle for Bev to get away from work for a couple of hours, not to mention having to donate her own blood, but she owed Emma a favor, and right now, she really needed her help.

"Help’s on the way. 30 minutes!" she called out toward the bedroom. Chablis had already gone without blood for maybe a week, so a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt. At least, that’s what she hoped. Still, her being so close, so within reach... it could be too much for Chablis to handle.

"I’m going to wait outside. Just... keep her talking. Do whatever you can to keep her calm"
Mar 3, 2025 6:15 pm
Keep her taking? About what??

Persephone sighed, a strange sound in demon form, like the low rumble of distant thunder. She tried to small talk with the scared and hungry vampire woman.

"So, uh, you’re a dancer, yeah? With Sarah? Hey did Sarah have any special customers? Like mysterious or strange or extra rich ones, that left Sarah maybe a little off afterwards?"
Mar 3, 2025 6:25 pm
- Persephone -

"Really?" Chablis says pathetically when you promise her food. She is surprisingly compliant, though your appearance helps, of course.

As you close the closet door and lock her in the dark she becomes quiet, an almost sub-audible 'panting' sound she was making stops, as does any sound of breathing. The dark, confined space seems to help calm her somewhat.

"Where's Sarah?" Chablis pleads, that being the only part of your conversation she was able to register.

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 12:11 am
Persephone sighed; this was not how she imagined today going. A vampire?! Like real honest to goodness Bella Lugosi here? My life is so surreal…

She sat in the bed pushed up against the closet and listened to Chablis breathe, and plead for Sarah. Eventually she spoke, as kindly as she could, despite being in a demon body. But even as she did so, she could feel the demonic power slipping away. Apparently, if she had no plans for violence, intimidation, or similar things—if she just wanted to be calm and bring peace—the demon form began to fade.

Ignoring this discovery for the moment, Pers spoke, her demon voice tempered by her calm. "Ok food is on the way. And Sarah is safe. But someone has been hurting her, Chablis. Did someone hurt you too? Maybe bite you? Or maybe make you forget a period of time when you were alone with them? Maybe someone who had been spending time with Sarah too? I’ll tell you what, if you help me understand, I’ll make sure you are always fed, ok?"


Tongued and Silver (figure someone out +Heart) - (2d6+2)

(43) + 2 = 9

Mar 4, 2025 2:23 am
After Teddy leaves, Benji locks up Jacob’s shop again and heads back to his apartment to get some sleep before Miriam visits later. His good mood from helping Fawcett earlier has been somewhat spoiled by the news about Ravenhall. He wonders if he should pay her a visit, to swear loyalty to her and try to get on her good side, or if it would be better to keep his head down and try to avoid drawing any attention to himself at all…
Mar 4, 2025 6:29 am
- Benji -

Lady Ravenhall herself has not gotten directly involved, she has left it to her lieutenants to squabble over who gets what. Aligning yourself with any one of them will make an enemy of the others. If you go that route, maybe make sure you pick the right one. They all have underlings to command, but their Status is very tentative and conditional on the tides of Ravenhall's favour.
From inside your flat comes a raucous squawking and the rattling of a gilded cage. Probably Snowy trying to escape again? But no, this time the bird is mounting a defensive action against a trio of invading rats —maybe after the food you left in the cage in the vain hope something would get eaten. They don't seem to like each other. Hermes stoically watches the proceedings from inside the safety of his armoured shell.

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 10:32 am
Benji opens his door to a screeching flurry of white feathers and gnashing yellow teeth. "Snowy!" he cries, dropping his umbrella on the ground near the door as he rushes over to break up the fight. He quickly lifts Snowy’s cage up out of harm's way, hissing at the rats to try to scare them away.
Mar 4, 2025 11:08 am
- Persephone -

Chablis goes quiet, listening to your promises of food...

"I can smell the food!" She whines. 'Sarah' and 'food/fed' (but also a little bit of 'bite') are the only words she has comprehended from your monologue.

As you return to human form the pain in your shoulder becomes intense and you feel blood trickling down your chest... your human blood!

"Why won't you feed me!"Chablis slams against the closet door. For such a slight woman she packs a hell of a punch. The door shudders and the bed moves a little ways away from the wall.

She is 'listening', but you will need to do more to keep her contained long enough, and she is not in much of a state to have visitors over for tea (these Bits use 'tea' to mean 'lunch', or is it 'dinner'... amounts to the same thing, here).

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 11:09 am
- Benji -

The invading hoard of rats don't seem at all scared by your wordless hiss, instead they look on, puzzled as to why you interrupted their assault. In their ratty little minds they were winning!, though the the raven is unharmed and the rats are bloodied. The rats watch you, waiting for you to incinerate the bird so everyone can eat!

