2. Some Lessons Belong in the Classroom

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Mar 3, 2025 10:42 am
Zix sighs.

"Greta, I get this other part. I get that you argue that the ends justify the means, and I'm ready, willing, eager even, to engage in a cool-headed discussion with you about that matter, as a worthy opponent. I get that we both hold our stances out of good intentions on this matter.

And I'm not expecting anyone to be a perfect paragon - I have done some shady stuff in my life too, I'm not the one to speak from a high horse.

I am also similarly ready to engage in honest talks about whether or not magic is cheating, and what to do if part of the hand you're dealt is magical, and to challenge and be challenged when it comes to our stances.

These are not the things that got so riled up, and since you switched to talking about them, maybe my lapse in self-control made my words difficult to parse, and thus you don't have a clear idea what I called you out on.

I am calling you out specifically on saying that a charming smile and violence are ethically equivalent ways of getting a desired course of action out of someone, that they're equally coercive. I tried to spell it out with examples that make the distinction particularly glaring, without going into gratuitous pathos. But if it's something you can so confidently say in the open, then switch lanes like it's nothing, I'm not sure how much of a cool-headed, reason-based discussion we can have about right and wrong."
Good thing I started preparing the post some while before the thread got unlocked.
Last edited March 3, 2025 10:43 am



Mar 3, 2025 1:06 pm
Dueling Gym
Kiraen stars to work on the dummy, by the time she have gone through every karta twice she has two conclusions.
One, this is bloody difficult stopping just cutting skin.
Two, the hairband is a lot of extra weight on the blade, and it is in tatters now and it has been a constant distraction.

By the time she leaves for a shower, she has a new idea. She going to get herself some lipstick. A ring of lipstick around the blade would not weigh as much, and would have the same effect. And it would look badass placing the tip of the blade inside her mouth to apply the ring of lipstick before her training.

Last edited March 3, 2025 1:50 pm


Melee Combat (Physical), Daggers - (1d8, 1d8, 1d10)

1d8 : (8) = 8

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d10 : (4) = 4

Greta Ironhart


Mar 3, 2025 1:20 pm
Bow’s End Tavern
Greta’s brow knits together as Zix speaks. She listens — or tries to — but when Zix finishes, Greta’s response comes without hesitation, her voice firm, but not angry.

"Nah, see, that’s where you’re wrong. They are the same." She leans forward, elbows braced on the table, her bright blue eyes locked on Zix’s. "You flash a smile, you bat your lashes, you tilt your head just so — it’s all angles and leverage, same as squaring your shoulders and showin’ off the muscle. Either way, you’re pushin’ someone to do somethin’ they wouldn’t maybe do on their own. The only difference is one’s soft and sweet, and the other’s loud and obvious. But they both work ‘cause they poke at somethin’ inside the other person — fear, attraction, respect, whatever."

But before anyone can answer, Greta’s already shifting gears, her expression brightening slightly — not in dismissal, but in that unmistakable way Greta tackles uncomfortable topics: by plowing through them into bigger ones.

"But y’know what’s really wild? Magic." She spreads her arms wide like she’s trying to encompass the whole damn University in the gesture. "Forget smiles and fists and coin. Magic’s somethin’ else entirely. If you’re clever enough, trained enough — you’re playin’ a whole other game."

She starts counting off on her fingers. "With Amplifico you can change your own senses, charisma and pheromones to a level so high people feel somethin’ they can’t even explain. With Dominatio you can swipe a memory right outta their head, like takin’ a coin off a table. With Perceptio you can peek ahead. Do this for just a few minutes, an hour maybe — just enough to know exactly what to say or where to stand so things break your way. All those choices we were talkin’ about? Magic can snip and twist ‘em without the poor sod even knowin’ it’s happenin’."

Her grin is crooked now, somewhere between admiration and unease. "That’s the real power gap — not muscle versus charm, not rich versus poor. It’s the folks who understand magic, who can bend it to their will, and the ones who never stood a chance against it."

She leans back, folding her arms across her broad chest again. "That’s why I don’t lose sleep over flexin’ at a greedy merchant. ‘Cause somewhere out there is someone who can make that same merchant think his whole family’s already dead, just to make him willingly sign a paper."

There’s no bravado in her voice now — just blunt certainty. "Compared to that? My fists are downright polite."

She grabs one of the enchanted pastries, biting into it with a crunch, her gaze flicking back to the group.
What do you do?
Greta Ironhart
Mar 3, 2025 2:12 pm
"They have in common the fact that they both involve giving someone a reason to change a course of action. They are very different in that one group gives a reason to change the course voluntarily, and the other one's reason is duress, a forced, involuntary decision instead of a voluntary one.

Of course there is also a third option: when the reason for the choice is deception - a deliberate attempt to make the mark believe something that is untrue but will encourage a course of action desired by the speaker. That's . . . an area where I am far from a paragon.

