Paying the Price (RP)

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Mar 3, 2025 5:43 pm
"Just... keep her in the bedroom!" Emma shouted to her from the kitchen. She knew better than to approach. Chablis was likely to go wild at the scent of her blood. Instead, she quickly grabbed her phone and dialed a number, barely giving Bev a chance to pick up before she blurted out her request:

"Bev, I need your help. I’ve got a starving vampire in here. She’s desperate for blood, and I’m not letting her bite me like this. Can you get over here fast? Bring your needles and a tourniquet. We’ll need both of us to handle this"
I want to Call in a Favor (my first ever, yay!). Would that be suitable?
Mar 3, 2025 5:55 pm
- Emma -

"Wha??" Bev sounds muzzy, like you work her in the middle of a dream. It takes her a moment to wake up enough to understand what you are saying.

"A 'starving' vampire?" She asks, sounding calm, though you can hear her moving around and doing things on the other side of the line. "Not Benji?!" She exclaims in concern, incidentally revealing that she knows Benji, a detail that had not come up yet in your conversations and could make things interesting.

You hear a door close —that was quick, but then she is an emergency nurse— and from a distance, her face clearly away from the phone: "OK. I have the address you sent."

It will take time for Bev to get to you.

What do you do in the meantime?
Strikeout the Debt. And Mark Mortalis.
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it, plays into the very reason for the Debt. :)
Mar 3, 2025 6:09 pm
Persephone looked around the room — could she confine Chablis here somehow? The door was damaged and probably wouldn’t help much. Then she got an idea.

Persephone growled at Chablis, saying, "We are getting you something to eat now. But I need you to wait in the closet. Now."

She stepped forward toward Chablis, hoping her menacing appearance was enough to drive her back and into the bedroom closet. Once she was in there, Pers drug the bed in front of the door, effectively trapping her inside.
Mar 3, 2025 6:11 pm
"Thanks!" she blurted quickly before ending the call. She knew it will be a hassle for Bev to get away from work for a couple of hours, not to mention having to donate her own blood, but she owed Emma a favor, and right now, she really needed her help.

"Help’s on the way. 30 minutes!" she called out toward the bedroom. Chablis had already gone without blood for maybe a week, so a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt. At least, that’s what she hoped. Still, her being so close, so within reach... it could be too much for Chablis to handle.

"I’m going to wait outside. Just... keep her talking. Do whatever you can to keep her calm"
Mar 3, 2025 6:15 pm
Keep her taking? About what??

Persephone sighed, a strange sound in demon form, like the low rumble of distant thunder. She tried to small talk with the scared and hungry vampire woman.

"So, uh, you’re a dancer, yeah? With Sarah? Hey did Sarah have any special customers? Like mysterious or strange or extra rich ones, that left Sarah maybe a little off afterwards?"
Mar 3, 2025 6:25 pm
- Persephone -

"Really?" Chablis says pathetically when you promise her food. She is surprisingly compliant, though your appearance helps, of course.

As you close the closet door and lock her in the dark she becomes quiet, an almost sub-audible 'panting' sound she was making stops, as does any sound of breathing. The dark, confined space seems to help calm her somewhat.

"Where's Sarah?" Chablis pleads, that being the only part of your conversation she was able to register.

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 12:11 am
Persephone sighed; this was not how she imagined today going. A vampire?! Like real honest to goodness Bella Lugosi here? My life is so surreal…

She sat in the bed pushed up against the closet and listened to Chablis breathe, and plead for Sarah. Eventually she spoke, as kindly as she could, despite being in a demon body. But even as she did so, she could feel the demonic power slipping away. Apparently, if she had no plans for violence, intimidation, or similar things—if she just wanted to be calm and bring peace—the demon form began to fade.

Ignoring this discovery for the moment, Pers spoke, her demon voice tempered by her calm. "Ok food is on the way. And Sarah is safe. But someone has been hurting her, Chablis. Did someone hurt you too? Maybe bite you? Or maybe make you forget a period of time when you were alone with them? Maybe someone who had been spending time with Sarah too? I’ll tell you what, if you help me understand, I’ll make sure you are always fed, ok?"


Tongued and Silver (figure someone out +Heart) - (2d6+2)

(43) + 2 = 9

Mar 4, 2025 2:23 am
After Teddy leaves, Benji locks up Jacob’s shop again and heads back to his apartment to get some sleep before Miriam visits later. His good mood from helping Fawcett earlier has been somewhat spoiled by the news about Ravenhall. He wonders if he should pay her a visit, to swear loyalty to her and try to get on her good side, or if it would be better to keep his head down and try to avoid drawing any attention to himself at all…
Mar 4, 2025 6:29 am
- Benji -

Lady Ravenhall herself has not gotten directly involved, she has left it to her lieutenants to squabble over who gets what. Aligning yourself with any one of them will make an enemy of the others. If you go that route, maybe make sure you pick the right one. They all have underlings to command, but their Status is very tentative and conditional on the tides of Ravenhall's favour.
From inside your flat comes a raucous squawking and the rattling of a gilded cage. Probably Snowy trying to escape again? But no, this time the bird is mounting a defensive action against a trio of invading rats —maybe after the food you left in the cage in the vain hope something would get eaten. They don't seem to like each other. Hermes stoically watches the proceedings from inside the safety of his armoured shell.

