Emma’s eyes lit up when Persephone mentioned reading her book.
"I’m so glad you liked it! I know it’s not highbrow entertainment or anything. It was meant to get people’s hearts racing, you know? A roller coaster of emotion; fear, arousal - that sort of thing" yes, some critics did pan it for being trashy, but who cares? The book was selling, and that was the important part.
"You'll like the next one, too. It's going to be...a bit darker, if you can imagine that. More like a Stephen King novel, but with more, emmm. 'romance'"
Her jaw almost dropped when she mentioned staying in Mayfair
"No way!" she sat up iin her chair, practically glowing with joy
"I live just a minute away, on Bridle Street. We're practically neighbors" That would mean they could see each other much more often now, but she didn't want to assume anything. Pers still had a day job, and judging by the way she was dressed, a high-paying, demanding one. Maybe she wouldn't have that much free time for Emma in her life after all.
"You must come over tonight then! I’m having a few friends over, and I’d love for you to join us. It’s been way too long, and it would be so good to catch up. You'll get so see David too - he works at the Environmental Health Department at London’s City Hall these days" she couldn't help but smile when talking about her husband, and it took effort for her to stop
"You know what he's like. Very idealistic. Always wanting to make a difference" she realized she was doing it again, and turned her attention back to Pers:
"How’s your sister doing? Is she enjoying London?" OOC:
@vagueGM, did Kat get back to Emma about the invite for later that evening? I think it would be fun to get both Kat and Pers on the same scene