2. Some Lessons Belong in the Classroom

Professor Lirien Callavane


Feb 23, 2025 12:57 am
Professor Lirien Callavane
Students of various races and magical talents gather in the lecture chamber for their first day of classes.

Professor Lirien Callavane, a female goliath, strides to the podium, her robes shimmering faintly with protective runes. Standing nearly seven feet tall, her imposing stature and the faintly marbled gray patterns on her skin immediately capture everyone's attention. You were definitely not expecting it. Misthaven University is really a cosmopolitan place. Her voice, when she begins, is calm and resonant.


"Good morning, students, and welcome to Introduction to Magical Ethics. Today, you embark on a journey that will likely challenge everything you think you know—not only about magic, but about yourselves. Ethics is the invisible thread binding all acts of magic. It is the compass that determines whether you wield power as a healer or a tyrant, a creator or a destroyer. But today, I will narrow our focus to one central question—a question that has long divided the scholars of the Arcane Eloquence Institute: What is the purpose of the Amplifico spells?"

"Is it, as some of my colleagues argue, a noble art devoted to improving and uplifting others? Is Amplifico the eloquent school that inspires unity, sows wisdom, and builds bridges between the fractured corners of our world? Or is it a more pragmatic tool, driven by personal ambition—a means to convince, persuade, and, perhaps, manipulate in the pursuit of one’s own desires?"

"Before we dive deeper, let's begin with a more mundane skill… Take literature, for example. A beautifully wrought tale might teach moral lessons, comforting and enriching its readers. Yet, is that truly its aim? Or does the author, consciously or unconsciously, seek recognition, profit, and immortality through their words? Can the two be separated? Can self-interest coexist with altruism?"

"As budding scholars of the arcane, this debate is not merely theoretical. When you cast a spell, every incantation, every gesture, and every intention carries a lot of weight. A simple communication charm meant to diffuse tension could inadvertently reveal secrets. A persuasive enchantment might bolster alliances—or compromise autonomy. Ethics lives at the intersection of your choices and their consequences."

"In this class, you will learn not only to examine the spells you cast and the words you speak, but also the intentions behind them. You will challenge your assumptions and confront uncomfortable truths. Because make no mistake: magic amplifies everything, and when wielded carelessly, it can cause irreparable harm."

"I will start with a question that will frame our first discussion: If we cannot separate self-interest from altruism in others, does that make all acts of magical expression inherently selfish—or inherently selfless?"

"During this semester, I expect you to think deeply, argue boldly, and, above all, listen to one another. Debate is the lifeblood of the Arcane Eloquence Institute, but so too is understanding."

Professor Callavane steps back, surveying the room with a faint, enigmatic smile, as the hum of animated discussion begins to ripple among the students.

After a couple of minutes, Professor Callavane writes a scenario on the board in neat, flowing script. She then turns to the class and gestures to the scenario with a flick of her wrist, causing it to shimmer with faint golden light.
[ +- ] The scenario
Then, she addresses the class:

"This exercise will form the foundation of our first discussion. Split into groups of 4 and decide your course of action. Consider the ethical implications of each choice and how they reflect your view of magical communication—selfless aid or strategic influence? Be prepared to defend your decision and challenge the arguments of others."

"Remember: the goal is not to win, but to uncover the truth as you see it. Now, let us see if Eloquence can illuminate your path forward."

Before the groups are formed, Kiraen raises a hand with a question. "Mistress, that scenario have already placed one ethnicity burden on our shoulders: That we have to act in this matter and take responsibility for these villagers"

Professor Callavane’s sharp eyes glint with interest as the student speaks, and she lets the room fall quiet before responding.

"An astute observation," she begins. "By presenting you with this scenario, I have indeed made an implicit assumption: that your power and knowledge impose a certain responsibility. But let us examine that assumption together."

