Grinning, Brie twisted to show off her own ink: a jagged series of dark lines and stylized webs across her shoulder and upper back, symbols of her own past and pride. "
See? Nothing says ‘don’t mess with me’ like permanent body art."
Just as she was about to launch into a story about where she got her first tattoo (probably in an alley behind a questionable tavern), Brie’s sharp ears caught the soft sound of paper sliding under the door. She raised an eyebrow and hopped off her bed with an exaggerated stretch, scooping up the folded note before Kiraen could react.
Ooooh, what’s this?" Brie held it up between two fingers, turning it over like it might explode. "
Secret admirer? Mysterious love letter?"
The paper was smooth and high-quality — not the usual rough scrap or crumpled flyer you’d expect from students handing out party invites.
Brie squinted at the wax seal, which was stamped with a spiraling sigil — a snake consuming its own tail, but the serpent was segmented like puzzle pieces shifting apart. "
Huh." She tossed it onto Kiraen’s bed. "
Definitely not a love note. Looks more like… secret society stuff. You in some kind of cult already? I thought I was supposed to be the shady one in this dorm!"
When Kiraen opens the seal and reads the paper, she finds it is a note (invitation? request?) from
The Society of Subtle Truths
To Kiraen, Assistant Librarian of the Biblioplex,
Congratulations on your appointment. Such a fine position is reserved for someone with brains… yet, it pains us to see you wasting precious time at the dueling gym.
A little bird whispered to us about your recent contributions to the illusionary door puzzle left upon the campus grounds. Clever work, Miss Nyrazzrin. It’s rare to find someone who notices the clues, let alone solves them.
We could use that mind. That curiosity. That knack for seeing what others do not. We need your help.
Should you wish to know more, leave a silver coin under the third floor common room’s couch before midnight tomorrow. Consider it an invitation.
The Society of Subtle Truths

Brie Greythorn