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Dec 7, 2017 9:10 pm
Zenithral spins around watching the seaweed slither towards Maverick and wrap itself around him. Maverick wriggles free and Zenithral waves in a wide gesture for him to come back.

He turns his slightly towards Elisia, keeping an eye on Maverick to make sure he returns.
"What is the gift?" he asks her. "Shall we take it to him?"
Dec 7, 2017 10:28 pm
upon seeing Zenithrals motion Maverick returns to the half-elf eyeing the apperation skeptical "what was all that about?"
Dec 8, 2017 1:33 am
Elisia has shared her tale in the Lore thread. Check it out there! For finding this neat piece of lore, Maverick and Zenithral earn 300 XP each party member! I believe this puts everyone at 2,130 XP total.
Dec 8, 2017 1:37 am
Elisia holds her hands out in front of her, and in them a shattered blade appears. It looks to have once been a magnificent weapon, but its time at the bottom of the lake has taken its toll on the leather bindings around the hilt. In spite of the sword being broken, it still appears to be incredibly sharp.

The sea spirit offers the weapon to Zenithral and Maverick, and sings:

::Will you give this to Jho-nyn and tell him my heart?::
::My songs are his, my heart is his::
Dec 8, 2017 5:49 pm
Zenithral quietly translates the tale for Maverick and gives him the weapon. He nods in reply to Elisia. "We will."
Dec 8, 2017 6:19 pm
::You have my gratitude::

Elisia's lips curve in a sad smile, and she again holds out a hand. This time there appears a large pearl, perfect and white.

::Please, take this shaped piece of sand which I have taken from the bed of the lake::
::I have heard that those that walk upon land value such things::

Continuing her haunting melody, she turns and walks back to the lake. As she reaches the water, her form blurs and disappears.
Dec 8, 2017 6:24 pm
Alrighty, we'll assume that Maverick and Zenithral return to their beds. Time advances to the next morning!
Dawn greets Easthaven, though the rays of sun that peak over the horizon do little to warm the frozen tundra. Still, the townsfolk stir and begin their day's work. The adventurers visiting Easthaven rise with a task before them: scout the hills southeast of the town for a missing caravan that is carrying food and supplies needed to support the town through the approaching winter.
Dec 9, 2017 2:28 am
Father Tulfgyr awakes before the sun rises to perform an array of religious rituals that take place at sun rise. after properly honouring the gods Father Tulfgyr Takes a few moments to tell the Guardian of Jerrod's stone that He will be visiting him when Tulfgyr gets back from finding the caravan to clear Jarrod's name.
Dec 9, 2017 2:29 am
Father Tulfgyr then makes him self ready to leave with the party
Dec 9, 2017 3:33 am
Ug awakes and gives a mighty stretch reaching up to the rafters. He smiles and yawns. Those were some good dreams- A glorious feast of never ending mead and tables filled with every delightful cuisine, Ugs mother nancy singing and dancing and toasting to her son's praise, and Ponab looking on with envy after finding out he had no mother and had actually been adopted by troll droppings.

Yes very good dreams indeed!

Ug readied himself for the day by packing up his things, including a lucky rock his mother had given him when he was a baby that he named after her and always slept with. He then did his morning ritual of 300 one handed push-ups and headed out for a good breakfast at Grisella's where he could then hopefully meet his friends and start another adventure.
Dec 9, 2017 4:58 pm
Father Tulfgyr does not find Everard at the Temple of Tempus, but he does find Accalia. The blonde woman is adeptly swinging a battlehammer through some practice forms, crossing the great hall back and forth. When Tulfgyr enters, Accalia stops and leans her hammer against a pedestal. Toweling off her sweaty face, she says, "Everard is performing a rite of fasting and prayer above. But I will pass on your message, Father Tulfgyr."
Dec 9, 2017 7:13 pm
Zenithral lets Maverick have the pearl if he wishes.
Zenithrals eyes snap open as the chain around his forehead grows cold again, this time with the dull sunrise lighting the room. He swings his legs off his bed and prepares himself for the day, reflecting on the encounter with Elisia-of-the-Sky's-Mirror. He was glad he was able to be helpful in fulfilling her wishes and prove his competence to Maverick in some small way.

