Chapter 2.1b: Search Party (Hochoch)
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GM: What would be the cost in eagles to purchase some fire-eater oil for performing? And could he have already purchased that. He has 15 eagles on him. Might also consider having bought a dagger too. Kinda handy things. I have current have only the starting class gear + background + trinket. Might also get two does for fire-eater as he probably shows off to those he is traveling with.
Manthis is a husky large man in his twenties. Found in common clothing or chain mail. Always with a greatsword & a whip. Pack on a backpack and he is ready to travel. Sometimes you can hear him coming as he likes to play his pan flute.
Edit: Change out the shawm for a pan flute. Was thinking the wrong instrument for him and corrected it.

Arya Arkon

Despite her superior demeanor, Arya has shown kindness to the common folk encountered during their travels, blessing their crops and chanting the glory of Pelor in the villages she visits.
As they approach their destination, the athletic lady strides forward, clad in chain mail covered by a golden tabard emblazoned with an orange sun in the center. Her face, sculpted like a determined goddess, radiates an almost divine aura.
"Radiant Pelor, Sun of Righteousness, grant me your strength and guidance. May your light banish the shadows and fill my heart with courage." Arya murmured, a hint of resolve hardening her delicate features. "Almost there..." she whispered, eager to cleanse the region of all wickedness and return home.
Within half an hour, they have continued up the south road to the point where it becomes a street in the town itself. Off to the east is the tower of a Temple, and not far beyond it, the wide, gently flowing Realstream River. They have to make a series of turns to maneuver around rows of houses and shops to arrive at the south gate in the town wall. Asking directions, the trio are met with smiles and good wishes as the townsfolk direct them to the Inn of Eternal Rest, where they can meet with Olpert Razorson, the chief of the local Dungeon Busters operation.

Arya Arkon

Inside the inn, the aromas of wine and roasting meat filled the air, a welcome change from the chill of the forest. Arya felt the weight of her armor pressing against her body, eager to shed it and allow her skin to breathe. A warm bath seemed a distant, yet oh-so-sweet, reward.
In the courtyard, she approached the man waving at them. "Mister Razorson, I presume?" she inquired. "May Pelor's light illuminate your path. Please, call me Mother Arkon." While unusual for one so young, the title of mother was not uncommon for women of the cloth. She presented her letter of recommendation and her divine credentials, a document bearing the seal of her temple that confirmed her status as a cleric of Pelor. "Thank you for your consideration," she continued. "A good meal for myself and my companions would be most welcome. This is Mantis and Rosemary, both capable warriors. Together, we should be able to deal with any nuisance."

Hooking up with Olpert was quick and nice. Talks of the mission were very welcome to Manthis. A clean bath & a comfy room is welcome sight always to him. Something to dine on besides trail ration is taken well too. Manthis will gladly settle in Inn of Eternal Rest and looks forward to viewing the local sights per say of walled Hochoch which he imagines is sparce at best.
Manthis is heavy on the thoughts of doing away the pesky bandits that are reducing Orlane's needed trade. Seem that he almost takes it personally and welcome any aid that helpful Olpert will offer. Fighter Manthis keeps a more businessman attitude during the encounter. And hopes tomorrow further discussions will bring more light on the current issue. It has been a fine introduction day.
Manthis says to mother Arya, "Shall we stroll along the inter walls of here a bit before the night takes us?" Otherwise to do a bit exploring and to get the layout of this place better in mind. Place isn't large so; he doesn't expect it to take much time. He fully expects to make his presence a bit more noticeable as walking with lovely Arya will do.
"Blessings be upon you, wanderers," the priestess says with a smile, correctly gauging from the dusty clothes that these unfamiliar faces belong to people who've just arrived. "I am Diana. I see that one of you," she nods at Lady Arkon, "is of the faithful as well. What are your names?"
Arya Arkon

Arya spent a considerable amount of time examining the details of the humble temple. Her brow furrowed as she noticed the absence of any iconography dedicated to Pelor, a deity typically revered within the Duchy of Geoff. "Greetings, sister Diana," she said to the temple attendant. "I am Mother Arkon, from the Cathedral of Gorna. May the Shining Father bless you and the good people of Hochoch." Arya was wise enough to avoid religious debate, but her gaze lingered on the depictions of other deities within the temple. "Pelor is merciful," she observed, "and by His will, Devek was saved through the valiant efforts of mortal hands. It fills me with pride that the Dungeon Busters dedicate themselves to saving lives. We recently joined their ranks."
"As Rosemary mentioned," she continued, "we are simply exploring the town. However, since we are here, it seems an appropriate time to offer thanks to Pelor for guiding us safely through our journey here."

