Pitch the game you don't have time to run

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Feb 25, 2025 8:41 pm
The idea is simple: Pitch the game you don't have time to run ... not right now, at least :)

Maybe you rolled a 19? Maybe you just need to get the idea out of your system? Maybe you're looking for advice? Either way, write a pitch of your game and share it here with absolutely no obligation to actually run it.

It's ok if the idea is half-baked, and the pitch can be as long or short as you like.

I will share some of mine to get us started (one short, one long).
Feb 25, 2025 8:42 pm
Title: Welcome to Valhalla!
System: I could do this with D&D 5e or SWAdE

Scene one: A huge Viking battle where the PCs fight on various sides. All the PCs die, some of them kill each other.

Scene two: Everyone wakes up in Valhalla. Where are the gods? Who orchestrated the battle? Do we need to argue over who killed whom?

That's all I've got :)

Why am I not running this: Lack of time and not really sure what to do after scene 1.
Last edited February 25, 2025 8:43 pm
Feb 25, 2025 8:51 pm
🪖 Band of Bastards - D&D 5e
[ +- ] Mood music

From the ancient language of Ecnarf
Composition of "para" (meaning counter) and "chute" (meaning fall).

Harness imbued with single use transmutation magic that allows the wearer to descend safely to the ground in case of a high-altitude fall. Typically worn by pegasus, hippogrif, griffon, and dragon riders to protect them in case of critical mount failure. Also used for the airborne insertion of drop troops.

To protect the wearer from ground fire, the para only deploys once the wearer has fallen a significant distance and approaches the ground.

Paras have been know to fail to deploy, but the failure rate is only <REDACTED> out of 100.

101 Airborne manual

- Looks like you guys are going to be surrounded.
- We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded.

It is the 6 of June 1044, and the troopers of the 101st Airborne are about to be inserted behind enemy lines as part of the allied invasion of Norelfdy. From the staging grounds in D'nalgne, giant eagles will carry them across the Channel where they will parachute to dessignated targets to pave the way for the allied forces landing on the beaches of Norelfdy.

The world has been at war for almost 5 years and it is finally time to liberate the continent of Eporue from the Izan scourge, but it will be a hard fight where the troopers must assualt fortified Fire Wand 42 emplacements, suffer warlock spell sniper fire, face the terrifying power of the enemy Tiger and Panther Iron Golems, and fear the ever-present threat of a strafing run by the dragons of the Drachenwaffe.
<Fireball strikes>

This game is ...
... a shameless rip-off darkly humorous parody of the Band of Brothers series mashed up with standard D&D 5e tropes and mechanics
... an exploration of what large scale war could actually look like in a standard D&D world
... a fantasy kitchen sink version of WW2 with the serial numbers (barely) filed off
... a story about the daily lives and struggles of the low-level grunts with a backdrop of epic conflict.
... a little silly (in particular with regards to equipment and naming)
... explicitly friendly to new players (*)
... intended to be open to players dropping in and out (Easy company always needs replacements)

(*) By friendly I mean that new players are just as welcome as everyone else to join this and die an unremarkable death in a ditch.
- So, you're a Sending-man?
- Yes, sir. Well, I was, until I lost my sending stone in the jump. I'm sure I'll get chewed out for that.
- Well, if you were in my regiment, I would tell you that you were a pikeman first and a sending-man second.

This is not ...
... historically accurate :)
... a game where you defeat the big bad and save the world
... a fair game with level-appropirate encounters. To quote Lt Spiers: The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function.
... nearly as gory as the show (in spite of the mood music)
... just a series of combat encounters. It is also about camaraderie, annoying officers, equipment scrounging, and other aspects of the daily life of a foot soldier
... going to touch on the atrocities of the Nazis. That would be much too dark for what I have in mind.

- Take cover, take cover! Come on!
- Where is he?
- Shit, I can't se him!
- Second floor. Building on the right. Don't miss!





Why am I not running this: I got the idea a few days ago, so some more thought is needed to figure out whether this is a game or just an excuse to play with image generation prompts :).
Last edited February 26, 2025 10:09 am
Feb 25, 2025 8:54 pm
I think that the emergence of magic in Shadowrun is a fascinating setting to tell stories in.
The modern word as we know it, turned on its head and the balance of power shifted out of proportion.

