Chapter Three: On the Road

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Oct 15, 2017 9:45 am
Mryio cracks a grin as he places his empty tankard on the table "Ah, but you don't pay us to be good with people." He stands with a chuckle and claps Ulyeltin on the back. He gathers his tankard, makes his way to the entertainer, and holds his hand out "Welcome aboard, the name's Mryio. Get you something from the bar?"
Oct 15, 2017 5:11 pm
Bughu returns his attention to the cultists and their friend, observing their actions.
Oct 16, 2017 1:18 pm
The cultists and the new member of their group are quietly talking among themselves. After about twenty more minutes, they head upstairs to sleep for the night.

Ulyeltin laughs heartily, "True enough!" he says, "So, little miss, what's yer name?"

Naatkinson sent a note to Moofsalot
Oct 16, 2017 5:03 pm
Jon shrugs. "I'm new to this sort of work, myself. Lone heroics were how I made my name. I think I could get used to this, though."
Oct 16, 2017 5:08 pm
"I’ll have whatever you’re having. Name’s Xalana. No need for introductions. Let’s just say we have a few mutual friends. I’m sure we’ll have much "catching up" to do at a more convenient time, eh?"
Oct 17, 2017 6:51 am
Mryio shrugs his eyebrows "Suit yourself, Xalana. How about you, Ulyeltin, anything?" Upon getting Ulyeltin's answer, he nods at Bughu "Can you follow me to the bar? Might need help carrying the drinks and staving off temptations."
Oct 17, 2017 8:17 am
Bughu stands to wordlessly follow Myrio.
Oct 17, 2017 9:05 am
Mryio gets out of earshot of the table before he starts to talk to Bughu "What's your thought on her? For our main reason I mean, I don't see a problem with her helping guard the caravan." Getting to the bar counter, he places an order for Ulyeltin's request—if given— and two waters. "That mutual friend comment hit an odd note with me."
Oct 17, 2017 12:29 pm
Ulyeltin smiles, "Ah, I never turn down a free drink! Get me whatever swill this place is servin'," he says, clapping Mryio on the back as he leaves.
Oct 17, 2017 3:35 pm
"Same," says Bughu. "I think when we get a chance, away from our boss, we ought to ask about this friend."
Oct 17, 2017 3:38 pm
Naatkinson sent a note to Moofsalot
Oct 17, 2017 3:47 pm
"How has the journey been so far, Ulyeltin? Uneventful I hope?"
Oct 18, 2017 12:29 am
"Agreed." Mryio nods, as the bartender returns with his order. Placing a few coins and the counter, he gathers the two tankards of water, leaving Ulyeltin requested alcohol to be picked up by Bughu. "Worst case, she'll ease up on the caravan watch duty so our eyes can be elsewhere."
Last edited October 19, 2017 2:10 am
Oct 19, 2017 1:13 am
Ulyetlin nods, "Aye, besides that golden stag that got everyone in a huff... 'Twas a sight to behold, I tell ye!"
Oct 20, 2017 2:47 am
Anything else before morning?
Oct 20, 2017 3:41 am
Bughu retrieves the drinks and returns to the others.
I'd like to speak to Xalana away from Ulyetlin before the evening ends, if there is the opportunity.
Oct 21, 2017 12:14 am
I see no problem with that
A short time later, Ulyetlin is passed out on a table in the middle of the room and Bughu and Xalana find themselves alone just outside.
Oct 21, 2017 12:24 am
Bughu stands in awkward silence for a bit, arms folded across his chest. "You said something earlier," he begins, "about mutual friends. What'd you mean by that?"
Oct 21, 2017 1:01 am
I lean closer, whispering "Leosin sent me. Great friend of mine, we go way back. I didn't want to say anything inside in case anyone was listening. Anyways, he thought you could use my help."
Oct 21, 2017 2:14 am
Bughu seems relieved, like a weight has been taken off his shoulders. "Thanks," is all he says.
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