Arya Arkon

At the suggestion of escorting the crofter and his family, Diana smiles appreciatively. "I'm sure the Jarl family would be delighted at your offer. Why don't you talk to them about it?" She lowers her voice. "But know that it's not a short trip; they are not Hochoch residents. The Jarls live a full day's hike east of here, deep in the Dim. If you need to settle your affairs first, they would probably be willing to wait another day before returning. But don't let me speak for them; they'd love to meet you."
Arya Arkon

A slight shiver ran down her spine at the mention of the Dim Forest. She quickly masked it with a forced air of confidence. "The Dim Forest? Oh, right. Sure, I mean... if you're all up for it, I'm in. A day's journey is nothing."
Arya Arkon

"We understand you are returning home towards the Dim Forest," she continued. "If I may be so bold, perhaps you could use an escort? Tomorrow morning, we plan to explore the surrounding area, as we are newcomers to this region. Your home, I understand, is a day's journey away. If you would be so kind to consider waiting until tomorrow at dawn, we would be honored to ensure your safe return and prevent any unpleasant surprises from befalling your family. "

He further asks, "I have a few rations. Does anyone need any?"
Hearing the offer of an escort back home, Abel and Elista exchange a quick glance and then smile and bow deeply. "We would be honored!" The kids are very excited to get to stay in town for another night, and the younger ones babble happily at the adventurers as the group makes its way back to the Inn of Eternal Rest. Wonderingly, little Torren asks Arya: "Are you a princess?" and Emiless shyly asks Rosemary "Are you a queen?" Meanwhile the other children are agog at the size of Manthis' immense sword. "I bet you've killed hundreds of giants, High Lord!"

He does however add on, "But, if you caring parents don't mind, I would gladly you show some of my fancy moves!" Tale spinner Manthis is an entertainer at heart.
Thacogygax, a tall dragonborn who speaks only broken Keolish
Xana Beren, a cheerful gnome woman who makes most people uneasy somehow
Sara Stone, a human woman with a massive greatbow
Albertus, a young and somewhat formal human knight, who recognizes and greets the Jarls immediately
Durren Elderblade, a human steeped in Elvish culture who speaks with an affectation of medieval Keolish (think Shakespearean English)
Kragga Moonweaver, a charming and talkative half-orc with an encyclopedic knowledge of many topics
Karliel, a half-elven bard who immediately starts trying to get people drinks and to join him in various choruses of songs
Klak and Morgran, two dwarves who both seem ready to celebrate though they couldn't be more dissimilar otherwise: one is a paladin, the other is a pirate
The celebration continues into the night. The Jarl family is dazed by all the attention, and Abel and Elista are a little embarrassed to be garnering so much attention, though the younger children take it in stride. Manthis performs a sword dance to the delight of the children (and the obvious appraising admiration of Lienne).
Arya Arkon

Within the hour, Arya's presence was known to everyone. It required little effort; her beauty and grace naturally drew others to her. A skilled conversationalist, Arya listened attentively, asking thoughtful questions and seeking clarification, making each person feel heard. The past few days of travel rations had taken their toll as she lost some weight, so she relished the hot meal and drink, savoring every bite.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rosemary and Emiless came out from the kitchen and gave out poppyseed muffins. When everyone was satisfied, she sat down and played with Wenderly. It was a bittersweet moment, as it reminded her of her son at home.

