Okay, first off... I'm going to talk about some of the stuff that is the most obvious stuff. This will include Amount of Posting, Subject Headers/Lines, Quoting, Real World Conflicts, and Game Date and Time Stamp. Each of these subjects are covered in the material included in this post.
First of all, I want to set some guidelines on posting. I intend to moderate the PRIMEVAL: Tales of the Anomalies PbP in a somewhat lax manner, meaning I don't intend to spend my day on-line answering posts. Each and every one of us has real lives to lead and other things to do, but the game *does* need to progress. Therefore, I expect players to post a message reply at least once every two days (but see the post below dealing with some of the TAG notations for the game).
The Subject header at the beginning of each Thread is quite important within the context of the roleplaying game, especially a game played on a set of forums. The manner in which I intend to handle this is simple and straightforward. Each "Act" or "Scene" will have its own Thread with a Subject Header. Please do *not* change the Subject Headers unless it is specific to your character or you wish to discuss something off-topic (see posts below), though any Off-Topic discussion should be taken to the Threads designated for them. I would prefer to keep the actual play part of the forums free of Off-Topic discussion, simply because this is meant to be the section for the Play by Post (PbP) of the game, not a true discussion forum. If you want to discuss something personal or non-game related, take it to to the OOC Discussion thread or personal/private e-mail.
Once the game starts in earnest, the Subject lines for posts will follow the guidelines of an overall scene descriptor, for example, "In the Forest Clearing"; if only one character is active in said setting or thread, the Subject Header may also include the name of the character who's posting to it or
being responded to primarily, such as "Harry Martin". Thus, the Subject line will be "In the Forest Clearing - Harry Martin", for example. If "Robert Greenwood" is the character who's being dealt with, the post would have a Subject Header of "In the Forest Clearing - Robert Greenwood," or some such. More detail on this once we're closer to getting the game in play.
Think of the Subject headers as the Chapters of an ongoing story or saga, and let that be your final guide.
Quoting is going to be an issue during the course of the game. It always is in these games. :)
One of the things that I wish to avoid in this game is the excess posting of quoted text. My position on this is simple: There should be *NO* quoting of other posts here, except as noted here. As a general rule, each player character's actions and responses to actions should come at the top of the message (see the post on the various Tags below). The only exception to this rule is when a player must respond directly to something another player has said or done, in which case a *small selection of text* may be quoted in that section. The basic guideline here is to quote only that portion of a previous post that you need to make reference to. Furthermore, RULES material (see the Tags post, below) will also be exempt from this rule of no quoting in the body of the new material for the post up to a point, but any overuse or abuse of this will be dealt with by the Moderator on a case-by-case basis.
When responding to a piece of dialogue from another player character or an NPC, do not respond to more than one section of dialogue in any one post. The reason for this being that people in real life try not to have two or three conversations going on at once, and since the game play is linear, it will make it more difficult for a player to have an actual conversation with one character if they handle things this way. For example, a player writes:
Charles looked over at Steven. "What are we going to do? It's all I can do to keep this door barred."
Charles turned to the zoologist. "Well, Gareth. Do you know of any way of keeping the dinosaur out of here? My strength is starting to give out."
This example above is erroneous and should be avoided. We won't talk about the obvious fact here that Charles must be pretty wimpy physically if his strength in holding the door barred is giving out in the time it takes to utter these two sentences of dialogue! The problem with the above example is the fact that Steven's response to Charles may influence whether he actually asks Gareth if he has a way to prevent the dinosaur from coming into the room, and thus the turning to Gareth and asking him a question should have waited until Charles had a response from Steven. Otherwise, effectively you would have two conversations going on at the same time and characters talking over each other. Furthermore, this multiple stimulation of the character from different sources may make them oblivious to other things going on. Thus, the correct way to handle this would be:
Charles looked over at Steven. "What are we going to do? It's all I can do to keep this door barred."
As you can see, this is a much cleaner response, as it allows Steven's player to respond to the question, and perhaps take an action as well. Furthemore, assuming that the zoologist Gareth is also present, it allows him to take independent action in the scene as well, although if he wishes to interact with Charles and Steven, then the events would be described and handled sequentially.
In the case of the first version of this post, Steven, the player character, can respond to the question addressed to him, and react, in a single post, and Gareth should reply to the second paragraph in a separate post as well. If Steven wants to reply to the second paragraph, that needs to be in a separate post on top of that, and any posts that Gareth makes need separate posts as well. Kindness and the vagaries of the internet and forums require that players give each other a bit of time to respond to posts, and netiquette says that Gareth's player might give Steven's player a chance to respond to Charles before he responds himself. Note that the TAG mechanic (see post below) used above is due to the fact that Charles's player wants responses from both Steven and Gareth.
Bear in mind that some of you are likely to be keeping track of all these posts, if not filing them away somewhere for future or whatever use. Having the same text quoted at the bottom of a message five or more times while someone writes a basic reply to it at the top is not conducive to good bandwidth or scribes keeping track of the actual game, so be aware of this and quote only what is necessary, and always *after* the new text, except as noted above.
I think that it will also help if players with real world conflicts drop a line to the group, letting the rest of us and the Moderator know that they will not be available for a while. This can be something specific, such as stating that you are going on vacation for a week starting October 1st, and not returning until October 20th, or something as simple as "Coaching basketball this week - I'll do what I can." Please note that such posts should be placed in the OOC Discussion thread, not any of the Actual Play threads themselves.
As a general rule, we try to be courteous to each other, and therefore tend to assume that "something" must be happening to account for a lapse in play. On occasion, it turns out that it's a missed post, that the forums messed up, or other such business, and something as rude as a "nudge" would be welcome.
I will be using a Game Date Time Stamp from time to time during the course of the game. I have seen a few PBeMs and PbPs that have suffered terribly because of the imposition of game time during the course of the PbP, and this is my prerogative as the creator of this fictional corner of the PRIMEVALverse. Rather than precisely measuring each move to the second, I will allow time to pass as if we were sitting around a table roleplaying. Game dates will be posted as needed or necessary. Sometimes a few days may pass quickly and sometimes each moment will be counted, depending on the action in the game.
Needless to say, Combat will be handled in rounds, as per the rules of the game, and these will be periods where keeping track of time will be very important. I will do my best to keep players properly informed of game time, but bear in mind that glitches will occur from time to time. That's when you, as players, are to keep me on my toes. :)
However, I will also be posting information to the group on events in my game corner of the PRIMEVALverse through the use of newspaper clippings, advertisements, billboards, posters on street corner, and so forth, and these will have a game date on them. The game date will use the standard newspaper style dating system, and these clippings and so forth will be posted to the EXPOSED! New Articles and Other Publicity thread (not yet created, as I write this). So be prepared for these.