Paying the Price (RP)

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Feb 28, 2025 7:48 am
"You must have been pretty close" she murmured. Gene knew Sarah's parents. She was expected to remember his birthday. It seemed like Sarah had opened up to him in ways she hadn’t to Emma. She let that hang in the air for a moment, then continued in a more casual tone: "We only know her through a mutual... friend"

She glanced down at the door, then back to Gene "I guess if she’s not answering, there’s not much we can do here" She shrugged lightly, as if it wasn’t a big deal "So, are you really looking for new girls?"
Feb 28, 2025 9:54 am
- Emma -

Gene shrugs when you comment oh how close he was with Sarah, as if to say "we work together". He looks disappointed when you comment that you don't know more. "And... your mutual friends? They don't know anything?" He asks.

He sighs in agreement about being stymied by the lack of answer. He bends and slips a folded note through the crack at the bottom, preparing to leave.

"We are always looking for new talent, if you are interested." He says, but his heart isn't in it, like he is just fulfilling quota expectations.

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 12:30 pm
Persephone stood back and watched Emma handle the situation much more deftly that Persephone would have, with her stormy feelings muddling her good sense. She had not been the type to choose violence before; but since taking the demon form this morning, she’s had a craving for a fight.

Persephone played along. "Sorry, I… I thought you trying to hurt Sarah. Bella’s right; we are looking for work. Whatever you got."
Feb 28, 2025 3:01 pm
Persephone struggled to keep her cool…


Keep your cool +Spirit - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Feb 28, 2025 3:51 pm
Stepping a little closer, Emma let her hand brush lightly over Gene's as she spoke, a playful yet needy edge to her voice.
"Come on, aren't we pretty enough for you?"


Lend a Hand or Get In The Way - Power - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Feb 28, 2025 3:59 pm
- Emma -

"'Pretty' I got plenty of." Gene says, still nervous about 'Claire's' threats about 'tearing people apart' [ref], even if, obviously, not 'literally'. "Got more than enough crazy, too, more than I can handle."

He sighs. "I was just checking on a friend." He says under his breath. "Was not planning on doing auditions ... in a place like this." Turning to you he says. "OK. Let's see what you are working with. Lose the coat and give us a twirl? Can you dance... oh, who am I kidding? Like that matters."

What do you do?
Feb 28, 2025 4:32 pm
So, Sarah is a stripper. That means the vampire feeding on her could be any one of her regulars. Emma's desire to get into the club only grew stronger. She was eager to talk to people close to her, see what clues she could uncover.

Since a turtleneck was far less revealing than any of her club dresses, and she was never shy about showing off her body, she smoothly removed her coat, letting it drop to the floor with a quiet rustle. Her sweater huged her form, flattering her curves while still leaving much to the imagination. She shifted slightly, turning her body sideways so he could get a better appreciation of her silhouette.

"... do you like what you see?" she teased him, knowing that confidence was part of the game.
[ +- ] No Coat!
Feb 28, 2025 5:41 pm
Persephone stepped back, allowing Emma to run the show. She watched her manipulate this man like a pro.

Where did she learn all this?? I’ve never seen her like this before. She’s really changed too, apparently.

Persephone recounted to herself what she knew about this situation.

So, Sarah is an exotic dancer, with a greasy but apparently kind manager. But a vampire has been feeding in her — maybe a regular customer. So Emma’s plan is to… become a dancer too? In hopes of … what? Being the next victim? Why can’t we just go as customers on the next night Sarah is scheduled to dance? See who shows up? Wait a minute… does Emma know how to spot vampires? Because unless they look like Bella Lugosi or something, I have no idea.

Persephone suddenly felt very out of her depth. She chuckled ruefully at that; after all, just an hour ago, she was prepared to rock Emma’s world. But now, it seems, the tables were turned.

Huh, she’s actually a good dancer. She might pull this off!
Mar 1, 2025 4:05 am
- Emma -

"Hmm... Yes. That's enough. Your very pretty, but you know that." Gene says. While his eyes roved over your body you got the impression of professionalism and a lack of interest that could border on insulting. "You've got good moves, too. But no training? Natural talent." His eyes flick to your eyebrows, though he shrugs away whatever thought caused that.

"You're not a 'package deal', are you?" He asks, hoping he does not need to take Crazy-Claire as well. "Who am I kidding. We need dancers, with Sarah and Chablis missing. So come by the club and see the boss." He hands you a card.

• What is the strip-club called? Have you heard of it? Been there?

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 4:06 am
- Persephone -

You made a bad impression. You are hot, but, as Gene said, hot is easy to come by, and you are more than a little scary at the moment.

Gene does not ask you to perform, or remove your coat. If you want to redeem yourself you will need to take the initiative. Or you could tag along to Emma's call-back audition and pretend you were invited.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 4:26 am
Here’s the rolls!


Put a Face to a Name - Ravenhall - (2d6+2)

(55) + 2 = 12

Put a Face to a Name - Nicholas - (2d6+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Put a Face to a Name - Aurelia - (2d6+2)

(51) + 2 = 8

Put a Face to a Name - Hawthorn - (2d6+2)

(16) + 2 = 9

Mar 1, 2025 4:58 am
Gene's strictly professional interest in her did sting for a bit, but she shakes it off quickly, assuming he wasn't interested in women at all "Velvet Sin" Emma looks at the card, noting that the club was just around the corner, before slipping it into her purse. She never heard of the place, but she always avoided strip clubs. Not that she had any problem with nudity (the show she took her in-laws to watch had its fair share), but she preferred the idea that the dancers wanted to be there, something she couldn’t always guarantee in places like these.