Why I'm not running it:
Perhaps its a better thought experiment than a game setting.
Feb 25, 2025 9:00 pm
Nice. Thanks for sharing. I also like the idea of exploring a fundamental paradigm shift in the world.

Actually, I have a game pitch about the emergence of magic in a fantasy world ... :)
Feb 25, 2025 9:19 pm
I'd love to run a sci-fi game reminiscent of Titanfall. A squad of military members have their oversized suits that happen to have their own oversized personalities. The squad goes through boot camp, learns to connect with their "titan", and maneuvers their way through interpersonal military drama.
Feb 25, 2025 9:27 pm

Band of Bastards just sounds like a fun time.

Another idea I had came from a movie I remember people talking about. The opening scene of this movie just said something like "It's 1922 and magic is real". I just imagine a group of regular every day friends who go through some sort of tragedy that causes them to begin operating like a gang for monetary reasons. They have to use their magic sparingly to not get caught and at the end of the day, they always go to a local automat for their favorite meal. It just seems different.
Feb 26, 2025 12:09 am
The Pitch: Dateline: Japan. Tokyo has splintered into six distinct zones. Neo-Tokyo is a cyberpunk dystopia from an alternate 21st century. Edo is a historical Tokyo from the Ashikaga Shogunate (c. 1450 AD). Tokyo 2320 is a futuristic Tokyo where the Imperial Defense Force acts to defend the city (and often Earth) from threats. Fantaji resembles Edo, but is filled with fantastic races, elements, and magic. Steampunk Tokyo is set around 1890 AD and has all the expected elements of Steampunk. Finally, part of the city that is known today remains. Heroes could be from any of the districts, recruited by the IDF, and would have adventures across the patchwork city.

Mechanics: Either Big Eyes, Small Mouth or Savage Worlds. Either would handle the setting well.

Why I Don't Run It: Time, mostly. Also because I really don't have a plot line for it.
Feb 26, 2025 12:28 am
Never had the chance to run this campaign:
Last edited February 26, 2025 12:51 am
Feb 26, 2025 4:35 am
As a player, i'd like to play a Vampire (WoD) game, run by an experienced GM.

I never really played the chance as a new vampire getting to know the world setting.

Most of the time i tried, most of the player played too long VM and couldn't help themselves to do a lot of meta. Their new vampire somehow knew everything about what is it to be a vampire and all the clan stories etc...

Anyway all those game died within a couple of months.
Feb 26, 2025 9:59 am
Always wanted to run an Arabian Nights-inspired fantasy game, full of peril and intrigue, devious djinns and fabled cities.

One day!
Feb 26, 2025 10:13 am
Nebula says:
As a player, i'd like to play a Vampire (WoD) game, run by an experienced GM.

I never really played the chance as a new vampire getting to know the world setting.

Most of the time i tried, most of the player played too long VM and couldn't help themselves to do a lot of meta. Their new vampire somehow knew everything about what is it to be a vampire and all the clan stories etc...

Anyway all those game died within a couple of months.
I have had very similar experience with VM. Or to change it up the GM set the story in some odd setting that I could not relate to.

On the flip side, I joined a werewolf group here in GP, where all other players were new to the setting and I could play the experinced one as I have years of werewolf lore and game time. It was a good game.
Feb 26, 2025 11:31 am
I remember this werewolf game advertisement, sounded good, but I'm not much into been a she-wolf haha

Please let me know @runekyndig if you find a VM game we can play together. :)
Feb 26, 2025 11:32 am
Dr_B says:
Always wanted to run an Arabian Nights-inspired fantasy game, full of peril and intrigue, devious djinns and fabled cities.

One day!
Could be fun as well, but my folklore knowledge is more Korean or Japanese.

I know this AP in pathfinder that looked great, but never found a GM for it.
Feb 26, 2025 1:39 pm
Not a D&D / PF fan, but yes - that setting looks fantastic!
Feb 26, 2025 3:08 pm
Between Abyssal Skies - Off-Season Cabinet


The World
The events of Between Abyssal Skies occur in a world of islands suspended between the extremes of baleful disorder above and deathly stasis below, populated by two species who, despite physiological distinctions, are not all that different to each other.

The Bestiary
The world between skies boasts a broad variety of beasts both wild and tame. Dogs and big cats are used as guards; small cats and foxes as companions; corvids as mail-carriers and living burglar alarms; reindeer and cows, hens and ostriches as a source of food. In the deep forsts, one should be wary of crossing the path of a tiger or bear. And the lives of sky-sailors are complicated by encounters with flying wyrms and winged hydras.

