A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Three

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Aug 28, 2017 8:40 pm
"Hello Lou. It's nice to meet you. The names Mathis."
Aug 29, 2017 12:01 am
Good to have you here, Lou. Have you had any run ins with these Mi Go things? Clive puts out a hand, I'm Clive, by the way.
Last edited August 29, 2017 12:02 am
Aug 29, 2017 12:49 am
"I can't say that I have." Lou replies, returning Clive's handshake. "And I've never heard them called that name before. Mister Abelard just calls them "The Enemy." There's a tinge of doubt in his voice, like he's not entirely convinced that these aliens exist, but he's not about to challenge anyone's belief in them. He's basically a guy who does his job and does it well, and that job doesn't involve questioning his employers.
Aug 29, 2017 1:52 am
William pushes his glasses up and clears his throat. "It's good to have security. Perhaps you know your way around firearms better than myself? I wouldn't mind a few pointers?" William makes a gun with his hand when he says pointers. He laughs at his own joke for a mere second before realizing it wasn't very funny. "My name is William, you can call me Bill."

Bill is awkwardly tall and clumsy. He seems like a strong young man who never became comfortable in his size. From his mannerisms he likely never used his body for anything athletic. He wears a black overcoat and you suspect he might be high on something.
Aug 29, 2017 1:00 pm
"Oh they exist all right, along with quite a few other creepy crawly weird things. Especially where we are going."

Mathis pulls out his Journal

There are drawings and stories in here that would give you a better insight if you want me to go over some of them. It would probably be good for the rest of you that don't know you as well.
The thread where i started that isn't complete. I got really busy the last several months and stopped working on it. but alot of the important beginning stuff is in it, and i remember alot that hasn't been put in yet.
Aug 30, 2017 2:42 am
Lou chuckles good naturedly at Bill's joke.

"Oh, I don't doubt you, Mathis." Lou says, eyeing the journal. "I've got your back, all of you." he smiles reassuringly at the girls who have not introduce d themselves.
Sep 1, 2017 1:51 pm
"It's nice to meet you," Evie says. The man looks friendly enough, but that doesn't mean much. "My name is Evelyn, but please, call me Evie."

She then wanders over to her wardrobe and starts to look through the clothing, running her fingers absently over the expensive fabric as she cards through the outfits.
Sep 1, 2017 2:10 pm
Mathis is a bit antisocial anymore honestly. All this going on in his life is almost too much. He will sit with the group, but is far from a conversation leader. If the group has questions he would likely answer them.
Sep 1, 2017 8:29 pm
Everyone spends the afternoon settling in and in the evening a decent dinner is served in a large mess room on the fourth floor. It seems the lower three floors are dedicated to offices, the fourth is staff quarters, fifth for guests including a well stocked library and conference room and the sixth floor is the private quarters for Abelard and his closest staff. Following dinner, you all get a good nights sleep in advance of the next days preparations.
Sep 1, 2017 8:34 pm
Father Simon walks out of his room a little farther down the hall. " Oh some guests have arrived. Mathis? I have not seen you since Vermont and the incident with that thing. Care to catch me up on what has happened. We can then discuss what we plan to do and any gear we may need." Simon looks around at anyone still around.
Last edited September 1, 2017 8:35 pm
Sep 1, 2017 9:02 pm
After breakfast, the following morning, Abelard calls a meeting in the fifth-floor conference room, during which you are introduced to the four people from FOC who are accompanying you Cobb's Corners, along with Maragaret and Lou.
Sep 1, 2017 9:06 pm
Larry Neckler is introduced as an expert mechanic and electrician. In his late 20's, he is a stocky man with thick arms and neck. He has brown hair and eyes and large tattoos of a heart, a rose and the name "Lovely Lucy" on his forearms. His misshaped nose is the clear result of it having been broken.

"Morning all. I'm the man responsible for maintaining the field radio that you will use to call for help in an emergency."
Sep 1, 2017 9:12 pm
Next around the table, Professor David Drake, a man of average height though overweight with very little greying hair . He sports a handlebar moustache and wears a brown suit and smokes a long-stemmed pipe.

"I'm somewhat of an expert on history and folklore and well versed in the occult. I look forward to getting to know you all."
Sep 1, 2017 9:20 pm
The facility's security chief, Sam Morrison also sits at the table. Average height but impressively muscled with blue eyed, brownish blonde hair cut short, his neck, chest and arms all bear numerous shrapnel scars.

"I'll be watching your back and be taking care of The Enemy. You can call me Captain."
Sep 1, 2017 9:26 pm
Finally at the table is a short, slightly built woman with straight black hair. She has large brown eyes, giving her an owlish look due to the thick bottle glasses she wears. You can't help but notice her gaze is often drawn to Mathis.

"I'm a medical doctor, Forensic pathologist and I know a thing or two about the Mi-Go. I'm free if any of you need injuries tended to while we prepare, and will be available for psychotherapy sessions if any of you need to talk."
Sep 1, 2017 9:40 pm
Also present, as well as Mathis, Evie, Clive and Bill, is newcomer, Father Simon, Lou your security guard, Selena Preston and her assistant, Margaret Collins, and of course your employer, Michael Abelard.

The meeting is in the form of a round-robin discussion about the mission, so if anyone has suggestions, now is your chance.
Sep 2, 2017 2:20 am
Clive looks around and takes a deep breath. Doctor Matherson, you say you know a thing or two about the Mi-Go. Quite frankly, I know next to nothing...and all I know is from one encounter...I think. What can you tell us about these things we are going up against? He looks over the Professor, I'm pretty sure you would be able to give us some historical background on these monstrosities, as well.
Sep 2, 2017 10:59 pm
"I have far too much information to be shared at this meeting, but my door will be open for the next two weeks. I understand Mr Steele is keen to speak with me on the matter," her gaze meets Mathis's, "Which of course will be arranged. For now, though I can share some basic facts. First off, the mi-go are aliens and not native to the Earth. Physically they appear to be a strange fusion of flesh and fungus, able to change their skin colour at will. Some of them have wings and are able to fly and they communicate by producing a buzzing, insect-like voice. They are looking for something on Earth, perhaps minerals, as they are often glimpsed in remote mountainous areas. This has been evidenced with the student's encounter in Vermont, at the very site of a rare mineral discovery. In addition, their raid, at least via their agents, on the University, in particular, the Science Annex, where I gather precious minerals were held."

"On the subject of agents, they have some form of mind control and can recruits humans to do their bidding. In addition they are interested in human brains and corpses have been found with brains completely and surgically removed. Some form of brain transplantation technology seems to be in evidence."
Sep 2, 2017 11:02 pm
Abelard raises a hand, allowing the Doctor a moment to catch a breath, "Sarah, lets not go into too much detail just yet. The plan is what we need to discuss at this stage"
Sep 2, 2017 11:07 pm
"The plan for the outing, is fairly simple and straightforward," says the head of security, "You'll return to Vermont, the same farmhouse you stayed at in the summer with Robert Blaine. Once in Cobb's Corners, you will resume interviewing locals for tales and folklore, concerning the 'strange creatures from the hills' You should follow up any leads as long as it's same to do so.. In addition, I aim to lead short excursions into the hills looking for signs of The Enemy."
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