A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Three

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Jan 31, 2018 10:28 pm
That afternoon the Professor, David Drake approaches you and congratulates you all on a job well done in Canada.

"I'm sorry to say, Mr Abelard is not happy with how it happened and that Lou was not present when you needed him. He's not been fired but won't be accompanying us to Vermont. It seems security is not your problem! However, I have someone to introduce, this is an old friend of mine, and war veteran who I'm sure will take up a rifle when needed," he laughs.
Jan 31, 2018 10:31 pm
He stands aside to reveal an old man in a wheelchair, "Oh, I forgot, you're a pacifist now Doc, eh?"
Jan 31, 2018 10:55 pm
The weathered man in the chair chuckles at the Professor's comment as he rolls himself forward. "Well, Professor, not all of us have had the luxury of spending war time in an ivory tower. You wouldn't think barely three months of fighting in a Cuban jungle would change a person that much, would you? I wouldn't. I mean, I would now, but... I wouldn't have before..." He loses himself in thought for a moment, his eyes glimmering with memories unspoken, before he focuses his gaze on each of the students in turn with a thin smile. "Once you've seen war, your mind changes about a lot of things. Especially war, and for what and whom it is waged." He looks up at the professor, who's cheeks are starting to turn a light shade of pink with subtle embarrassment at the Doctor's didactic introduction. "Oh, but I've been doing it again, haven't I? Forgive me, I go on and on sometimes. Walt Crenshaw, doctor of medicine." he finally says, extending his hand to the students one at a time to greet them.
Last edited January 31, 2018 10:56 pm
Jan 31, 2018 11:00 pm
"how do doc. Mathis. Survivalist and engineer."
Feb 1, 2018 12:40 am
"Ah, so you’re Mathis," says Crenshaw with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye. "The Professor here tells me that you like to get yourself and your friends into trouble. ‘Loose cannon’ was, I believe, the term you used, Professor?" he asks as he turns to Drake with a chuckle.
Feb 1, 2018 8:01 am
"Well, um, harrumph. Anyway, you folks are needed at a final conference tonight in preparation for tomorrow's journey. You get acquainted and we'll see you in the conference room at 7pm."
Feb 1, 2018 8:07 am
He whispers something to the Doctor before he waddles off.

Knifesedgegames sent a note to Santouche
Feb 1, 2018 12:23 pm
"Thanks professor. Always a pleasure."
Feb 1, 2018 6:05 pm
Sorry, forgive my but I'm just trying to find my footing here. Where are we? In FOC offices? At MU? Where is FOC HQ located?
"Well, then. Perhaps there's somewhere we can retire to until evening?" Doc pulls a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes out of his jacket pocket, places a cigarette to his lips, and strikes a match, lighting it up. "Prof. Drake mentioned to me that you boys have been out having quite the little adventure. I must say, my interest is piqued - I'd love to hear of your exploits, in your own words."
Feb 1, 2018 8:39 pm
You are at the Detroit offices of FOC, a large six-story brick building, which from the outside looks nothing more than a large bank.

There are rules while you stay here, you are not permitted to place telephone calls, post letters or leave the building without Abelard's permission and even then, not without an armed escort. You are told that this slight inconvenience is because Abelard believes he has been under surveillance by "agents of the enemy"
Feb 2, 2018 6:38 pm
William steps forward, he is a lurch of a young man, glasses, bow tie, strong jawed and awkward. He has a glazed look in his eye that reminds you of medicaid veterans in the hospital. He goes to shake Doc's hand. "An honor to met a war hero. A real honor, Doctor. I doubt you will find qualms against using violence against monsters and murderers as we have encountered? Please, call me Bill."
Feb 2, 2018 6:57 pm
"My pleasure, Bill." The Doctor, puffing away on his cigarette, exhales a thick cloud of smoke in Bill's face before he tears off on another tangent, becoming more and more excitable as he progresses, until he's practically red in the face. "I don't know how much of a hero I am, or any young man who hops on a ship to go butcher other, differently colored young men - who only want self determination, the same as you and I! But I'll admit that the Professor has slightly mischaracterized my views. I'm no absolutist. Pacifism for it's own sake is as nihilistic an ideology as anything. The waging of war between nations only serves to line the pockets of the weapons manufacturers, the financiers, and the rest of the fat cat industrialists and capitalists, and never again will I raise a weapon on their behalf. But I have no qualm against violence - as long as it is taken up in the name of the common man against his masters!"

