First Evening at Yokai Academy

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Mar 2, 2025 2:31 am
Luna giggled at Katsuya, saying "It seems to be a common occurrence for people to break that rule from what I've seen though..."

Certainly, Katsuya wasn't the first person today to show off her monster form, and Luna thought she probably wouldn't be the last either. By now, Sumeryu had just slapped her wad of cash on the table to pay as she left to join Ibuki and Hanami. In reaction, the blond maid looked a bit distraught since Sumeryu left before she could get her change.

How strange, I would have thought most people would just take the excess money for themselves.

"Um, if it's okay, I can deliver the change to my friend for you?" Luna, half listening in earlier, had a hunch in which direction the group went. They couldn't have gone far since they just left. Delivering Sumeryu's change for the maid should be a piece of cake for Luna, not that she had room in her stomach for a slice.
Mar 2, 2025 2:45 am
"Will you go with us or stay here?" Asks the giant girl of Luna and Katsuya. "I would like your company, but I definitely understand if you want to finish your cakes."
"Keep the change. For your wonderful service," Sumeryu replies to the maid with a grin as she walks out the door.
If one looks closely at Sumeryu's eyes, they will see that her pupils have slowly contracted as the daylight receded, becoming vertical and thinner. Not quite yet slits.

With gravitas, "I do, at least. You know a lot of different spells. I'm impressed."
Last edited March 2, 2025 6:48 am
Mar 2, 2025 4:00 am
BlondeDragonGenie says:
"Will you go with us or stay here?" Asks the giant girl of Luna and Katsuya. "I would like your company, but I definitely understand if you want to finish your cakes."
"It's safer if we all stick together, so I'll come along too. I don't think I could eat another bite anyways..." Luna rubbed her stomach as she spoke.
Mar 2, 2025 9:58 pm
"O-Of course I do. I'm a witch. Now hold still." Hanami pulls out her wand and utters an incantation as she draws out a magic circle in the air. She casts the circle out toward Sumeryu, which is absorbed into her body. Immediately, Sumeryu's already above average eyesight is greatly amplified, allowing her to perceive even the smallest details. She can see through the night as if it were daylight.

"Heh... How's that?" Hanami preens.
Using 20 Endurance to grant Sumeryu +3 Heightened Sense (Sight). That should give her +4 in total
Mar 3, 2025 1:56 am
"Oh... Uh, yes, I want to go with you guys!!" She says, cheerily. "No way I'm not hanging out with friends now that I have them!!" She says, brightly.

As for Luna, she says. "Oh, indeed! I've saw lots of people using their monster powers today!" She says, counting on her mind. Then a grin sprouts on her face. "Hey... Why don't you reveal you tail and ears too, eh?? I'm sure they're so fluffy!! Oh, and white! Like fluffy snow!!"
Thus the girls go, finding an opening through the forest, a trail it seemed, joining with the chapel. Sumeryu could see the trail was used recently, with footprints still visible to her, looking like leather shoes, number 9, with wooden soles and rubber-lined heels, old-fashioned stuff. The individual also seemed to wear a long-hemmed dress, judging by how lowly bushes and thickets were swept and dragged. Overall, he seamed taller than the average Japanese adult, but seemed to move with lots of grace and dexterity.

Despite that, she could also still see the chapel behind, along with the school grounds through the murk, helping her guide the group, as the Earth now sank in darkness.
"Hello?!! Who's there??" The group suddenly hears, the voice from a male adult it seems, though it had a light, pleasant tone, even in distress. They also find a hat lying on the ground. The hat is all black, very wide brimmed, lined with a velvety material and with a round top, a chord tied around it, with a pompom of black thread in its end.

"Oh dear, I hope, whatever you are, that you came to help, not to uh... Devour me... hick." He adds.

As the party turns at a curve, they finally see it, Sumeryu first, of course, but the oil lamp at his feet helped everyone else at that:
Father Ruohan Tsuji
Wearing a long black cassock with a black sash, stood a man with long dark hair and green, there were a pair of glasses thrown at the ground next to his feet, as he was tied around a tree trunk by eerie looking vines, releasing a dark miasma, just like the mushrooms and trees the girls fought before. They seemed to coil around him, tightening their grasp little by little.

"Oh... A-are you students?? A-am I saved? Oh, good heavens, I can't see a thing..." He says, his voice still whimsical despite his predicament.

"Gaah!! F-father Tsuji?!! W-what are you doing here?? Aren't you too old to clim trees??" She asks, full of genuine worry.

"Ah! M-miss Momochichi??, is that you?? Phew... What a relief!! I thought it was another monster! Oh... Can you help me here? I was here, gathering herbs and then, alas! I was attack by these vines! Hmm... I'm afraid they're an inch away from crushing my bones..." He says, calmly.

