After she uttered her words and spat blood into the sink -- an offering? -- Persephone looked back up at the mirror. Behind her, suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared and time slowed to a stop. The faucet's drip of water paused midair. Space warped around them. And red eyes -- burning, piercing eyes -- peered out from the shadowy humanoid form into Persephone's. She got the distinct impression that her patron intentionally hid its true form from her for some reason, concealed in this caul of shadow, caught in a moment of time.
Darkness crowded in around her, blotting out the bathroom and everything else. Only she and those red eyes remained until she looked back at the mirror and, peering out of her own face, were those inhuman red eyes. A voice rumbled inside her head, like thunder from a faraway storm, echoing across the distance. Persephone did not hear words but somehow she
knew things now that she did not before. And then, just as it arrived, her patron receded, pulling out of her mind with a feeling like being turned inside out, as if she were vomiting her feet up and out of her mouth. But as it left her, she felt it take something with it -- some small piece of her gone forever. Was it a memory? Some of her ability to feel empathy? She could not be sure. She knew with a chilling realization that she would not miss it, whatever it had been. Whatever
she had been.
My god, what have I become?
Then reality came crashing back at her. The light, the sound of the faucet drip hitting the sink, the ambient noise of the ventilation, were all deafening. She fell to her knees and cried out. The smell was unbearable; brimstone, decay, rotting flesh, bad eggs... the light, the noise.... it was too much. She regurgitated her wine into the toilet nearby and slumped to the floor.
So that... that's HER. The demon who owns me. My god. She was not sure if the patron was a her, but the way it occupied her body felt familiar in a way that made her prefer 'her' over 'him', or even 'they' or 'it.' She went with it.
"Pers? Are you alright in there?" "Um, just a second!" Persephone shouted back, feebly. She scrambled to her feet, wiped the sick from her chin, and went to the door, trying her best to compose herself. It was only after she opened the door that she glanced back and saw her blood in the sink.
"Um... I'm fine! Sorry. I guess the wine didn't agree with me. I... um, sorry, my word that is a bad smell. I am so sorry, Emma! Can I ... um... open a window or something? Ugh, this is embarrassing." OOC:
Later, upon reflection, Persephone would realize that she very much preferred dealing with that pompous ass Wentworth than that. This was the first time Persephone had interacted directly; every previous exchange had been through intermediaries or, perhaps, with her dark patron hiding in an appealing human form.