As any good entertainer, he maintains a track of his crowd that he wishes to gleefully please. His watchful eye does fully take note of the earlier Lienne from the previous bar encounter when he and the other fellow Dungeon Busters first enter there. Although she is with crowd of fellow admirers, nevertheless entertaining Manthis takes special notice of charming her as it obviously seems many close others have taken notice too.
Olpert shakes his head. "That woman...she seems determined to spy on everything we do." He rubs a hand over his face, and then addresses Arya, Manthis, and Rosemary. "As you just arrived last night, you may not have realized it yet, but Lienne is...a handful." The dwarf Morgran interjects: "Aye, she is that, and a gossip to boot!" There are nods and murmurs of assent from all the others except for the dragonborn Thacogygax, who seems confused. "The woman is a boot...?" Little gnome Xana pats him on his massive, scaled elbow. "I'll explain later." The shaggy half-orc Kragga addresses the three new Dungeon Busters. "One would think that being young, pretty, and charming would be enough for her, but Lienne has realized that she gets even more attention if she can share news. If you want information spread through the whole town, tell Lienne that information in confidence. But if you want to keep a secret, you must never let Lienne know."
Olpert nods. "Thank you for putting it so clearly, Kragga. Now that that - and prying ears - is out of the way, let's get to the day's business. Before I assign tasks, does anyone have any leads for more work?" The collected Dungeon Busters murmur and shake their heads. Sara speaks up: "There's always hunting monsters in the Dim, but no one has asked us to do that, as far as I know." She looks around, and the others all shake their heads. Olpert sighs. "I know you want to form a group to hunt that owlbear, Sara. Right now I want us to focus on jobs where we are seen to be helping people who request our help. I want to start making the transition from heroes for hire. It's the only way that we're going to drive business in the long term. I've told you before that I am confident that merchants will hire the Dungeon Busters to kill that beast once regular trade resumes between Hochoch and Orlane. But to get there, we have to help restore trade on Cecily's Road.
"Right now there are two issues we know of that are interfering with trade on the Road: bandit activity, and whatever is going on in Orlane. It's true that no one has hired us to do either of those things, but if we can eliminate those problems, there will be a lot more travel and more business for us. Most of you here have been working on the bandit problem for the past four days, while Reptile, Myrtha, Chase, Theran, and Aanbo went to find out if there's any truth to the rumors about Orlane. Albertus, you've been talking to the prisoners, and you told me something that you discovered last night. Would you tell them what you told me?"

Xana the gnome stiffens and speaks in a voice completely unlike her own, a voice that hints at bottomless reserves of despair and madness: "THEY ARE RELATED." Then her body relaxes and she looks around, blinking. In her normal voice, she asks "What are you all looking at? It makes sense to me."
Albertus agrees: "Yes, I thought so, too. Both Black and Jonbon engaged in secrecy to hide their real identities and motivations. So yesterday I started asking questions as if they were part of the same puzzle. At first I thought Jonbon might be Black himself, but that doesn't make sense: he was all by himself, and he wasn't trying to take over property here, he was trying to abduct people back to Orlane. But what if they knew each other, or were somehow connected to each other?
"I asked the bandits if they knew Jonbon, and a couple of them had seen him around a few weeks ago. That was a start. I asked Jonbon if he knew Black, and he eventually let slip that Black was one of the faithful. I don't know what that means, but I brought it to you, Olpert, as soon as I could."
Arya Arkon

"There's a few things that I wanted to make sure you know before you leave on your first assignment." He smiles. "First of all, know that we're very glad that you're here. It's just a very busy time, between the investigations and the work on getting our guild hall built and furnished, so we haven't taken the time to show you around town, and I'm sorry for that. You are welcome.
"Next is the matter of lodging. Normally when we come into town, we rent a building, and Cecily and I budgeted for that. But there aren't any buildings for sale or rent that will accommodate our needs here in Hochoch. So in addition to the guild hall, I'm hoping to get enough space in town to build a residence hall for our members, but that's going to take more money than I have here. Of course it's going to take a while to build it, too. Until that happens, I've been using our lodging funds to pay for our lodging when our members need help. I paid for you all last night, and tonight you will probably be hosted at the Jarl farm. But for when you return, there are several Inns here in town (though they are hurting for business without the usual caravan traffic from Orlane). The Thornhills here" Olpert gestures at the courtyard and the Inn of Eternal Rest, "Are giving us a group discount on lodging so that it's only 5 seals a night, which is a good deal for us and for them."
He looks up and to the side as he recalls what else he wanted to tell you. "Oh, yes. You may want to know who are the experts and mentors in your fields here in Hochoch."
"You've already met Diana; if any of you should need clerical training in the future, she'll be the one to train you." He looks at his notes. "Cormac is the fightmaster here in Hochoch; he should be useful in providing techniques for your combat specialty," Olpert nods at Manthis. "For your fighting style, I'd recommend that you check in with a retired adventurer named, uh, 'Gorbar the Sword.'"
Olpert's eyes widen, and he reels back. "Ah, I see that Lienne has evaded Durren and is headed this way. May the gods bless you and speed you on your way." Olpert Razorson stands up and approaches Lienne Vereel with open arms. "Good morning, Lienne! Aren't you a picture this morning? Would you do me the honor of a promenade on the town green?" He takes her arm and begins to escort her out, surreptitiously waving farewell to the three of you.
The Jarls have finished their meal and managed to get their children relatively tidy again. Abel and Elista look at you expectantly from their table in the shade.
Arya Arkon