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 8:40 pm
Persephone flinches when Chablis slams the door and she wonders what she can do here. She looks down and realizes she is still bleeding. She takes her shirt off and dabs up the blood, leaving the shirt now wet from blood. She balls up the shirt and slides it under the door, saying, "here, hopefully this will satisfy you for the few more minutes you have to wait."

She has no idea how much blood vampires need and if getting just a taste will calm her or drive her into a frenzy.
Mar 5, 2025 12:10 am
Benji frowns at the rats, puzzled that they haven’t scurried away in fear. "Go on, shoo," he says, waving a hand at them. He doesn’t want to hurt the dear little creatures but he can’t let them stay if they’re going to attack Jacob’s raven.
Mar 5, 2025 6:37 am
- Benji -

The rats blink at you, obviously disappointed that you are going eat the whole raven yourself. But they turn and, with a scurry of feet and slither of tails, vanish into the wainscoting. Small, bloody footprints being the only indication they were ever there. The mice are going to have competition.

What do you do?
Mar 5, 2025 7:05 am
As Persephone slid the bloody shirt under the door, it was ripped from her hand with such ferocity that she fell backward. The bed started sliding forward from the violent thrashing within. She had only moments to jump up and push the bed back into place!


Keep Your Cool (+Spirit) - (2d6+0)

(62) = 8

Mar 5, 2025 5:03 pm
- Persephone -

You ram the bed back in place. There is a mewling sound from the other side of the closet door, it does not sound anything like human. Then a ripping sound that is probably the end of your shirt, followed by ... suckling sounds?

The effort really makes your shoulder hurt. Looking down at yourself for the first time since the injury, and with your shirt off, makes it worse. You can see that it is clearly a bite... a vampire bite.

What do you do?
Add a descriptive label to the Faint harm on your sheet. Call it: 'Vampire Bite', or something suitably ominous.
As discussed [ref], the psychological effects from having a fresh vampire bite are mainly up to you to bring into play, and to resolve however you wish. I will help in any way you need.
Mar 5, 2025 5:05 pm
- Emma -

After what feels like ages of you standing outside in the cold and worrying about your friend inside, a black cab pulls up and Bev exits, umbrella first to keep the rain off her already-frizzy ball of hair.

Bev reaches back and slings a gym-bag over her shoulder, then heads quickly over to you, clearly not liking the look of this place.

"What's going on?" She asks, sounding surprisingly professional, all things considered. "What's the plan, here?" You know that she was rather giddy about the single feeding she had participated in, but you don't know the details, surely it was nothing like this, and the details here might frighten her off.

What do you do?
Mar 5, 2025 5:33 pm
Emma quickly stepped forward as Bev approached, hiding under her own umbrella

"Thanks for coming" her voice a little more rushed than she intended. "Here’s the deal: Chablis is inside. She’s a vampire, starving, and too far gone to control herself" she fixed her eyes on Bev, hoping she was ready for the plan Emma had in mind: "Did you bring your blood transfusion set, like I asked? I’m thinking we draw blood from both of us, and feed it to her through the tube. That way, we can get her what she needs without allowing her to bite us." She continued talking as they climbed up the stairs "I have a friend keeping watch over her, but I'm not sure how much longer she can hold her. We need to hurry"
Mar 5, 2025 5:46 pm
Persephone lies on the floor, her feet pressed up against the bed frame, keeping the door closed. She looks down and sees it -- two puncture wounds in her shoulder, blood trickling out of each, running down her front, pooling in her bra, now that her sweater is off. Her eyes go wide and she feels a panic attack coming on. Scrambling for her phone, which she drops several times before finally getting it out, she calls Emma in a panic.

Whether or not Emma answers or she has to leave a voice message, she shouts the same thing. "Emma! Emma please! Come quick! This bite! I got bit by a goddam vampire! I don't feel well... I think... I think maybe I'm infected? Can I get infected? Oh god... can a demon become a vampire?" This frantic flood of panicked words is followed by the sounds of hyperventilating.
Mar 5, 2025 8:16 pm
Emma stepped into the apartment just as Persephone picked up her phone. She heard her talking from the living room, but by the time she entered the bedroom, she looked as calm and collected as ever. Her eyes immediately went to the two puncture wounds on Pers' shoulder, and the fact that she was only in her bra. She raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity crossing her face as she stepped closer.

"Are you OK?" she tossed her coat onto the bed as she moved over to look at the bite marks more closely, brushing her fingers lightly against her skin "You’re fine!" she breathed a sigh of relief once she noticed the wounds weren't deep. Standing up, she even managed a small smile "If one little bite could turn you into a vampire, the world would be overrun by them. Hell, I let a vampire feed on me before, and I’m still here."

