2. Some Lessons Belong in the Classroom

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Mar 6, 2025 7:55 pm
After watching the waitress go, Marlena has a moment to contemplate what exactly she's gotten herself into.

As this 'Hollow Quill' incident is brought up, she notices Greta's change in mood and quickly tries to smooth things over. "Relax. No one said anything about your father...!"

She looks over Greta's shoulder to read the note. "What...? What the hell is this?" It seems quite serious, assuming it's not just an elaborate prank. However, Marlena realizes that Greta got defensive about her father before seeing the contents of the note. She feels that's a bit suspicious, but she doesn't call it out.

"I find this hard to believe. There's no way they could get away with rewriting memories on that scale... Right?" Marlena tries to remain skeptical, but the creeping fear that it's true remains in the back of her mind.

Greta Ironhart


Mar 6, 2025 10:23 pm
Bow’s End Tavern
Greta’s fingers tighten around the note as she reads it.

"This is ridiculous." She slaps the note down on the table, not quite crumpling it, but the paper bends under her fingers. "Rewriting memories of half a dorm? Do you have any idea how much power — and how many faculty members — it would take to pull that off? That’s not some quiet little cover-up, that’s a conspiracy the size of a dragon’s arse."

She snorts, shaking her head. "This smells exactly like something the Society of Subtle Truths would pull. Professor Mirthwhistle warned us about them — bunch of troublemakers who plant fake clues and weave spooky stories just to see who’s dumb enough to chase after them." She gestures at the note dismissively. "This is their style — get us all riled up, waste half a term running around like idiots while they laugh themselves sick."

Dorian watches her, his expression mostly neutral, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes — curiosity, maybe, or something he’s choosing to keep to himself for now. He doesn’t say anything, just turns the note slightly so he can reread it, fingers tapping absently against the table. This note might be a prank, sure, but there was enough truth buried in the wording to tug at something deep in him.

There’d be time to dig later — quietly — if you want. Dorian has joined the Society, he can check with them.

Marlena can visit the library tomorrow, as well. Maybe there’s something buried in the old student records, or some whispered rumors preserved in dusty journals.

Anyway, what do you do?
Greta Ironhart

Brie Greythorn


Mar 6, 2025 11:36 pm
Grinning, Brie twisted to show off her own ink: a jagged series of dark lines and stylized webs across her shoulder and upper back, symbols of her own past and pride. "See? Nothing says ‘don’t mess with me’ like permanent body art."

Just as she was about to launch into a story about where she got her first tattoo (probably in an alley behind a questionable tavern), Brie’s sharp ears caught the soft sound of paper sliding under the door. She raised an eyebrow and hopped off her bed with an exaggerated stretch, scooping up the folded note before Kiraen could react.

"Ooooh, what’s this?" Brie held it up between two fingers, turning it over like it might explode. "Secret admirer? Mysterious love letter?"

The paper was smooth and high-quality — not the usual rough scrap or crumpled flyer you’d expect from students handing out party invites.

Brie squinted at the wax seal, which was stamped with a spiraling sigil — a snake consuming its own tail, but the serpent was segmented like puzzle pieces shifting apart. "Huh." She tossed it onto Kiraen’s bed. "Definitely not a love note. Looks more like… secret society stuff. You in some kind of cult already? I thought I was supposed to be the shady one in this dorm!"

When Kiraen opens the seal and reads the paper, she finds it is a note (invitation? request?) from The Society of Subtle Truths

To Kiraen, Assistant Librarian of the Biblioplex,

Congratulations on your appointment. Such a fine position is reserved for someone with brains… yet, it pains us to see you wasting precious time at the dueling gym.

A little bird whispered to us about your recent contributions to the illusionary door puzzle left upon the campus grounds. Clever work, Miss Nyrazzrin. It’s rare to find someone who notices the clues, let alone solves them.

We could use that mind. That curiosity. That knack for seeing what others do not. We need your help.

Should you wish to know more, leave a silver coin under the third floor common room’s couch before midnight tomorrow. Consider it an invitation.

The Society of Subtle Truths
Brie Greythorn
Mar 7, 2025 12:11 pm
See, this is why I didn't want to join them. Finding a hidden truth is nice and all, but the way they tease people with hidden truths which may or may not actually be true is at odds with the former, said Zix to nobody in particular.
Last edited March 7, 2025 12:12 pm



Mar 8, 2025 1:32 pm
Well Brie, you got that tattoo by your own initiative. I'm not a follower of Lolth, but my aunt though I should be, just because she was a priestess.
And I'm not in a cult!

Kiaren reads the note sitting casually on her couch. Right now she is in the most comfortable and unimposing clothes she owns.
fantacy equivilent to speatpants and a hoody
I better go find a silver coin. But I'm starting to get a bit miffed about all those unwarrented oppions on how I use my spare time


Brie Greythorn


Mar 8, 2025 3:05 pm
Brie stretched lazily, cracking her knuckles as she sat up. "Silver coin? Yeah, I got one." She reached into her coat, which was draped over a chair, and fished out a small pouch. The sound of clinking metal filled the quiet dorm before she pulled out a tarnished silver piece and flicked it toward Kiraen with a practiced ease.

"But hold up." She tilted her head, her golden eyes narrowing with curiosity. "Why do you need it? You planning to bribe a professor? Paying off a bookie? Some secret wizard handshake I don't know about?"

