Paying the Price (RP)

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Feb 17, 2025 5:40 am
- Persephone -

"Persephone!" David greets. "It is so good to see you. And you must be Circe." He says your sister. "Everyone has been dying to meet you. How was your flight?"

His answer is interrupted by the doorbell, and he let's his wife continue to babble on with Circe while he lets the last guest in. He is already feeling a little outnumbered in the y-chromosome department, and seems slightly less enthusiastic about the latest addition to the crowded living-room. Nevertheless he welcomes Kat warmly enough.

Kat either did not get the memo, or did not understand it. She is dressed for a totally different sort of party: Scandalously short dress and extremely high-heeled boots that go all the way up to mid-thigh. She eyes David appreciatively, before looking around the room and discovering that he is the only man, this is a bit of an inversion from her usual nights out.

Kat speaks very little English, but seems nice enough. Circe did some Russian Language Studies at college, and tries to translate and interpret, but Kat speaks fast, and it is different to classrooms or tourist holidays.


Something about Kat is... wrong?

How do you pick up on the demon taint attached to Kat? What senses do you use? What is it like? She is not one of yours, and you don't get the impression she made any sort of deal like you specialise in, but there is something similar hanging about her...

What do you do?
Feb 17, 2025 5:56 am
Kat's dress was totally out of sync with everyone else’s more casual attire, but Emma could still appreciate a daring dress when she saw one. Besides, she didn't want to make her guest feel uncomfortable. "Wow, Kat, you look Aa-mazing!" She walked over to greet her with a warm smile, taking a moment to admire her mini dress.

"Make yourself at home. This - " she pointed at the sole man in the room "Is my husband David. Pers is an old friend from school, and this is her sister, Circe" she gestured at each as she spoke out their names "And the young woman on the couch is Sarah"

"Everyone - this is 'Ekaterina'" she tried to engage Kat in conversation and make her feel more at ease, though it looked very much like she had no problem being the center of attention: "You mentioned you are doing some modeling, right?"
Feb 17, 2025 6:16 am
Persephone gladly headed to the kitchen to deliver the bottle of wine to David, leaving Emma and Circe to chat for a moment. She set the wine on the counter and smiled at David's friendly greeting. "It's good to see you again, David! It's been too long. I heard you are fighting the good fight. Environmental health, was it?"

She hadn't seen him since college, or at least it had been well before the wedding. He looked great; a bit more mature, and still a handsome guy. Persephone felt happiness that Emma had found a good partner, but she also felt a pang of jealousy. Emma's life seemed so... normal, so domestic. This was the life Persephone had thought she would have one day, with the right man or woman. But fate, it seemed, has a sense of humor.

She returned to the front room with David when the final guest arrived. When the door opened, Persephone heard ... no, felt a buzzing in her ears, like a swarm of flies. The hair on the back of her heck stood on end. And for a fleeting moment she smelled something that reminded her of decaying human remains.

But then it all passed and a Russian woman was standing there, dressed to kill. Persephone eyed her curiously, but the buzzing in her ears remained, a dim background sensation whenever she looked at this woman. Persephone had had odd sensations around other people linked to the infernal realm, but they all worked for her patron and, so, they all had a similar 'vibe,' for lack of a better word. When she would meet another of her patron's people, she would get a wave of nausea and a whiff of brimstone off them. This, though, was different, she thought.

She must be associated with another demon! I wonder if this woman's patron is allied with or an enemy of my patron? I bet infernal politics are endlessly byzantine and infinitely cut throat, which means I had better be extremely careful around this woman. But perhaps... perhaps I can gather some information that would be useful to my patron?

Persephone approached Kat and smiled when she was introduced. "Hi. So tell me, Kat, what brings you to London? Modeling, was it?" And to Emma, she asks, "So, Emma! How do you know Kat?"
Feb 18, 2025 7:14 am
- Emma and Persephone -

"Model. Da." Kat agrees. "But... getting too old." She seems sad at her failure, though she is the youngest person in the room.

There may have been a tentative hint of recognition between Kat and Sarah, though neither of them seem to know each other for sure.

"Land of the free. Opportunities." Kat explains to Persephone's questions about 'why London'. It does not seem like she is able to pick up on the shared connection, you don't get the impression she would be very good at hiding that if she did... but you never know.