"Should the wielder of magic—or, in broader terms, the bearer of any extraordinary ability—feel compelled to act when they witness suffering? Or do they have the right to turn away, as any other bystander might? Is responsibility inherently tied to power, or is it something we choose to take on?"

She takes a step forward, scanning the room.

"Perhaps you feel that this burden has been unfairly placed on you. If so, I challenge you to explore why that is within your group. Is it because I have stripped the villagers of their agency in this narrative, reducing them to a problem you must solve? Or is it because you recognize, deep down, that you could act, and that knowledge makes inaction uncomfortable?"

"Consider also the ethical implications of your refusal. If you choose not to intervene, does that absolve you of responsibility for the consequences? Or does the very fact that you have the ability to make a difference mean that you are, in some way, complicit in what follows? Is responsibility a burden to be avoided—or a privilege of the capable? And how does magic fit into this framework? Does it empower you, or does it create undue expectations?"
I am adding our "trailer" to the "movie". ;)

I suppose your group of 4 will be the PCs, right? What do you do?
Edit: Updated the name of the spells/school of magic to match those of your character sheet
Feb 23, 2025 7:41 am
htech says:
Before the groups are formed, Kiraen raises a hand with a question. "Mistress, that scenario have already placed one ethnicity burden on our shoulders: That we have to act in this matter and take responsibility for these villagers"
Once the quartet's assembly is clearly inevitable, facing Kiraen with grim admiration, Zix speaks up.

"You're astute in pointing out that such things are often an ethnicity burden. I've been to a place where members of one people, known for certain talents, was raised as inherently 'indebted' to the rest of the community - allegedly owing a duty to forsake one's own agency and instead work until death for the security of the country - in a way that exceeds the burden imposed on other peoples of said community.

I think we can make an easy case that it's unfair to judge people differently, and assume they now owe a different debtly burden to others, depending on what they drew from the Deck of Reincarnation, not just before becoming agents, but before even being born. "

Some could see hints that Zix spoke from if not personal experience, then at least a position of very personal familiarity and significance - perhaps of a familial sort. But then the traveller continued, and any lapse in self-control ceased.

"But I think it is similarly unfair to burden people differently based on competences from other sources - once you attain the sapience of a moral agent, you should be treated with no bias in favour or against other moral agents."

The Critic emitted a very short croak, as if punctuating the end of a paragraph in an abstract.

"As for the main question regarding the choice between schools hinges enormously on which of the normative ethical theories is taken to be true. The answers will be radically different between virtue ethics, consequentialist ethics, and deontological ethics, to say nothing of the less famous theories like care ethics.

Under a deontological framework, suspending another's volition with Dominatio would be wrong, and good intentions don't magically make it right. But I'm sure there will be some quasi-Machiavan student who will argue for a contrary stance.

Of course, we also haven't touched upon which outlook is assumed regarding freedom of will. Because, for example, for an incompatibilist determinist, Amplifico, or even a purely logical debate, would be no less coercive than Dominatio."

Zix leans back a bit. "How does our little pack feel about presenting such answers to the class and professor?"
The talent Zix alludes to is, of course, 'become anyone', so I'm adding a third die specifically for being familiar with the way bearers of such talents were treated (though from retellings of parents). If this is not appropriate, the third die result can be removed. However, Zix does not want to divulge such details, so while it tries to speak with conviction, it's also trying not to tip its hand. These are rather contradictory goals. Again, if you feel this needs special mechanical handling, please point me in the right direction.
Last edited February 23, 2025 12:52 pm


On burden, speaking from familiarity (Social+Persuade+Pride) - (1d8+1d6+1d8)

(3) + (6) + (6) = 15

Hiding the personal significance (Social+Deceive) - (1d8+1d6)

(3) + (2) = 5

Feb 23, 2025 3:15 pm
Kiraen tries to break up the problem
We have the starving masses that we have to help.
We have the merchant with a resource surplus.
We have to get the resources out of the merchant.