She leaned forward, tail flicking behind her, still oblivious to the contents of the note. "C’mon, spill. You know I love a good mystery."
Brie Greythorn
What do you do?
Mar 8, 2025 4:43 pm
Bows End Tavern
Dorian holds up a finger. "Hidden truths, 'hidden' being the operative word, rather than say, 'revealed' truths. The real story is yet concealed. Should we follow this, or should Greta rather, there may yet be a surprise waiting for us. Or her."
Mar 8, 2025 5:36 pm
"We don't know for sure if Professor Harnock Ironhart is involved... But I think it's worth looking into. Of course, it may just be a prank so I don't think we should waste too much time on it, but if there's even a one percent chance that this 'Hollow Quill' incident happened, then I want to know everything about it."

Marlena smiles slyly. "If it is fake, then Dorian shall owe us a round of drinks for being first to bring it up! All in favor?"

And if it's real... The possibility disturbs her, so she tries not to get ahead of herself. No. We don't know yet.

"I can look through the Bibloplex tomorrow," she offers. She's keeping an eye out for the waitress's return.
Mar 8, 2025 5:39 pm
"I don't object. In a way, I approve of the proposal. If there's a mystery, I'm in favour of unravelling it. If there is none, then disproving it will just prove that the aforementioned society is not to be taken as worthy of followship. Don't care about the round of drinks that much though."



Mar 8, 2025 6:16 pm
Nope Brie! I will tell you once I have uncovered this mystery myself.
Kiraen packs away the note. She will burn it at the earliest opportunity.
She takes the coin and leaves for the dorm stairs, she goes up to the third-floor common room and place the silver coin right away - and drops the note in a convenient fireplace.
Mar 8, 2025 7:08 pm
The waitress returns with Marlena’s drink, setting it down with a practiced ease before glancing at the group, perhaps sensing the shift in mood from their earlier celebration. She lingers only a moment before slipping away.

Greta exhales through her nose, arms crossing as she leans back in her chair. "Do whatever you want." Her tone is flat, dismissive. "I’m not wasting my time chasing some dumb Society prank. If you all want to run around on a ghost hunt, be my guest."
See the poll
Mar 8, 2025 7:10 pm
Marlena, Zix, Dorian, what do you do?

What do you do? Public

Ignore this, even if the group wants to check
Check, discreetly, tomorrow, by yourself
Make this a group effort, even without Greta, and coordinate your findings
Tell Kiraen about this
Mar 8, 2025 7:30 pm
Zix would go for any option except ignoring it, whichever way the group leans. While I'm curious to explore some of the social dynamics relating to Kiraen, Zix is largely oblivious to those at this point, and has no opinion on whether to get Kiraen involved (but OOC I'm concerned about the clique not being cohesive enough, so would probably want to get us back together for the investigation).
Mar 8, 2025 11:08 pm
The note catches fire the moment it touches the embers, curling at the edges as dark smoke rises in delicate tendrils. The flames lick hungrily at the parchment, consuming the inked words until nothing remains but glowing ash. For a brief moment, the scent of burnt paper lingers in the air before it’s carried away by the gentle flicker of the fire.

Kiraen watches in silence, the silver coin already resting in its place. A puzzle left unsolved, for now.

With a quiet exhale, she turns away, stretching out the tension from her training earlier. The common room is peaceful at this hour, only the occasional crackle of the fire breaking the stillness.

She heads back down to her dorm and slips into bed. Within moments, exhaustion claims her, pulling her into the depths of much-needed rest.
Continues after we finish the Tavern sub-thread.
Mar 8, 2025 11:42 pm
"Greta..." Marlena senses that the dwarf isn't budging in her decision, so she grabs her drank carefully and tries to bring the table's good mood back. "Very well. We'll let you know if we find any worthwhile. Now why don't we save talk of hollow quills and shady societies for another time? Tonight, we unwind!"

Without another word, she guzzles down her Dragon's Fire. Again, it burns like she swallowed embers from a campfire, but this time, something feels different. This time, she has a lot more control over the fire brewing in her belly. In fact, she feels confident to pull off a trick. As she finishes off her drink, she tilts her head skyward and lets loose a more controlled stream of flames that gathers into a large fireball lingering over her. Once she stops adding fire to it, the hovering fireball unfurls into a dragon made of fire that flies around the tavern, bathing the other patrons in light. The dragon completes a few laps of the tavern before dissipating into a harmless rain of sparks.

She's shocked at what she pulled off. I'm... I'm actually good at that. Maybe I can use this.

Tulk "The Bulk" Tusktooth


Mar 8, 2025 11:53 pm
For a moment, the tavern falls completely silent as all eyes follow the fiery dragon soaring through the air. The flickering light dances across the walls, casting dramatic shadows over the gathered patrons. Then, as the dragon dissolves into a cascade of harmless golden sparks, the room erupts into cheers and applause.

"By the gods, did you see that?!" a gnome near the bar exclaims, nearly falling off his stool in excitement.

A few students whistle and clap, some slamming their mugs on the table in approval. A grizzled orc leans back in his chair, smirking. "That’s a hell of a way to liven up a night."

From behind the counter, Tulk raises a single brow but doesn’t intervene. He simply chuckles and shakes his head before returning to polishing a glass. "If you burn the place down, you’re cleaning it up," he calls toward Marlena.
Tulk "The Bulk" Tusktooth
What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 8:33 pm
Dorian teases glances with Zix, knowing they've agreed to work together. The mystery of the note might be something from the secret societies he's recently joined, but it seems to him that it is something else - what secret society does business in the open like this?

"It's worth pursuing, but discreetly. If nothing else, it will tell us whether our good friend Greta has an admirer, or perhaps a nemesis, and that will be useful to know."
Mar 9, 2025 8:51 pm
"Well then," Zix returns a teasing glance, "Do you already have the next step in mind?"

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