Anyway, a free choice is one that is done through neither deception nor duress - purely voluntarily, by informed consent, and not without it.

You bring up a bunch of adjacent topics, Perception and all. I'd be interested in discussing them at some point, but right now they detract from the main point of contention, because they differ in degree, not kind, from the mundane options discussed - Domination or Destruction can serve as coercion, Illusion or Domination as deception, Amplification can be used to quantitatively enhance any of the options in many ways, but not change them qualitatively."
It probably would make more sense for Zix to give up and issue a polite apology for ruining an evening and departing, but I'm putting my pedipalp on the libra to skew the behaviour in favour of continuing RP.
Mar 4, 2025 2:26 am
Greta slaps Marlena’s back — carefully, but still with enough force to nearly knock the poor girl off her seat. "I’ve known warriors who couldn’t handle that drink half as well! You’re a bloody legend now, lass!" She lifts her own shimmering, glowing drink high. "To Marlena the Firemouth! May your drinks always be bold and your eyebrows always grow back!"
Marlena descends into a coughing fit upon being clapped on the back, hacking up great big clouds of ash. "Marlena the Firemouth? Please tell me that isn't going to stick..." She groans miserably. It seems she did manage to impress Greta and a number of other patrons, but not quite in the way she wanted to. She's also feeling quite drained in the magical sense after that accidental display of firepower.

Marlena pulls a handkerchief out of her satchel to dab at her continuously watering eyes. At first, she's only barely listening to Greta and Zix as the intoxication starts to kick in, but she catches Greta's compliment to her smile. "You... You think my smile is charming? Oh, stop..." She grins, showing off well-aligned teeth that are glowing like heated steel due to the drink she had. She hastily covers her mouth when she notices.
She stews in quiet embarrassment for a good while before finally stepping into the discussion, attempting to steer it in a different direction. "Okay! Free choice, coercion, Dominatio... Wouldn't you agree we had enough of that for one day back in Professor Callavane's class? Let's change the subject. What are you all here to do? What are you hoping to accomplish with the knowledge you gain here? I'm particularly interested in your answer, Greta, because from what I'm gathering so far, you seem to think magic is dangerous and 'cheating' in a sense. Is it about power?" After the question leaves her mouth, she doesn't like how it sounds so she tries to soften the blow. "Not that there would be anything wrong with that. Power is just a tool."

Greta Ironhart


Mar 4, 2025 8:26 am
Greta gives Zix a look — she knows they could argue all night and still be spinning their wheels in the same mud pit come morning. She shrugs one broad shoulder, her iron-ringed braids clinking softly.

"Eh. No point goin’ in circles, Zix. You’ve got your stance, I’ve got mine — and neither of us is changin’ it tonight." She grabs her glowing drink, swirling it lazily. "Let’s call it a draw and save our breath for the next class debate, yeah?"

She downs a hefty gulp, wincing slightly as the magical fizz sparks against her tongue, then turns her attention to Marlena. The change in topic earns a grateful grin, though it fades a bit at the question itself.

"Power’s part of it, sure," she says, voice quieter than usual, though still firm. "But it’s not just about wantin’ power for power’s sake." She drums her fingers against the table. "My dad’s a professor here. Been one longer than I’ve been alive. I grew up hearin’ about magic, breathin’ it in..."

She pauses, jaw working for a moment before she adds, "Where we are from, a strong back and a quick fist’ll get you respect in the village square — but in a place like this?" Her hand sweeps out, indicating the whole of Misthaven. "If you can’t sling spells, if you can’t shape magic like breathin’ air, you’re just... there. Standin’ in the corner while the real players talk."

She huffs, shaking her head. "I’m gonna learn this stuff — the real stuff — not just for some shiny degree, but so when I walk into a room, people know I belong there."

She grins again, but it’s smaller now, a little more honest. "Magic is a tool, yeah. But it’s also a key. And I’m not about to spend my life stuck on the wrong side of a locked door."
What do you do?
Greta Ironhart

Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar


Mar 4, 2025 8:40 am
Dueling Gym
As Kiraen wiped the sweat from her brow, her mind still spinning with the lipstick idea, the sound of measured footsteps caught her attention. The faint clink of armor accompanied them, and when Kiraen glanced over her shoulder, she saw her — Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar, second-in-command of the Eastern Dragon Guard.

Kiraen had seen her before, both in passing and during her initial tour of the campus. Veyna cut an imposing figure — not in size, but in presence. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight braid, her scaled armor polished to a muted sheen, and the long scar carving down her left cheek spoke to experience earned the hard way. Her posture was as precise as her sword strikes were rumored to be — confident, yet never arrogant.

The lieutenant offered a brief smile, though it barely softened the sharpness of her gaze. "You're practicing well for an Assistant Librarian, Miss Nyrazzrin."