Looking over to shorter baker Rosemary, "Should be a fun adventure. Perhaps you can quickly bake us some goodies for the traveling." Traveling Manthis often likes quick snacks and tasty treats while traversing the wild lands. You can never have enough traveling beef jerky.
* - Presumably Cook has an actual elven name, but he's so old and has worked at the Inn for so many generations that no one still alive knows him by anything other than "Cook." Cecily might know his original name, but no one still in Hochoch does.
The Realstream River is broad and placid here, with a long stone bridge that runs across it from Hochoch on the west bank to the various farm plots on the east. Cecily's Road quickly turns northeast, toward the thick woods that are the Dim Forest. The day is bright and warm, the sky is clear, and the Jarl family members are all reunited and returning home at last. The air is festive, but the going is slow as the young children are quick to tire of walking.
Mysterious roll - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Inscrutable roll - (2d4)
(24) = 6
Amused at the spectacle of the farmwife interrogating the acolyte, it takes Rosemary a moment to notice that the Jarls' eldest child, Abella, is walking meekly by her side. "Yes, child? What is it?" Rosemary is hoping that the preteen girl wants to ask her about baking, or possibly wants to cadge an extra pastry, rather than coming to her to ask for some sort of advice on puberty (which her attitude suggests might be the case). "Glorious Hero, I've been wondering..." ::Here it comes...:: Rosemary winces internally, but Abella surprises her.
"E-exalted Empress, when did you know that you wanted to be an adventurer?"

"A sword is for one who protects."
The journey continues uneventfully, though Wenderly ends up getting carried more than he walks, with Abel and Elista trading their youngest back and forth. Abella sings for a time; she has a pleasant enough voice, and the rest of the family sings accompaniment at times. Not long after entering the forest, the family stops for a meal, and afterward you all continue on further east. By the end of the day, the singing has stopped. The family is exhausted and the children are irritable, squabbling with each other or sulking.
Finally, a little while after sunset ("Not far now," Abel keeps assuring his exhausted children), everyone brightens when they see the little trail leading off of the Road: the path to the Jarl homestead! The older children's pace picks up, and Elista smiles in relief, handing Wenderly (who is completely asleep and limp like a rag doll) back to her husband. "Thank you for your company, Exalted Ones. Our home is far, far too humble, but would your Majesties allow us to provide you a meal and a place to sleep tonight?"
Torren tires of the game and returns to admire the towering warrior Manthis (from the boy's perspective, Manthis is a giant). Sure enough, when the fighter offers his sword, Torren tries and fails to lift it with his spindly arms, but it is certainly an experience he won't forget. "He's a protector!" Torren informs his siblings. "I'm gonna be a protector, too!"

The children perk up at seeing the familiar sight of the path leading to their home, and Elista hurries ahead with them. By the time the party arrives at the forest cottage, there is a warm glow of light in the windows. Devek is bringing firewood in from the shed, Abella is hauling in a bucket of water from the well, and Emiless has lit several lanterns while their mother is kindling a fire in the kitchen fireplace. Abel bids Torren prepare places for the heroes, and he pulls out chairs for them at the one table. Meanwhile, Abel carries Wenderly up the very narrow staircase and returns a minute later. Soon enough there is stew bubbling on the fire and the group enjoys some mead and cheese while they wait for the hot meal to cook.
The next day dawns. What do you do?
OOC: How old is Abella? I'll wait for an answer but will make this the end of the description of last night discussion.
The halfling woman woke up earlier than everyone else. She tended to have issues sleeping if she wasn't next to her wife but got used to it. As quietly as she could, she made a large batch of biscuits and gravy for the house. She watches her companions sleep for a minute while making the dough. Camaraderie wasn't something she was familiar with, but she could feel a sort of family bond beginning to form with her companions.