On closer inspection, he seemed to be the author to those footprints, there was a basket full of herbs next to the tree, and he had a rosario fastened on his wrist.
I wonder how Eltesla knows about Sumeryu's +1 Heightened sight?
Mar 3, 2025 5:13 am
"Whoah," Sumeryu replies to Hanami, momentarily stunned into silence in such a way that she seems even cooler. She is, however, reeling from being able to count the number of feathers on a bird 100 feet away, in the woods, in the dark.

"Your magic is amazing. I'm pretty sure I can see infrared now."
At the church, she sees the priest, points, and announced, "One of the possessed plants got somebody! Let's get him free, quick!"

She tenses her forearms for a moment to bring out her sharper-than-razors claws and begin the arduous work of slicing the priest free without slicing the priest himself. Her boots crunch on the leaves and twigs, and her hair flies behind her.

"Just stay as still as you can, sir," she says, attempting to be comforting despite her obvious lethality and intimidating size and also the mutant evil plant strangling the poor fellow.
Even if my character sheet isn't visible, Eltesla can see my character creation posts.
Mar 3, 2025 7:11 am
"hmm so the map led to this place, I wonder why give us this map if the goal was to free the priest surely they could have given they already had the location, if instead it were his captor that made the map why put in a cookie to give out in the first place?" a dark thought creeps into ibuki's head upon hearing the man speak of being devoured and why she was given the cookie with the map... She bites down on her lip hard enough to draw blood to keep from going on with that train of thought
Mar 3, 2025 2:43 pm
There is a colourful flash, with a shaft of light lighting up a small part of the sky, emitted from somewhere not too far within the forest. And then just like that, it's gone.

Minutes later, the wind brings a few petals that seem too delicate for any flowers that grow within a place like this.
Mar 4, 2025 1:52 am
Hanami follows Sumeryu's lead and rushes over to Father Tsuji. She picks up the glasses at his feet and puts them back on his face. "Just hold on! We're getting you out." She reaches into her doctor's bag to hopefully fetch something sharp to cut the vines with...

She grabs something within the void and pulls it out, revealing a battery-powered saw for cutting casts with. I suppose this can cut evil vines in a pinch... She turns on the saw and starts trying to cut the vines.

"Are you hurt? How long have you been out here?"
She asks Tsuji.
Last edited March 4, 2025 1:57 am


Dimensional Pocket - (6d6)

(366265) = 28

Mar 4, 2025 1:58 am
"Maybe it's just a coincidence? We might have been caught by the vines instead if they didn't catch Father Tsuji first..." Luna wondered out loud.

Quite possibly, our would-be captor is watching us from the shadows right now, don't you think so, Luna?

That's true... Maybe I can sense them if I focus.


Roll to try and sense the surroundings (+2 sixth sense) - (4d6)

(5363) = 17

Mar 4, 2025 2:27 pm
Father Ruohan Tsuji
"Oh, uh... Thank you, young miss..." He says, trying to hide his startlement at the deadly claws cutting through the previously impenetrable vines.

As Hanami pulls the cast saw he loses it though. "Gah! Uh... Be careful with that, okay?" He says, chuckling nervously.

The two of them make quick work of the vines, quickly freeing him.

After he dusts and straightens his cassock, he let's out a relieved sigh. "Oh, thank you very much! As I said, I came to pick herbs at sundown, but was instead picked by them!" He laughs loudly at his own pun, grabbing the casket with herbs.

"Uh... Were you girls looking for something around here? Coincidence? What do you mean?" He asks, his curiosity peacked.

"Oh, and where's my manners! I'm Father Rhuohan Tsuji, Yokai Academy's chaplain, among other things..." He adds, with an amused tone.
Meanwhile, Luna exerts her mystic sense, her eyes glowing eerily as she can clearly see the source of the corruption now, just ahead, from where the vines retreated when were cut. She can clearly distinguish the dark aura coming from a wet place, maybe a pond or small lake up ahead. Also, that it was growing stronger as the twilight sun rays quickly vanished.
Then, Ling Jing appears from the shadows, in the company of some guy!
"Uh?" He looks around, studying everyone with keen and charming eyes, despite the darkness, it seemed to glow around him.

He approaches the group, arms linked with Ling Jing's, chivalrously.

But then quickly detaches, "Tell, o priest, if I'm not in heaven, surrounded by all these angels?" He says, dancing around, trying to osculate every girl's hand he can (his grasp strangely lacked the agility and firmness to be expected from such a figure).
Mar 6, 2025 12:21 am
"The source of the corruption... it feels close." Luna held her hand to her chest as she gazed in the direction of the vines. "It must be getting more active since it's getting darker... We should decide whether to fight it now, or wait until tomorrow."

