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Dec 11, 2017 9:19 pm
Al smiles back, and tucks the jar and cloth back into her pack. "Very nearly. I'm waiting on breakfast and a few more party members, then I'll be ready to hit the road. I take it you're one of the people Hrothgar recruited for the job?"
Dec 11, 2017 9:52 pm
"Indeed," Zenithral replies, taking a sip of a hot beverage. "Quite a bit seems to happen here for a village this small, but I'm rather eager for something besides aimlessly wandering around town." He finishes his drink and draws out a length of wood to carve into an arrow shaft.
Dec 12, 2017 12:44 am
Ug enters the room and smiles as he sees some of his friends already around a table. He joins them and winks at Grisela as she takes his order for breakfast. He claps a massive jovial hand on zenithral's shoulder, "How are Ug friends today?!"
Dec 12, 2017 2:03 am
Zenithral grunts and almost cuts his hand with the carving knife. He rubs his shoulder and grimaces. "...Quite alright, my dear man; but please refrain from smashing my shoulder if you would be so kind. At any rate, will you be joining us today in locating the lost caravan?"
Dec 12, 2017 2:56 am
"Of course elf friend," Ug says with a laugh, "Just as long as Ug eat breakfast first! Mother always say never search for lost caravan without proper warrior breakfast." Grisella comes with his order of three servings of breakfast and a large tankard of . . . ale. Ug smiles and toasts the mug, "Always listen to mother." he says looking at Alalla, and then tilts his head back in chug.
Dec 12, 2017 3:36 am
Al smiles at Ug and digs into her own food. "Your mother seems like a very wise woman."
Dec 12, 2017 5:12 am
Father Tulfgyr makes his way to the table dodging bits of food flying from Ugs maw. sitting at the table Tulfgyr orders some fish and ale "I'm ready to join the party in its search for the lost caravan" he says to Alalla excitedly.
Dec 13, 2017 5:36 am
Alalla brightens visibly at the tone of Father Tulfgyr's voice. "Excellent! Is this all of us then, or are we waiting for someone else?"
Dec 13, 2017 5:48 am
Maverick walks to the tavern suspecting that he would be able to find some of the other adventurers he had met and hopefully some breakfast as well. He is welcomed into the tavern by the smell of freshly cooked meals and the sight of the four other unusual travelers who had agreed to look for the caravan. "Hopefully im not to late to join you all for some breakfast and some adventuring" he says as he stands himself at the table "I had some business to attend to or I would have been here sooner"
Dec 13, 2017 12:52 pm
Grisella is a flurry of motion as she prepares breakfast for everyone this morning. She has certainly been making some extra coin with these new folks in town! She gives each of them a sincere smile as she serves them, knowing that what they have brought to Easthaven is more than just money. Especially friendly Ug and dear Father Tulfgyr! Meanwhile, her new squirrel companion perches on her shoulder and chatters happily of the Morninglord's merits to every customer who will listen. "May the gods bless you in your search today," Grisella says, eventually clearing away empty plates. "Safe journey!"
Dec 13, 2017 12:54 pm
If everyone's ready to find the caravan, let's move on to the "Hills" thread!
Jan 12, 2018 5:03 am
The party's arrival back in Easthaven is greeted by a crowd of townsfolk. Men, women, and children cheer and wave as they see the heroes return with the much-needed supplies. Even sour Pomab sticks his head out of his shop door long enough to give a raised eyebrow.

After a few moments Hrothgar arrives and embraces the companions jovially. "Well done! I knew you folk were right for the job." He pulls back to look them over, noting the new wear on their weapons and armor. "But let's get you a warm meal. Tell Grisella that your dinner and drinks are on me tonight! Then get some rest and you can tell me all about it in the morning."

With that, Hrothgar directs some men to help with the supplies and waves the rest of the townsfolk away, then heads to his home.
Jan 13, 2018 2:44 am
Not needing to be asked twice, Ug slaps his companions on the back with a grin for a job well done. "supplies back, city safe, and friends all around! Come, I give toast to ug friends!" He quickly heads for Grisella's and seats his massive self at their previous table, ordering two tankards of ale for himself, as a starter.
Last edited January 13, 2018 2:45 am
Jan 13, 2018 4:36 am
Glad to be back in town maverick begins to fully process the events of the day, having spoke orc and giant finding the tracks did not lose their meaning on him aswell as leg the orc go. To help him settle in maverick orders an ale and some bread.
Jan 13, 2018 4:41 am
as soon as the moment presents itself Father Tulfgyr splits from the party and heads to Tempus's temple to confront Everard on his apostasy.
Jan 13, 2018 5:45 am
Most of the party heads toward the Winter's Cradle for some rest and recuperation, where Grisella happily sees to their needs. Father Tulfgyr, however, makes his way toward the Temple of Tempus.
Jan 13, 2018 5:58 am
Father Tulfgyr approaches the great stone building and passes through the large doors. Inside the great hall, monuments to either side, he can hear a chant of worship echo through the air. It sounds like a prayer of gratitude to the Lord of Battles for bestowing strength to the party in their endeavors the last two days. It seems that the heroes are quite the celebrities in Easthaven.

Nearing the end of the chapel Tulfgyr finds Everard kneeling before the giant statue of Tempus, the ornate and runed door to Jerrod's Stone visible under the statue's legs. Everard finishes his chant, then rises stiffly to his feet and greets the dwarf cleric. "Well met, Father Tulfgyr. I sensed your troupe had a mighty battle yesterday, and prayed for Tempus to guide your swordarms. I am glad to see you have returned victorious." He says all this with no hint of a smile on his face. "Accalia mentioned you might come by when you returned. What do you need?"
Jan 13, 2018 9:55 am
"Don't play dumb you know why I'm here Everard!," Father Tulfgyr snaps back, " I'm here to clear Jarrod's name of your slander that you've been spreading all these years" unclasping his priest robes Father Tulfgyr lets them fall to the ground at his feet revealing his weathered body and a thick coat of chainmail.
Jan 13, 2018 3:37 pm
Everard's expression hardens. "You presume to come here to this sacred site and lecture me on Tempus' doctrine?" He straightens up and lays a hand on the haft of his hammer. "Very well. Shall we call witnesses, or settle this ourselves under Tempus' eyes?"
Jan 13, 2018 4:35 pm
"we can call witnesses for formalities sake but only two. I will call zenithral he may be a tool but his attitude to honour and duty are like dwarven steel, I can trust him to honour both outcomes" Tulfgyr says calmly clearly respecting the tradition of dueling above his eagerness to avenge Jarrod.
Last edited January 13, 2018 4:39 pm
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