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Nov 29, 2017 4:31 am
Maverick approaches Apsel sheepishly taking out a significant amount lakeweed and a knuckleheaded trout. "Im not sure if this would be of any use to you but you're welcome to take these for free of course to help you on your way if needs be."
Last edited November 29, 2017 4:32 am
Nov 29, 2017 4:32 am
giving thanks to the gods for watching over him and his companions Father Tulfgyr puts his weapons away and begins to work on healing Ug and cleaning Apsel's shop.
Nov 29, 2017 4:56 am
"Uh, well thanks, friend. This knucklehead trout skull will make a nice piece of art someday. Maybe a three-legged wolf, to remember my friends who helped me this day! The best works of art are the ones that tell a story, you know. Um, you can keep the lakeweed though."
Nov 29, 2017 5:08 am
After the Father feels he has helped a sufficient amount he talks to whoever is listening "I heard there is a job for all of us involving Alalla?"
Nov 29, 2017 5:08 am
Zenithral, about to let his arrow fly, sets his foot down and slips once again, falling flat on his back. His arrow soars into the air and smacks into the roof of Apsel's shop. e breaths out a chilled breath.

He picks up his bow and stumbles to his feet to see Ug land the killing blow. He heaves breathlessly for a few moments then gasps for air, cursing the icy weather. He walks towards the celebrating group and Apsel approaches him and offers him the dagger.

"Oh, yes, uh," Zenithral stammers, straightening himself and smiling. "Of course, my dear man. Glad to be of service."
Nov 29, 2017 5:14 am
As Father Tulfgyr works to help clean up the shop, he sees several other townsfolk (including the woman Accalia) arrive and pitch in as well, picking up debris and discussing how best to begin repairs on the structural damage of the shop. Say what people want about rugged Icewind Dale and the people it attracts, there are some good souls here.
Nov 29, 2017 5:20 am
Hrothgar approaches the party, approval on his face as he surveys the slain wolf. "I knew you to be a capable group when I first laid eyes on you yesterday. A winter wolf is no easy opponent! Have any of you spoken with the woman, Alalla?" He explains to the heroes the predicament of the caravan. "I'm sure with you all working together you will find that caravan in short order, if you're up for it."
Nov 29, 2017 5:22 am
Zenithral casts prestidigitation, first to warm up his clothing. Then he continues to cast it to clear the floor, walls, and furniture of any dirt, blood, and winter wolf saliva.

"Find a caravan?" Zenithral asks Hrothgar. "I have not spoken to Alalla yet, but that sounds like something I could certainly help with."
Last edited November 29, 2017 5:43 am
Nov 29, 2017 5:36 am
Overhearing Hrothgar Maverick steps out of the shop "I would also like to aid this town in what ways i can. When would you want us to leave for?" "Its just that i have some business to attend to tonight but i could be off in the morning if this endeavour can wait a few more hours"
Nov 29, 2017 5:41 am
"Certainly, archer. The original plan was to have the two of you organize and lead the search. As I told Alalla, take the southeast bridge out of town and search along the lakeside. There must be some indication of what has happened to the caravan." He glances around at the triumphant but weary adventurers. "But perhaps you had better wait until tomorrow? Some of you are wounded and could use some care. Feel free to visit Everard in the Temple over there for healing, if you need it." He gives a final nod and heads back to his home.
Nov 29, 2017 6:08 am
"Breakfast?! Alalla sputters. She gestures at the hand still holding his chest. "You ought to have that seen to!" Realizing she was still holding his other hand, she drops it like hot coals, "stupid, stupid woman. As if you needed to make this more awkward", and walks over to pick up Erevain's sword. A quick once-over satisfies her that she didn't break it too, and she offers it to him hilt first. "I think that dwarven Father knows healing magic. I need to speak with him anyway. Shall I see if I can find him?"
Last edited November 29, 2017 6:10 am
Nov 29, 2017 6:43 am
Father Tulfgyr goes to find Al after hearing about the mission from Hrothgar. after walking up and down the main road a few times Tulfgyr finally finds them. " Hello Al-" Father Tulfgyr says before seeing the food and blades... and Al standing over the elf who seems to be very hurt. Cautiously father Tulfgyr shows his empty hands and says " ...are you guys on a date?"
Last edited November 29, 2017 6:44 am
Nov 29, 2017 1:17 pm
Ug grunts in appreciation to Father Tulfgyr's healing. He is tired but smiling from his victory. He had made it this time. That part of him could finally start to be at peace. He looked at his friends and grew a stronger appreciation for all of them. He then looks st the massive wolf and attempts to pick it up.
Last edited November 29, 2017 2:28 pm


Pick up dead wolf - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Nov 29, 2017 2:35 pm
After Ug's ferocious charge to the rescue of a (fellow?) gnome, he finds himself a little tired. He can't lift the massive carcass above his head, but he can drag it around easily enough.
Nov 29, 2017 2:59 pm
Ug drags the massive heap accross Easthaven once again to Pomabs emporium. Covered in canine gore and Goliath sweat he hauls the wolf carcass to the feet of stunned Pomab and deposits its bleeding form onto the merchants beautiful throw rug. "Wolf pelt for trade to ugly friend." he says smiling emphasizing the second to last word.
Last edited November 29, 2017 3:02 pm
Nov 29, 2017 4:02 pm
Head down and busy setting things on a back shelf, Pomab doesn't see the wolf mess on his rug yet, though he surely recognizes Ug's voice. "You again. Why must you continuously pester me? I have much to do and little time to trifle with the likes of - eegah!!" The last part comes out in a most unmanly shriek as he sees the blood and guts all over his floor. "You BARBARIAN! You son of a motherless goat! Get that thing out of here, now, or so help me I'll remove your excuse for wearing a loincloth!"
Nov 29, 2017 4:27 pm
Ug shrugs and smiles pleasantly. He's in too much of a good mood from their success and ignores the insults. The poor human must need a mother very very badly. Ug was back to having fun anyways. "no want to trade? Is good pelt see?" He starts to move the gross caracass around the floor with his foot, blood oozing out more. "here I show you more," as reaches down to pick it up again. "Will be good trade!"
Last edited November 29, 2017 5:16 pm
Nov 29, 2017 5:44 pm
Incredulous, fuming Pomab gets a crazed look in his eye. He silently walks back to his desk and yanks open a drawer so forcefully that an inkjar falls and shatters on the floor. He searches around in the drawer for a moment, and then turns around with a slender rod of wood and metal about a foot long and points it at the goliath, muttering an arcane phrase.
Ug, make a Wisdom saving throw (1d20 + wisdom modifier)
Nov 29, 2017 5:54 pm
Alalla stiffens and turns to Father Tulfgyr. "Erevain is injured, Father. Do you mind having a look at him?" She busies herself with wiping her glaive blade and sheathing it. "Afterwards, I have some business I would like to discuss with you."
Nov 29, 2017 6:05 pm
Maverick decides to go find Ug to thank him for saving his life. the gnome would have done it sooner but got caught up in making sure Apsel and his shop were being looked after. It wasn't hard to find the direction the goliath had gone on account of the oversized footprints and trail of blood Maverick assumed belonged to the wolf. He quickly and easily followed them all the way to Pomab's shop. Puzzled by why Ug, an individual of simple wants and needs, would want to go into a place like that.
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