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Dec 1, 2017 7:19 pm
Erevain stops on his path and turns to look back at Al. He seems surprised, but hopeful. "Yes, Alalla?"
Dec 1, 2017 8:00 pm
Zenithral leans back to avoid Jed's outstretched hand, but gets grabbed anyways. He grits his teeth and blinks several times as Jed spits all over him. He removes Jed's wrist from his ear, then waves his hand at himself, magically removing the spittle. "Fascinating!" he says, trying very hard to maintain his friendly appearance. "What does she do when she gets to shore? Wait around and watch? Plotting, perhaps?"

If Hrothgar hadn't believed Jed would know, he would think the fisherman had been hallucinating from drunkenness. That was still likely, but it was the only lead he had, so it had at least some merit.
Last edited December 1, 2017 8:01 pm
Dec 1, 2017 8:11 pm
The old fisherman raises his bushy eyebrows incredibly high and starts wiggling his fingers dramatically (inadvertently letting go of Zenithral's ear). "She sings! All lonely on the shore. It's like I said. She wants somethin. But Old Jed knows better than ta chat with elf ladies. They can steal yer soul just by lookin! This one time I heard about a man down south in the Moonwood..." He rambles on incoherently, changing the subject three or four times without stopping for breath. This could take a wile...
Dec 1, 2017 8:28 pm
Zenithral mentally sighs, regretting his decision to speak with Jed. With nothing better to do, however, he takes out a few thin lengths of wood and starts carving them into arrow shafts as Jed rambles on. When Jed leaves (or after a while if he doesn't leave), Zenithral thanks him for his service and assures him he'll get credit for stopping men's souls from being stolen by the singing, aquatic elf.

If nothing else of interest occurs today, he gets dinner when night falls and stays the night at the Snowdrift Inn.
Dec 1, 2017 9:34 pm
"#&$@??!?&!!!!" Ug yells some very choice curse words that he learned from his mother and tries to catch the flailing gnome.
Last edited December 1, 2017 9:35 pm


Catch falling gnome - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Dec 1, 2017 10:20 pm
"I'm sorry again for breaking your ribs. I really thought you were ready! Anyway, I realize that..." Al looks at the ground and searches briefly for a description that wasn't by 'our date,' "it wasn't date, he just wanted a rematch," and settles on 'breakfast.'
"I realize that breakfast didn't go how you probably wanted so... I'm sorry. Again."
"Pretty sure you said that already, dolt."
She makes herself look him in the eye while she waits for his response. She couldn't decide if hearing "get away from me, you beast," would actually be a relief or not. When someone hates you or wants to kill you, she was usually quite confident about how to behave, and where to go from there. Unlike... this.
Last edited December 1, 2017 10:24 pm
Dec 1, 2017 11:00 pm
Ug catches Maverick without too much fuss.
Maverick can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to keep concentration while casting.
Dec 1, 2017 11:34 pm
Erevain meets Alalla's eyes and smiles ruefully. "The truth is I was ready, Alalla. I began the fight! Back in Evereska I was by no means the greatest warrior, but I was accounted a fair combatant - and that was two hundred years ago. I certainly hope I have improved some since then. But you are a truly brilliant fighter. To think that you have become so competent in your years of time... that is impressive." He steps closer, still looking into her eyes. "I would know more about you, Alalla."
Dec 2, 2017 1:11 am
Father Tulfgyr goes to the temple after leaving Al in Erevains good hands to hopefully do some ministering and enlighten the populace to the ways of lathander.
Dec 2, 2017 1:25 am
Handilly catchung the gnome, Ug puts maverick down gently hoping to not break his concentration any more than he already had. The incident calmed him down however and let him think rationally for a moment. He decided to take a walk to discern how best to desk with ponab . While the ugly merchant had gone too far, maybe so had ug? Or maybe Ponab was always so upset and rude because he knew how ugly his own face was. As ug continued to try and keep himself calm his walk led him to what seemed to be the villages temple. Though far from religious himself, Ug was interested in what may be inside. The doors looked welcoming enough, so he walked on in.
Last edited December 2, 2017 1:26 am
Dec 2, 2017 3:34 am
Alalla takes a surprised step back as Erevain steps closer. "Oh. Well, uh, I'm afraid that I am leaving town tomorrow morning, but uh, maybe when I get back?"
"AM I leaving in the morning? That burning dwarf didn't agree to anything. Well, I suppose I am now."
Dec 2, 2017 3:38 am
The Temple of Tempus is easy to find. It is a solid structure of stone that towers above the huts and houses nearby. It looks almost like a fortress - which it probably can be, considering that Tempus is the Lord of Battles.

