Chapter Three: On the Road

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Aug 9, 2017 2:15 am
"Take him and get him to bed," Frume says to one of the men standing outside the door, "He's in no state for this right now."

So long as Mryio doesn't resist, Frume continues, "So, what do you all think of what I'm proposing here?"
Aug 9, 2017 2:21 am
Bughu nods. "I will serve," he says. "What other tasks do we have, besides escorting the cult to their destination?"
Aug 9, 2017 3:14 am
Mryio waves the man off him "I can walk myshelf, don't need an eshcort." He turns and leaves the room, leaving the sack of gold on the floor.
Aug 11, 2017 3:02 am
"The primary mission is to find out where the goods are being shipped to. Any other information gathering is good, so long as it won't jeopardize the mission," Frume explains.

Leosin is strangely quiet, looking from the pouch of gold to where Mryio left. He sighs and shakes his head, clearly worried about the strange paladin.
Aug 11, 2017 5:35 am
"I will send word," says Bughu. "You will remain here to receive it?"
Aug 11, 2017 7:35 pm
"Yes, I think that will be for the best," Frume says, then turns to Leosin, "Are you headed back to give your report?"

Leosin nods, "Yes, I am long overdue already. I'll be leaving in the morning, unless you mind my staying here?"

Frume smiles, shakes his head, and claps Leosin on the back, "Stay as long as you want, my friend."
Aug 16, 2017 3:21 am
Anything else for you before we move on?
Aug 16, 2017 3:53 pm
Bughu has nothing further to add, knowing that the arrangements with the merchant caravan are in the works and that the group will likely be summoned when it's time.
Aug 16, 2017 8:48 pm
Nope, all good here. Mryio probably passed out before he could make it to his room.
Aug 17, 2017 2:31 am
The following morning you all wake up in private rooms at the inn. Mryio barely remembers passing out just outside the meeting room and being carried to bed. His sack of gold sits on top of a dresser off to the side of the room. You all find a note slipped under your door that the caravan will leave the next morning and to make the most of your last day in town before the two month trip to Waterdeep.
Aug 17, 2017 6:38 pm
Getting an Explorer's Pack, extra rations, a whetstone, and a crowbar.
Bughu spends his morning at the market, looking for traveling gear and supplies. After lunch, he cleans and inspects his armor and weapons, sharpening his blade and arrows as needed.
Aug 22, 2017 12:01 am
Jon has a few meals, finds a private spot outside to do his "fighting exercises," and writes a few letters to family that he doesn't end up finishing or sending.
Aug 22, 2017 12:10 am
Erich spends the morning stretching, slowly, thinking on all of the events that led up to this point. Grandmother fought these dragons and won. Something with her sword gave me these scales. And now I'm here, having done work for one dragon and a dragon goddess is threatening humanity. This must all be connected. It must. The world is not so disconnected as to have this all be simple coincidence.

For much of the rest of the day, he spends his time experimenting with his magic, feeling it course through him and over him. Letting the bestial fury bubble up in his heart, clenching his eyes against the waking dreams of people falling before tremendous gouts of fire launched from his own hands.
Aug 22, 2017 12:24 am
Mryio spends most his morning,in bed, nursing his hangover. When it is mostly gone, he sits up and stares at the bag of gold with a grimace. He grabs the bag of gold then stops to read the note slid under the door, folding and pocketing it before seeking out Frume or Leosin.
Aug 22, 2017 12:46 am
Mryio exits his room and finds that Frume is sitting at a desk in the same room as the previous night. From the bags under his eyes, it appears that he hasn't yet slept, "Ah, Mryio, feeling better this morning?"
Aug 22, 2017 2:41 am
Mryio walks up and places the sack of gold on the table "Of body and mind, yes—of conscious, no; sleeping didn't change the fact that my friend is still a captive. There were other ways of portraying my thoughts and I chose the wrong way, making myself look foolish. While I apologize for my actions last night, I do ask for your forgiveness, I only ask for you to use this gold to help find the whereabouts of my friend, a half-elf female by the name Talis, then give me anything you find; whether it is a captive rescue or body retrieval."
Aug 22, 2017 2:52 am
Frume sets down the quill he's been writing with and runs his hand down his face, "Not to worry, ale will do that to a man. Seen it a thousand times before," he says, and then pushes the gold back, "The gold is from Leosin, and he'd want you to keep it. As for this Talis, we will get the word out and see what we can find on her. Any info you can give me would be of great help in finding her."
Aug 22, 2017 6:27 am
Mryio sighs "Stick by me and you'll see it a thousand more times." He reluctantly grabs the gold and throws it into his backpack.
I know this was a predefined background choice so is there already a Talis or do I need to "create" her?
Aug 22, 2017 2:06 pm
There is already a Talis in the game, so you don't have to worry.
I'll get you more info on her later
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