Moving Manthis rises as a man for action. Coffee and something to nibble on is the most he would expect.
The following morning, Arya rose before dawn, eager to greet the rising sun. She wouldn't miss her morning prayers, especially as the first rays of light pierced the shadows beneath the forest canopy. After a brisk wash with the well water, she donned her armor, mindful of the potential dangers of the forest. Though the family's dwelling in that area suggested relative safety, she preferred to be prepared for any unforeseen events.
FYI: I'm no doubt behind on some of the people in Orlane, but I think all of the people in Hochoch and the surrounding area are listed in the World Book forum, under "Characters". If you can't find something or if some salient detail is missing from any entries in the World Book, let me know. I want the reference to be useful for all of you, especially because in a PbP game, real-world months can pass between encounters with any one person or location.
Mystery roll - (1d8)
(8) = 8
After the meal, Manthis delights everyone with his flute music, and Abella sings improvised songs to his melodies. They are familiar, classic songs in Gorna and Niole Dra, but none of the Jarls have ever heard them until now, and the heroes find Abella's invented lyrics both awkward and charming. She beams with pride, and gets rousing applause from her parents.
After this entertainment as the other children retire to sleep, Rosemary continues her conversation with the eldest Jarl child, Abella. Rosemary is relieved to find that it isn't just a crush that is driving Abella's curiosity about adventuring - though it is true that she does ask a lot of questions about Manthis' romantic prospects and sighs when talking about Quest Damoran (another Dungeon Buster who visited the family previously). Mainly, she clearly has a romantic view of a life different from the one she has known: going wherever her whim takes her, exploring far-off places, commanding respect, and earning a fortune for herself and her family through valiant labor. This last one seems to be a particular motivation: the girl peppers Rosemary with a lot of questions about what it's like to be so rich; the idea of paying someone else to prepare a meal to eat in a restaurant is what she sees is the very apex of luxury, much less buying clothes made to order by a seamstress! The girl is agog with the direction her life has taken recently, since her brother nearly died and these benevolent demigods appeared and gave them a taste of what it's like to be Important. What she's not realizing is the uncertainty of adventure: the constant danger that could end your life any day, the lean times when you have to steal or go hungry, the suspicion and prejudice that meets armed mercenaries in many towns, the horror of killing to stay alive. Abella eats up any stories of adventure that Rosemary shares but clearly the tales of hardships endured make little impression on her.
Mystery roll - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Then, despite sleeping soundly through all of this activity, Arya's eyes suddenly snap open, wide awake and knowing as she always does when the sun will rise. She makes her way outside and looks critically at the arrangement of buildings and trees in the Jarl homestead. It's just as she thought when she looked at it last night: they're all too close together for Pelor's first rays to reach the ground anywhere here. So she lets herself into the barn and emerges a few moments later, grunting as she heaves a crude ladder out with her...
So it is a few minutes later that Abel, Devek, and Emiless stop and stare in wonder at the sight of Lady Arya, somewhat disheveled and with straw from the thatch roof in her hair, standing atop the barn with her arms outstretched as the first rays of the sunrise slip between a tiny gap in the thick tree canopy to precisely bathe her in a golden glow. The three of them are down on the ground in the darkness, while she shines above them like a beacon. None of them have ever seen anything like it. Less than a minute passes, during which the sky lightens and Arya finishes her morning prayer. Then she climbs down again like nothing has happened and takes the bucket of water that Devek filled from the well and performs her ablutions.
Inside, the food is ready. Manthis has awakened, and he and Rosemary have rolled up the mattresses and moved the table back to the center of the room. Manthis and Arya begin donning their gambesons (the padded armor layers that go under chain mail), assisting in tying each other's laces. Abel returns from the fields and rouses Torren and Wenderly as Elista and Abella begin to heap food in bowls for each of the ten people in the house. Everyone eats, and the Jarls (particularly the children) ask excited questions about what adventures await the heroes next. After the meal, Rosemary covers any impatience she may be feeling with helping clean up while Manthis and Arya resume putting on their armor, strapping on and tying the chain coats, sleeves, and shoulders of their mail.
Eventually, everything is ready, and the three heroes take their fond farewells from their country hosts, who escort them back down the path to Cecily's Road once more. The family continues to wave as you walk east on the road until distance and slight undulations in the path block them from view.
Mystery roll - (1d6)
(5) = 5

"I wrote you a little something." Before letting go, she takes a deep breath and swallows. "I... hope you take some time to think it over. Many thanks, Abel."
Dearest Abel,
Thank you so much for all you and your family's hospitality. You and Elista are truly blessed. Your children are so charming and the amount of gratitude for the kindness of you and your kin is unimaginable.
I did want to give you something to think about.
Lovely Abella seems to have a wanderlust about her. She dreams for outside this farm and to be able to provide wonderful things for her family. She knows you and her mother work so hard to provide for her and her siblings. She has asked many questions regarding our organization and what life is like for us. Because of this, I'd like to offer you a proposition.
I would like to give her a taste of what this life is like. You can think of it as a trial or perhaps an internship. I, myself, cannot say she would be represented by the Dungeon Busters, as I do not have the authority to do. She would be under my care and my responsibility. She would in no way be affiliated with the organization I am a part of. However, I promise you I will keep a close eye on her, train her in the basics of self-defense, and will take care of any costs from my own purse.
I'm sure we will be passing through again soon so please feel free to discuss it and think it over.
You've raised a strong-willed, imaginative girl with a lust for the world and a deep love for her family, enough so that she wants to be able to provide you all with a better life.
While it's a tough and dangerous world out there, I'd like to, at the minimum, allow her to see that she doesn't have to become the victim of a cutpurse and help her become more able to fend for herself. As I said, if you agree, we can have her come with me for a set period of time until you feel comfortable for her to return.
As a gift, I've also included a copy of my recipe for my biscuits for Elista.
I pray the gods watch and bless you and your family. I look forward to seeing you all again.
Rosemary Flitwhistle
"I'm not sure," said Rosemary, nibbling on a biscuit while watching the sky. "Hopefully not terribly far." She stretched her arms towards the clouds. "Did you guys sleep alright?"

