this one. I was supposed to rip off all of bowl's hard work and re-run it years ago... I still believe that day will come...
The one I'm "working on" now would be a series of one-shot fantasy (the best format for PbP I guess) based on an idea I got when I read some old DnD 3.5 diplomacy extension book or something. There was a suggested adventure about elves were plotting to overthrow humans there and this is sort of the caste-based feudal world I imagined could result from that.
The system and setting are home-made, and the first one-shot would have pre-made characters to help players get started, one of each race: an elven knight, a human clerk, a dwarf scout and an orc hunter. They were all affected in some way by some strange events in a remote village and have to figure out what is going on. Characters might have conflicting interests and will have to pick sides at the end, a choice which would link the adventure to the overall setting story.
I have the locations and plot structure and just need to flesh them out, but it's reviewing the rules that will take the time I don't have at the moment