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Jan 14, 2018 3:27 am
Once Zenithral gets over his initial confusion at the sudden appearance of these two flumphs, a long-lost memory begins to return to him...

Only on very brief occasions has Zenithral met his mother, due to her fanciful nature and spirit of wanderlust. But he remembers one calm afternoon when she came by his grandparents' home, sharing stories of the places she had been and the things she had seen. With excitement in her eyes she had described meeting a creature just like these and how she'd befriended it. Something about... goodness, or positive thinking? Yes, it had definitely been something about thoughts, connecting mentally with the creature, much like letting a dog smell your hand.

As Zenithral considers the strange floating beings, one of them pops out of existence again, sent back to whatever plane it came from. Surely the other one, the one that had used Zenithral's face to flip itself over, does not have much time left for this world either.
Jan 14, 2018 3:54 am
laughing Father Tulfgyr Turns slightly "when I die I will have a grave stone but it wont be of a physical material. It'll be made from the hearts of those i've touched and the people I've taught and whether you like it or not you'll be there. of all the people ive met you will be the onee to remember me most you'll be my headstone and it will haunt you forever. oh and as for winning i've been in enough fights to know what winning looks like." just before opening the door tulfgyr turns one last time "good bye Everard"
Jan 14, 2018 4:16 am
Zenithral at this point has completely zoned out of the priests' conflict. Instead he finds himself dropping his bow and scrambling to get out his manual, the recalled memory reminding him of a spell he had forgotten: find familiar. He quickly looks up at the flumph and down at his book repeatedly. Suddenly his manual falls apart, pages scattering. Zenithral is tempted to panic, but instead takes a deep breath and calms himself. He takes another breath and clears his mind, putting himself in a state of relaxed awareness.

Curious little fellow, aren't you, he thinks, trying to fill his mind with the pleasant memory of his mother when he was a child—when she was still sane. Not to worry. You're perfectly safe here.
Last edited January 14, 2018 4:18 am


Persuasion (To maintain state of mind and persuade the flumph to stay.) - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Inspiration - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Jan 14, 2018 5:24 am
The crippled war priest turns away and limps across the hall, disappearing from view. Accalia follows, but not before shooting a glance to the door Father Tulfgyr had left through.

As Father Tulfgyr leaves the Temple of Tempus he feels like a young dwarf again, in spite of his most recent injuries. Though Everard is as bitter and hard-hearted as they come, Tulfgyr feel sure in his heart that the one day Everard will know the truth of Jerrod's Stone.
Everyone gains 200 XP (total 4,060) and Tulfgyr gains inspiration (and something better to come)
Jan 14, 2018 5:33 am
The flumph manages to fly only a few short feet away from Zenithral before careening dangerously again, and nearly ends up flipped once more. Attempting to gain better control of its flight, it slows down and stabilizes. Then, strangely, it begins glowing with a faint green light. The small, tentacled being pivots in the air and floats back to the half-elf. It hovers a few inches from Zenithral's face and makes a sort of burbling sigh, warbling from high to low and then back up again repeatedly.

In his mind, Zenithral's mental image of his mother starts to blur - at first gently and then more insistently. Suddenly the memory vanishes entirely from his mind and leaves him feeling shockingly empty. Had the thing stolen and devoured a precious, half-remembered memory of his mother?

Zenithral has only a moment for this thought to cross his mind, and then the memory returns fully - clearer than ever before, as though he had actually experienced it moments earlier. How had he ever forgotten that day, the way the afternoon sun had shone on her hair, the smell of her perfume?

The flumph - its meal finished and its curiosity satisfied - bobs around Zenithral's head contentedly. It shows no sign of popping out of existence any time soon.
Zenithral, if you can cast Find Familiar now you can bind this flumph as your familiar. But you'll have to come up with a good name for it!
Jan 14, 2018 6:58 am
Zenithral, still baffled, but glad he trusted his instincts, sweeps up the pages to his manual with his mage hand and into his own hands. Mending. he reads from the top page. I ought to remember that one to fix this old mess.

He looks up, surprised to find himself alone in the chamber. So much for witnessing. He looks back down and shuffles through the parchments.