Something is making her uncomfortable.
I have seen a similar scenario before. The merchant was ordered by the queen to hand over his resources to the needy. If he refused, he would be executed, so he complied.
I think this is a question about power. The merchant had power over the needy. The drow queen had power over the merchant and the needy. She chose how and where that power was wielded.

In our scenario. We have to determine if we have power over the merchant, or if he is our equal. If he is our equel then we negotiate, with what we have.
If we are in a position of power, and he doesn't accept it, we use magic to compel him.

Kiraen is trying to come to terms with her conclusion.
The drow have a bad reputation, some of it is deserved - but I still think the relationship of power is the relevant factor
Feb 23, 2025 8:01 pm
Dorian attempts to ignore the moral dilemmas to the side and says, "The crux of the matter is should the merchant be ruined or should the villagers starve. Commerce is the lifeblood of many villages, and should the merchant lose all of his merchandise, he would likely be imprisoned by the lenders from whom he borrowed coin. The village would likely suffer in the future as no merchant would step in later to serve such a community where fair trade was confiscated."

He pauses, thinking it through. "Does the immediacy of their famine trump the future possibility of economic isolation? Of course. But the real question at hand is that interfering with the economy of this village would have long lasting if unintended effects. But, if we accept that we must act, by our temperament or by responsibility, then I suggest that Amplifico would be the more ethical choice. If the merchant still refuses when presented with the best arguments, then Domanatio would be more justifiable. Doing so without giving the merchant the option to consider the best arguments available would be tyrannical and all of the ensuing after effects would be the responsibility of the mage."

He then says, "Of course, if financial ruin for the merchant can be avoided by negotiation or outside charity, then his acceptance would be easier and the resulting troubles diminished."
Feb 24, 2025 12:44 am
Marlena listens to the others intently before speaking up.

"You all bring up good points, but take care not to lose sight of the task at hand," Marlena says. "We need to decide a course of action as a group. Of course it'd be a lot more complicated in real life, but it's only a thought experiment meant to challenge your preconceptions. It won't model every possible factor, and I argue it doesn't need to."

"Now, we have three options. We can do nothing, we can cast the Dominatio spell to compel the merchant to share their food, or we can enhance our ability to negotiate with the Amplifico spell, preserving the merchant's autonomy. Personally, I'd choose the Amplifico spell. I believe that no one has the right to control the mind of another, for any reason. That's not a line that should be crossed, even to save many people. Putting the well-being of the many over the free will of the few may sound fair or logical from certain views but who decides when it goes too far?"

"In addition, I feel casting the Amplifico spell first and then using the Dominatio spell as a backup plan isn't meaningfully different from just casting the Dominatio spell in the first place. You've essentially went into the situation already determined to have your way, thus the merchant does not actually have a choice."
Feb 24, 2025 6:22 am
Nix nods in approval at Marlena's speech. "In terms of what I would do, I'm also inclined to limit myself to Amplifico if I have reason enough to intervene, which may be not the case depending on prior relations with the village, but for the sake of the example I'm assuming that prior relations are neutral or better, so I likely would try my hand at solving the issue. That makes for at least two out of four leaning towards such an answer.

But I still feel like we were thrown into answering question without fully being given the necessary parts required to provide the answer. The answer depends on those unspoken parts."

Associate Professor Lirien Callavane


Feb 25, 2025 8:49 am
As the discussions ripple through the lecture hall, Professor Callavane begins tracing an intricate pattern in the air. The runes on her robes pulse softly as she speaks in a low, measured tone.

"Veritas Amplifico. Eloquium infinitum."

A gentle golden light radiates outward from her, dissolving into shimmering motes that dance briefly before vanishing. When the professor speaks again, it is not louder, but somehow everywhere, her voice carrying as if she stands within each group at once.

"I have cast an Amplifico and Illusio spell. You will find that my words reach you all, and that I can follow your discussions simultaneously. Let us use this to refine our understanding."

