Chapter Three: On the Road

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Mar 28, 2018 7:37 pm
The wool-hatted man narrows his eyes and then does something unexpected: nods at you in respect. He suddenly gets to his feet and sweeps out of the tavern.
Apr 2, 2018 5:18 pm
Bughu says to his table, "Now that they understand we have strength, will they be cautious, or reckless? We'll need to be very attentive, in any case."
Apr 2, 2018 11:19 pm
"I think they will stay out of our way or do what we've been doing and try to observe us from afar. Despite my thoughts though, we'd be foolish to let our guards down; I suggest a weapon or a friend close by in case they send any more 'kevins'."
Apr 3, 2018 2:02 pm
Part of me doesn't wonder if we'll be facing both. Surely that one recognizes the threat and won't move openly, but how tight is the control of the rest of the group? Some hot headed fool too willing to - ah - act out. Erich says, filling his mouth with a swig of water from his waterskin.
Apr 4, 2018 4:51 am
"Is the mission over then, if they’re on to us? Or do we keep doing this?"
Apr 4, 2018 5:35 am
Bughu says, "We keep going. We need to track where they are taking that cargo."
Apr 4, 2018 6:16 am
Mryio nods "Agreed. They might know we're on to them but they don't know why or what we are after. We carry on until we are fully blown and it is more detrimental to continue than it is to stop."
Apr 4, 2018 5:36 pm
The day passes by uneventfully as the caravan waits a bit longer to depart to give the horses a chance to become fully rested for the days ahead. The cultists don't do anything unusual, spending the day drinking, shopping, and relaxing at the inn.

The following day, you set out on the last leg of the journey to Waterdeep. It takes the entirety of the week as you are going at a more leisurely pace this far into the journey. Waterdeep, known as the jewel of the North, is a massive city located on the sword coast and has people from every background, race, and nationality you could possibly imagine. You are let in after a brief wagon inspection and are discharge from service as the most of the wagons are led to some warehouses near the marketplace. The one exception is the cultist's wagon, which continues on toward the northern end of the city.
Apr 4, 2018 11:51 pm
"Where are they going?" Bughu asks Ulyeltin. "Shouldn't the caravan stay together?"
Apr 5, 2018 12:10 am
"This is the end o' the line," he says, "Caravan was only staying together 'til we got to Waterdeep, or have you lost yer mind in the past two months?" he finishes with a hearty chuckle.
Apr 5, 2018 12:16 am
Bughu forces a smile. "Just so used to being around everybody."
Apr 5, 2018 8:27 pm
Ulyetin slaps Bughu on the shoulder hard enough to sting, "Well, if you ever find yourself around when I'm setting out another trip, then I'll let ya tag along again, how's that?"
Apr 5, 2018 8:44 pm
"Yes, sir," Bughu nods. "If this is the end of the road, who do we see to settle accounts?" He briefly makes eye contact with Xalana, tipping his head in the direction of the cultists' wagon.
Apr 5, 2018 8:51 pm
"Oh yeah, that'd be me, I guess," he says, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, then reaches into his own pack and pulls out some sacks of gold and tosses them to each of you, "Here you go." You get the impression that he'd been hoping you'd forget.
Everyone's sack of gold has 40 gp in it except for Xalana's, which has 10 gp
Apr 5, 2018 9:01 pm
Bughu nods again, and thanks Ulyetin without reproach against the man's discomfort at parting with gold.

"Come on, let's head out," Bughu says to his companions, and tries to make his way northward to follow the cultists.
Apr 10, 2018 2:28 am
"Alright, but we, I have to be more careful this time."


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Apr 10, 2018 12:55 pm
Erich says little as he disappears the gold pouch into his gear. As they walk away, he keeps his eyes roaming for more draconic threats.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Apr 10, 2018 4:20 pm
Jon trails behind, distracted by the variety and authenticity of the Waterdeep street food vendors they pass on their way.
Apr 10, 2018 7:49 pm
You follow the cultist wagons north through the city and find that they stop near to the north gate and, leaving their wagon at a secured location next to an inn, head inside the building, presumably to relax.

Right now, the wagons are locked away in a guarded section of the inn's property and the cultists have gone inside. What do you do?
Apr 13, 2018 7:29 pm
"Do we keep staking out the wagon?"
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