Im more than happy to open up for you matey! I intend to be moving along at a decent pace so regular posting from all. Go ahead and roll something up and post it to a custom sheet, using first ed, no character pack.
Right now we have mercenary, bounty hunter, pedlar, alchemists apprentice and soldier. I’m using Realms of Sorvery so academics have better potential, but no pressure.
Not sure how the Realms of Sorcery works...? Are the Wizard's Apprentice spells any better? Busy rolling some characteristics at the moment so will get some stats done... :)
A couple of players have dropped by the wayside, so we have room for two new characters. Currently on Part 2 - Shadows over Bogenhafen. New players welcome, no knowledge of the system required, but looking for people interested in a long form campaign.