The Hills

Dec 13, 2017 1:02 pm
The adventurers leave Easthaven this morning with waves from many of the townsfolk, either from their homes or from their fishing boats.

As everyone in Ten Towns knows, Icewind Dale is a dangerous place to travel. As the winds blow and the cold rages, travelers must always be alert for whatever they might encounter on the road.
To help keep things organized, we're going to assume that the party is always moving in formation outside of town, so you all need to decide on marching order. I recommend three ranks: front, middle, and back. But it's up to you guys to decide. Generally monsters will attack whichever character is closest to them, unless they have a good reason to do otherwise.
Dec 14, 2017 4:37 pm
Current marching order:
Front - Alalla
Middle - Zenithral, Maverick, Tulfgyr
Back - Ug
Dec 14, 2017 5:07 pm
As the party explores the hills along the east of Lac Dinneshere, the struggle against the cold wind is a constant battle. The wind never completely stops, though it occasionally dies down to a frigid breeze. At other times, it builds up to a ferocious roar - or is that the howling of yetis, hidden somewhere in the flurries of snow and ice? In Icewind Dale it is always hard to tell. In any case, it will take some time to search.
Dec 14, 2017 5:40 pm
As always, Zenithral tries to keep himself warm by casting prestidigitation on his clothing. Staying just behind Alalla, he keeps an eye out for indents in the snow that might indicate covered tracks or lumps that might indicate something buried. He trusts Alalla to know the usual trade routes and the path the caravan might have taken.


Survival (Notice indications of tracks or things buried in the snow) - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Dec 15, 2017 4:37 am
Maverick realizes that being behind Alalla and Zenithral means that the poor sirvfneblin cannot actually search for anything with his own eyes. Thinking for a moment the gnome rustle around in his untamed beard searching for something until he finds and produces his familiar Rel. 'hey buddy' Maverick starts looking at the bat which was just beginning to stretch out its wings 'I know last time you helped me out you totally got eaten by a big ol' wolf, but im confident that wont happen this time you help me. I need you to be my eye and ears while looking for a lost caravan or anything suspicious underneath all this snow.' after getting what he interpreted as a nod the gnome releases the bat into the air and watches as it flies into the air circling the party scanning the surrounding land for anything that would be of interest to Maverick.
Dec 15, 2017 5:10 am
Alalla pulls her cloak up around her neck against the wind and uses her glaive to held break through the snow, keeping fairly close to the shoreline as per Hrothgar's instructions. She takes her somewhat unofficial job of party leader seriously, keeping her eye out for any potential hazards or dangers along their route, as well as searching for any trace of the caravan.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Survival - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Dec 15, 2017 5:51 am
Father Tulfgyr holds his robes close while he scans the horizons for any sign of possible threats. while he trudges through the snow he steps around its edges to widen the path and help the party members behind him but not to the point of exhaustion. "gods help us in these cold wastes" Father Tulfgyr says quietly praying for the party and himself but also the lost caravan


perception scanning for anything - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Dec 15, 2017 7:50 pm
The party travels for a few hours. The terrain of Icewind Dale, combined with the encroaching winter weather - which is arriving even earlier than normal this year - makes it very difficult for Zenithral to discern much about their current path. However, he can be reasonably sure that there are no large creatures, such as yetis, close to the party.

Alalla, on the other hand, was raised in the Dale and is also familiar with the way that caravans move between the towns. Her instincts tell her that ahead between two craggy hills there might be a place that would offer some shelter to a caravan in bad shape.

Bel the familiar confirms this after a quick flyby. It claims to see some sort of wooden construct between those two hills, but is too grumpy about being half-frozen to offer much more detail.

Upon drawing closer to this scene, the party discovers that yes, there are remains of a caravan wagon here. The wood of the carriage is splintered, one wheel broken off and half covered in snow nearby, and there are bodies of several humans scattered about. From their wounds, they appear to have died from wrought weapons and arrows. Apparently a place for shelter from the weather also makes a decent location for an ambush.

While the group surveys the wreckage, Father Tulfgyr notices a figure up on one of the hills, watching. The person quickly ducks away from sight.
Dec 15, 2017 8:51 pm
Ug bows his head in a moment of silence for the caravan party and slowly moves among the corpses and debris. Perhaps there may be some evidence as to who attacked, were any prisoners taken or even if any of the caravan might be salvageable. Not being raised on faith he still attempts to be reverent of the dead.