Traveling Manthis says to curious Arya, "We are about one third the way to Orlane back from Hochoch. We just keep on the Cecily's Road for travel." and lets asking Arya surmise what she may from that tidbit of information.
He again favors his simple pan flute now and then while transversing down the roadway. He ponders, "Gotta purchase some road snacks in next Orlane."
But it is a long hike with few distractions and not a great amount of variety. As evening approaches, the party begins to discuss how soon they should look for a place to make camp. Do they look now, using the last hours of daylight to set up a comfortable camp, or push on for a couple of hours and get that much further before stopping? Or, if you're feeling in a hurry, you could continue into the night...
+0 Nature Check. Manthis has a 7.
Nature Check - (1d20+0)
(7) = 7
With a 18 she might had found a good spot that seems face with proper cover.
Nature check - (1d20-1)
(19) - 1 = 18
Nature - (1d20+1)
(7) + 1 = 8
Nature (searching for food and ingredients) - (1d20+1)
(19) + 1 = 20
Arya finds a rocky promontory: an ancient upthrust of granite that eroded more slowly than the surrounding terrain. The result is a hill of mossy stone, 10 or 12 paces higher than the land around it. Cracks have formed at points in the rock, and those have filled with leaves and bracken, forming soil in which ferns have sprouted. A scraggly oak tree has managed to root itself at the top, leaning over the edge. Other trees and shrubs grow out on either side, forming a protective ring about a clearing at the base of the hill. It's ideal, and the party finds that others have used this place as a camp site in the past: a ring of stones shows where fires have been kindled in the past. The thick layer of leaves makes for a soft place to spread out bedrolls, and it's dry and sheltered from wind in the lee of the rock.
While the others set up and gather firewood, Rosemary ranges a bit further to forage for edible plants and fungi. She's collected a healthy amount of miner's lettuce along with some berries by the time the sun is setting...when she comes across the body of a dead mule.
Stepping away, she found a small clearing not far, where the last slivers of the setting sun still painted the western horizon with hues of orange and violet. She knelt, her hands clasped before her, and closed her eyes.
"Pelor, Lord of Light," she began, her voice a soft murmur that carried on the gentle breeze. "Thank you for guiding us safely through this day. Though shadows lengthen and darkness encroaches, I know your light remains, a constant beacon against the night. Bless this campsite, protect us from harm, and grant us restful slumber."
As the last glimmer of sunset faded, Arya finished her prayer, a sense of calm settling over her. She rose, her eyes reflecting the faint starlight. Disciplined and wise, she rarely lose any moment for triviality.
As you gather around the fire, each PC should decrement one ration, then get the benefit of a long rest (preparing spells, etc) and decide whether you are going to have one or more of you staying awake to stand guard for any part of that 8 hours.
Another roll - (1d4)
(2) = 2

Despite the stranger's sudden appearance, Arya made no move for her weapon. A lingering naiveté, born of her sheltered temple life, still held sway. Who would dare attack a priestess, so close to a settlement? she reasoned, the thought almost a dismissal.
"Good evening, traveler," she greeted, her voice clear and melodious. "I am Mother Arkon. You are welcome to share our camp fire if you'd like, or are you just passing by? " Her white robes, pristine against the deepening twilight, and the radiant holy symbol of Pelor, prominently displayed, left no doubt as to her identity.

She looks about for where the rustling is coming from. She sniffs the air to see if the scent of rotten flesh was carried on the wind and overpowered the smokey campfire.
Reaching into her pack, the halfling withdraws some crushed lavender, remembering painfully for a moment of her own Lavender at home. She rubs some on her upper lip and offers it to her companions. "Here. Rub it on your upper lip. If there are undead about, I'm sure this will help fight the stench."
Perception (seeing moving foliage or catching the scent of rotten flesh) - (1d20+0)
(15) = 15
Perception - ((1d20+2))
(17) + 2 = 19
Arya had never faced undead, but the temple's teachings had branded them as abominations, a blight upon life, an insult to Pelor's radiant creation. A glacial fear gripped her, yet she knew bravery was forged in the crucible of fear, not its absence. She would stand against this terror for the sanctity of life itself.