He notices the boys staring at him, slightly wide-eyed, and catches himself once again, giving an embarrassed chuckle. "Or, uhm, against monsters and murderers, as you say. Which, as I mentioned, I have heard a bit about from Prof. Drake, but would love to hear more about your experiences from the horse's mouth, as they say. Drake was, ah, spare on the details, as it were." Doc raises a skeptical eyebrow and waits for a response.
Last edited February 2, 2018 6:59 pm
Feb 2, 2018 7:19 pm
Mathis hears the docs story, and begins to think about all he has seen in the last bit of his life. He gets a far away stare, and talks a little.

"There are a great many things out there I would not have believed existed had I not seen them with my own eyes. Intelligent rat creatures, flying aliens from aetherial space capable of transplanting brains and turning your own friends against you. I have been captured and saved, saved those that were captured, learned about many alien races and even the possible existence of magic. I watched aliens dive out of the sky and kill or capture an entire expedition. He looks at his hands, and then at his machete and alien stun gun. "I just had to use an alien weapon to save another travel companion from an insane holy man intent on studying human brains. And that didn't even involve the aliens at all. Just some fucked up psychopath using religion as a cover for his own sick interests."

Stopping his out pour short, he looks to the doc. "Its a longer story than can be told in detail here tonight. But I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability. As far as my reputation as a loose cannon goes, I simply do what is required to get the job done. Sometimes life can be a little dangerous though." Mathis chuckles a little. "But I guess my fearless nature can make a few people uncomfortable, except for when it pulls someone out of the shit."
Feb 2, 2018 7:57 pm
A stout man with a disfiguring white burn on one side of his face steps forward and shakes Doc's hand. He says with a slight Russian accent: "Greetings, I am Eugene. You sound a lot like the Bolsheviks. I wonder, do you agree with them?"
Last edited February 2, 2018 8:50 pm
Feb 2, 2018 8:10 pm
William steps back and tries to become unnoticeable, but has a difficult time being a large clumsy man. He can barely hear what is being said about politics and war as he mulls over his rejection. He doesn't know much about political theory or current events in the world. I'm such an idiot. He jumbles a jar of pills and drops one, that he must retrieve, before popping it into his mouth and adjusting his spectacles. He appreciates the fact that anyone who notices him has the courtesy to ignore him. Until, he catches the last bit of Eugene's question, "Agree with the Communists?" Bill blurts out naively.
Last edited February 2, 2018 8:11 pm
Feb 2, 2018 8:32 pm
Do we have a specific in-game date? Asking for the sake of journal entries and note taking.
The Doctor scribbles some notes in his his notebook as he listens to Mathis, before turning to Eugene and Bill. "I do sympathize with the Bolsheviks, though that Stalin fellow seems a bit off his rocker. Lenin's death was a great blow to their movement. But I agree with Communism's vision for the world - in fact, I think that the very survival of our species may depend on it! Solidarity with our fellow man in the face of unrelenting opposition. To me, that is an admirable position to take."

Santouche sent a note to Knifesedgegames
Last edited February 2, 2018 9:58 pm
Feb 2, 2018 9:48 pm
Today is Sunday 26th October 1930
Feb 4, 2018 6:38 pm
Clive stands back a little next to Bill, watching all that is going on. Have you had experience with these otherworldly creatures, Dr. Crenshaw?
Feb 4, 2018 9:46 pm
"Ah, no, I can't say that I have." The doctor puffs his cigarette thoughtfully. "I don't know much about them beyond what Prof. Drake has told me, which isn't much. I know a bit about Mr. Abelard's... obsession, and Drake has given me an account of your adventures in Vermont and Canada. But I've never encountered anything so, shall we say, unnatural myself."
Last edited February 4, 2018 10:07 pm
Feb 7, 2018 10:37 pm
Small talk continues until the appointed time for the conference and everyone assembles there for the final briefing. As you enter, you find Abelard, Murdoch and the rest of the Vermont team already seated. Once everyone sits, Abelard grins and pulls out a chilled bottle of expensive French champagne, calling for everyone to toast to the success of the mission.

As the drinks flow, everyone starts to let their hair down, Preston turns on a radio and dances with anyone willing. Abelard talks about better days with his family and occasionally his eyes get a little misty as the fond reverie overtakes him.
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