"Let's go check it out" she hinted to Pers as she picked up her coat "Morning's always the best time to talk to the boss. Night's the busiest. You know how it goes" She keeps her voice light, hoping Pers will get the drift.

"So, what kind of people come to Velvet Sin?" She gives him a quick glance, feigning concern about the kind of money she might be making, but actually, her real interest lies with understanding what kind of clientele frequents the club "Is it a good gig?"
the last couple of questions will be asked on the way over there, assuming Pers doesn't want to put on a show of her own.
Mar 1, 2025 5:09 am
- Emma -

"True. Though the boss can be a bad mood in the morning, so be... er ... gentle. Morning is the time for bills, and no one likes bills.

"I have to be sure." Gene says, considering how much you seem to know about the biz, as well as Claresephone's suggestions that you, maybe, had connections. "You aren't already with another club, are you? I don't want no trouble."

Gene considers the quality of your clothes, doubtful about how good a gig it is for someone like yourself. "Honestly. The pay is not great, you will need to rely a lot on tips, and the size of the tips depends a lot on how you treat the patrons. We don't allow the bad type, those who think big tipping gives them licence be a dick, even if it could mean more money. We look after our girls... or try to." He says this last bit while glancing back at Sarah's door, a concerned look on his face.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 6:39 am
Persephone stood by, feeling foolish. She swallowed her pride and spoke up.

"Pardon me, I... I wanted to apologize, sir. I only met Sarah recently and got the impression that she was struggling, possibly in trouble. When I came around the corner and saw you banging on the door with a raised voice, well, I thought you were the source of her trouble. I can see now that you are the opposite; you are her friend. So I am sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion; I was just trying to help Sarah."

She shrugs sheepishly and adds, "And I would approeciate a chance to audiiton as well...Here, how about this?"

Persephone removes her coat, hands it to Emma, and steps back. She bends forward, placing her hands on the floor, and goes into a handstand in the middle of the hallway. As she does so, she slowly brings her legs into forward splits, and then returning to standing.

She looks at Emma, shrugs, and says, "Mom wanted me to be a gymnast."
Mar 1, 2025 7:06 am
- Persephone -

Your loose grey jersey [ref] falls 'down' as you invert, possibly revealing more than you planned of what is underneath. You can almost hear Gene thinking 'I'm sure your mother would be proud', but he refrains from insults.

"Do you have any idea what's troubling Sarah?" He asks, experimenting with a civil conversation, but not committing to more till he sees how it goes. "She just suddenly vanished. When did you meet her? Where?"

Gene is still suspicious about why you care about someone you just met, and does not know if he believes your reasons for visiting. He will be watching how you act and what you do.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 7:29 am
Persephone stands back up and tries to regain her dignity, but she largely fails.

She looks at Emma, almost apologetically, and says, "OK look. I met Sarah at a party the other night and she seemed upset. Someone said that a customer of hers had been showing ... more interest than Sarah was comfortable with, acting like he owned her. And I... well, I have experience being owned, treated like property, not getting to decide what I do with my body. So I wanted to help. Like, I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else, ok? But it sounds like you're trying to look out for her, and that makes me feel a lot better about your club."
If it isn't clear, Persephone is authentically trying to be honest and vulnerable here, without confusing the guy with unnecessary details.
Mar 1, 2025 7:31 am
Emma let out an inward sigh. She’d tried her best to steer the conversation away from Sarah, shifting the focus to the club and its clientele. But as soon as Persephone mentioned Sarah’s name again, Gene’s attention circled back to that topic, and they were back to square one. Now they would need to tell more lies, and each one had the potential to unravel their whole story.

"We last saw her about a week ago, at our mutual friend’s place" she kept her tone casual "She seemed pretty withdrawn, so no surprise she went there for a little 'pick-me-up.'" She shrugged and allowed Gene to fill in the blanks as she unfolded her umbrella and stepped out into the street. The walk to the club was short, thankfully, so she wouldn’t have to endure much more of his questioning.

"When was the last time you saw her? And where?" she asked in return. She was intentionally keeping him distracted and running the clock, letting him answer her questions until they were practically at the door.
Mar 1, 2025 7:54 am
- Persephone -

"I am very sorry you had to go through that." Gene says, softening a little towards you.

"Who said that, and which 'customer'?" He asks. "I didn't observe any problems with any of our regulars." He sounds genuinely distraught at the idea that he might have missed something like that happening, it is a common enough occurrence that he is hyper-vigilant about anyone paying any one girl too much attention.

He is still a little suspicious about your desire to work at a strip-club under those terms. 'Being told what to do with your body' is pretty much the job description.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 7:55 am
- Emma -

"'Pick-me-up'?" He demands. "What do you mean? Her erratic behavior made me suspect drugs, but Sarah never did anything like that before, and I did not get the impression... well... in truth, I did not ask." He sounds disappointed with himself. "It is a difficult topic to broach, ye'know.

"Who was this 'mutual friend'?" He asks. "Do they know anything about where she is?"

Gene will confirm that the last time he saw Sarah was the night before you spirited her away, that she was supposed to work that night when she was in your apartment, and that she just did not show, went r'adio silence' on her phone. Chablis worked that night without Sarah, pulled a double (which means twice as many dances in the same timeframe, not a longer shift), but then failed to show up the following night.

What do you do?
Mar 1, 2025 8:07 am
"I asked him if he's seen her, and he didn't" She was going to leave it at that. Gene couldn't expect that she would tell him the name of every one of her associates. They've only just met! "We will let you know if there is any sign of her" she hoped that would be the end of the conversation, but either way, she was determined not to answer any more of his questions.
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