Ready Manthis also steps a bit forward of his fellow members to give them some possible shielding.

Note: in the first picture, I neglected to cut off the light at the top of the cliff. This picture correctly shows that the top of the cliff, 25' above the campfire, is out of your line of sight in darkness.
Arya (10/10)
Jonel (7/7)
Manthis (11/11)
Rosemary (13/13)
Attacker initiative - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Secret Roll
Manthis has a fast initiative of 20. He is AC 16 (heavy armor chainmail).
Initative - (1d20+1)
(19) + 1 = 20
Initiative - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Please also roll initiative.
Secret Roll
Please also roll initiative.
Initiative - ((1d20-1))
(2) - 1 = 1
(this is followed by round two)
The flickering of the firelight glints off of metal bits - weapons, bits of armor, metal studs in shields - half-seen through the foliage. The only sound is the rustling of leaves, and the party is struck by how horrifying animated corpses are - not just from the stench of rot, but of the complete silence with which they move. There is no speech, no breath, no communication of any kind: just dead flesh and bone moving beyond all reason.
There are five humanoid figures silently approaching the campfire that you can see.

"Don't worry, sir. I've got your back," Rosemary assures Jonel, stepping up next to the newcomer, and prepares to paddle the first undead to move close enough as her blood begins to boil with the battle madness (Rosemary Rages)...
Stepping into the firelight, five dead humanoids in various states of decay come into the clearing. Each bears a weapon it carried in life: one has a falchion, two has a dagger, three has a club, four has a short sword, and five has a staff. Each wears the tattered remains of their clothing, the attire rotting just as their flesh is. They also each clutch something in their other hands defensively: a rotted log, a mossy shield, a broken branch, a small wooden wheel, and part of a picket fence (each is wielded as a shield). Their eyes have been plucked out by scavengers, and insects crawl across their exposed flesh, eating the animated corpses. Unseeing, silent, the five grotesque monsters move to attack.
Four is the first to move within Manthis' reach. The warrior slashes at the corpse, but the rotting thing deflects the blow with its wheel (the prepared attack misses).
One creeps up to Jonel, bringing it within reach of Rosemary, triggering her prepared attack. Rosemary wallops Undead One; the baker's paddle smashes part of the corpse with a satisfying crunch.
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage intensifies.
Arya lashes out with her warhammer, smashing aside the picket fence the animated corpse is using as a shield, and brings the hammer down on its shoulder with a crunch. Undead Five takes 8 bludgeoning damage.
Jonel grunts and hits One with a Firebolt, flame jetting from his hand into the chest of the foul monster. If anything, the smell gets even worse.
Undead One takes 4 fire damage.
Jonel then steps behind Rosemary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to stand back here." (Neither One or Two use their reactions to attack him as he goes).

20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (8/13)
9- Undead One (-16) Two, Three, Four, Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)
Secret Roll

Great Sword Attack, Damage - (1d20+4, 2d6+2)
1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7
2d6+2 : (23) + 2 = 7
Firebolt (To hit, Target: Entity 1) - ((1d20+5))
(16) + 5 = 21
Firebolt (Damage, assuming a hit) - (1d10)
(4) = 4
As the foul, silent figures approach, Manthis moves protectively in front of Arya and prepares an attack on the first monster to move in range...
"Don't worry, sir. I've got your back," Rosemary assures Jonel, stepping up next to the newcomer, and prepares to paddle the first undead to move close enough as her blood begins to boil with the battle madness (Rosemary Rages)...
Stepping into the firelight, five dead humanoids in various states of decay come into the clearing. Each bears a weapon it carried in life: one has a falchion, two has a dagger, three has a club, four has a short sword, and five has a staff. Each wears the tattered remains of their clothing, the attire rotting just as their flesh is. They also each clutch something in their other hands defensively: a rotted log, a mossy shield, a broken branch, a small wooden wheel, and part of a picket fence (each is wielded as a shield). Their eyes have been plucked out by scavengers, and insects crawl across their exposed flesh, eating the animated corpses. Unseeing, silent, the five grotesque monsters move to attack.
One creeps up to Jonel, bringing it within reach of Rosemary, triggering her prepared attack.
As the first undead strides forward, Rosemary wallops Undead One as it moves to attack Jonel. The baker's paddle smashes part of the corpse with a satisfying crunch.
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage begins.
@direhalfling - make your attack roll and let me know if Rosemary has become ENRAGED. In future, feel free to include the roll and damage when you declare the action.