Her expression shifted briefly, as a thought passed through through her head "I wonder how new vampires do get made? I’ll need to ask Benji about it. I’ve been meaning to talk to him anyway"

The soft, desperate whimpers from the closet made her pause for a split second. Right! They needed to help Chablis first; there will be plenty of time to talk later. Without missing a beat, she unrolled the sleeve of her turtleneck and exposed her arm "Let’s get this over with" she motioned for Bev to approach "Chablis is starving. We can’t let her go any longer without blood, and I don’t want her biting anyone else."
Mar 5, 2025 11:34 pm
When Emma declared that her vampire bite was no big deal, Persephone pouted on the floor.

"Yeah ok sure, it’s just one little bite… from a vampire!! Do they have, like, STDs? Like, how do I get checked for vampire syphilis? I hate this…" she muttered.

Then Emma’s words sank in. "Wait what?! You let a vampire bite you? Why on earth…And the hell is Benjamin?? Wait who is that with you??"

Persephone became suddenly uncomfortable and grabbed a filthy pillow off the bed to hold in front of herself.
Mar 6, 2025 7:32 am
- Emma -

"Do you think that will work?" Bev asks, hurrying along behind you. "I brought some blood-packs, as well. Oh, god, I hope I don't lose my job for stealing them!" She pants, like it is good to finally get that concern spoken out loud. "All the ... flavours." She lets out a little, nervous giggle at her joke about blood-types. "In case they have a preference."

She is thinking about the time Benji showed up at her door, deranged and desperate to feed [ref]. And he was not 'starving'. You do not know this story, though, but can sense Bev's trepidation.

The 'bite' on Persephone's shoulder is not neat like the controlled, almost gentle, ones you and Bev had. This was an attack, not a 'feeding', and the fangs scored lines across her skin as the attacking vampire was tossed aside and deflected by her demon nature. They did not penetrate all that deep, though —as Bev will observe when she gets to examine the patient: 'almost like the skin was hard enough to deflect the attack... but that's crazy-talk'.

What do you do?
Mar 6, 2025 7:35 am
- Persephone -

The black woman in scrubs and a large afro definitely glanced at your breasts first, before you could cover up. She is a nurse and has seen many breasts before, but yours are not to be ignored. However it was cursory (it would be impolite not to look, right?:) and she is more concerned about your injury —hard to assess without cleaning the blood off, and there is little time for that or conversation, Chablis has begun pounding on the door again, the trace amounts of blood on your shirt —it looks like a lot, but really isn't— had only distracted her for a moment.

Anyway, some removed part of your brain tells you, Bev is hopelessly in love with Emma, you can tell that from how she looks at her. Though Emma's gaydar may not be as well tuned as yours and she seems oblivious... and also, married. Now is not the time for such thoughts.

Bev seems frozen in indecision, not sure what to do first. Her instinct is to help the patient, but the vampire in the closet seems like it needs to be triaged higher. She does seem very interested in the question of 'how new vampires get made', but, then, that is an interesting question.

What do you do?
Mar 6, 2025 11:42 am
"Bev; " Emma raised her voice as the pounding from the inside of the closet grew louder "We need to feed her, now. If we don’t, she's going to be a problem for all of us" she managed to keep her cool, despite the urgency of the situation. Sitting down on the bed, she stretched out her arm for Bev: "Go ahead. And Pers; once the needle is in me, give the other end of the plastic tube to Chablis, through the crack in the door.
Mar 6, 2025 9:30 pm
Persephone tilted her head and smirked for a moment seeing the nurse's response. Hearing the urgency in Emma's voice and the escalating violence coming from he door behind her, however, Persephone relented and said, "OK, as long as I'm not, like, about to turn... Take care of Chablis first..."

When Emma gave her instruction, however, Persephone said in alarm, "You're... going to give her your blood?! Emma, why do you know how to do all this? This is not normal, girl."

But Pers did what she is told and prepared to slide the tube beneath the door. As she did so, she observed Emma and her friend and it clicked. Ah, this poor girl is in love with our Emma... And yep, Emma probably has no idea... Persephone sighed.

"OK, I'm ready. Do it... Bev, was it?"
Mar 7, 2025 9:25 am
- Emma -

"Um..." Bev says, hesitating. "Shouldn't we try these first?" She holds up a blood pack with dark liquid sloshing inside. She tears off a corner of the bag and slips in under the door, darting back as it is snatched from her fingers.

A moment later you hear Chablis retching and what sounds exactly like a bag of blood being flung against a closet wall in disgust. "Wrong flavour, d'ya think?" Bev tries to joke, but it is clear you were right, this needs to be fresh blood. Let's hope the tube does not make it too unpalatable.