Luna paused for a brief moment. "Oh, but, um, it's nice to meet you too, Father Tsuji." Luna bowed slightly as she greeted him.
Mar 6, 2025 9:57 am
"Oh, you a priest. Pleasure to meet you." She smiles down at the man and offers her hand to help him out of the ruined corrupted plant. "I am Himerji Sumeryu, and here are Ibuki-san, Matsuyama Hanami, Luna, and Momochichi Katsuya. Sir, are you able to use the rites of your religion to cleanse the taint from the woods? The plants seem possessed!"

Sumeryu is not familiar with the nuances of theology. Having grown up in Japan, she associates clerical activities with purification, weddings, and funerals, and it is to the first she primarily refers.

The new guy prancing around trying to molest her princesses causes Sumeryu to frown. She doesn't feel like she possesses the other girls, but it's just not right to grab somebody licentiously when they don't want to be so grabbed. Ah, but there's Lin, whose presence is more welcome.

Sumeryu waves pleasantly at Lin and her expression brightens. "Jing-san, this is Tsuji Ruohan, the priest of this temple. Tsuji-sensei, this is Jing Lin."
Last edited March 8, 2025 1:04 am
Mar 6, 2025 7:24 pm
Hanami pulls her hand back from the 'new' guy when he touches her, glaring daggers at him. "At least introduce yourself before you start trying to grab my hand."

He is kind of hot though... Wait, that's not important right now!

She turns to Father Tsuji. "We came out here because one of us found a map hidden inside a cookie at Café Céleste. It sounds a little farfetched, but it's true. The map led us to this very spot for some reason," she explains.
Mar 7, 2025 12:36 am
Father Ruohan Tsuji
"Oh, Café Céleste, eh?" He repeats, chuckling childishly while covering his mouth with his fist. "I see... Well, you may as well go check it, who knows? Everything has a meaning!"

He returns the bow on Luna. "Nice to meet your bunch! Though I already knew good Katsuya, of course! Such a wonderful soul!"

He approaches Sumeryu, being quite a tall man himself, he doesn't stand that much below her, but his slightly frail appearance certainly contrasts with hers. "Unfortunately I have some... commitments I must attend right now, so best of luck to you young people!" He produces a golden metal cylinder from a previously hidden pocket on his cassock. "Have this at least, it's filled with holy water, may be useful!"

If Sumeryu picks it, she notices it's actually plastic coated with gold paint, the lad being but a bottle-cap.
New Rikishi
The boy answers Hanami's hostility with a warm smile. "Oh, my precious Hanami, can't you recognize me?" He says, adjusting his glasses.
Mar 7, 2025 8:41 am
Hanami finds Father Tsuji's almost knowing laugh to be rather strange, but what's stranger is his blasé reaction to the corruption. This is our school's chaplain? Now I see why this corruption has gotten so bad. "You're just going to blow us off, Father? Are you that confident that we can handle it?" She tries not to sound too annoyed.

She raises her eyebrow at the handsome boy, unsure why he was acting like he knew her. "Uh, no? I thought that was obvious. And don't call me precious, you damn weirdo!" She snaps. "There's no way we've met, because I would definitely remember a face like that," she says. Her cheeks redden as she realizes the compliment she just implied in that statement. "A-Anyway! Just introduce yourself. Are you Lin Jing's boyfriend or something? Because if you are, you should be more careful with what you say and do."
Mar 7, 2025 9:15 am
Lín Jìng tries to keep a straight face despite being rather amused by Hanami's reaction. Admittedly, she probably would've reacted similarly had she been in Hanami's shoes.

Perishing the thought, she decided to stay silent for a bit, playing up her reputation for shyness, and established a mental link with Rikishi - just for silent communication, without even trying to dig into his thoughts. You had a good start and it seems Hanami's already envious. See how despite the hostile demeanour, she has a very different side right under the surface. You two have more in common than at first appears; just don't get carried away with that information, use it sparingly. Anyway, up to you whether you want to tell who you are, keep up the mystery for a while longer. I'll play along with whatever you choose, but keep me informed of the plan.
Last edited March 7, 2025 11:22 am
Mar 7, 2025 11:31 pm
New Rikishi
"My, my... You're so cute when you're confused, Hanami-chan!" He says, slowly savoring every syllable of her name.

"I'm Rikishi, of course!"
Father Ruohan Tsuji
"Uch! Look at the hour!!" He says, by only looking up at the starred sky. "Anyways, I must be going now, good luck to you guys!"
Mar 8, 2025 2:39 pm
"Well that was... odd, Katsuya you seem to have met that man before do you have any idea what he could have been doing out here?"
Mar 8, 2025 6:13 pm
"He seems a little unreliable..." She mutters under her breath as she watches Father Tsuji leave. At least he left some holy water...?

As Rikishi reveals his identity, Hanami struggles to process it. "W... What? Like hell you're Rikishi-senpai! Stop fooling around! You're expecting me to believe you went from the human equivalent of an protozoan to a total hottie? This is an illusion, isn't it?" She grabs Rikishi by the collar. "Or did that panty thief pay you to do this? Whatever it is, you're not fooling me."
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