Chapter Three: On the Road

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Sep 10, 2017 6:52 pm
Round Three: Mryio
Mryio's attack catches the man on the side of the head and he stumbles backward, almost falling over. With a growl, the man turns and flees into the woods.
Sep 10, 2017 7:04 pm
Mryio watches the man run, making sure he is fleeing for good before turning his attention to the stag. He lessens his fighting stance and begins to use the pole as a walking stick, extending his other arm, and slowly begins approaching "The bolt and the trap...I can help you, if you allow me to. It will be painful but know that that isn't my intent; in order to heal you, I must fix what is wrong."
Sep 10, 2017 11:43 pm
The stag stares into Mryio's eyes for a moment before nodding at him; a curiously human gesture.
Sep 11, 2017 3:39 am
With consent granted, Mryio wastes no further time with a slow approach and quickly sets to work removing the bolt and bear trap. He opts for a quick pull to the bolt "Get ready, I'll pull on three. One, Two," He pulls the bolt, quick like a band-aid "Three. Surprise tricks the body, quickness minimizes the pain." He pets the stag, calmly, before moving on to the bear trap. He pries the iron teeth apart enough for the stag to step free of it before releasing it.

Mryio pulls out a mushroom "Here, eat, it will help you." he extends his hand to it's mouth.
15 lay on hands.
Sep 11, 2017 12:04 pm
The stag screams in pain as you pull the bolt out, but allows you to do so without other complaint. When the jaws of the bear trap are opened, it steps out gingerly, taking the mushroom eagerly. You watch the wounds heal before your eyes and it stands straight. You realize now that it's as tall as you are, which it didn't seem to be before.

It leaps past you, brushing your shoulder as it goes, and disappears into the forest.

Naatkinson sent a note to HypCo
Sep 11, 2017 1:58 pm
Mryio watches as it sails into the forest, he gives it a bow with a smile as it disappears "You're welcome." He straightens out and makes his way to the sleeping man and gives him a light shake "Come on, I don't want to carry you and I don't feel like dragging you."

HypCo sent a note to Naatkinson
Sep 11, 2017 3:09 pm
Naatkinson sent a note to HypCo
The man struggles to open his eyes, but eventually gets to his feet. He stretches and yawns, "What in the nine hells happened?" he asks as you begin heading back, "And where's Devin?"
Sep 11, 2017 3:33 pm
"Seems like Mr. Devin didn't want to share didn't want to share in the ill spoils you planned on getting." Mryio doesn't turn to talk, instead continuing forward back to where they stopped "As for where he is, if he's smart, he ran back to the caravans."

HypCo sent a note to Naatkinson
Sep 12, 2017 2:35 am
"Hmm... maybe," the man says, but doesn't say anything else about it.
About an hour after Mryio ran off, he returns in the company of one of the other guards, who looks quite tired.

Leda, a female guard, stands up as he approaches, "So... what happened? You're the first one's back."
Sep 12, 2017 2:37 am
Bughu looks over the arrivals, attempting to note differences in condition.
Sep 12, 2017 2:38 am
The guard looks to be a bit dirty, as if he was rolling around on the ground.

Mryio has a couple of bloodstains on his shirt, but nothing too serious.
Sep 12, 2017 2:52 am
Bughu leans over to Erich and Jon, "Someone's missing." However, he doesn't provide any hypothesis as to why, simply making the observation.
Sep 12, 2017 3:23 am
"Greed overcame Mr. Devin, he used magics to take care of sleepyhead." Mryio gives a slight nod towards the other man "When his magics failed on me Mr. Devin turned to iron, he then fled after he was outmatched. All for naught it would seem, as the stag turned out to be an illusion."
Sep 12, 2017 3:32 am
it wasn't actually an illusion. "Disappearing into the forest" wasn't meant to be literal

Unless you're saying that to deter further pursuit, then carry on :-)
Sep 12, 2017 3:40 am
Yep, it was to deter.
Sep 12, 2017 4:00 am
Bughu says nothing of the blood; at least, not in public.
Sep 12, 2017 1:26 pm
Erich nods lightly at Bughu's observation, his own eyes flickering over the returning crowd.
Sep 14, 2017 6:53 pm
Two days later, you stop at an inn on the road which is big enough to house all of you. It is called "The Wayward Wanderer" and there is a sign with a picture of a ragged man carrying a sack over his shoulder out front. The place is warm inside and the staff is friendly. It seems to be your standard roadside inn as far as you can tell.

This night, the cultists actually go inside and get rooms rather than staying with their goods.
Sep 14, 2017 7:08 pm
Wanting to avoid the drink's temptation and making a fool of himself again, Mryio stays outside to guard the cart.
Sep 14, 2017 7:15 pm
Bughu only enters the tavern to obtain food and non-alcoholic drink. He returns with two servings, handing one to Mryio before sitting guard outside. He pays attention to the cultists' wagon as well, to see if anyone approaches.

"What happened back there with the deer?" he asks quietly. "I figured it was a distraction for the cultists, but nothing happened while you were gone."
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