"Greta, I get this other part. I get that you argue that the ends justify the means, and I'm ready, willing, eager even, to engage in a cool-headed discussion with you about that matter, as a worthy opponent. I get that we both hold our stances out of good intentions on this matter.
And I'm not expecting anyone to be a perfect paragon - I have done some shady stuff in my life too, I'm not the one to speak from a high horse.
I am also similarly ready to engage in honest talks about whether or not magic is cheating, and what to do if part of the hand you're dealt is magical, and to challenge and be challenged when it comes to our stances.
These are not the things that got so riled up, and since you switched to talking about them, maybe my lapse in self-control made my words difficult to parse, and thus you don't have a clear idea what I called you out on.
I am calling you out specifically on saying that a charming smile and violence are ethically equivalent ways of getting a desired course of action out of someone, that they're equally coercive. I tried to spell it out with examples that make the distinction particularly glaring, without going into gratuitous pathos. But if it's something you can so confidently say in the open, then switch lanes like it's nothing, I'm not sure how much of a cool-headed, reason-based discussion we can have about right and wrong."