Sharing a look with Persephone, and with a sigh, Bev checks your blood-pressure and heart-rate —she won't be hurried— understandably they are both a little high, but she notes them down before releasing the pressure on the cuff and expertly placing a needle in the crook of your arm and attaching a two meter, transparent tube. "We will need to move closer." She says nervously.

Is there anything you do?
Mar 7, 2025 9:28 am
- Persephone -

Noticing you noticing, Bev gives a shy smile and a small shrug, as if to say 'what can you do?'. She is clearly shaken by the whole situation, and your alarm is actually helping her cope, it would be really strange —strangER— if everyone was calmly taking this in stride.

Her hands shake a bit, right up until the point she needs to pierce Emma's skin, but then professionalism takes over, she has done this... well things like this... hundreds of times, and easily finds a vein, releases the little turquoise pinchy-thing and lets the bright red blood fill the tube before pinching it off again and handing the end to you. She adjusts the sphygmomanometer she first placed around Emma's biceps to aid the bloodflow...

Hopefully Emma's weight on the bed will be enough to keep it in place without you holding it.

Chablis did not like the packaged blood, but if you were not being careful you could have lost a hand as she eagerly snatches the end of the tube from you.

So eager is Chablis that she rips the tube and needle right out of Emma's arm, sucking it dry before she even finishes dragging it in. You will need to get a better grip, or make a plan to stop this happening again and again. Bev does not want to keep sticking the donor, already she will have a bruise from that yanking extraction.

What do you do?
Mar 7, 2025 9:59 am
Emma winced when the needle was yanked out of her vein. She bit back a curse as the blood trickled down her forearm, but her expression hardened. "See! That’s exactly what I was worried about" Had she allowed Chablis to bite her, she would have ended up in the ICU. Or the morgue

"Alright!" she straightened up, and sat down next to the closet "Pers; put your weight on the door, in case she tries to jump through. I don’t want to end up with another hole in my arm. And this time, don’t push all of the tube in. An inch will do, alright? Just barely enough for her to get her lips around it"

She knows they have little time before Chablis starts thrashing. She was trying to do whatever it takes to make sure this entire thing doesn't spirals out of control, but it was damn hard not to get up and leave the apartment.

"Chablis!" she called out to the vampire "Take it easy. You can’t just rip it out. I’m trying to help you, but you got to chill for a second" She took a deep breath, then nodded for Bev to try again.
Mar 7, 2025 8:37 pm
Persephone yelps with surprise and concern when the tube gets ripped out of Emma's arm with such violence. "Gods, she's an animal!" she exclaims. Sighing and shaking her head in disbelief, she stands up from her position of trying to hold the bed in place and plops her bottom down next to the door, putting one foot on the door itself and the other on the doorframe, as she slides the tube back under the door. This time, however, she holding it tightly with both hands, and only sticks it under an inch or so. Hopefully Chablis will have to get on hands and knees and smash her mouth against the bottom of the door to get at it.

While this procedure is being prepared, Persephone looks at Emma with serious concern and says, "Bev seems amazing, but I thought you were, like, bringing a vampire expert, not a nurse. No offense, Bev. But, like, this is crazy! What are you going to do with a vampire? This is a very temporary solution, hun..."
Mar 8, 2025 9:03 am
- Emma and Persephone -

Chablis does not seem to hear your words, the smell and taste of blood has driven her into a frenzy. Indeed, if you had tried to let her bite one of you it would have been a disaster. It is a wonder Chablis has restrained herself enough to not go out and attack people in the street, though you can not be sure how much longer that state of affairs would have persisted. Think about if Gene had made his way inside...

The vampire in the closet (now there's a chapter title for you Emma) quickly chews up the inch of tube, her instinct is to bite, and has probably ingested that plastic and a fair number of splinters of wood from the door. 'Ingested plastics' are probably not a thing you need to worry about, but mini-stakes are a —macabrely humorous— concern? ... Nothing you can do about that, though.

A bigger concern is the potential growing mouse-hole at the bottom of the closet door. Fortunately the bed casts that in shadows, but if Chablis realises the flimsiness she may try to tear though the door to get a more fulfilling meal. Lapping at the blood is going to take a while to satiate her.

"Oh. I wish I know the flow rate." Bev says nervously. A tube filled with fluid is impossible to measure, and she fears exsanguinating her patient. "You will let me know if you feel... light-headed, or anything?" She asks Emma, knowing that that may be too late anyway, or mean nothing.

Bev tries to monitor Emma's complexion for paleness and tries to listen to her pulse rate over the noise. "I why didn't I bring a pulse oximeter." She wails, but the hospital ones are large and not easily snuck out. "Next time I will have one of the cheap finger ones." She is planning for a next time?!

