Chapter Three: On the Road

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Aug 22, 2017 10:56 pm
Mryio looks down before looking at Frume again "Thank you." He gives all pertinent information about Talis that could help a search before making his leave.
Aug 23, 2017 4:32 am
With a nod, Frume assures you that he will have his men on the lookout for this Talis.

The next morning, you are given your assignment and show up at your assignment. You are to be traveling with a caravan of thirteen wagons, three of which belong to the cultists. You are set up to guard the rearmost wagon, so that you can keep an eye on the cultists.

You immediately notice that there are only six men with the cult wagons, three drivers and three guards/assistants. No one seems to even notice anything odd about their wagons, and you don't either. The leader of your wagons is a man named Achreny Ulyeltin, a man who is very short on manners, but appears to be friendly enough. His wagons are hauling furs and uncured hides for sale in the cold north.
Aug 23, 2017 4:50 am
Bughu tries to take note of the men with the cult wagons: their names, mannerisms, and sociability with others. He interrupts his observations of the men with a scout's eye of their surroundings, mindful of his role as a caravan guard.

He makes little talk with Ulyeltin, instead taking orders as necessary and paying more attention to the environment and his true quarry.
Aug 24, 2017 1:53 pm
The guards and drivers of the cult's wagons seem to be totally average; remarkably so, in fact. They get along with everyone in the caravan, but not well enough that people specifically seek to spend time at their wagons. They spend their time at night moving around the camp, making small talk. They never leave the wagons unguarded, though, with at least one person remaining with each wagon.

The trip to Baldur's Gate will take twelve days on foot. During the time, you make the acquaintance of several others in the caravan.

Beyd Sechepol is a male half-elf who is hauling a massive amount of ale and beer. He spends much of his time trying to sell it to the others in the caravan, with quite a bit of success. He is friendly, but doesn't care well for his wagon or his horses, drawing the ire of some of the other travelers.

Lasfelro the Silent is a male human who, from time to time, inexplicably breaks into merry songs and short stretches of joke-telling. His voice is a fine tenor and his jokes are hilarious. But these gregarious moods are always short. The rest of the time, he is silent as the grave, staring sullenly at the road ahead, barely moving on the seat of his wagon, seeming hardly to breathe. No one knows what he transports in his wagon, but it is guarded by a brooding gargoyle that is tethered to the wagon by a slim, silver chain.

Leda Widris is a female human guard for a wagon hauling fine silks. Widris is as honest and courageous as mercenaries come. She has spent many years in the south and now wants to see the snows and frozen seas of the far north and experience what a truly cold wind feels like.
Aug 24, 2017 5:31 pm
Bughu tries to remember if there is a temple dedicate to Torm at Baldur's Gate. They would be the ideal messengers to send word to Frume in Elturel.


History - (1d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Aug 24, 2017 6:03 pm
Bughu does know that there is a temple to Torm in Baldur's Gate.
Aug 25, 2017 2:38 am
During their travels, Mryio keeps within earshot of Ulyeltin, awaiting any orders he may have. During their stops, he makes small talk with the other caravan drivers, building up an appearance. After chatting with a different driver each stop, he finishes with the cult caravan, he waves down the driver "Hail, friend, names Mryio but my lads call me 'M'. Hows the weatha been treatin' ya? The reason for my visit to ya is to gatha a bit of knowledge, pahaps you've seen me around the otha drivas doin' the same. Well, me and my boys, we knows ya got to plan ahead for certain things; like the event of shiite hittin' the ceilin'. Me and my boys, we're good but no ones 'protect all the caravan' good. So's I'm goin' around and gaugin' value, see who's caravan is worth protectin' the most, if things go awry; so far my votes for the ale and beer."
Aug 25, 2017 1:58 pm
The driver smiles at Mryio, "Seems like you take your job serious. Good on ya! My vote's for the ale, too, for sure."
Aug 26, 2017 2:56 am
"Huh, sounds to me yer bein' punished. Ya transportin' buckets of shiite or ya just dislike your boss that much? Even silk lady over there voted for her own cargo."
Aug 26, 2017 2:58 am
"Nothing like that. Job's fine and so's the cargo. Just can't argue with good ale, you know?"
Aug 26, 2017 3:13 am
Bughu doesn't interfere with Myrio's influence, keeping his head down to work and maintain appearances.
Aug 26, 2017 4:01 am
"All too well, friend." Mryio gives a friendly chuckle "Alright, if things go wrong though, don't ya come cryin' ta me when I'm defendin' the ale and leavin' the rest of da cargo ta get raided."
Aug 29, 2017 1:37 pm
The trip to Baldur's Gate is relatively uneventful and you arrive on time, rolling through the gates just after noon on the twelfth day out.

"Be back early in two days or I'm leavin' without ye!" Ulyeltin informs you, "If ye need me, I'll be at the Drunken Huntsman, probably drunk out of my mind." he finishes with a laugh and walks off to get his wagon secured for the next two days while things are organized for the next leg of the journey.
Anything you want to do in Baldur's Gate?
Aug 29, 2017 5:20 pm
Sorry for the not posting thing. Stupid life whacking my head with the reality bat. :(
Erich keeps to himself, nearly the entire trip. Once in Baldur's Gate, he looks about for a tavern frequented by more of the woodsman/hunter type people. Those that are happy to drink alone and don't ask many questions.
Aug 29, 2017 5:50 pm
Bughu looks for the temple of Torm, hoping to have them deliver a message to Frume in Elturel. He writes of their stop in Baldur's Gate and the general description of the wagons.

The archer also tries to make sense of where the wagons are kept, and if they are kept together, who remains with the cultists' transport. He checks if cargo is ever unloaded, and if the cultists secure lodging elsewhere.

If asked, Bughu will elect to spend the night with his own wagon, unless its security is guaranteed.
Aug 31, 2017 2:00 pm
It doesn't take long for Bughu to find the temple of Torm and get a message sent on its way to Frume. You find that the wagons are stored in a secured location and that the cultists stay with their wagons, at least one of them for each wagon. Three of them at a time leave to spend time in town.

You follow Ulyeltin to The Drunken Huntsman and find it to be exactly what you are looking for. You spend most of your time secluded and drinking silently.
Aug 31, 2017 4:59 pm
Bughu chooses to remain with his wagon while the others tend to business. He gives a nod in solidarity with the cultists, trying to lend the impression of another employee stuck with the night shift while the others have fun.
What are we hauling?
Aug 31, 2017 5:03 pm
Naatkinson says:
His wagons are hauling furs and uncured hides for sale in the cold north.
Sep 1, 2017 3:35 pm
The cultists are civil to Bughu, even inviting him over to play dice with them shortly after dusk. The two days in town pass uneventfully and, on the morning of day two, you get together and head toward the wagons after your morning rituals. The caravan heads out early in the morning and you resume the dull work of caravan guards.

Six days out from Baldur's Gate, there is a disturbance at the front of the caravan. Mryio and Bughu can see that there is what looks like a stag up ahead, but its coat is a pure and shiny gold color. Some people are trying to grab bows and crossbows, while others are merely scrambling to get a look at it.
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