She turns toward Zix, Kiraen, Marlena, and Dorian, addressing their table as if she were there in person.

"Zix has raised an important concern: We are debating with incomplete information. But in real life, we rarely, if ever, have perfect knowledge. So, let me ask you—if you were in this village, at this moment, what would you need to know before deciding? Would you seek out the merchant's background, their debts, their moral character? Would you investigate the villagers—who is starving first, and why? How does uncertainty shape your choices? Must we act despite not knowing everything, or is inaction just as much of a decision as intervention?"

She pauses, allowing the weight of the question to settle before shifting her focus. Her gaze flickers to Marlena.

"You argue that using Dominatio as a backup plan makes it no different from using it outright. I commend your clarity. But consider this: Do degrees of coercion matter?"

The light in the room seems to dim just slightly as she steps forward, her voice carrying a note of challenge. You feel a powerful magic coming from her.

"We persuade people all the time—with rhetoric, with incentives, with social pressure. Imagine a king urging a noble house to support a treaty. He may appeal to their sense of duty, offer them wealth, or remind them of past favors. At what point does persuasion become coercion? Don't minimize the power of Amplifico... If I cast a spell to make myself irresistibly persuasive, am I not, in a way, bending another’s will? If my magic words compel you to act, is that truly different from forcing you outright? Or is the illusion of choice enough to preserve moral integrity?"

Her expression is unreadable, but her eyes shine with the intensity of a teacher who relishes the complexity of the lesson.
What do you do?
Associate Professor Lirien Callavane
Feb 25, 2025 12:03 pm
"I alluded to what the unspoken parts were, but since you are asking directly, I will answer more explicitly.

In this scenario, who am I? Am I a calculating consequentialist, following an ethical framework that dictates that the ends justify the means? Am I a virtue ethicist, trying to do what feels like a good action, with little regard for clear-cut rules? Am I a principled deontologist, following a framework that clearly defines right and wrong, saying may justice be served even if heavens fall? Am I a care ethicist, who, like a wasp, puts the well-being of her children above all else, even severe suffering of others, and assigns ethical value to actions in accordance with that care?

Even if you postulate that the agent in the hypothetical is a future me, you still haven't answered which ethical theoretical framework is the correct one, and it's not clear whether you would convince me that whichever one you deem right *is* actually right."

Zix waits for a reply, but then notices that there's more that needs addressing.

"Professor, you are throwing around some grave words without ensuring that the students understand what meaning you're putting into them. What 'irresistible' means and whether it is a suitable descriptor for Amplifico-enhanced persuasion depends on certain questions that need answers first. Is compatibilism or incompatibilism true, and if the latter, then is metaphysical libertarianism true? Because depending on that, what is and isn't ethical would be different. Which one of the two is taken as true when constructing the ethical framework you are trying to instil in the class?"

Zix frowns.

"Frankly, to me this looks like you're trying to overwhelm the class with questions deliberately phrased in such a way that no unprepared student can give an appropriate, or even coherent and well-founded, answer to, instead of giving the class the 101 required for engaging with the topic you brought up."

On Zix's shoulder, the Critic caws sternly and nods.
Ahaha, my rotten luck, two botches through such a short period. Zix making putting a foot in its mouth is now a candidate for a recurring theme!
Last edited February 25, 2025 12:18 pm


In case I need a roll making a point (Soc+Persuasion) - (1d8+1d6)

(1) + (1) = 2

Associate Professor Lirien Callavane


Feb 25, 2025 12:43 pm
Professor Callavane listens with measured patience, her expression unreadable.When the Critic caws, her lips quirk ever so slightly in what might be amusement—or repproval.

Then, she speaks, her voice steady but carrying the weight of authority.

"Zix, you raise a valid concern. I have indeed introduced complex ethical dilemmas without first equipping you with the full arsenal of philosophical frameworks that might be used to navigate them. But I do so deliberately."

She steps forward, folding her hands behind her back.

