Chapter Three: On the Road

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May 15, 2018 4:19 am
"A round of drinks would be great!"
May 15, 2018 1:14 pm
"Drinks it is, then!" she says, disappearing into the crowd and reappearing a few minutes later with a tray laden with drinks. She sets them down and you can smell a distinctly citrus smell, "House special, got some fruit in it, mango they call it," she says, "Enjoy. I gotta say, it's pretty good."

As you have a chance to sit back and relax for the first time in weeks, you feel the exhaustion wash over you. The battles, the long trip, and the constant vigilance have been non-stop for most of you. The smell of pipeweed, the taste of a sweet, pleasantly so, alcohol, and the sounds of low conversation and the strumming of a lute from the musician in the corner are very relaxing.
May 16, 2018 7:46 pm
I drink the delicious cocktail wistfully.
I'm intolerant to mango IRL and it used to be my favorite fruit. SIGH.
May 19, 2018 12:17 pm
Erich sips the sweet drink and smiles, leaning back in his chair. This certainly is delicious. Been too long since we've had a chance to just sit comfortably and enjoy life a bit, eh? he says to Xalana, winking quickly.
That sucks Moofs! I love mango.
May 22, 2018 8:25 pm
Some hours later, the young lad returns, holding out a hand expectantly toward Bughu and with a big smile on his face.
May 22, 2018 10:29 pm
"Well? Have you earned this coin?" says Bughu. He readies his end of the arrangement and looks expectantly at the lad, waiting for the information.
May 24, 2018 3:06 am
The lad nods, eyeing the coin in Bughu's hand hungrily, "Yes, I sure have," he says, "They were already signed up to be on the next caravan north to Carnath Roadhouse, the supply depot for the rebuilding of the road to Neverwinter."
May 24, 2018 3:18 am
Bughu plants the coin into the boy's hand. "Good work," he says, dismissing the lad to his duties. Bughu turns to the others and says, "I going to see Old Hector, then. We don't all have to go, if you want to keep an eye on our 'friends' over there."
May 24, 2018 7:02 pm
I'd just as soon stay and continue my drink friend. I'll be sure to save you some for when you return. Erich says, winking at Bughu, the affects of the alcohol already a bit evident in his mannerisms.
May 29, 2018 8:47 pm
Bughu leaves and heads over to the building that the lad indicated Old Hector works out of and is stopped at the door by a pair of armed guards, "Hold there," one of them says sternly, "What business do you have here?"
May 29, 2018 10:24 pm
Bughu states the truth, at least in his mind, "Looking for work, for me and my friends. Was told to see Old Hector about being caravan guards."
May 30, 2018 8:27 pm
The guard looks Bughu up and down appraisingly, "Well, leave your weapons here, then, and we'll see what Hector has to say about that."
May 30, 2018 8:57 pm
"Yes, sir," Bughu says, turning over his weapons to the guards.
May 30, 2018 10:23 pm
"So Erich... everyone’s got a story to tell. What’s yours, hmm? You got a special someone back home?"
May 31, 2018 5:08 pm
Hah, no. No one special Xalana. I've actually been living - ah - on my own for a few years. Trying to live up to my family name and learned a nasty lesson about throwing it around in the wrong company. he says, chuckling to himself around the rim of his cup. So what about you? A fair bit of magic about yourself, it seems?
Jun 4, 2018 8:31 pm
After taking his weapons, one of the guards leads you in. The inside of the warehouse is cramped, hot, and busy. A number of workers scamper about, moving boxes, labeling them, and consulting a number of ledgers. They barely spare a glance at Bughu as he is led through to the back.

In the back of the warehouse is a couple of rooms where a few men and women sit around, poring over even more ledgers and forms. You are led quickly through this section and to a door at the far back. The guard steps up and knocks loudly, "Got a fresh one for ya, Hec!" he says loudly.

"Alright, send him in," the response comes back a moment later, and you are let into Hector's office.

Hector's nickname "Old" is well-earned, as his face is lined and he wears spectacles on his face as he looks down at some papers. His skin is wrinkled and nearly brown from sun exposure. Despite his obvious age, his arms are still muscular from years of hard work, and he still has a full head of hair, grey now. He looks up as Bughu enters and waves for him to sit, mopping at his brow with a handkerchief, "Damned heat!" he grumbles, "Keep asking them to send a wizard out here to cast some cooling spells, but they claim to be too busy! Bah! Busy drinking and whoring, I think!"

With a sigh, he winks at Bughu, and then smiles, "Ahh, well, what can I do for you, my boy?"
Jun 15, 2018 7:32 pm
Bughu pauses to consider the proclivities of the wizardly lot, but soon replies, "Looking for work. Heard you run some caravans up north that could use some muscle. Me and four others just got done with a similar job coming here, so we's got some experience."
Jun 16, 2018 5:31 am
"So you've noticed, Erich! Yeah, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. It's probably best that you don't know too much about what I was up to before all of this, but these days I like meeting new faces, learning as much about the world as I can, and use that knowledge to tell some good stories. Can't say I have a family name to live up to, but I definitely want to create a name for myself. It wouldn't be any use to me to be an unknown bard!"
Jun 17, 2018 2:36 am
Oh aye, it's a bit more than noticing sometimes. At least to me. Either way, making a name or defending one, we need a good stiff drink and a bit of trust in one another, yes? he says, offering his mug up for a clink.
Jul 5, 2018 3:58 pm
"Sounds fair to me. Although I'm still not sure what our next step should be. Hopefully Bughu has some ideas when he gets back."
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