As Ug passes through the doors of the Temple he steps into a great hall, lined on either side with pedestals displaying relics of religious or historical significance. Burning torches reveal a magnificent statue of a helmeted warrior (presumably Tempus) riding two horses. With a foot on the saddle of each one, he stands tall and triumphant. On the floor of the hall is a painted emblem: a flaming silver sword set over a red shield.

A man's voice echoes down the chamber, "Hmm. Hrothgar mentioned there were strangers in town." A man appears at the end of the hall. With dark gray hair and beard, the man is dressed in a magnificent set of plate armor, though it is clear that the both the suit and the man have seen their share of hard battles. The man approaches with a limp. "What is it you want?"
Dec 2, 2017 3:53 am
"Of course, a warrior such as yourself would have many duties in a place such as this," Erevain says with a respectful nod. "I do not care overmuch for the weather, but there is something to be said for being needed." There is a tinge of bitterness in his voice. "Ah, I suppose it is fine. I am just used to the sunny climate of my homeland. This place is like an icy anvil where the hammer of Auril smashes down upon us, leaving the landscape barren and the horizon foreboding in every direction." He shrugs and looks at Alalla, his mood brightening. "Still, despite the dreary nature of the current locale, it seems there is beauty to be seen here after all.." He gives Alalla a wink, and then says, "I will likely be here when you return tomorrow. Until then, farewell."
Dec 2, 2017 4:55 am
"Farewell. Thank you again for breakfast." Al waves to Erevain and heads to the tavern for a quiet corner to plan the trip. It sounded like Hrothgar had been putting together a party for the mission while she had been, occupied. If Father Tulfgyr had known to look for her, than others must as well. Now what she needed was a quiet place to plan for needed provisions, care for weapons, and sort her thoughts. For she had many, many thoughts.
Dec 2, 2017 6:38 am
Father Tulfgyr lets the spacious silence fill him before replying to the war priest "I am Father Tulfgyr Cleric and servant of the Morninglord and the gods. It would be a great honor to partake in the sanctity of these great halls together you, honorable Direhar, and with my companion" Father Tulfgyr says in a voice quiet enough to be heard but not to break the atmosphere of the halls of Tempus motioning to Ug.
Dec 2, 2017 11:51 am
Ug is still breathing heavily, still wrestling with letting go of the Ponab incident or not


Refrain from swishing Ponab - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Dec 2, 2017 12:42 pm
"Ug really want to squish ugly motherless merchant, but think bad idea. Thought Temple help?"
Dec 2, 2017 3:29 pm
"Greetings, Father," the man says. "Accalia told me you knocked on her door. Servants of the Morninglord are welcome in this hall." His voice is respectful, but his face looks as though it has never held a smile. "I am Everard of Tempus, Battle-Priest of the Lord of Battles." He pats the warhammer hanging from a loop on his belt. "Order of the Broken Blade, and Guardian of Jerrod's Stone."

He turns to Ug and looks over the barbarian's muscled frame and humongous axe. "A goliath. I have never seen one of your kind in Easthaven. It is little wonder you have had trouble in your dealings with the merchant. What do you know of Tempus, Ug?"
Dec 2, 2017 4:06 pm
Ug nods his head in respect. "Ug know tempus is warrior god and god of honor, which Ug like, but Ug not know more of faith. Not if tempus or other gods."
Dec 2, 2017 5:25 pm
Everard shifts his wait awkwardly. It is obvious to Tulfgyr and Ug that the priest suffers still from an old injury. He motions for them to follow, and he slowly gives them a tour of the hall. "Many people believe Tempus to be the god of war, but that is just one of his many aspects. Wanton bloodshed will never please him, and those who engage in it will never receive his blessing in their efforts. Honorable battle, above all, is his way." as he speaks, Everard directs their attention to the relics along the walls. Shields, helmets, swords, banners, there are many artifacts and trophies of past battles. "Killing a weak merchant out of revenge will do nothing more than cheapen your standing before Tempus - and yourself. It is the coward's way out." His eyes flick towards the enormous statue of Tempus, and a great door on the back wall between the horses. "The monument here tells a story of cowardice - a warning, if you will. Would you hear the tale of Jerrod's Stone?"
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