Paying the Price (OOC)

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Feb 23, 2025 5:41 pm
Drgwen says:
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.
Thanks, though Emma probably won't like being called 'normal' ;)

If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.
Feb 23, 2025 10:26 pm
Delirium says:
Thanks, though Emma probably won't like being called 'normal' ;)

If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.
I am happy to have it as early as Emma is available. I don't want to step on whatever other scene you want to have the next morning. I imagine Persephone might even have been entirely unable to sleep, so she might text Emma at, like, dawn and asked to meet for coffee.
Feb 23, 2025 10:27 pm
(not to meet AT dawn, but to meet wheenver Emma is available that day)
Feb 24, 2025 3:25 am
Drgwen says:
Also, I love how normal (for lack of a better word) Emma's home life is! it is not often I see such domestic tranquility in a TTRPG, especially one with monsters and vampires and demons and so on! it's a lovely contrast, I tihnk.
I am a big fan of 'slice of life' in stories and RPGs. They help offset the 'dramatic moments', else, if everything is 'dramatic', it loses its potency.
Feb 24, 2025 3:30 am
Drgwen says:
Delirium says:
... If you want to involve Pers in whatever shenanigan Emma is dealing with, it's best to have the conversation between the two as early as possible.
... she might text Emma at, like, dawn and asked to meet for coffee.
If you two meet before Emma goes to Sarah's perhaps you might end up going together? There is safety in numbers.

If you have shared your supernatural-secrets with each other then it makes a lot of sense to take some muscle, there may be vampires there, after all!

If you have not come clean, then Emma may hesitate to bring Persephone along... there may be vampires there, after all! :) But that is even more delicious with them both trying to to conceal 'that same' secret.

@Drgwen: Does Persephone know about the existence of vampires? It is not a huge leap from 'demons exist' to 'vampires exist', but she might not, yet, know these details. Would this be a revelation to her?
Feb 24, 2025 3:43 am
I think that she does NOT know that other supernatural creatures exist yet, no. Becoming bound to a demon was her first supernatural experience. As far as she knows, it's just mundane humans and biblical creatures -- she might now suspect angels exist, but she doesn't know about vamps, werwolves, magic, ghosts, etc.

And yeah, if Delirium is OK with it, I'd like to have Pers and Emma meet sooner rather than later. But I'll leave it up to her whether Emma will respond to that early morning text or not, and whether to plan an early coffee or not, etc
Feb 24, 2025 3:51 am
@Delirium: If we might be running into vampires, would Emma want to bring Benji along, as a guide or muscle? (So far she seemed more likely to run headlong into vampire nests without taking such precautions, yeah? :)

@oopsylon: Out of interest: Can Benji recognise other vampires as vampires? Maybe new ones don't 'smell' or whatever, but old ones do? He presumably knows most old vampires in London, but would he recognise someone newly changed? How?
Feb 24, 2025 4:53 am
vagueGM says:
I am a big fan of 'slice of life' in stories and RPGs. They help offset the 'dramatic moments', else, if everything is 'dramatic', it loses its potency.
vagueGM says:
If you two meet before Emma goes to Sarah's perhaps you might end up going together? There is safety in numbers.
That's why I suggested they meet sooner rather than later. Emma was planning to head to Sarah's apartment first thing in the morning. Pers wanted to meet in the afternoon, and Emma sees no reason to wait for that meeting to happen before going to Sarah’s. But if we change things a little and have them meet in the morning, Emma could potentially invite Pers to join her. Benji, probably not. He did mention that his involvement might complicate things, as it could come across as 'poaching.' Otherwise, she would have been happy to have him come too.
Feb 24, 2025 4:55 am
drgwen says:
And yeah, if Delirium is OK with it, I'd like to have Pers and Emma meet sooner rather than later. But I'll leave it up to her whether Emma will respond to that early morning text or not, and whether to plan an early coffee or not, etc
That will be totally fine by Emma. Her schedule is flexible, so they can meet in the morning, and then we will take it from there ;)
Feb 24, 2025 5:15 am
@drgwen - wrapping up the conversation with David, and then you can set the next scene? Do you want to invite Emma over, or have them meet somewhere else?
Feb 24, 2025 5:45 am
Hmm. Well, she could invite Emma over if she can get rid of Circe for the morning. Otherwise she might ask to come to your place. Yes, she’ll come up with an excuse to send Circe out and have you come by. I’ll post about that shortly.
Feb 24, 2025 5:49 am
Great! Because getting some privacy in Emma's apartment isn't easy either! Sarah is staying with them, and I noticed she does like to eavesdrop...
Feb 24, 2025 5:51 am
Heheh Emma might be almost relieved to learn the truth about Persephone! That will not be the reaction Persephone was expecting lol
Feb 24, 2025 6:33 am
Delirium says:
... Sarah ... does like to eavesdrop...
Not like she is given much of a choice. :)
Feb 24, 2025 6:35 am
vagueGM says:
@oopsylon: Out of interest: Can Benji recognise other vampires as vampires? Maybe new ones don't 'smell' or whatever, but old ones do? He presumably knows most old vampires in London, but would he recognise someone newly changed? How?
Hmm, good question! I think that other vampires would not smell like food/prey to Benji in the same way humans would. So, when encountering another vampire, I think Benji would quickly be able to tell that they weren’t human by their scent, but it might take a few more clues to confirm they were a vampire (e.g. cold skin, no audible heartbeat) and not some other kind of supernatural creature.
Feb 24, 2025 6:45 am
oopsylon says:
... no audible heartbeat ...
Ah, right. So pretty conclusive, especially in a quiet enough place.
Since you probably not joining Emma in her scene, do you have ideas for what comes next for you? Or do you want me to throw something at you after you are done with the Night Sisters and Lizabeth?
Feb 24, 2025 10:40 am
I was planning to have Benji visit the nearest university after this to see if he can get a copy of that missing book, but I’m happy to have a surprise thrown at me instead :)
Feb 24, 2025 11:05 am
oopsylon says:
I was planning to have Benji visit the nearest university after this to see if he can get a copy of that missing book, ...
Do we think that needs a scene? It is probably a matter of paying a few bob and you are done? More interesting is probably the delivery to Millicent.

Either way, you can narrate that scene (university or statue after university) and I can bring in a twist during that.
Feb 24, 2025 12:28 pm
Good point! We’ll skip ahead to the scene with Fawcett then
Feb 24, 2025 9:34 pm
I am tempted to say just enough about Persephone’s situation so as to allow Emma to go on having the wrong idea, until she says something that makes Persephone says, "Wait What?! You think I…"

But I think maybe poor Emma has been misled long enough. I should be able to post her response later tonight.
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