Moon Prince is relieved as they think Gertrude is going to help again... but then their heart drops as another disappointed customer retreats from the counter.
Earthlings have to deal with jobs like this EVERY DAY? For their whole lives?! they think to themselves.
Does it ever get easier?OOC:
Bingo: Question or examine something Earthlings take for granted.
"No, I'm sorry, Mel. It's my first day so I am still learning. I'll get it right this time."
Moon Prince remembers Mel's order and makes the cuppa joe with extra coffee, cream, and whipped cream. The drink is finished and Moon Prince is so proud of themselves for getting it right. But they spin back to the counter too quickly - and the cup slides off the saucer and spills hot liquid all over their apron, whip cream globs sliding down it to plop on the floor.
Whoopsie: Embarrass myself with my own enthusiasm.
Moon Prince fights through the embarrassment and disappointment. The thought of quitting tempts them, but they are determined to complete the shift like an ordinary, non-royal Earthling.
"Oh my... I'm sorry. Again. Arg. Well at least I was wearing this apron. That must be why we are required to wear them." They force out a dry laugh. But then they go back to the coffee station and make the drink for a third time. And slowly, carefully, turn to gingerly hand the drink to Mel.
"Thank you so much for your patience."OOC:
Exchange 5 Chaos Coins to tick shift track and then succeed right away with 0 coins. Also, I will put all of the money toward checking off the shift track.
Last edited March 7, 2025 6:19 am