He finally finds the ritual for Find Familiar and sighs when he finds that it calls for a hefty amount of incense. Guess it's off to Pomab's... No, he's almost certainly closed at this hour. Say, priests sometimes use incense!

"Everard, my good man!" he calls out, wandering further into the temple. "Do you happen to have any intense I can borrow from you?
Feel free to just skip to morning and let me know how it goes.
Last edited January 14, 2018 7:03 am
Jan 14, 2018 3:53 pm
When Ug eventually leaves the Winter's Cradle, with a full belly and a full mug (for the road), he notices that nearly the entire town is dark and sleeping, but there is still lamplight shining through the window of Pomab's Emporium.
Jan 14, 2018 3:56 pm
Maverick is preparing for bed when he notices a familiar patch of darkness clinging to one corner of the room's ceiling. As he watches, the shadows grow tendrils that reach out into the light, consuming it and darkening the room further. A whisper breaks the silence, and then another, and another. An increasing cacophony of layered whispers, groans, and screams makes the air shiver, until finally the maddening sound stops, and all that is left is one voice.

"Maverick." The voice is dry and parched as old bone, rasping and brittle. "Maverick. The Vale of Shadows awaits. Why have you not gone there? I promised great power for you, should you seek it out."
Jan 14, 2018 4:06 pm
When Al heads to the Snowdrift Inn to sleep, she finds jovial Quimby reading a book in his chair by the hearth. He absently gives her a smile and a friendly wave as she starts up the stairs, but then hops to his feet with a start.

"Oh, Mistress Alalla! Bless my soul, I had just about forgotten. Your... erm... friend. Master Erevain?" He shifts uncomfortably. "Yes, well, there was some trouble early this morning. I don't rightly know what happened, but he had some sort of incident. He came in with blood on his hands - looked very upset. He went to his room and I haven't seen him since. He just asks to be left alone when I knock on the door. Maybe you could have a word with him?" He looks at Al hopefully.
Jan 14, 2018 4:11 pm
Father Tulfgyr
Father Tulfgyr's evening prayers and scripture study are interrupted when an enormous man fully encased in spiked plate armor walks into his room.

"Father Tulfgyr, just the man I wanted to see." Though he speaks calmly, the man's voice rings powerfully in Tulfgyr's ears. "That was quite the performance you put on today in Everard's Temple. It was a riveting battle, up until you walked away." The man, each step causing the wooden floor to shake and rumble, walks over to Tulfgyr's belongings and begins rummaging through them. "Why did you walk away, son?"
Jan 14, 2018 4:49 pm
Zenithral's dreams are troubled tonight. He sees a dark field full of stars swirling before him, and one by one they draw nearer to him. Each one blurs and shimmers, then coalesces into a distinct image before fading away to once again become a speck of light in the darkness.

The images seem to have nothing in common beyond a fragmented sense of urgency. An ancient oak tree. A black wolf that sits and waits. A robed, headless statue. A dragon skull with an eye socket of terrible depth. A disembodied, spectral hand that claws towards the sky. A pool of frozen water, something dark and indescribable beneath its surface. A furnace glowing red and orange with molten slags of metal. A single shard of crystal that pulsates with white light.

As the last image fades away, Zenithral notices that the field of stars wavers with a ripple, almost like water... suddenly the perspective changes as he realizes he is looking down at the stars from above - no, a *reflection* of stars. He is looking at the surface of a body of water. A lake. Lac Dinneshere?

With this realization comes a flash of motion as he feels himself rushing down and forward to a place just beyond the lake. There is a warm light there... a town - Easthaven! And beyond it, just outside the life essence that is Easthaven, there is... blood on the snow. A lone figure, battered and torn. A message, a warning, a call for help. A raw, trembling sense of need.