He goes to the Winter's Cradle, has breakfast, and patrols the village until he happens to run into Allala or finds her back at Winter's Cradle when he finishes a round.
Last edited December 9, 2017 7:13 pm
Dec 9, 2017 7:34 pm
Maverick takes the sword fragments so he can return it to Jhonen in the morning, but lets Zenithral take the pearl
The gnome rolls over in his bed at the Inn wishing he had remembered to close the curtains as sunlight begins to illuminate the interior of the room. 'by the gods that was quite a night' he thinks to himself as he finally decides to leave the warmth and comfort of his bed. 'I'd better be off to Jhonens sooner rather then later, id hate to miss out on running around in this infernally cold landscape to find a caravan that has probably been raided long before now'. Maverick sets out to Jhonens house and gift him the shattered blade and account the cause of his sleepless nights afte making sure his wild beard is at least (k)not matted.
Dec 9, 2017 10:13 pm
Maverick finds Jhonen in the same place as the day before, doing more humming and staring off across the lake than working. He looks as though he's trying to remember something he's forgotten. When he does notice Maverick, Jhonen gets a hopeful look in his eyes. "Fair morning to you, friend. Have you learned anything about my... problem?"
Dec 10, 2017 5:42 pm
"Greetings Accalia, that's some fine hammer work you are doing there and that's high praise coming from a dwarf.", Father Tulfgyr says watching her last few swings, " if you wouldn't mind telling Everard that I will be out of town for the next few days or more looking for the missing caravan. when I return with the caravan I will be coming here to clear Jarrod's name of all the injustice done to him" Father Tulfgyr says as nicely as he can to Accalia.
Last edited December 10, 2017 5:43 pm
Dec 11, 2017 2:37 am
Alalla enters the tavern and hails the serving girl to order breakfast. She sits herself at a table in the corner where she can see the door, and begins finishing her preparations for the trip, pulling out little jars of oil and some cloths to go over some straps on her pack and the staff of her glaive. She keeps an eye out for any potential party members as she does so. She was up fairly early, and knew that most would come here for food at some point.
Al pauses her work to take a look at her reflection in the jar. She continues, satisfied that her hair is perfect, and her eyeliner knife-sharp. She didn't know who or what she would meet on the trail, and when she was done up people often overlooked her scars and weapons and saw only her makeup, and underestimated her. Today the lipstick and eyeliner was war-paint.
Dec 11, 2017 2:14 pm
Accalia regards Father Tulfgyr with a knowing grin. "Good luck convincing Everard of that. I haven't gotten to see him fight in months. We might be of the Order of the Broken Blade, but you'll find that we're still able combatants - especially Everard. No worries, I'll let him know you've submitted a challenge to our Temple's doctrine." Chuckling to herself, she retrieves her hammer and walks off. The grin fades as she says over her shoulder, "Best of luck in finding that caravan. Easthaven needs those supplies."
Dec 11, 2017 3:51 pm
"Ready to find that caravan?" Zenithral suddenly says from behind Alalla, his reflection now visible in the jar she was looking at. He smiles, studying her and her equipment, then takes a seat.
Last edited December 11, 2017 3:54 pm
Dec 11, 2017 3:59 pm
"I did my good sir" Maverick says to Jhonen recounting the events of the night prior starting with the appearance of the glowing figure. When the svirfneblin was finished he pulled out the fragments of the sword which he had been tasked to giving to Jhonen "She wanted you to have this, It was a relic from one of your ancestors." he looked over the tired eyed man in front of him adding "I dont know if this will help by ending the dreams, but hopefully the will no longer eat away at your mind." Maverick nodded at Jhonen and turned to leave but stopped and tuned back to say "I'm leaving town with a handful of people to go look for that lost caravan, but we should return to town after finding or salvaging whatever may be left. We can speak again then."
Dec 11, 2017 4:13 pm
Jhonen takes the fragments of the magnificent sword with humility. It takes him a minute to find words. "One of my... ancestors? I had no clues to my heritage before this morning! Many people here in Ten Towns made their way here after running into some sort of trouble in the south, but I've never known anything else..." He nods his thanks to Maverick, and carefully carries the shattered weapon away to his home.
For helping Jhonen come to terms with his dreams, Maverick earns the party 100 XP each! 2,230.
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