Drgwen says:
... With my Escape a Sitch roll of 11, I assume I get out without trouble. ...
Yes. Unless the option you choose
causes trouble, but that is up to you.
Drgwen says:
... take one Harm from nausea or Mark ...
Harm is a rather serious thing in US, you only get 5 before you 'die'. I don't see a little vomiting counting, or mattering (if you can be over it 'tomorrow' it does not matter if we skip ahead; but if the next scene happens before then, a second 'bout of vomiting' would put you in hospital, and that does not make sense:).
Faint Harm is something you can get over with some rest, but the next step up is things like getting shot. See the
notes on Harm.
Drgwen says:
... Corruption for the vileness of her act ...
The way the book describes this 'Giving in to your base nature and marking corruption means you call upon whatever darkness lurks inside your character to get to safety', but we can fudge that a bit and make it just the vileness you were escaping that Corrupts you? We would need to see a little of that in the fiction.
You also left in a hurry, so maybe you left your purse and umbrella behind? Depending on what we feel like this could lead to questions later, or to needing to endure the cold and rain now (though you have a car waiting?). But if we don't fancy those we can ignore that (either you grabbed them or they aren't important).
You could end up Owing someone, but that does not fit with the fiction we have, so we would need to add that detail.
Or you could end up in a dangerous situation. A scantily clad women in a back alley is asking for trouble. This would probably amount to a chance for you to vent, more than something that actually threatens you, though.
Drgwen says:
... I assume this counts as a demonic job, so I should also mark Wild, ...
Quite right, Mark that.
Drgwen says:
... now my patron owes me a debt? ...
Record it in the
Debt Ledger, and on your sheet if you want. Remember to record the reason for the Debt, they are not fungible numbers, they are actual events that you have to specifically refer back to when you
Cash in each Debt.
Add the 3 you Owe your Dark Patron to the ledger as well.
We can deal with the Starting Debts when we get a chance, unless you have ideas?
(Do you have thoughts on what colour we should use for
Persephone in the chart? I will try to find something that is distinctive, works for both light and dark themes, but also hearkens back to their portrait image, but that can be hard.)