Kiraen tensed slightly, caught off guard. "I—"

But Veyna raised a hand, cutting off any need for excuses. "I mean that as a compliment. Precision like that doesn’t come easy, especially when you're learning to hold back." She took a step closer, her sword hanging at her hip, the weight of it seemingly effortless against her side.

"The Guard keeps an eye on promising students — and you? You caught my attention before." She tapped a finger against the scar on her cheek. "We recognize the ones who’ve trained not just for sport, but for survival."

Kiraen felt her jaw tighten, unsure whether to take the words as praise or suspicion.

"So," Veyna continued, her tone casual but her eyes sharp, "why didn’t you apply to the Dragon Guard? With those reflexes and that focus, you could have walked into officer training."

Kiraen shifted her weight slightly, trying to read the intent behind the question. It wasn't a direct challenge — more curiosity, maybe even a touch of disappointment.
What do you do?
Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar
Mar 4, 2025 9:52 am
Zix nods slowly, "Then let us suspend that topic until the next class debate. And then we request the professor's permission to come back to the topic of smiles and fists, and we discuss whether using a charming smile and an aggressive punch are ethically equivalent and why, and everyone who witnessed our chat can confirm what words we said and what positions we hold. Maybe even write them down lest one or both of us forget the nuance. Deal?"

Zix raises from the seat slightly, and offers its hand.



Mar 4, 2025 11:43 am
Dueling Gym
Thank you - I will give it some thought
Something about the Lieutenant just doesn't sit right with Kiraen, but she has learned enough about court intrigue to be polite and non-comical. To Kiraen Lieutenant feels like a hound who have spotted its pray - and Kiraen is no-ones pray!
I'm over analyzing, she is just a greedy human who wants to command me.

Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar


Mar 5, 2025 12:07 am
Dueling Gym
"Okay, assistant librarian. Just make sure you know which fights you’re willing to walk away from — and which ones will follow you no matter where you go."

She turned, her footsteps echoing as she strode toward the door. "See you around, Nyrazzrin."

Kiraen stood there a moment longer, her hand tightening on her stiletto before she slowly let out a breath. The gym was about to close.
What do you do? Dinner and go to the dorms? Tomorrow, your first class is Introduction to Magical Theory
Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar
Mar 5, 2025 9:04 am
Dueling Gym
Kiraen cleans her weapon and goes for a shower.
Hmm...Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar could become a problem. But I'm not going to be her soldier!
After her shower, then its dinner and then the dorms.
This could be an interesting personal antagonist for Kiraen :)
Last edited March 5, 2025 9:05 am
Mar 5, 2025 10:22 am
Bow’s End Tavern
Greta looks at Zix’s offered hand for a moment. "Alright, deal."

While the handshake seals the deal, Dorian reaches for his drink — but as his fingers brush the tankard, they also brush something else. A thin, folded slip of parchment, just barely visible under the base of the mug, as though someone had slid it into place when no one was looking.

Frowning, he palms the note and subtly unfolds it under the table. The handwriting is elegant, but hurried, and there’s no signature.

Greta Ironhart’s father was not the man she thinks. Ask her if she knows about the 'Hollow Quill' incident — the year the professors rewrote the memories of half a dormitory, all for the ‘greater good.’ How much did they tell her? How much did they tell any of us? Some doors were locked for a reason. Some doors should stay that way.

The message ends abruptly, the bottom of the page torn. There’s no indication of who wrote it, no clue to the writer’s identity — just the accusation hanging in Dorian’s hand.
The tiefling waitress returns, her tail swishing lazily behind her as she approaches the table. She stops beside Marlena, her eyes sparkling with just a touch of mischief.

"Would you like another drink, sweetheart?" she asks, her voice warm and honeyed. "That dwarf over there is offering to pay you a bottle of that."

She glances meaningfully at the empty tankard that had once held the Dragon’s Fire.
What do you do?
Mar 5, 2025 10:08 pm
Marlena gains a thoughtful look as she takes in Greta's perspective. "I think I get it. Without magic, you're just... normal. Mundane. Locked out of experiencing the greatest wonders this world has to offer. That's part of why I want to learn as much as I can here. What does your father teach?" She asks Greta.

She looks up at the tiefling waitress, following her eyes to the tankard. "Uh, well... That's quite generous. Hm." She spares a quick glance at the dwarf that offered to pay. Against her better judgment (which was already somewhat compromised), she agrees. "I... You know what, I would like another drink." The thought of having more makes her stomach twist, but she won't get better at holding her liquor if she doesn't drink.


Stamina (Physical) - (1d6, 1d8)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d8 : (2) = 2

Mar 6, 2025 2:35 am
Bow's End TavernDorian knows better than to give up a good opportunity with needless questioning, although his mind races as to who left the more, and when, and why

"Greta, do you know if the Hollow Quill incident? When the professors rewrote memories?"

