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Nov 30, 2017 5:10 am
"Good that would be awkward if you didn't" he says winking at Al "y'know because im a priest and all" he says covering the true importance of his probing.
Nov 30, 2017 5:21 am
"I had thought as much from your holy symbol," says Erevain, obviously confused. "I thank you for your aid, dwarf. Now if you'll excuse me..." He glances at Alalla and gives her a small smile, and then makes his way to his room at the Snowdrift Inn.
Nov 30, 2017 5:44 am
Alalla takes the package Erevain offers with a small smile. Whatever was inside smelled nice, but she felt queasy wondering whether or not he was only giving it to her because of obligation, and the sound of Father Tulfgyr's spoken 'date' was bouncing around in her brain. She was grateful that the Father was helping to fix her blunder, and that he was diverting the attention away from her, but she couldn't understand the point of his probing, and returns his wink with a questioning raised eyebrow.
Al watches Erevain go with relief. She wasn't sure how to end this disasterous encounter, whatever it was, and she was grateful that he was the one going of his own accord. She turns to Father Tulfgyr to speak and realizes that she did not say anything to him as she left. No, 'thank you for the food,' or, 'I'm sorry for nearly skewering you,' not even 'goodbye.'
"Now he'll think you're a callous jerk! After all that effort he went through you gave him a broken rib and scarcely anything else!" Alalla opens and closes her mouth once, her stomach dropping to her toes, before she manages to put the thoughts away long enough to speak to the dwarf in front of her.
"Thank you for your assistance, Father. I'm afraid I must ask for some more. An interested party has hired me to take care of the trade routes in this area, and Hrothgar has told me that a caravan due to arrive here is late and missing. Would you be willing to join me in a search for it?"
"Business first, Al. Then you can try to salvage anything that can be saved from the elf's opinion of you. Or just salvage the hope that you can be a functioning person one day. But business first. It's apparently all you're good at, anyway..."
Last edited November 30, 2017 5:45 am
Nov 30, 2017 5:56 am
"of course I am at your service" Father Tulfgyr says with a small polite bow.
Nov 30, 2017 6:09 am
"wow tgat was akward you could cut the tension with a mace! ... you know you musnt be so high strung, you need to believe in yourself you are a very special person who deserves the very best. That elf has a good heart and if you believe he is the right one then chase him, chase him and let none stand in your way and woe to those who do! Now I think you have somethings to say to him " Father Tulfgyr says in a soft voice.
Nov 30, 2017 3:22 pm
Al looks Father Tulfgyr as though he had hit her with a mace. "B-But what about the caravan?"
Nov 30, 2017 4:04 pm
"Not a problem, my dear," Zenithral says to Grisella. He smiles. "Hunger is the best seasoning!" he says as he rubs his fingers together over the soup as if sprinkling in some invisible spice, magically flavoring the stew. Hunger, and a bit of magic, that is. He tried to make the flavor resemble Ug's delicious meal from the night before. It couldn't compare to any degree, of course, but the flavor added much-needed variety.

He swallows a spoonful. We've got to find that caravan.
Last edited November 30, 2017 4:12 pm
Nov 30, 2017 4:42 pm
About a half hour after Ug leaves Hrothgar's house the spell wears off and he is back to normal.
Nov 30, 2017 5:13 pm
As Zenithral sits and patiently eats his meal, he witnesses an interesting event. A crooked old fisherman enters the tavern, first sticking his head through the door and looking around carefully. Seeing Grisella busy in the kitchen, he snakes the rest of his skinny body through the doorway and slinks along a wall. Half the time his eyes are darting towards the kitchen, and the other half he's focused on putting one foot in front of the other as quietly as he can. His raspy breathing can be heard from a mile away - at least to Zenithral's keen ears. The strange man makes it about halfway across the common room when he hears a particularly loud clang from the kitchen and slips - almost literally - underneath a table. When Grisella doesn't reappear, he starts crawling across the floorboards - until he notices a nearby puddle of spilled ale. Eyes wide, he sticks a finger in the puddle and then into his mouth. Apparently satisfied, he lets out a gleeful cackle and a grin of missing teeth and starts to slurp up the puddle. A minute later he moves on, crawling up to the bar. With a grunt he grabs hold of the edge and pulls himself up to eye level. He ducks back down, and then very carefully lifts a shaky arm up and over the top of the bar, reaching for a nearby bottle. After searching for a moment he grabs it and pull something it down and to his mouth - but it's empty. He drains the last few drops out anyway, and then discards the bottle noisily, apparently oblivious of the noise. It's at this point that he finally looks up and notices Zenithral over at a table. After a startled jump, his eyes go incredibly wide and he holds up a bony finger to his lips.
Nov 30, 2017 6:19 pm
Maverick remembers his familiar quickly speaking to Ug he says "Im going to begin casting a spell it will have no effect on you but it will take an hour. I am fine to stay on your shoulder for the time being but if you need to but me down please do it gently as not to disrupt my concentration too badly" Maverick hunkers down on Ugs large shoulder getting to work to re-summon the infernal creature while the goliath continues about his business.
Nov 30, 2017 6:36 pm
Zenithral sits there watching the crooked, old fisherman the entire time with a raised eyebrow. When the man finally notices Zenithral and raises a finger to his lips, Zenithral pretends to misunderstand and glances up at the ceiling above them, and then back at the man. Trusting his instincts, he smiles and addresses the fisherman like an old friend. "My dear man, Jed! What a pleasant surprise. How goes the hunt? Something on the roof sneaking about?"
Last edited November 30, 2017 6:37 pm