"Over the course of this semester, you will study consequentialism, virtue ethics, deontology, care ethics, and more. You will be asked to analyze this very scenario from each perspective, crafting essays that argue for different courses of action based on those theories. In time, you will learn to wield these ethical tools as confidently as you would any spell."

She pauses, letting her words settle before continuing.

"But that time is not today. Today, I am not asking for your future selves—the ones who will have spent weeks dissecting moral philosophy and refining their reasoning. Today, I am asking you, as you are now, to decide. Not as theoretical ethicists, but as young mages standing on the precipice of real-world responsibility. As for your concerns about persuasion and free will, you are correct: the answers to those questions hinge on deeper metaphysical inquiries—compatibilism, determinism, libertarian free will. And you are right that these answers, if known, would change the landscape of moral philosophy entirely."

A glimmer of something sharp enters her gaze—an acknowledgment of Zix’s intellectual challenge.

"But those questions are not settled. If they were, we would not be standing here debating them. Philosophers and arcanists alike have grappled with them for centuries, and no consensus has emerged. So tell me, Zix—if certainty eludes us, if the foundations of ethics remain contested, does that grant us permission to do nothing? Or must we act despite the ambiguity, forging our path through reasoned intuition and personal conviction?"

She allows a moment of silence, then adds, more gently.

"At the end of the semester, I will ask you to revisit this scenario. You will analyze it again, but this time, armed with the ethical theories you will have studied. You will argue not just from your present self, but from the perspective of the mage you are becoming."

Her sharp gaze softens slightly.

"But before you can test your beliefs against philosophy, you must first know what you are. So, tell me—if this were now, if this were real—what would you do?"
Associate Professor Lirien Callavane


Zix DR - (2d8)

(64) = 10

Feb 25, 2025 2:07 pm
"The me now, if 'suddenly' placed in such a situation? Presumably it would be some village I'm passing through, and presumably it's a village against which I have no grudge but no loyalty towards either, and presumably I still have what it takes to leave (for somehow I did manage to get there without starving).

In which case I'd be willing to try convincing the merchant to sell the food at less-than-stellar markup instead of either selling it at a stellar one or hoarding it entirely. I would resort to use of Amplifico but not Dominatio.

My reasons for using Amplifico are that it increases my competence in a quantitative manner, but does not change my persuasion into coercion in a qualitative manner. Ultimately, no amount of training would make persuasion irresistible. For a given persuasion attempt, whether the target agrees or not depends on what the target chooses in reaction to such an influence. Had the target chosen to react otherwise, the target would refuse. The target can choose otherwise, in the sense that in a different possible world the target chooses to refuse. This choice of course depends on which of the possible ways a target can be, is the actual one.

Ultimately even when Amplifico-enhanced, persuasion is just an application of logos, ethos, and pathos, maybe kairos - not of coercion.

Admittedly I can't use Dominatio, and the question about the ethics of its application may be beyond me. The reputation of Dominatio is that unlike Amplifico, it is irresistibly coercive, but since I'm not proficient in it in the slightest, I'm not sure how much it lives up to its reputation. If the reputation is true, then I would rather refrain from using it.

Now, if it were my own life at stake, or that of someone of significant importance to me, I might turn out to be such a moral coward as to resort to such wrongful means. But if I stay strong, I would hopefully resist such temptation. But I've seen people fall to the temptation of justifying their means through ends, and I'm not so sure I would resist.

But perhaps once I learn more of Dominatio, it will turn out its reputation is false, which may change my opinion."


In case another roll is needed (but I'm guessing unlikely) - (1d8+1d6)

(5) + (3) = 8

Feb 25, 2025 2:09 pm
Kiraen approach Professor Lirien Callavane to talk privately.
Professor, everything I have learned as a child, tells me to dominate or kill the merchant if he does not comply with the orders of the drow court. I don't want to be that person.
I see how people react to the drow stories when they meet me - instead of reacting to me. It sucks - but I will overcome.
What I'm saying is that I'm here, and you have my full attention, but this is not going to be my easiest course here in Misthaven.