The light you turned on when you came in might help Bev monitor Emma's health, but it also might induce Chablis to claw her way through the crack under the door. This situation is not controlled.

What do you do?
Mar 8, 2025 12:37 pm
The sound of Chablis gnawing at the tube had her worried that she might lose whatever small amount of control she still possessed and try to break out and lash at them again. But more than that, she felt an unexpected surge of empathy. Poor Chablis. She was acting like a wild animal, consumed by hunger, but she knew she wasn’t just a creature of hunger and instinct. There was a person buried deep inside. She just had to reach her, whatever part of her was still human.

She too a deep breath, trying to steady herself even as her blood continued to flow from her vein. She lowered her voice, trying to soften it into something calm, and soothing, despite the stress of the situation: "Chablis... I’m giving you what you need. And not just me" she glanced at Bev, who should be the next in line to volunteer "But you have to relax first. I know you're starving, but we’re here, and we’re trying to help you. We can’t do that if you’re putting us in danger "


Persuade an NPC (+Heart) - (2d6+3)

(44) + 3 = 11

Mar 8, 2025 3:49 pm
- Emma and Persephone -

Chablis stops to listen to Emma's words, though the tongue keeps lapping at the end of the tube. "More?" She enquires between licks.

"Not just you. Right." Bev says looking to Persephone for a moment before sighing and taking out another tube and another cuff for her own arm. She came prepared.

It does not seem a good idea to stop while getting the next person lined up and Persephone is busy, so Bev pulls a face as she has to manage getting the needle in from an awkward angle, and the cuff, and the pinch, all with one hand. It would be flattering to say she makes it look easy, but that is just not true.

The line charged, Bev passes it to Persephone. "You really should be wearing gloves for this." The observes, a bit late, but they are in the bag.

Persephone passes the new tube under the door, just out of reach of the teeth, and Bev opens the valve, allowing a trickle of blood to spill out onto the closet floor. Chablis ignores this, fixated on Emma's line. When Bev pinches that off Chablis moves over to try the new blood, but complains, and her tongue returns to worry the empty tube. "Can I have some more?" She begs.

"What is this?" Bev exclaims. "Racists vampires?" You are pretty sure she is joking, Chablis has not seen Bev's skin, and surely African blood does not taste different?

In the end you have to keep a small trickle of Emma's blood flowing into the same spot as Bev's, Chablis laps up Bev's blood while trying to get Emma's from the tube next to it. It is a balancing act to get enough from Emma to sweeten the meal and not drain Emma too much so she passes out.

What do you do?
Mar 8, 2025 5:04 pm
Emma breathed a quiet sigh of relief. The angry snarls and clawing at the closet door faded, and Chablis was sound enough to start talking again, even if all she was saying was asking for more blood. She allowed herself a small moment of peace before she felt the lightheadedness wash over her. "That's enough...pull the needle out" her body was signaling that it had given as much as it could. Bev's blood would have to do.

Feeling exhuasting settling in, she got up and moved to the far side of the bed, exhaling slowly as she tried to regain her strength "Damn. That was... too close" she glanced at Pers "We couldn't have done it without you. And I’m sorry for not asking you to volunteer. It's just that we don’t know what your blood might do to Chablis. I don’t want to risk it" She closed her eyes for a moment and breathed heavily. Damn. How much blood did she give? She needed to rest. And to eat and drink something, before she passed out

"It’s another thing we’ll need to ask Benji about, I suppose. What happens when a vampire feeds from... someone like you?"
Mar 8, 2025 5:34 pm
- Emma -

Chablis continues to lick till gravity empties your tube, then she stops when it is only Bev's. "More please." She pleads.

Bev stops her bloodflow since the fussy vampire does not like it on its own. She was looking ashen by the time you called it quits anyway.

You don't know when Chablis last fed, it sure looks like it was before you took Sarah away. How much blood does a vampire need to recuperate from such a fast? You have heard stories of vampires draining people dry, and Chablis wants more. What are you going to do with her, going forward?

"Urg. I can't go back to work like this." Bev says shakily.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 4:19 am
Persephone waits a few moments to make sure that Chablis will no longer explode out of the closet and devour them all. Once she feels it is at least possibly safe, she stands and once again realizes she is topless. She goes to Bev who looks worse the wear than herself and says, "Hey, are you OK? And, um, thanks. For coming, I mean. This is... this is a lot for me to take in. I'm glad someone with a cooler head than mine could be here to help Emma. Oh, um... can you, like, disinfect this bite or something? And I guess I need a bandage..."

After Bev has started tending to Persephone's wound, she catches her eye and says, half-joking, half-flirting, "I guess I should put a shirt on, huh."

