Chapter Three: On the Road

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Jul 13, 2018 9:57 pm
Hector looks over Bughu once more and nods approvingly, "You look like a strong enough fellow, and we can always use more guards. Got a supply caravan leaving in two days' time. Meet at the north gate before dawn in two days if you want the work. You'll be paid 20 gold pieces each for the trip, which will take a tenday if road conditions are good. You'll be headed to the Carnath Roadhouse," he explains and then waits to see if Bughu accepts the offer.
Jul 14, 2018 4:55 pm
Bughu nods. "We will be there," he says, falling into a disciplined stance. "Thank you, sir." When he is dismissed, Bughu collects his weapons and will rejoin the others at the tavern to share the news.
Jul 24, 2018 2:27 pm
The following morning, you meet up with the caravan at the north gate and find that the cultists are indeed among them, though they seem to be ignoring you for the most part.

The caravan consists of six wagons, drivers, teamsters, and some dozen guards (including yourselves), plus the leader, Ardred Briferhew, a man in his early thirties with thick black hair and a thick beard. He proves to be a good leader for the caravan and things go smoothly for the first part of the journey.
I apologize for the slow posting in this game. I am struggling with this adventure for some reason. I don't know what it is, but it's having a hard time holding my interest at times.

Also, did you want to attempt to do anything on the journey?
Jul 24, 2018 4:31 pm
Bughu does little beyond his duty, maintaining a watch over the caravan's progress and keeping his eyes on the cultists. He lends his weight around camp to secure wagons, pitch tents, and guard the perimeter.
No need to apologize to me. I know that these published adventures weren't written for the play-by-post format, and sometimes the little things that hold interest get lost in the slow process. I'll be here for this, through thick and thin.
CancerMan sent a note to Naatkinson
Jul 24, 2018 5:14 pm
Erich travels easily, helping where it makes sense for him to help. He also spends a fair amount of time with Xalana, provided she'll continue chatting with him as they travel, hopefully talking about magic and its many forms.
Jul 25, 2018 9:57 pm
Naatkinson says:
I apologize for the slow posting in this game. I am struggling with this adventure for some reason. I don't know what it is, but it's having a hard time holding my interest at times.
One thing that would be super helpful is occasional recaps of where we are and what we're doing, especially when there's a posting gap of a few days -- sometimes it's really hard to go back and read & contextualize enough old posts to get a solid sense of where I am.
Jul 26, 2018 3:09 am
"...And that's why I prefer stews on long trips, although any meal with some hot tea and good company can't be beat! Hey, either of you travel this far north before?"
Jul 26, 2018 2:17 pm
Quick recap: You were accompanying a merchant caravan when you came upon the town of greenest in flames. You entered the town to find it overrun with cultists and a dragon flying above. You were able to assist the town with fighting off the cultists.

The next few days consisted of rescuing a captured monk name Leosin from the cultist's camp as well as exploring the caves at the camp where you found a dragon hatchery and discovered that the cult is sending their stolen treasure north somewhere.

Upon Leosin's request, you headed to the town of Elturel and met with a man named Frume, who sent you on a mission to follow the cultists and see where they were taking their ill-gotten goods. You were able to sign on as guards on the same caravan as the cultists and traveled with them to Waterdeep.

Your ultimate goal is to find out where they are taking their treasure and why, so you're signing on with a caravan heading north from Waterdeep to the Carnath Roadhouse, which is the same place that the cult is headed to with their treasures.
Jul 27, 2018 3:51 pm
Sure! I spent a number of years hiding out in the High Forest, but never went much beyond there. Grandmother had stories about heading up past the Spine of the World though, hunting some ancient white dragon. Never knew how much was real and how much wasn't. he said, smiling at Xalana's impeccable food choice logic.
Jul 31, 2018 3:54 pm
On the seventh day out, you crest a hill and come into sight of the fabled Mere of Dead Men, a chill tangle of trees, brush, boggy ground, standing water, and cat-tails that stretches to the west as far as the eye can see. Though it looks like it's just a large swamp, it gives you goosebumps to be so close. Rumors of horrible monsters, ghosts, and demons flit about the camp as you sit about the campfire that night.

The next few days are tense as you travel along the road, always within site of the Mere. Three tense days later, you arrive at the Carnath Roadhouse. Ahead of you looms a walled outpost, outside of which you can see a number of wagons already there. As you draw nearer, you can hear voices from inside the compound.

You are stopped just short of the compound and a bored-looking man steps out, "Ardred, you know the drill," the man says to the leader of the caravan.

Ardred nods and begins directing the wagons to enter two at a time.

You are in for quite the wait... Is there anything you'd like to do?
Jul 31, 2018 4:22 pm
Bughu asks the nearest driver, "What's the procedure here?"
Aug 3, 2018 8:29 pm
The drivers leans back in his seat to rest a bit, "Well, we wait here for our turn to get unloaded," he says, "Then they'll take you in, unload your wagon in the warehouse. Once all the wagons are done and all the goods are counted up, we get to relax and eat some real food."
Aug 3, 2018 8:50 pm
Bughu nods. "Finally," he says, keeping up the basic pretense of a weary traveler. He looks over at the cultists' wagon to keep an eye on what happens to their cargo.
Aug 14, 2018 11:10 pm
After several hours of tedious waiting, you are eventually led into the roadhouse. The open courtyard is full of people; some carrying supplies, others moving about with lists in their hands. From the entrance, there are a number of small cabins that line the inner wall on the south and east. To the north are a stable as well as the storage room. Two staircases lead up, one to an additional set of cabins atop the south and east walls and another into a room atop the store room.

You are tasked with helping to unload the goods, which takes quite some time. The goods, such as food, are taken into the store room, while the rest is taken to various storage area on the walls. While in the store room, you see a locked door on the north wall that no one seems to bother with while you are around.

By the time everything is unloaded, you are exhausted, sweaty, and ready to rest. You are led to a cabin on the south wall to share amongst your group and then left to your own devices.

"If you want some food, head up them stairs above the storeroom and you'll find the kitchens. They should still have something left for you," Ardred says as he leaves you to your business at the door of your cabin.
Aug 15, 2018 6:40 pm
"Anyone want anything?" Bughu asks of the party, preparing to head to the kitchen to refuel.
Aug 16, 2018 11:40 pm
"Some rolls, sliced meat, a boiled egg or two, and some apple brandy. If they have it; don't trouble yourself!"
Aug 17, 2018 5:01 am
"A nice stew. Some mead. Maybe nuts to snack on for later? Bread and butter are always nice as well."
Aug 17, 2018 11:59 pm
Bughu makes his way to the kitchens to get some food for himself and his companions. He climbs the stairs, which creak loudly with every step but don't seem to be in danger of collapsing, and enters the dining area to find that aside from one other man in a chef's hat and greasy apron, he's alone in the room.

The man doesn't appear to have noticed Bughu at first as he wanders about, taking care of various foodstuffs about the kitchen and muttering to himself, " ...don’t get no sleep from all the critters in the floors banging and knocking and hissing and whispering at all hours..."
Aug 18, 2018 1:25 am
Bughu waits for a moment to see if the man takes notice, before he finally asks, "You got a rat problem?"
Aug 18, 2018 5:32 pm
I'd be up for helping to take care of a rat problem. Gods know that I can't sleep properly if there's critter sounds. he says, smiling politely.
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