She is not asking for special favores, she acknowledge that she is at a disadvantage compared to others in the ethics department. But how the professor knows why she is a bit more reserved in this class.
Feb 26, 2025 1:07 am
Dorian listens, leaving back, his face turned away looking out the window with a certain kind of insuciance. When an opening in the conversation arises, he says, "Consider the trolley. Should one person be sacrificed to save many? The scales so balance. Yet. Doesn't every dictator say the same? Some should suffer so many could thrive. I stick with my earlier assertion, that, as Zix reiterated, using magic to give yourself the skill to present your best arguments in the best possible light is much different than simply bypassing reason for force. Even if it's for too-often-misused notion of the quote unquote greater good."
Feb 26, 2025 1:17 am
Callavane says:

"We persuade people all the time—with rhetoric, with incentives, with social pressure. Imagine a king urging a noble house to support a treaty. He may appeal to their sense of duty, offer them wealth, or remind them of past favors. At what point does persuasion become coercion? Don't minimize the power of Amplifico... If I cast a spell to make myself irresistibly persuasive, am I not, in a way, bending another’s will? If my magic words compel you to act, is that truly different from forcing you outright? Or is the illusion of choice enough to preserve moral integrity?"

Marlena's back tingles as she feels the powerful magic from Professor Callavane. It's a little intimidating, but she rises to the challenge.

"Irresistibly persuasive? There's no such thing, not within dipping into Dominatio. Forcing another to act is beyond the realm of Amplifico. If I may steal your king analogy for a moment, I couldn't storm into a king's throne room and persuade him to hand his kingdom over to me. Even if I could make myself the most charismatic person in all the land, there comes a certain point where I'll be unable to convince someone to do something."

Associate Professor Lirien Callavane


Feb 26, 2025 9:43 am
Professor Callavane listens carefully to Kiraen’s quiet admission. She studies the drow student with an expression neither pitying nor patronizing—just understanding.

"You are here," she acknowledges, her voice calm but firm. "That alone is a choice. One that many in your position might not have made. You will not be judged in this class for what you were taught as a child, only for what you choose to become."

She meets Kiraen’s gaze directly, a steadying presence. "Ethics will not be your easiest course, but difficulty does not equate to failure. What matters is that you engage, question, and reflect. That is all I ask of you—and, I suspect, all you ask of yourself."

With a slight nod of acknowledgment, she turns back to the group at large.
"It seems you have reached a consensus. Amplifico, and not Dominatio. Persuasion, but not coercion. The ability to present your best arguments, but without overriding another’s will." She lets her gaze pass over each student, taking the measure of their convictions. "Very well. I mark your answer."

Her hand moves, and with a flick of her fingers, a small glowing glyph appears in the air before fading into nothing. "This record will be revisited at the end of the semester, after you have studied various ethical frameworks and applied them to this same dilemma. You may find that your stance evolves—or that it does not. Both outcomes will tell you something about yourselves."

She clasps her hands behind her back. "For now, we continue. Ethical decision-making is rarely about a single moment. It is a continuous process—one that will shape not just what you do, but who you are."

With that, she moves forward into the next lesson...
Associate Professor Lirien Callavane

Greta Ironhart


Feb 26, 2025 9:51 am
A few hours later, as classes ends, the Biblioplex, grand and filled with the scent of old parchment and ink, seems exceptionally quiet. The magic lanterns in it begin to dim slightly, signaling the shift toward evening

As the group steps out of the Biblioplex, the cool evening air greets them. The sky above Misthaven is painted in dusky purples and deep blues, the last light of day clinging stubbornly to the horizon.

Greta stretches her arms over her head, rolling her shoulders with a satisfying crack. She lets out a deep sigh before glancing around at the group, a grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Well, that was a lot of thinking for one day," she says, adjusting the straps of her satchel. "All this talk of ethics and magic makes my brain hurt. You know what’d help? A drink."

