Paying the Price (OOC)

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Mar 1, 2025 7:37 am
Ok. I don't think their stories actually contradict each other, so lets keep it as is.
And goodnight!
Mar 1, 2025 7:37 am
Drgwen says:
Sorry about that! ...
It happens. It is a constant issue with PbP, and there is no real way to avoid it and still maintain any sort of speed.
Mar 1, 2025 7:40 am
Delirium says:
Ok. I don't think their stories actually contradict each other, so lets keep it as is.
Yeah. Less 'contradict' than disagree slightly on the implied timeline, but you did not say you are describing the same indecent, and Persephone did not say it was since he lost track of her... though he will assume that.
Mar 2, 2025 1:11 am
Okay, so for Debts I’m thinking:

Lady Ravenhall owes Benji a Debt because Benji discovered that one of Elliot’s underlings was secretly reporting to Ravenhall and did not tell Elliot about it.

Nicholas owes Benji a Debt because Benji helped Nicholas hide from a group of vampire hunters when he got himself into trouble as a newly turned vampire.

Sound good?
Mar 2, 2025 5:37 am
oopsylon says:
• Ravenhall: Benji discovered and 'hid' spy.

• Nicholas: Benji helped hide from vampire hunters when newly turned.
Sounds great!

Playing both sides on both counts, I see. :)
(Helping Ravenhall and Elliot, and for and against hunters.)
Mar 2, 2025 6:09 am
I rolled a 'Let it Out' to 'Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area', because it seems more relevant than a general 'Keep your Cool'. I hope it's fine. Anyways, it was an atrocious roll (don't want to start breaking with tradition, do we), so I guess we will have to wait and see if Pers manages to find some clue...
Mar 2, 2025 6:22 am
Delirium says:
... I rolled a 'Let it Out' to 'Spot a previously overlooked clue or advantage in the immediate area', because it seems more relevant than a general 'Keep your Cool'. I hope it's fine. ...
Good point. If you have more specific moves we should use them over the general ones.

What about this would have led to Corruption? Let It Out is specifically about 'tapping into the darkness inside you' (a dismissed thought about stealing a sexy outfit does not come close:). It is tricky with the Aware, I am not sure what but I think we need a little more, don't you? Hard to judge the consequences otherwise?
Delirium says:
... Anyways, it was an atrocious roll ...
Looked pretty unremarkable to me. :P
Delirium says:
... (don't want to start breaking with tradition, do we) ...
True dat. :)
Delirium says:
... I guess we will have to wait and see if Pers manages to find some clue ...
Yeah. Let's see what Persephone does, and amalgamate the roll results into one consequence or combine them somehow.
Mar 2, 2025 6:31 am
I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? Emma has no intention of going on stage - she just wanted access into the locker rooms to check things out and search for clues. That's kind of shifty, no?
Mar 2, 2025 6:40 am
Delirium says:
... I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? ...
OK. Could be. Contrasted with Persephone's hesitance about how you are acting... yeah, sure.
Delirium says:
... Emma has no intention of going on stage ...
OK. I was getting worried. :)

Committing to the bit and actually going on stage, maybe to give Persephone more time to search, would definitely be a valid cost for this miss and carry Corruption, but that is not something I would demand of a character without checking with the player first. Aside from the fact that you can always say no to such an offer, I would not even make it without checking first, 'hard choices' need to actually be choices, so if one is a 'guaranteed no' then there is not a choice involved.

• How far is Emma willing to go?
Mar 2, 2025 6:52 am
It's not that I have any issue with sexual themes, per-se, it's more that it is something I can't see Emma doing. Flirting and some light teasing, sure, but that is where she draws the line.

Right now, she figures they could just leave after spending a few short minutes at the changing room and chalk it up to the club looking too downtrodden and they don't expect they will make any money dancing there. Whatever clues they manage to find will have to do. There are still other avenues she can think of exploring outside the club. Even if there weren't, she still won't go up stage and compromise herself.
Mar 2, 2025 6:54 am
Delirium says:
... she still won't go up stage and compromise herself.
Cool. That could be part of the consequence, needing to make excuses and burn bridges, or something. We shall see.
Mar 2, 2025 1:52 pm
Delirium says:
I figured sneaking into the club under false pretenses was dark enough to justify corruption? Emma has no intention of going on stage - she just wanted access into the locker rooms to check things out and search for clues.
Ah that's a relief! Your characerization was so good you sold me on it; for a minute there, I thought you intended to go through with it! And similarly, I have no problem with such themes (you should see my pbp game of Thirsty Sword Lesbians over on Myth-Weavers!) but the exploitative nature of this scenario would make it icky to me. Ok I'll post shortly.
Mar 2, 2025 2:13 pm
Posted! With my own Keep Your Cool roll, which Persephone absolutely did not do! Two misses... this is gonna be bad/interesting. Which is to say, fun and exciting!
Mar 2, 2025 3:12 pm
Delirium says:
(in RP) ... she was still disappointed to come up empty-handed.

"Well, that was a bust" she muttered under her breath, and with a nod to Pers, started heading toward the door "- Let’s get out of here."
Remember, a Miss is not a failure, they use different words for a reason. One of the GM Moves is Propose an Opportunity With a Cost, so you could still succeed, even on a Miss, the characters just might wish they hadn't.

I don't really have strong ideas about the double-cost here. Do we want to get away free or get caught snooping? Getting caught could burn some bridges, but might lead to 'clues', it could also just slow things down.

Do we have ideas about what we are going to do next? That might affect what I do.
Mar 2, 2025 3:24 pm
Getting caught snooping would mean they would need to do a bit more then just look at some outfits, and right now, I don't see Emma willing to risk more than that. I want to see them leave the club, and since they passed on the opportunity for employment, returning would look mighty suspicious. Emma would want to double back to Sarah's apartment, now that Gene is no longer there they might have better luck cajoling Chablis out, or, think of something else.
Mar 2, 2025 3:35 pm
Delirium says:
... they might have better luck cajoling Chablis out, or, think of something else.
Emma can probably get inside when nobody answers. You have your Kit which might have Lock-picks, and your Let It Out ability to Gain access to a secure or locked-down location so that is in your wheelhouse.
Mar 2, 2025 3:37 pm
Yes, I did consider breaking in, in fact. But first Emma will try to call Chablis from outside the door (she does have her number), and hope she picks up.
Mar 2, 2025 3:39 pm
Delirium says:
... Emma will try to call Chablis from outside the door (she does have her number), and hope she picks up.
Not with all those misses, she won't, misses lead to missed calls it seems. :)

If you want in, you have to find a way in.
Mar 2, 2025 3:41 pm
So yes, Emma will break in. I'll wait to see if @Drgwen has anything to say before we leave the club before heading to Sarah's apartment.
Mar 2, 2025 4:10 pm
Don't forget, Chablis is missing too, (ref) after pulling a double to cover for Sarah's absence. So she either quit because it was too much work, or, worse, whoever had been preying on Sarah took out their frustration about her absence on Chablis.

And Persephone would definitely be comfortable just leaving! With consequences to be discovered later....
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