Once bandaged and disinfected, she turns to Emma and gets a stern look on her face. "OK. So what the hell, Emma. You Nancy Drew us into this place and I get attacked by a vampire?! You drag poor Bev into this and... hey, where is your vampire expert, anyway? Do they have wait until night time or something? Do I need to hide the garlic or whatever? What the hells is going on‽"
Mar 9, 2025 4:54 am
"Jesus, you’re insatiable!" how much more blood could Chablis possibly need? She was already feeling lightheaded, and had a hard time focusing. She only had that one cup of coffee in the morning, which didn’t help the situation "There isn’t any more. You drained us both dry! Just come out, and talk to us. I’ll…try calling someone in the meantime"

She leaned back on the bed, her eyes following the topless Pers for a brief moment before snapping back to Bev:

"I’m parched. F*** this shit, I was only trying to help" she flopped back onto the bed and covered her brow with one hand as she closed her eyes "Its good thing I did break into the apartment" Accepting responsibility for something that went wrong? That would be completely out of character for her! "Imagine if we didn’t. Poor Chablis could have broken out and went on a killing rampage"

She sighed, and picked up her phone, which felt impossibly heavy in her hand "We will call Benji soon, after we get everything under control and know what’s going on. I don’t want to owe him another favor" she opened her eyes, trying to focus on the screen, but everything looked so hazy "Lets see…who can I call?" she swiped through her contact list. Miriam? The vampire hunter was more likely to stake Chablis than help feed her. Kat? Her blood might also cause problems. Kenedi then?

Why not? Not like she had any other choice.

"Hi…Kenedi" her voice sounded faint, as if she just gotten out of bed "We have a …situation here with a vampire" she paused, frowning at the screen "- yes, sorry. Good morning to you too"
Mar 9, 2025 5:01 am
Persephone frowned at Emma's reply, her refusal to admit that things had gotten out of hand -- apparently, they had gotten out of hand with Emma some time ago. Not that Persephone had room to talk, mind you. Still, it was frustrating.

As Emma looked at her phone, Persephone sighed and turned back to Bev. "Is she always like this?"
Mar 9, 2025 8:53 am
- Persephone -

"No, of course not. Sometimes she is less pale." Bev says agreeing that 'she is always like this'.

She was distracted and busy at the time, but apparently did not miss it. "Why..." She hesitates before continuing. "Er... Why might your blood be bad for the vampire, for Chablis?" She looks innocent, but people need to be careful what they say around Bev, she has curiosity more insatiable than Chablis' hunger.

"I don't suppose there are any little biscuits around the place?" She asks. "We jokingly call the blood donation people 'vampires', and they have little bisuits ... er... biscuits."

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 8:54 am
- Emma -

"Yes. Good morning, Emma." Kenedi says, sounding more amused than annoyed by your pounce. "I thought you were calling about the other thing." She listens to your 'situation with a vampire' and quickly directs whoever she was speaking to at work to another office (or officer), and you hear her moving to a more private place.

"What are you needing? Fire department and SWAT?" She means SO19, but 'S.W.A.T.' is more familiar to civilians. "Or Flying Squad and a warrant?"

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 9:33 am
Emma let out a shaky sigh as she shifted her weight on the bed, trying to ignore the dull throb in her head. "I know this sounds insane, but Chablis was starving, on the brink of tearing people apart for blood. We’ve got her calmed down for now, and she's manageable, but I don't want to risk her going off the rails again" she paused. Did she start the story at the beginning? It was so hard to concentrate with the room spinning around her "I'm running out of options. I got Bev here. She's a nurse. I thought, maybe you can volunteer a little of your blood? She doesn't need much more..."
Using 'one way or another' to try to convince Kenedi to donate a little.


One Way or Another (+Heart) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Mar 9, 2025 9:48 am
- Emma -

"Wait. Slow down. What? No, I am not letting a vampire suck my blood! And are you drunk?" Kenedi responds in a reasonable and to-be-expected way. She is still dubious about this whole affair, even after you 'explain' about the tubes and the needles.

"What have you gotten yourself into, child." She says in a motherly manner. "I had better come check it out."

She is on her way, but it will take a wile to get here.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 10:12 am
"Yes... I've been drunk" Emma muttered into the phone. She sounded exhausted as she explained about the needles, the tube, and assured Kenedi that no one would actually bite her. She allowed her phone to slip from her hand once she ended the call, looking at Bev and Pers through heavy eyelids.