She plants her fists on her hips and gives the group a pointed look. "I say we head to the Bow’s End Tavern. First round’s on me—unless you lot would rather sit in your dorms and keep debating philosophy until your heads explode."
What do you do?
Greta Ironhart
Feb 26, 2025 10:20 am
"We could continue discussions of philosophy over a glass of wine. In fact, those two things seem made for each other," smiles Zix.
Feb 26, 2025 11:11 am
Marlena is not quite sure at first, but the promise of a free drink and the thought of indulging in some of Axechucker's enchanted pastries is enough to draw her in. "Well... Sure, why not. I haven't checked out Bow's End yet anyway. It's not too... rowdy, is it?" She asks cautiously.
Feb 27, 2025 3:34 pm
Kiraen waves off the suggestion of going to the Bow’s End Tavern.
Thx - but I would prefer to clear my head a bit. I'm going to visit the Dueling Club
This has nothing to do with facing the innkeeper after she messed up her job trial. No. Not at all. That is the lie she is telling herself anyway.
Feb 28, 2025 1:15 pm
Schrodinger's Dorian maybe at the Tavern, maybe not.

My next post will be for Kiraen. =)
The heavy wooden door to Bow’s End Tavern swings open with a creak, and Greta Ironhart is the first to stride inside, her boots thudding confidently against the polished mahogany floors. The rich scent of roasted meats, buttery pastries, and something faintly spiced—maybe Chef Curtie’s famous Caster’s Stew—wafts through the air, mingling with the soft strum of a lute from somewhere out on the patio. The warm lighting, glowing softly against the well-worn furniture, gives the whole place a comfortable, lived-in feel, like a favorite old cloak.

Greta Ironhart
Greta takes a deep breath, hands on her hips, and grins so wide it could rival the hearthfire. "Ahhh, now this is what I’m talkin’ about! Cozy, loud, smells like stew and ale—feels like home already!" Her voice easily carries over the low hum of conversations, and a few heads turn, though they’re more curious than annoyed.

Marlena Everbrook
Marlena steps in last, her posture a little more cautious, her fingers nervously curling into her clothes. Her eyes dart around, taking in the shifting crowds, the boisterous laughter, and the ever-present clinking of mugs. "It’s… a bit livelier than I expected," she murmurs.

Greta Ironhart
Greta snorts, throwing an arm around Marlena’s shoulder and steering her deeper into the room. "Lass, lively’s just another word for fun—trust me. Besides, I’ve got ya covered. You stick with me, and if anyone gives you grief, I’ll bench press ‘em into next week." Her tone is playful, but there’s no mistaking the protective edge in her grin.

The group
The group weaves their way toward an open table near the bar, passing groups of upperclassmen engaged in animated debates over half-eaten plates of cheesy bread and enchanted desserts that occasionally sparkle or hum. The patio doors are propped open, letting in the cool evening breeze and the sound of an amateur bard practicing a ballad to the soft applause of a few friends.

Javenesh Stoutclaw
At the bar, Javenesh Stoutclaw, the owlin apprentice, stands polishing a glass with methodical precision. His large golden eyes flick over to the group, and he offers a short, knowing nod to Greta, his beak twitching slightly in what might be the closest thing to a smile.

Tulk "The Bulk" Tusktooth
Further down the bar, Tulk "The Bulk" Tusktooth, the tavern’s resident orc manager, is already breaking up a minor disagreement between two students over a spilled drink, his massive arms crossed.

Greta Ironhart
Greta steers the group into their seats with the practiced ease of someone who’s claimed plenty of tavern tables. "Alright, first round’s on me—what’ll it be? And don’t go orderin’ any of that watered-down nonsense. We’re celebratin’ survivin’ a whole day of thinkin’, and that deserves the good stuff!"