Deception - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Nov 30, 2017 11:32 pm
Old Jed gasps in horror as Zenithral speaks and tries to shush him. "SsshhhPPHHL" His attempt is cut short by the expulsion of a moist, jiggling curd of snot from his nose. He wipes it away with his hand and then rubs the hand on his vest. Distracted as he is, he misses the arrival of Grisella from the kitchen. Eventually he looks up and sees her, arms folded menacingly, and he skitters over to Zenithral's table and sits down, whistling all the while. Grisella says nothing, but starts wiping down the bar.

Jed leans over at Zenithral and mutters, "She cut me off, matey. The witch. How am I supposed ta git any proper fishing done?"
Dec 1, 2017 12:36 am
ug is sitting, gnome perched on his shoulder, contemplatively thinking about the universe and how he and Ponabs budding bromance fits into everything when his euphoria comes to a sudden halt. An awful realization begins to set in and it takes all his will power to not jump up and possibly catapulting maverick into oblivion.
Last edited December 1, 2017 12:39 am


Wisdom saving throw - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Dec 1, 2017 1:31 am
" the caravan can wait if they have been missing for this long they are probably all dead and frozen now go child tell him how you feel" father Tulfgyr says to Alalla
Dec 1, 2017 3:58 am
A few replies came to Al's mind such as, "I'm surprised a priest could give up on those people so quickly," "I didn't know priests dispensed dating advice," and "I'm worried you're vastly overestimating my 'feelings,'" but she decides it would only be extending one awkward conversation in order to avoid another.
She mutters a quick, "Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks," and runs after Erevain, bladeless glaive in one hand, and the food parcel under her arm.
As she draws closer, she calls out. "Hey, Erevain! Hold on a moment!"
Dec 1, 2017 4:02 am
"Ah, I see now," Zenithral says to Jed, satisfied that he correctly guessed the fisherman was the 'Old Jed' Hrothgar mentioned. "My apologies, my dear man. I'm sure you'll find a way..." Zenithral acts as if he has a sudden thought. "Say! While you're here, do you happen to recognize what this footprint might belong to?" He waves his hand and the illusion of the print in snow appears on the table in front of Jed. "Found a trail coming in from Lac Dinneshere and then returning to it. You're somewhat of an expert on the lake, aren't you?"
Last edited December 1, 2017 4:05 am
Dec 1, 2017 1:05 pm
Jed looks at the image, astounded at what he's seeing. He reaches out a knobby hand and slowly passes it through the magic, and then jerks it back. He leans back in his chair, eyes narrowing, then leans forward conspiratorially and whispers, "Aye, I seen it! Out there at night. Scared me half ta death. It wants somethin. Good luck findin out what. I ain't goin near the thing." He lifts himself to his feet and starts to head for the door.
If you want to get more information out of him you'll need to do some convincing.
Dec 1, 2017 4:31 pm
Zenithral knows ale could probably persuade Jed to do just about anything, but he didn't want to get on Grisella's bad side. He decides he'll try a different tactic.

"If you're not going to go near it, how are you going to fish? It might be lurking out there," he says, creating a small illusion of a fishing boat on the lake, "hidden every time you bring your boat out to the water! If this thing is dangerous, you'd make yourself somewhat of a hero by tracking it down with me," he says, returning the illusion to the footprint. "And you wouldn't have to worry about it ever again! What do you say, Jed, my good man?"


Persuasion - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Dec 1, 2017 5:30 pm
The goliath bolts up from his seat hurtling the gnome skyward. Maverick tries his best to stay on but his concentration is broken in the process of trying not to be launched off Ugs shoulders. Unfortunately the spell requires an hour to cast so Maverick does not complete the spell.


staying on Ugs shoulder (dex) - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Dec 1, 2017 6:29 pm
Old Jed stops and turns around, rubbing his matted beard. Apparently thinking the matter over, he finds a small kernel of something in his beard and pops it into his mouth, crunching down thoughtfully. "Fishin is my life, matey," he finally responds. "Barkeep says I be drinkin' too much. What does she know? I've only overturned my boat three... well, maybe four times. I need me wine ta fish proper-like. Anyways!" He wipes his hands down on his grimy clothes and smooths his hair back, then takes a seat opposite Zenithral. "Anyways! I could be a hero - you know, all heroic-like." He furrows his wrinkled brow in what he probably assumes is a heroic expression.

"So here's the thing," he says. "It's a one of those strange, magical creatures - a woman. I mean, a elf woman. Pointy ears and all, just like those ones right there!" He reaches out to grab one of Zenithral's ears. "She come out of the lake at night, all watery an stuff. Shplooosh!" Jed raises his his hands up above his head emphatically and imitates the sound of water splashing, though he spits a fair amount while doing it and Zenithral finds himself with a wet face.
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