What do you all do?
Feb 18, 2025 8:21 am
Emma didn’t know how hard it was to break into the fashion industry, but to her, Kat looked like a striking young woman that could make heads turn anywhere. Maybe Kat expected she would have been discovered by now, and if she hadn’t made it by the time she was twenty, she wasn’t going to make it at all. Which sounded like a load of bullocks. It was all about opportunities, and the right connections. Kat probably didn’t have that – not in Russia. It was all a game of luck, timing, and who you knew. Maybe that is what she decided to latch herself to the much older ‘Sin’. A powerful man like that could open all sort of doors for her, though from what she witnessed at dinner, it seemed like Kat’s involvement with him had more to do with how much money he was willing to spend on her – and her habits.

"Well, it’s their loss" she said, and meant it, feeling sorry that the stars never aligned for her.

Wishing to change the subject, she grabbed the wine bottle David already opened and reached for the plastic cups. It was a bit embarrassing, but there were no other choices. David was a teetotaler, and Emma didn’t like drinking alone. Their apartment was tiny, and the kitchen barely had enough space for the everyday things they needed, let alone a dozen glasses that would mostly sit unused. Plastic cups were the only option.

She filled them out generously, and passed them around, without leaving Sarah out "Sorry about the cups" she offered an apologetic smile "It’s not ideal, but it still tastes the same, right? After the first glass, I’m sure no one will mind what they’re drinking from."
Feb 18, 2025 6:25 pm
Persephone eyed Kat again. Was she lying? Was she merely a model worried that she had missed her shot? Somehow Pers doubted it, but she supposed it could be so. Perhaps the infernal aura she carries is by association somehow? Persephone wasn't really sure how these things worked, to be honest; in reality, she was still very new to such things. Even so, she would keep an eye on Kat tonight. She nodded in response to Kat's explanation and asked, "So how do you like London?"

She took the plastic cup from Emma and smiled. She laughed and said, "Ha, it reminds me of college! I think the last time we hung out we drank wine out of solo cups, so this is giving big nostalgia!"
Feb 18, 2025 6:42 pm
- Persephone -

The wine, it seems, does not taste as good from plastic cups, but only those who have had the means to compare would appreciate that. It may be more than just pretentiousness that dictates different vessels for different beverages.

Kat concedes that is it wetter than she expected. It is hard to have a casual conversation with her, the language barrier is a barrier, and it cuts her off from people. Something about that fact niggles at the back of your mind. You are an intelligent girl, you should be able to work this out, given careful observation of the subject.

What do you do?
'Working Kat out' may be purely an in-fiction task. There are not (m)any mechanics that would help you.
For reasons that well be clear later, Figure Someone Out is no help.
If you get desperate enough you could • summon your dark patron's attention directly on your location and ask, but that has consequences.
Feb 18, 2025 8:24 pm
Persephone gulped down the wine and glanced over to Circe, making sure she was OK. She then turned her attention back to Kat. This woman intrigued her, mostly because she could not yet put her finger on what it was about her that stood out. She had an infernal air about her, but seemed... well, less threatening than the others she'd met who carried such an aura. Was she something different? Perhaps not human at all? Or maybe a toy for a demon, rather than one herself?

She turned to Emma as the three of them stood and asked, "So Emma, how do you and Kat know each other? And Kat, do you have a sponsor here in London? Someone supporting your modeling career, perhaps? I would imagine you could draw some exceptional patrons..."
Feb 18, 2025 9:56 pm
"Oh, we met at a dinner party" she didn’t go into any more details than that, feeling a need to keep it vague. Her smile did tighten ever so slightly when Pers started questioning Kat. She didn't like what she was implying when she mentioned 'patron', or even 'several' of them. It wasn't like she herself didn't suspect Kat relationship with 'Sin' was anything but transactional, but it was impolite to insinuate it. To her face, no less.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" she decided to intervene and run interference for her guest before Kat had the chance to answer, instead directing the question back to Pers with a whimsical smile.
Feb 18, 2025 10:37 pm
Persephone was a bit surprised that Emma interfered with her little infernal investigation. Apparently Emma liked this demon-tainted Russian woman. Of course she likes her... she invited her to her house didn't she?! Ugh, I am making myself crazy. So what if she has had interactions with demons... It's not like she's the only one.

She smiled at Emma and said, "Well, my corporation sponsors all kind of cultural projects; it's a good tax write-off for them and it builds good will with the community. London is filled with wealthy corporations and individuals, and it's not a cheap city to live in, after all."