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 10:32 am
Benji opens his door to a screeching flurry of white feathers and gnashing yellow teeth. "Snowy!" he cries, dropping his umbrella on the ground near the door as he rushes over to break up the fight. He quickly lifts Snowy’s cage up out of harm's way, hissing at the rats to try to scare them away.
Mar 4, 2025 11:08 am
- Persephone -

Chablis goes quiet, listening to your promises of food...

"I can smell the food!" She whines. 'Sarah' and 'food/fed' (but also a little bit of 'bite') are the only words she has comprehended from your monologue.

As you return to human form the pain in your shoulder becomes intense and you feel blood trickling down your chest... your human blood!

"Why won't you feed me!"Chablis slams against the closet door. For such a slight woman she packs a hell of a punch. The door shudders and the bed moves a little ways away from the wall.

She is 'listening', but you will need to do more to keep her contained long enough, and she is not in much of a state to have visitors over for tea (these Bits use 'tea' to mean 'lunch', or is it 'dinner'... amounts to the same thing, here).

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 11:09 am
- Benji -

The invading hoard of rats don't seem at all scared by your wordless hiss, instead they look on, puzzled as to why you interrupted their assault. In their ratty little minds they were winning!, though the the raven is unharmed and the rats are bloodied. The rats watch you, waiting for you to incinerate the bird so everyone can eat!

What do you do?
Mar 4, 2025 8:40 pm
Persephone flinches when Chablis slams the door and she wonders what she can do here. She looks down and realizes she is still bleeding. She takes her shirt off and dabs up the blood, leaving the shirt now wet from blood. She balls up the shirt and slides it under the door, saying, "here, hopefully this will satisfy you for the few more minutes you have to wait."

She has no idea how much blood vampires need and if getting just a taste will calm her or drive her into a frenzy.
Mar 5, 2025 12:10 am
Benji frowns at the rats, puzzled that they haven’t scurried away in fear. "Go on, shoo," he says, waving a hand at them. He doesn’t want to hurt the dear little creatures but he can’t let them stay if they’re going to attack Jacob’s raven.
Mar 5, 2025 6:37 am
- Benji -

The rats blink at you, obviously disappointed that you are going eat the whole raven yourself. But they turn and, with a scurry of feet and slither of tails, vanish into the wainscoting. Small, bloody footprints being the only indication they were ever there. The mice are going to have competition.

What do you do?
Mar 5, 2025 7:05 am
As Persephone slid the bloody shirt under the door, it was ripped from her hand with such ferocity that she fell backward. The bed started sliding forward from the violent thrashing within. She had only moments to jump up and push the bed back into place!


Keep Your Cool (+Spirit) - (2d6+0)

(62) = 8

Mar 5, 2025 5:03 pm
- Persephone -

You ram the bed back in place. There is a mewling sound from the other side of the closet door, it does not sound anything like human. Then a ripping sound that is probably the end of your shirt, followed by ... suckling sounds?

The effort really makes your shoulder hurt. Looking down at yourself for the first time since the injury, and with your shirt off, makes it worse. You can see that it is clearly a bite... a vampire bite.

What do you do?
Add a descriptive label to the Faint harm on your sheet. Call it: 'Vampire Bite', or something suitably ominous.
As discussed [ref], the psychological effects from having a fresh vampire bite are mainly up to you to bring into play, and to resolve however you wish. I will help in any way you need.
Mar 5, 2025 5:05 pm
- Emma -

After what feels like ages of you standing outside in the cold and worrying about your friend inside, a black cab pulls up and Bev exits, umbrella first to keep the rain off her already-frizzy ball of hair.

Bev reaches back and slings a gym-bag over her shoulder, then heads quickly over to you, clearly not liking the look of this place.

"What's going on?" She asks, sounding surprisingly professional, all things considered. "What's the plan, here?" You know that she was rather giddy about the single feeding she had participated in, but you don't know the details, surely it was nothing like this, and the details here might frighten her off.

What do you do?
Mar 5, 2025 5:33 pm
Emma quickly stepped forward as Bev approached, hiding under her own umbrella

"Thanks for coming" her voice a little more rushed than she intended. "Here’s the deal: Chablis is inside. She’s a vampire, starving, and too far gone to control herself" she fixed her eyes on Bev, hoping she was ready for the plan Emma had in mind: "Did you bring your blood transfusion set, like I asked? I’m thinking we draw blood from both of us, and feed it to her through the tube. That way, we can get her what she needs without allowing her to bite us." She continued talking as they climbed up the stairs "I have a friend keeping watch over her, but I'm not sure how much longer she can hold her. We need to hurry"
Mar 5, 2025 5:46 pm
Persephone lies on the floor, her feet pressed up against the bed frame, keeping the door closed. She looks down and sees it -- two puncture wounds in her shoulder, blood trickling out of each, running down her front, pooling in her bra, now that her sweater is off. Her eyes go wide and she feels a panic attack coming on. Scrambling for her phone, which she drops several times before finally getting it out, she calls Emma in a panic.

Whether or not Emma answers or she has to leave a voice message, she shouts the same thing. "Emma! Emma please! Come quick! This bite! I got bit by a goddam vampire! I don't feel well... I think... I think maybe I'm infected? Can I get infected? Oh god... can a demon become a vampire?" This frantic flood of panicked words is followed by the sounds of hyperventilating.
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