Too late, he wonders if he's treading on sensitive toes, playing the mark in another person's con.
Last edited March 6, 2025 2:35 am
Mar 6, 2025 9:16 am
Zix's ears perk up subtly at Dorian's mention of such an intriguing and concerning actions. Of course, nothing was confirmed yet, but this could lead somewhere interesting.
Mar 6, 2025 9:32 am
Students Dorm
Kiraen stepped into Dusk Hall, her boots making a soft sound against the polished stone floor. The familiar scent of lavender incense drifted through the hallway, a small comfort after her long evening of training. The dormitory was far more modern than the places she’d stayed before — white stone walls accented with gold and black, giving the space an elegant yet welcoming feel. Light globes along the ceiling cast a warm, even glow, illuminating the subtle patterns carved into the walls — a mix of contemporary paintings and design motifs.

As she passed the common lounge, she caught glimpses of students curled up in the plush chairs, some with books balanced on their knees, others gathered around a long table in deep discussion. Through the wide windows, the courtyard was alive with flickering lights where a group of students were having a friendly spell duel, their laughter ringing out into the night. A pair of upperclassmen were sitting on the balcony, one playing a lute while the other softly recited poetry.

Kiraen's room was simple but comfortable, her single space giving her a much-needed sense of privacy. Across the hall was her dormmate’s door — they shared a small kitchenette and bathroom, both tidy and efficient, though the smell of someone’s failed alchemical experiment still lingered faintly in the air.
Please describe your dormmate. Who is she?

Greta Ironhart


Mar 6, 2025 9:40 am
Marlena says:
"I... You know what, I would like another drink."
The waitress gives Marlena a wink and sashays off toward the bar, leaving she wondering whether she’s blushing from the drink… or something else.
You can describe the results when the drink arrives. Roll below...

Edit: You succeed with a major (2) opportunity/bonus. =) Perhaps you can use this as a fire breathing potion from now on? =D
"My dad? Professor Harnock Ironhart — teaches Telekinetic Archaeology." Greta drums her fingers on the table absentmindedly. "He’s all about digging up ancient ruins without so much as liftin’ a shovel. Says it’s all about precision, finesse — movin’ a single grain of sand if you need to."

She snorts, shaking her head. "Not exactly my style, but... can’t argue he’s good at it."

At Dorian’s question, her brow creases deeper, confusion plain on her face.

"The Hollow Quill what-now?" Greta’s eyes narrow slightly as she looks at Dorian. "Rewriting memories? Never heard of it."

Her gaze flickers between him and Zix, suspicion starting to creep into her expression. "What are you on about? Is this some upperclassman prank, or are you just tryin’ to mess with me?"

She leans forward, elbows on the table, all traces of playfulness gone from her voice. "If you’ve got somethin’ to say about my dad, spit it out."
Greta Ironhart
What do you do?


Marlena's drink DR - (3d6h2)

(116) = 7

Mar 6, 2025 11:04 am
Zix seems a bit puzzled, and looks to Dorian, expecting to see where this will lead.
Last edited March 6, 2025 5:36 pm
Mar 6, 2025 5:30 pm
Bow's End TavernHe wonders once more about the intentions of the mysterious note passer. However, he guesses that drawing the scribbler out would be more interesting than keeping a strange secret.

"This was under my drink. An elaborate party game I thought, but it appears that of so, we're not in on it." He hands it to Greta.

Greta Ironhart’s father was not the man she thinks. Ask her if she knows about the 'Hollow Quill' incident — the year the professors rewrote the memories of half a dormitory, all for the ‘greater good.’ How much did they tell her? How much did they tell any of us? Some doors were locked for a reason. Some doors should stay that way.

His eyes clock the room, looking for overly interested observers.
Mar 6, 2025 7:14 pm
Students Dorm
Brie Greythorn
Yo Kiraen! How's tricks?
Brie Greythorn is a blue-skinned tiefling with messy black hair and golden-yellow eyes gleaming with mischief. She is here in Misthave on a scholarship, otherwise, she would have spent her days and nights in the backallies of the big cities.
Hey Brie. Had the first lecture today. Tough, but interesting. And I was approached by Lieutenant Veyna Kallisar. She wanted me in her Dragon Guard.
Kiraen is drying her hair after the shower and is lightly dressed.
Brie Greythorn
Oh I have meet her already. Somehow she thinks that I am a thief and its her job to catch me?! I say challenge accepted!
Brie notices the tattoo on Kiraens thigh.
Cool tat! Why haven't I seen that before? What is wicked awesome and you shouldn't cover it up all the time. Wear them poud!
Brie shows off her own tattoos on her shoulder and back.
[ +- ] Brie Greythorn (Dormmate)– The Street-Smart Tiefling Rogue
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