Seeing that she would likely not have the opportunity to press Kat for more information, Persephone relented and switched tacts. She looked down at Kat's dress and said, "I love your dress, by the way! I wore something like it at the club just last night, actually!" She took the opportunity to scan the model's body, wondering if she had a demonic mark like Persephone's. She couldn't help but admire what she saw.
Feb 19, 2025 5:18 am
Emma relaxed when the conversation shifted away from Kat and her 'patrons'. She sipped her wine, feeling a bit lighter, before her mind circled back to what Pers just mentioned:

"Wait. Your company sponsors cultural projects!? Like... how does that work exactly?" There was a genuine interest in her voice "I mean, I’m a writer. I could probably offer something 'cultural', too. Is it something you might be able to get me in touch with?" she wouldn't mind some extra money. Who knows when her next book would be published, and what kind of royalty deal she would be able to negotiate? It sucked always having second thoughts about every expenditure.

But then Pers continued talking about clubbing, and Emma's eyes lit up: "Oh my god, we definitely should go out together sometime, just like the old days. Maybe Circe would join us, too? And Kat? I think it would be a blast"
Feb 19, 2025 5:42 am
Kat struggles to follow everything that is being said. She knows you are fighting over her, but does not seem all that concerned by this occurrence. Words like 'cultural projects' and 'good will with the community' go over her head, but she does seem to understand 'tax write-off' and 'sponsor' —even though she might think of that more like Emma imagines it than like Persephone does. She is open to anything that is on offer, and does not seem to be 'committed' to Sin and his crowd.

She also understands 'dress' and 'club' and 'go out' and eagerly agrees to join you for a night out if she can make time. She does not come out and say it, but it is heavily implied she mostly 'works nights'.

What do you do?
Feb 19, 2025 6:22 am
Persephone nodded and smiled uncomfortably at Emma’s line of questioning.

Crap, well that backfired…

She shrugged and said, apologetically, "Well, I don’t know how it happens or anything; I just know the company sponsors the arts. I could ask, but I certainly couldn’t make any promises…?"

Persephone felt awful. All I’ve done is lie to my sister and my friend. And now I’m lying even more. I’m am a terrible person. I’m going to have to tell someone, eventually. Could I tell them? Not Circe; I couldn’t bear to see her disappointed in her big sister… she looks up to me so much. And she might tell my parents and that’s… No. but Emma? Maybe? But it would blow her mind, to learn that the supernatural is real. It’s not just romantic fantasy.

Turning back the Kat, Persephone tried one last time to get info without Emma undermining her. She looked to the Russian model and asked, "So, um, Kat. Do you have a modeling agency? Or do you work with specific brands?"
Feb 19, 2025 8:22 am
"Well, if it is not too much trouble" she sensed Pers was backtracking a bit. She couldn’t understand why, but she didn’t want to press the matter. Confident that Kat had some ready-made story about what agency she is working with, she was content to leave them alone for a while so she could help David with the appetizers. They didn’t prepare anything too fancy; Italian bruschettas with diced tomatoes, garlic, and basil, plus a charcuterie board with cured meats, assortment of cheese, and some fresh fruit.

As she set the trays on the coffee table in front of the couch, she quickly glanced at Sarah to see how she was handling herself. It was probably best not to call too much attention to the withdrawn young woman, but part of her wished she could find a way to coax her out of her shell.

"So, Circe" she instead turned her attention to Pers sister, offering her a bruschetta over a paper napkin "What’s next for you? Pers mentioned you were staying with her for a while?"
Feb 19, 2025 1:41 pm
Persephone felt another pang of guilt for lying to her friend. She nodded and tried to smile at Emma, saying, "I will!" She watched as Emma left.

She turned to Kat and her smile faded. She said, "You know, there's something familiar about you. You remind me very much of someone I know and I can't put my finger on it. What the devil is his name? What in hell is his infernal name? Ah well, maybe it will come to me."

She watched Kat for a reaction. If she saw none, she studied her once more. Could this girl be a plaything of a demon and not even realize who it is she spends her time with? Could she be so naive?

HA! As if I myself were not lulled into a false sense of safety by my 'friend' who offered me solace and support when I was at my lowest, only for me to learn too late who -- or what -- he really was!