Jonel takes 5 slashing damage.
Two plunges its dagger into Rosemary.
Rosemary takes 2 piercing damage (reduced by Rage from 4).
Three will attack either Manthis or Rosemary (rolling randomly). It attacks Rosemary, striking the baker with its club.
Rosemary takes 3 bludgeoning damage (reduced by Rage from 6).
Four attacks Manthis, but the warrior evades the shorter blade.
Five attacks Arya, but the cleric shows her contempt for the undead by avoiding any contact.
20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (8/13)
9- Undead One (-16) Two Three Four Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)
One attack on Jonel AC9, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17
1d6+2 : (3) + 2 = 5
Two attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)
1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14
1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4
Three attack target (1 - Manthis, 2 - Rosemary) - (1d2)
(2) = 2
Four attack on Manthis AC17, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11
1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3
Five attack on Arya AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (4) + 4 = 8
1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7
Three attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16
1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6
Biting her lip until she tasted blood, she gripped her hammer tighter, the cold steel a desperate anchor. With a guttural war cry, she swung at it, the force born of fear and a desperate, fragile courage.
Warhammer - (1d20+5)
(9) + 5 = 14
Dmg - (1d8+3)
(1) + 3 = 4
Medicine check - (1d20+5)
(15) + 5 = 20
One takes 4 fire damage.
Jonel then steps behind Rosemary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to stand back here." (Neither One or Two use their reactions to attack him as he goes).

20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (3/13) (I will correct this as needed if Rosemary's actions affect this outcome)
9- Undead One (-4) Two Three Four Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)

Great Sword Attack, Damage - (1d20+4, 2d6+2)
1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7
2d6+2 : (26) + 2 = 10
Activating Rage
Moving up one space
History (To recall if she's heard anything about these creatures) - (1d20+1)
(7) + 1 = 8
Baker's Paddle to hit - (1d20+2)
(15) + 2 = 17
Baker's Paddle damage (with Rage bonus) - (1d8+2)
(4) + 2 = 6
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage begins.
Note that, due to her Rage, the damage on each of the two hits on Rosemary is halved, so she takes 2 and 3 damage (5 total), respectively, rather than 10 total.
Wisdom (Insight) - ((1d20+4))
(16) + 4 = 20
Fog Cloud (Cha) - ((1d20+5))
(14) + 5 = 19
(this was preceded by round one)

20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (8/13) Raging
9 - Undead One (-16) Two, Three, Four, Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)
Rosemary takes 3 slashing damage (reduced by Rage from 7).
On the other side, Undead Two attacks Rosemary, stabbing the dagger into Rosemary.
Rosemary takes 2 piercing damage (reduced by Rage from 4).
Undead Three chooses its target between Arya and Manthis. It focuses on Manthis. The club flicks out and over the warrior's greatsword before he can block it, hitting him between the eyes with a blow that makes his head ring.
Manthis takes 6 bludgeoning damage (4 plus the 2 crit damage).
Undead Four attacks Manthis. Dazed by the blow to his head, Manthis is unable to dodge the stabbing short sword, which plunges up into his armpit.
Manthis takes 7 piercing damage and collapses, dying.
Undead Five attacks Arya, its staff twirling silently in its decaying hands. One ends bats her warhammer aside just enough for the other end to swing around and smack her hard in the side.
Arya takes 3 bludgeoning damage.

The red dot indicates that Manthis is DYING - not dead, but at 0 HP and making death saves on his turn.
20 - Manthis (0/11) DYING
9 - Rosemary (3/13) Raging
9 - Undead One (-16) Two, Three, Four, Five (-8)
6 - Arya (7/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)
One attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (19) + 4 = 23
1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7
Two attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)
1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20
1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4
Three chooses between Manthis (1) and Arya (2) - (1d2)
(1) = 1
Three attack on Manthis AC17, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)
1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24
1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4
Four attack on Manthis AC17, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17
1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7
Five attack on Arya AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)
1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17
1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3
Crit damage on Manthis - (1d4)
(2) = 2
Arya hp 7/10
Attack five for 20 dmg?
warhammer - (1d20+5)
(20) + 5 = 25
dmg - (1d8+3)
(1) + 3 = 4
critical dmg - (1d8+3)
(3) + 3 = 6
Arya retaliates against Undead Five, striking back with the warhammer so hard it passes through its head. Something about the damage exceeds the ability of the animating magic to keep it together, and the headless corpse falls.
Undead Five takes 20 bludgeoning damage and falls inert (dead again).
OOC: Waiting to see Rosemary and Jonel's action before finishing my round, i might take a free or move action