Feb 20, 2025 1:25 pm
The game rules can be found for free at the Mörk Borg website.
There's a custom character sheet in the gamers plane repository here.
For character creation you are welcome to use the character generator called SCVMBIRTHER, or do it with the book.
The book gives the option to either start with a base class (same as the char gen) or create a classless character from scratch. Please use the base class way.
Page numbers might be slightly off due to differences in the full / bare bones editions.
The website also offers some extra classes. Here's the list of allowed classes for this game:
- Fanged Deserter (p46)
- Gutterborn Scum (p48)
- Esoteric Hermit (p51)
- Wretched Royalty (p53)
- Heretical Priest (p55)
- Occult Herbmaster (p56)
- Forlorn Philosopher (Download)
- Cursed Skinwalker (Download)
- Sacrilegious Songbird (Download)
- Dead God's Prophet (Download)In case you're not using the character generator and you need some help, let me know in this thread.
Those who wish to do so can add some random traits to their character, if they don't have any yet. Pages 39 to 43 contain some interesting quirks. You can pick which ones you'd like to roll.
You can buy extra equipment with the money you have, but make sure you are following the weight rules. (p27)
Use the prices from the book.
Please post in this thread what class you're going for and a short description of the character. Or the full char sheet if you wish.
There's a custom character sheet in the gamers plane repository here.
For character creation you are welcome to use the character generator called SCVMBIRTHER, or do it with the book.
The book gives the option to either start with a base class (same as the char gen) or create a classless character from scratch. Please use the base class way.
Page numbers might be slightly off due to differences in the full / bare bones editions.
The website also offers some extra classes. Here's the list of allowed classes for this game:
- Fanged Deserter (p46)
- Gutterborn Scum (p48)
- Esoteric Hermit (p51)
- Wretched Royalty (p53)
- Heretical Priest (p55)
- Occult Herbmaster (p56)
- Forlorn Philosopher (Download)
- Cursed Skinwalker (Download)
- Sacrilegious Songbird (Download)
- Dead God's Prophet (Download)
[ +- ] Manual mode extra info
Pick a class or roll a d10 for it.
Rolling Stats (p26):
Roll 3d6 for Agility, Presence, Strength, and Toughness. Check the table on page 26 to determine the modifier.
Your class might affect your roll. Look under "Abilities" on your class sheet—sometimes it says something like "Roll 3d6+2 for Toughness." If nothing is specified, use the basic rolling method.
Only write down the modifier on your character sheet.
The actual 3d6 roll value is never needed again. From now on, whenever you see Agility, Presence, Strength, or Toughness, it's referring to the modifier.
For example:
If your Strength modifier is -3 and you have to roll "Strength +d4," you have a decent chance of getting a negative result.
Completing Your Class Sheet:
Start at the top of your class sheet and follow everything listed. Almost everything is random, but if you'd rather choose, that's fine too.
HP can never be lower than 1. (It will likely be between 1 and 5.)
Rolling Stats (p26):
Roll 3d6 for Agility, Presence, Strength, and Toughness. Check the table on page 26 to determine the modifier.
Your class might affect your roll. Look under "Abilities" on your class sheet—sometimes it says something like "Roll 3d6+2 for Toughness." If nothing is specified, use the basic rolling method.
Only write down the modifier on your character sheet.
The actual 3d6 roll value is never needed again. From now on, whenever you see Agility, Presence, Strength, or Toughness, it's referring to the modifier.
For example:
If your Strength modifier is -3 and you have to roll "Strength +d4," you have a decent chance of getting a negative result.
Completing Your Class Sheet:
Start at the top of your class sheet and follow everything listed. Almost everything is random, but if you'd rather choose, that's fine too.
HP can never be lower than 1. (It will likely be between 1 and 5.)
Those who wish to do so can add some random traits to their character, if they don't have any yet. Pages 39 to 43 contain some interesting quirks. You can pick which ones you'd like to roll.
You can buy extra equipment with the money you have, but make sure you are following the weight rules. (p27)
Use the prices from the book.
Please post in this thread what class you're going for and a short description of the character. Or the full char sheet if you wish.