Persephone chatted for a while more with Kat before excusing herself to go to the bathroom. She entered and locked the door. She looked into the mirror, disgusted, and tears began to well up in her eyes. She wiped them away, and tried to fix her makeup, though a touch of red around the edges remained. She was, quite literally, doomed.
Feb 19, 2025 2:53 pm
- Persephone -

It is probable all your subtle hints and clever wordplay went over Kat's head again, but she shows no hint that she knows anything about 'infernal hell devils'. She does not seem surprised that you recognise her and want to confront her about it; not happy, but not surprised, you get the impression you are not the first.

Away from all the voices you have time to think. You are an expert in the subtle details of the contract, and your contracts are not signed on paper. You can read something of the taint upon Kat, she is definitely bound, her soul earmarked for collection, but you don't get the impression she signed any contract or reaped any reward. Yet she is still set to pay the price.

What do you do?
You can answer for Circe about her future plans [ref].
Feb 19, 2025 3:35 pm
Persephone's eyes narrowed as she studied Kat one more time. Oh my god! She's doomed to hell, like me, but somehow she... doesn't know! How? This... this is wrong. I ... I have to help her. Somehow.

Persephone changed her tack entirely. She looked Kat directly in the eyes and said, "Kat. Ekaterina. You have fallen in with some bad people, haven't you? They use you. They might provide for you, but you are owned. I know, because I am owned too. By evil, powerful people, who own me body and soul. I can't free myself, but maybe... maybe I can help free you. Would you let me help you? I... I need to help someone for a change."

The sincerity, desperation, and urgency in Persephone's voice and expression were clear.


Circe smiled warmly at Emma and took the bruschetta, which she promptly popped into her mouth between swigs of wine from the plastic cup. As she chewed, she said, "Oh Emma, your place is so cute! I hope to have a place like this one day! Living in a big city in a cozy little place with my hubby, working on my art! Oh, and yeah! That's the plan, ha ha! I'm hoping my big shot sis can land me a job doing business stuff, ha. They've got to need like file clerks and mailroom people, right? And who knows, maybe I'll discover I actually like the corporate stuff, like she does!"

Circe had been all smiles and warmth, but then she frowned for a moment and asked, "Hey Emma, do you know what Persephone actually does? Like for her job? 'Cause she kind of won't tell me."
Feb 19, 2025 5:04 pm
Persephone and Kat's animated conversation was hard to miss. Pers was unusually engaged with Kat - almost too engaged, and something about the intensity of the conversation It wasn't unlike Pers to be so wrapped up in someone so quickly, so there had to be something going on there. She tried to dismiss the thought, but stole one last glance before turning her attention back to Circe:

"Yes, it's pretty great" she readily agreed with her assessment of her life. Despite all the struggles, and money being tight, she would never exchange her life for a boring 9-5 at a cubicle in some gray office building. "Pers?" she gave a light tug of her shoulders when Circe asked what her sister was doing "She works at HR. I didn't ask what exactly she was doing, but I'm guessing it is about dealing with employee stuff; Recruitment, Work Contracts, Performance Reviews. Termination... I'm sure she will tell you all about it if you press her" Emma didn't see why she wouldn't. Maybe because it was too boring, and Pers was too tired explaining it after a long day at the office "Anyways, I don't think they have file clerks and mailroom people today. It's all digital. We don't have them at the Independent either. In fact, I rarely come to the office myself. Can't remember when was the last time I actually saw Mr. Thompson. I usually just mail him my columns...."
Feb 19, 2025 5:32 pm
Circe's mouth opened in surprise and understanding, revealing that she had not yet finishing chewing the bruschetta. She covered her mouth and swallowed quickly, then laughed and gulped some more wine. She said, "Oh duh! Of course it's all digital. I watch too many old movies. Um, well, I mean, what I [I]really[/I] want is a job doing, like, graphic design, you know? Like, maybe laying out fashion spreads for a magazine, or designing logos and graphics for a cool coffee shop, or something. That way I can actually use my art classes! And then, when I'm not at work, I can draw and paint as much as I want!. But I am guessing Persephone can't help much with her HR thing or whatever. hey, does your newspaper need that sort of thing?" Circe looked at Emma with excitement and hope.
Feb 19, 2025 6:35 pm
"Any company could use a good graphic designer. I'm sure even the one Pers works at has at least one position. I can send your CV to our HR department, in case they are looking for someone" she wasn't sure there WAS a position open, but who knows? Maybe the stars will align for Circe. She was much more interested, however, in seeing some of her work. Emma appreciated art, in almost any form. It was always cool to see what talented people could come up with "I'd love to see some of your work. Do you have any pictures you can show me?"
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