Zenithral swoons from the disorienting ordeal until he hears a kind, motherly voice say, "Find her. Help her. This you must do, child." The confusing visions depart, and Zenithral feels himself waking up. Find her!
Jan 14, 2018 5:51 pm
Alalla's brow creases with concern, blood was never a good sign. "Of course. I'll look in on him. Good night, Master Quimby."
Al abandons her gear in her own room, then makes her way to Erevain's door, wondering what could have happened to the elf. She stops short of knocking, remembering the awkwardness of their last meeting. She clears her throat silently, stamps her feet in her boots gently, and breathes a gentle sigh, long and slow, trying to shake the nerves.
"Honestly, Al, why the fuss? He said he wasn't upset, why do you still have to be?" She reached up and scratches her head, ruffling her dreads in frustration, causing the beads to clack, then knocks on the door.
"Erevain? It's Alalla. I'm back, now."
"Uh, Master Quimby was worried about you. Can I come in?"
Last edited August 26, 2018 9:29 pm
Jan 14, 2018 6:39 pm
Rolling his eyes at the twisted void that had apperated in his room he says "I had to take a detour, but im sure you already knew that. Since you asked though we 'had' to go help the towns people and then had to fix a mess my incompetent venturing party made or something about the inevitable doom of the ten towns... idk was only half paying attention to the drama of it all. he smirks and twists his moustache while thinking "I should be able to convince those who ive met to accompany me and who knows maybe you'll have a new soul or two by the end of it all" he finishes with a bit of a chuckle
Jan 14, 2018 6:49 pm
After a few long moments Al hears the bolt in the door turn and the door opens partway, revealing Erevain's elvish features. He looks especially pale, which makes the bruised gash on the side of his face look even worse by contrast. "Alalla... I am so glad you have returned safely! I heard the commotion about town earlier when your group arrived, so sorry I did not come out to greet you." He winces and holds a hand to his side, then leans against the doorframe for support. "I was not feeling up to it, I am afraid. And I... did not really want you to see me like this."
Jan 14, 2018 7:13 pm
Father Tulfgyr reaches into his robes and pulls out some hard marching jerky that he bought off a patrol on his journey to easthaven "Is this what your looking for Foehammer? its a little stringy but it tastes of the march and the battle to come, please take a seat." Tulfgyr says pulling up a chair for the lord pf battles."I walked away because I was dueling on the principles of your doctrine and when it became apperant that Everard was driven more by hate then honour and duty I knew that I needed to leave. I would not sully your house and Jarrods memory with a cheap brawl."
Last edited January 14, 2018 7:14 pm
Jan 14, 2018 7:15 pm
The darkness seems to ripple as it considers the gnome's words. "Souls?" the voice hisses. "I have tasted hundreds of thousands of souls. One or two more would mean little to me, especially now." After this bitter statement there is a pause, in which Maverick can hear a sigh much like the sound of a death rattle. "Your excuses mean little to me. If you cannot retrieve what I seek, then I shall call on another. But trust me," the voice takes on a slightly softer quality, like black silk drawn across a tombstone, "the reward will be well worth it."
Jan 14, 2018 7:26 pm
Tempus accepts the jerky and pulls up the visor of his helm, revealing a battle-scarred face with eyes of flame, and takes a bite. He chews the stringy meat thoughtfully for a moment, then turns that fiery gaze on Tulfgyr, who feels as though his soul is laid bare to this aspect of a deity. "And the fact that you were losing that brawl had nothing to do with your decision to shirk the field of battle?"
Jan 14, 2018 7:30 pm
Al raises an eyebrow. "From what Quimby said, you haven't wanted anyone to. In my experience, when you look like this," she gestures up and down at him, "is one of the more important times to be seen." She remarks flatly. "What happened? Did you get any medical help before you shut yourself up in here?"
Jan 14, 2018 7:49 pm
every time taking a moment to let the blood go back into his face
"winning the duel was never the goal. if you look into the heart of accalia and the struggle in Everard you know that I completed my objective lord"
Jan 14, 2018 8:04 pm
Erevain shrugs. "These wounds are not so bad. I've had worse." He meets Alalla's eyes and winks, but then grimaces and takes a step backwards. He opens the door the rest of the way, then limps over to a chair and eases himself down into it.

"It was goblins. I was taking a walk down the lakeshore, trying to see if I could spot your party's return. Instead I found Damien, Gaspar's little boy, caught by six or seven of the nasty creatures. No time to run back for help, so I dashed in alone like an idiot." He sighs. "Boy's safe, at least, and the North is free of a handful of goblins."

Erevain picks absently at the wooden armrest of his chair. "As for why I've been in here all day... well, I have no good excuse for that. Even on good days, sometimes I am taken by moods." He looks at Alalla. "Have you ever heard of the Retreat?"
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