The Age of Lightning
The local civilisations are currently undergoing an extended Enlightenment era, boasting such cutting-edge technologies as the power loom, the sky-ship of the line, the electrical telegraph, the skyfarer’s chronometer and the spring-powered bolt-thrower.

The Supernatural
There is wide disagreement about whether the divine consists of five abstract principles, or of about two dozen deities, or of a more difficult to understand unified force that attains highly specific properties when it permeates and possesses places, items, and people. But in any case, the divine seems to take an ‘interest’ in the lives of sufficiently remarkable mortals, for good and ill. Such mortals are referred to as Thespians, and often enjoy supernatural gifts, whether willingly or not.

In addition to the divine, there are other supernatural phenomena and entities, originating from the Abysses above and below; these, however, are much more dangerous for the denizens of the world, and often much more hostile.

The Most Noteworthy Social Organisation
Decades ago, a series of upheavals both geopolitical (such as large wars and revolutions) and supernatural (such as chaotic cataclysms and plagues of monsters) has prompted the creation of the Ataraxia Concordat, an organisation with purposes as varied as upholding laws of war, hunting monsters, reducing inter-religious tensions, and conducting research of the supernatural. To a degree, it was successful at those tasks.

Unsurprisingly, an organisation like this immediately became a place of intrigue and conflicting goals.

The Protagonists and Their Story
This is a chronicle of a group of people – whether Thespian or not – who have been recently invited to become members of the Off-Season Cabinet, a small council into whose responsibility the Ataraxia Concordat redirects miscellaneous issues that the bigger cabinets should not, can not, or will not currently handle. These people will be dealing with their duties, their divided loyalties, and their personal agendas. They will engage in politics, occult investigations, monster hunts, religious debates, forging individual bonds, and the like.
The Media Touchstones
The world Between Abyssal Skies is inspired by such media as the Council (2018 game), the Rose of Versailles (anime), Dishonored (game series), the Scarlet Pimpernel, the Count of Monte Cristo, Styx (Master of Shadows and Shards of Darkness), Thief (game series), Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (game setting), and maybe a bit of Vidocq (2001 film).

Indirectly inspirational music includes Apocalyptica (Cult, Reflections), Therion (Vovin, Theli, Deggial, Crowning of Atlantis), Ad Infinitum (Chapter I – Monarchy), Artesia, Leaves’ Eyes (Vinland Saga and perhaps Lovelorn).

I've been wanting to GM this for several years now, but even the setting articles are only maybe at best 60% ready, and I don't want to make a half-hearted attempt, so it waits until I have the time and energy to make it ready.
Last edited February 26, 2025 3:25 pm
Feb 26, 2025 3:53 pm
I've wanted to run a game in Thedas, the Dragon Age setting, for years. Origins has been one of my favorite games ever since it came out. Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of the system used for the official TTRPG. I've considered hacking another system to run it, but there are very specific things about Thedas that make it a lot of work. The mages of the universe being at risk of demonic possession is a big one. What is allowed by magic in the setting is also quite specific. Additionally, the archetypal cleric or priest is not a thing in Thedas. Holy magic isn't a thing like it is in many fantasy systems. Ultimately, it's just too much work to do as perfectly as I'd like, so I've avoided it.
Feb 26, 2025 4:00 pm
This might raise some torches and pitchforks but hear me out....

Now, I'm not necessarily pushing this as a Christian game but just thought it'd be an interesting concept: fantasy version of the real world during the time of Jesus. It sounds wild, I know Noah Antwhiler did a video on a RPG that basically did it, but I think it sounds interesting.
Feb 26, 2025 4:07 pm
So I could write a massive list, but the one that fits the most for a time issue -

Persona. I would love to run (or pay in a persona game), but I would want to put in proper care for the social links and making it relationship focused.

The nature of that would mean a lot of prep time working and designing several NPCs and mechanics individually which I am not sure I can justify when there is little interest. (Someone else tried to get one going and I was the only one interested)

But I do also just have loads of game ideas, and not enough time to work on them all especially when I want to do them right.
Feb 26, 2025 4:22 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
So I could write a massive list, but the one that fits the tge most for a time issue -
I won't be upset if you pitch something you're not ready to run for other reasons. :)
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