Looking for clues as to the aftermath of the assault - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Dec 15, 2017 10:58 pm
As Ug leans respectfully over the bodies, his pet rock Nancy falls from his pack and tumbles into the snow. Tragically, Ug does not notice.
Dec 16, 2017 1:05 am
Maverick aproaches the dead respectfully and says a prayer to Myrkul for each mortal that had met their bitter end out in the cold wastelands. once he was done the gnome lined the bodies up in preparation to burn as the frozen ground would not permit a proper burial. Noticing the distracted Father, Maverick asks "is there any way you would like to honour the dead for your god before I finish here?"
Last edited December 16, 2017 1:07 am
Dec 16, 2017 3:11 am
Alalla helps Maverick grimly. "We knew the caravan was likely lost when we started out," she says to herself as much as the rest of the party, "But there are still criminals to be brought to justice and aid to be brought to Easthaven. We still have a job to do." Once the bodies are prepped, Al surveys the scene for any sign of what exactly transpired.


Survival - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Dec 16, 2017 3:26 am
"look up there on the hill someone's watching us!" father Tulfgyr says pointing trying to alert the party to the possible threat almost forgetting about the rites and rituals that would surely need to be done after its safe
Last edited December 16, 2017 3:27 am
Dec 16, 2017 2:13 pm
The caravaners' wounds are wide and deep, as though inflicted by some sort of axe. The attackers were overly violent and savage, judging from the frozen mess. As Alalla helps Maverick move one body, she realizes that the aftermath of this battle is hauntingly familiar. At certain stressful times in her life she had felt a nearly overwhelming rage that made her want to inflict this same level of carnage. Her suspicions are confirmed when she notices a black arrow sprouting from a man's back, and recognizes the fletchings. This was the work of orcs.

As Father Tulfgyr scans the hilltop where the figure disappeared, three tall figures stand up, empty hands raised above their heads. Their leathery faces, blonde hair, and wrapped furs mark them as barbarian tribesmen, though from which tribe remains to be seen. Zenithral and Alalla know well that most tribes in Icewind Dale refuse contact with the people of Ten Towns, and many are outright hostile.
Dec 16, 2017 3:04 pm
Ug breathes heavily in the cold snow and puts his own empty hands out in front of him. Though it could be a trap, too many lives have been lost in this wretched place already. He takes a step forward towards the group of barbarians, weaponless, but hopefully still intimidating enough to demand respect.


Intimidate - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Dec 16, 2017 4:23 pm
The three make their way down to bottom of the hill. The tallest of the tribesmen steps forward, his muscled chest open to the air. He doesn't seem much bothered by the cold. His blue eyes look over Ug as he lowers his hands, and then declares proudly, "I am Bjornegar, son of Wrolf, of the Tribe of the Elk. What brings you to this place, giant?"

Alalla recognizes the name of this tribe. Of all the barbarian tribes in Icewind Dale, the Tribe of the Elk is usually the most sociable towards the people of Ten Towns, even so far as coming in to trade furs and supplies. Still, they are proud warriors with strange customs.
Dec 16, 2017 6:48 pm
"I am Ug, son of Nancy of Dorn!" Ug says proudly puffing out his chest. "We are friends of Easthaven and we're looking for missing caravan." He says gesturing to the remains of the wagon. "But Ug and friends are too late," He adds solemnly. "Does might Bjornegar know what happened to caravan and friends?"
Last edited December 16, 2017 6:49 pm


schmooze over barbarian with charisma - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Dec 17, 2017 2:56 am
Alalla steps toward the group, nodding at the leader respectfully. "This caravan was ambushed by orcs. Do you know where those responsible have gone?"
Dec 17, 2017 3:15 am
The tribesmen hear Ug's words, and then turn to each other and exchange glances. One of them - a woman - gives a small nod, and Bjornegar turns back to the party. "Yes, it was orcs that did this. They are far from their holes in the Spine of the World, and are like a plague on this land." He pats a large morningstar on his belt. "We hunt this plague."
Dec 17, 2017 6:34 pm
"Then we share this hunt!" Ug says grasping his great axe from his back, flexing massive muscles. "Show us where ugly orcs hide and Ug and friends help end this plague."
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