"I'm going to get something to drink" she announced, but her body betrayed her. She didn't move. Overwhelmed by the dizziness and nausea , she collapsed back onto the bed with a frustrated sigh


After pushing herself up again, this time using the wall as support, she managed to stagger toward the kitchen, one step at a time, determined to make it all the way to the sink.
Mar 9, 2025 5:54 pm
Persephone winks at Bev and turns her back on the two women. While doing so, she removes her blood-soaked bra and drops it to the ground, where she picks up an oversized t-shirt with a Bedazzled puppy on it. She scowls in disgust, but puts it on. She needed something to cover herself. She turns back around, looking annoyed. "This is ridiculous..."

Then she realizes Bev asked a question -- a difficult one. She sighs and replies, "My blood is... tainted. With another supernatural being. It's what allowed me to withstand Chablis's attack and get her in the closet in the first place. I ...keep it hidden mostly, because it's horrible."

She shrugs and smiles ruefully at the nurse and adds, "I'm sorry to tell you, but I think you've fallen down a rabbit hole; we're all mad here."
Mar 9, 2025 6:17 pm
- Persephone -

Instead of being freaked out by your declaration, Bev takes is in stride. "Not vampire, though?" She asks. "What? Demon blood? In your veins?" She eyes you appreciatively. "You look good for a demon." Though Bev doesn't actually know what demons look like, aside from artistic impressions.

There might be some pain in her eyes as she talks so casually about demons, but Emma's exit gives her an excuse to avoid that topic.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 6:19 pm
- Emma -

The kitchen is set on the spin-cycle, or so it feels, and you have to hold on to the counter to make it to the sink. You feel sweaty and want to throw up, but there is nothing in your stomach to make that worth it.

Bev comes over to help you, she is a little more steady on her feet, she both gave less blood (or for shorter) and (though shorter) out-weighs you a bit. "I should have brought saline drips." She says critically. "They would have been easier to steal than the whole blood."

Bev helps you and herself to a glass of water. "Drink it slowly." She advises while gulping her own. Then she starts looking in the cupboards. "She has a kettle." Bev observes. "Strange for a vampire to have a kettle. And teabags, too." She says when she finds them. The perishable stuff in the fridge has perished. "See if you can find any biscuits." Bev says while rinsing out the kettle and some cups, and making black tea with lots of sugar.

What do you do.
Mar 9, 2025 6:25 pm
Persephone's jaw drops and she says, "Are you effing kidding me? Does everyone in London know about the supernatural? Yes. It is demon blood, actually. And here I thought I was something shocking and unbelievable."

She sighs. When Emma starts down the hall on wobbly legs, Persephone speaks in her "mom" voice, saying, "And where do you think you're going, young woman? You need to sit down and rest!" But Bev is already there, helping. Persephone follows them into the kitchen and comments, "I don't think Chablis knows what she is. She seems puzzled when I mentioned vampires. Oh, here..."

Persephone finds some Jammie Dodgers and offers one to Emma and another to Bev. Then she sits on the kitchen table and has one herself.
Mar 9, 2025 6:40 pm
- Persephone -

"No. Not everyone." Bev says. "Most people have their heads in the sand, even in A&E, with some of the stuff we see, they try to find a 'rational explanation' for what are quite obviously vampires bites. Things have been crazy the past few days, hard to deny vampires, but still. And it's not even full moon, though that is a myth.

"I used to..." There is a catch in her voice and you are sure she changed her word choice. "... know a demon hunter."

When you pass her a Jammie Dodger she sniffs is suspiciously before popping it, whole, into her mouth and reaching for another. "Is that why she has human food? Because she does not know?" She asks incredulously. "That must be so scary!

"What about her... sire ... is that the right word?" None of you know. "Aren't they supposed to ... take care of her, or something?" She waves her hand distractedly, sloshing the boiling water and almost burning herself, she is less steady than she is making out to be.

What do you do? Do you dare mess with an English-woman making tea?
Mar 9, 2025 6:45 pm
Persephone take a moment to absorb what Bev has told her. Seeing the woman struggling with the tea, she steps close to her and puts her hand very near Bev's and asks, "You're shaky; here, let me help."

She glances sidewise at Emma, her eyes narrowing in frustration. She asks, "So, do you know the deal with Chablis? And do you have a vampire coming to claim her or adopt her or whatever? Do they train each other? Is it like a parent-child relationship? Or, like a boss-employee one, or maybe sovereign and subject, or like totally random casual sex partner? Or... ugh, like abuser-victim?"
Mar 9, 2025 6:47 pm
The tea helped lift the dizziness a little. She let out a soft groan and closed her eyes as she sipped from her cup, feeling the spinning sensation slowly starting to fade. She felt much better after finishing the cup, though her body still demanded some rest. She accepted the packet of biscuits from Pers, though she eyed her menacingly when she gave her just the one, rather than hand her the whole bag.

