Persephone smiled weakly at Emma's compliments. She replied, "Yeah, the company actually owns the space. I've just been assigned to it while I'm in London. When I'm working, they drive me aroud in a company car, give me pretty much inlimited discrtionary spedning for food, clothing, and so on... It's ...nice, I guess."
She took her coffee from the coffee table, now cold, and sipped it. When Emma asked her how she was really doing, Persephone could feel a breakdown coing on.
No. That won't do anyone any good. Suck it up, you wimp.
She closed her eyes and breathed for a moment, regaining her composure. She looked at Emma and began her story.
"So. Um, this is gonna sound strange, and you probably won't believe me, but I swear, Emma, it's true! OK?"
She gulped hard and contiinued.
"So, after graduation, I went to Stanford and studied computer science and marketing and wanted to write that art app I always used to talk about, right? Well, I met a girl there, Meredith, and fell in love. We worked on the app together. We raised venture capital -- a lot of it. Several hundred thousand dollars. This was gonna be BIG and it felt like my dreams were coming true. We incorporated as an LLC, started hiring, working on prototypes, alpha testing, the whole nine. We did market studies and it looked like, if we could position it properly, it could be a major player. Meredith found this mysterious angel investor to come in witih a big sum -- millions, this time. She insisted he was a sure bet, so I leveraged all my savings. I was so excited, and so confident, even my parents bought in; they basically put their retirement funds on the line. "
Persephone stopped for a moment, as tears began to roll down her face. She sniffled and conitnued.
"We had all this debt, Emma. And then, without warning, she took it. All of it. Meredith emptied our accounts and disappeared. We couldn't pay our devs. Our product was DOA. We would have no way to generate income or pay back the debt. My money -- my parents' money - was gone. All of it. I... I panicked. i didn't know what to do. I went back to the angel investor that Meredith had brought in -- I hadn't met with him prior, but he was willing to meet with me -- and explained the situation. He was empathetic; he was kind; he was was fabulously wealthy; he was, in a word, my savior. My life's work, my parent's retirement -- everything -- he could save it all. All I needed ot do was ... sign his contract."
She sobbed now, nearly wailing with pain, in between sentences, as she continued.
"I didn't know what else to do! I... I couldn't let that happen to my parents. My parents, Emma! I signed it all over to him. All of me. Body and soul. He wrote a check, I paid off my debts, launched my app, and... it failed. We made enough to pay the devs and the intiail investors, but nowhere near enough to pay back the angel investor. Not that it mattered. I had signed myself over to him."
Her sobbing subsided and she turned to Emma and looked directly at her. She said, "I sold my soul for that money, Emma. Like, literally. To a devil. The angel investor worked for the being that now owns me. Like a certified, fire and brimstome, biblical demon, Emma. I am not joking. I'm doomed for all eternity to serve a demon and do its bidding. And I knew what I was doing when I did it, but I couldn't see any other way. I was such an idiot..."
She looked down at the coffee table and shook her head. Her voice was hollow now, defeated. She continued, "So now, I travel around the world in fabulous luxury, getting people to sign away their souls, just like what happened to me. And sometimes, Emma? Sometimes I don't close a deal; sometimes I have to... enforce a contract. and that means, when someone's time is up... I..."
She pulled her legs up onto the sofa and hugged them against her chest, hard. She began to shake and shiver, unable to speak.