She raises a hand to wave down one of the older student servers, her iron-ringed braids clinking softly as she moves. "Bring us somethin’ that tastes like victory—and maybe a plate of those pastry things Curtie makes. We’ve got a first-timer here," she adds, giving Marlena a conspiratorial wink.

The group
What do you do?

Gorran "Steelshard" Vrahk


Feb 28, 2025 1:51 pm
Kiraen gave a polite smile, though her mind raced for a response. The lie bubbled up before she could stop it.
Kiraen says:
"Thanks," she said, her voice softer than she meant it to be. "But I would prefer to clear my head a bit. I’m going to visit the Dueling Club."
The words felt strangely hollow as she spoke them. The Dueling Club wasn’t exactly what she needed right now. In truth, she was trying to avoid a far more pressing issue. Her trial evening at the Bow’s End Tavern a few days ago had been a mess — a disaster, she’d privately told herself over and over since. The way she’d fumbled with the drinks, the way her nerves had betrayed her… And the innkeeper. Her stomach twisted at the thought of facing him again, of his scowl as he’d asked her the apron and told her she wasn’t cut out for the job.
We never actually roleplayed that evening when he gave you another chance and asked you to come back... But I'm turning the dial up to 11, based on your tip above and other OOC comments. Let's say you botched it.
She could still hear his voice in her mind: "Maybe try some other line of work, eh?"

The shame, sharp and biting, crawled up her neck. The Dueling Club — yes, that was her excuse. Nothing to do with the tavern. Nothing at all.

Greta didn’t seem convinced, but she shrugged. "Alright, suit yourself. But the tavern’s always there. Just saying!" She waved and began to walk away, rejoining the others as they headed toward the path that led north.

Kiraen turned away, clutching her satchel tightly. The sound of laughter faded into the distance as she walked, her steps quickening as she neared the eastern side of the campus. The cool night air kissed her skin, but the weight of her thoughts pressed heavier with each step.

Dueling Club. It wasn’t the place for brooding over mistakes. But it was somewhere she could do. Somewhere that required focus, action. Not like the tavern, where she'd stood frozen, spilling drinks and fumbling her way through the night like a fool. The Dueling Club had structure — rules, form, intensity. It was just what she needed, she convinced herself.

The stone path leading toward the Dueling Gym felt familiar in its own way, a calming contrast to the chaos of her thoughts. As she neared the small structure, the enchanted lanterns cast flickering blue and gold hues across her face. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. The sound of light footsteps echoed against the walls, and the smell of oiled leather and polished wood mixed with the subtle sharpness of magic.

Inside, the gym was alive with energy, the hum of arcane wards filling the air. A few students were already practicing tonight — shadowing strikes, moving with the fluidity of skilled duelists. The walls glowed faintly with runes, marking the spaces where matches took place, and the faint scent of sweat and determination lingered.

Kiraen hesitated, fingers brushing the hilt of the stiletto at her side. She watched for a moment, the rhythmic movements of the duelists a welcome distraction. Her mind was already on the movements she would need to work through tonight, the quick steps, the sharp strikes, the calculated defensive maneuvers that would distract her from… other thoughts.

But before she could make her way fully into one of the practice rings, a deep, gravelly voice broke the quiet hum of the gym.

"Hi, Kiraen," Gorran’s voice echoed across the room, rough yet surprisingly warm. "Didn’t expect to see you here this late."

Kiraen stiffened slightly, her gaze drifting towards the towering figure standing by the far side of the gym, near the training racks where the weapons were neatly displayed. The massive form of Gorran "Steelshard" Vrahk was unmistakable. At nearly seven feet tall, his broad frame and thick, corded muscles filled the space around him as if he were part of the stone and timber that made up the gym’s walls. His deep forest-green skin and the scars that crisscrossed his body told stories of years of battle, of survival, of someone who had lived through far more than most could imagine.
What do you do?
Gorran "Steelshard" Vrahk
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