"Chablis is a vampire" she spoke with her mouth half-full, the usual sharpness returning to her voice. "But she had a roommate. That’s why she has the kettle and teabags... though it’s a bit of a shame the milk’s gone sour." She tugged her shoulders slightly "Could’ve been worse, I guess."

She decided against telling Pers about Bev's involvement with demons. It was a bit of a touchy subject, and private. Bev could tell her on her own, when she was ready. Having finished another biscuit, she placed the empty cup down on the counter and gave a small nod to both of them. "I’m feeling a bit better now. Still got a headache, but at least things don’t look so blurry anymore."

She stood with another deep breath. Her body protested, but she pushed through it and slowly made her way back to the bedroom. The door to the closet was still slightly ajar, and she could hear the faint rustling inside. Standing closer, she gently knocked on the door:

"Chablis? Are you alright?"

She paused for a moment, waiting for a response. "We’re arranging for another blood donor to come by, but I’d like to ask you a few questions in the meantime, if you’re up to it." She gave her a few seconds to compose herself, then slowly pushed the door open a little wider, letting the light spill in and illuminate the woman inside
@vagueGM - how does Chablis look like?
Mar 9, 2025 7:15 pm
Persephone follows Emma back to talk to Chablis. She watches Emma try to talk to her through the closet, her frustration rising. Finally, when Emma begins to open the closet door, she snaps.

Persephone steps forward and leans agains the closet door, hard, slamming it shut. This also put Persephone in Emma's line of sight. She puts a hand on Emma's arm and speaks, her voice filled with frustration. She says, "Emma! Please! Can you spare me one minute of your time? I thought we were friends... Yet you have been ignoring me to help this total stranger. You don't know her; you're not responsible for her. Who appointed you vampire whisperer of London? I'm here, right now, Emma, and I am asking for your help!"

She exhales and slumps, clearly upset and sad. She steps away and waves her hand and says, "Forget it. Help the stranger who tried to kill me. Sure. Just tell me this, Emma: do you want me to leave?"
Mar 9, 2025 7:40 pm
She hadn’t seen this coming—not in the slightest. For a split second, all she could do was stare at Pers with wide eyes as her mind scrambled to catch up. "Hold on one second, okay?" she was surprised, but there was a slight edge to her voice. She didn't like standing there and be accused of neglecting her friend, after she just donated a pint of blood to keep things from going pear shaped "I didn’t realize you felt like that. But I am helping everyone. I’m trying to keep everyone safe, including you."

She ran her hand through her hair and sighed, leaning back against the wall next to the closet "You think I wanted to deal with this shit right now?" She gestured to the closet. "But do you understand what could have happened if Chablis went feral? If we didn’t do something? She was an inch away from killing someone. Gene. People on the street. " her gaze softened when she looked at Pers, dropping her voice to a quieter tone "And think about it; what would we have told the police if we killed her in her frenzy? How would we explain that? You can’t just kill a vampire like that. Her body wouldn't just go away. Feeding her now means we don’t have to fight her again. We keep her under control, and maybe, just maybe, we get a chance to fix things with Sarah." she reminded her why both of them were here. Afterall Pers was also here to help a total stranger - just the thing she accused Emma of doing.

"But... I get it, okay? I’m not saying you’re wrong for feeling like this. I don’t want you to leave. I just... I didn't want us to end up with bodies all over the place" she looked at the closet, and back at Pers. Both women needed her help right now, and she felt angry of having to choose between them.
Mar 9, 2025 7:43 pm
Persephone stared at Emma for a moment, a hard look in her eyes. Finally, she relents, and nods. "Fine. But you owe me a complete explanation of all of this, how you know vampires, and demons, and everything. OK? Now how can I help? I can... um, I can restrain her if needed."
Mar 9, 2025 7:55 pm
- Emma and Persephone -

Chablis whimpers pathetically in the dark, asking for more blood. She does not seem violently out of control anymore, just hungry and confused.

If Kenedi breaks the law and goes 'blues and twos' she could be here in a few minutes, or, if traffic is bad, as it usually is, it may be quicker for her to walk.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 7:57 pm
"I promise; I will tell you everything you want to know" Pers was on Emma's list too, but she didn't want to remind her of that right now. They will deal with the vampire situation, and then she will find a way to renegotiate Per's contract with Satan himself. Just another Tuesday.

"I think she is alright now. Right, Chablis?" she slowly opened the closet, but nodded to Pers just the same to stay at the ready
Mar 9, 2025 8:05 pm
Emma hesitates. Chablis looked so confused and helpless, she wanted to reach out and hold her hand. If only she could be sure she wouldn't bite it clean off

"Poor thing" she sighed softly to herself "I guess we better wait for Kenedi to get here after all.."

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