Chapter 1, Day 1 Morning: The Witchwood

Jul 9, 2015 3:42 pm
Map of Elsir Vale

The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellen's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the boarders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest. As you walk you talk, jest and reflect on the journey you've had so far together. Where you first coalesced into a group as the result of a rather difficult to remember evening of good ale and good food, you've now been together for the better part of a month as you traveled to and within the Elsir Vale.

All Characters Should be Level 2. While you level up, feel free to role-play a bit. You can make up stories about what's happened to you since the prologue. Xena may introduce herself to the group here in anyway she deems fit (or, wait and I'll introduce her once everyone is levelled up). Once you level up, please report your characters current AC and max hit points so I can updated my app. When everyone's in order, we'll forge ahead!
Jul 15, 2015 4:33 pm
"Show me again, Zaris, come on" Corban asked the wizard pleadingly. "Think about it, the frost will feel good in this blasted heat! Last time all I could conjur up was a snowflake!, I know you think it was just a bead of sweat, but I'm telling you, it felt genuinely cold!"

The last month had been a long, boring walk. There was only so much entertainment to be drawn from crude pranks at Kaiaka's expense, the paladin had shown that he wouldn't tolerate such behaviours. Corban had mainly passed the time harassing Zaris to to teach him some things about magic. It had always intrigued him, and had things gone differently in his youth, he may have ended up in robes instead of chain mail.

Their journey led them toward a supposed treasure vault. There was nothing like treasure to bring a group of adventurers together, regardless of their philosophies on how the world worked. And in this case all they were operating on was an ancient map provided by a surprisingly helpful wererat. Things should pick up once they crossed the river and entered the Witchwood, at the very least they ought to find some shade from this awful heat.

Corban turned to the new recruit to their rambling band of adventurers, Xara. "So Xara, tell me again about that time the barbarians had you strung up, it cracks me up every time. For a bunch of free spirits, those nomads can be real hard-asses when it comes to their stuff."
Jul 16, 2015 1:08 am
Meditation. It's a daily reminder to me at the temple and a necessity in the outside world. I've tried to learn patience, but such childish pranks tested me so! I'm fairly certain they got satisfaction when my tail twitched.
[OOC: The voice of Dinobot from Transformers: Beast Wars came to mind during that little rant, for some strange reason.]
I do my best to remember these are not personal attacks but some twisted form of friendship.
At any rate, despite the addition of a thief to our group, this journey has brought me closer to Tyr. He has granted me magic to better seek justice in this world.
I barely contain a sneer when the conversation turns toward the new group member. I would be watching her - closely.
Jul 16, 2015 1:47 am
I smile, basking in the attention. A young bard by the name of Panril once told me 'a true Queen of Thieves should never tell her tales more than once for they are meant to be told and retold by countless others. That's how Legends are born.' Well, aren't I on my way to becoming a legend? Too bad I've already broken that rule 4 times this journey alone. I'm going to need more stories.

I roll my eyes dramatically. "Again, Corb? Aren't you sick of that story by now? They had it coming, that's all I have to say about that! Stringing me up like a prized pig over a spit. Ruuuuuuude."

I yawn, stretching out my arms as I take in our surroundings. Not much has changed. Even the trees are all starting to look the same to me. "You know, I thought this trip would be a little more interesting. It's all talking... and walking... and not a decent mark the whole way over here! You sure we're going the right way?"
Last edited Jul 16, 2015 2:13 am
Jul 16, 2015 2:11 am
"No, you need to concentrate on the inner sense much more Corban," Zaris says to his friend. He stops his walk and waves his hand in the familiar arcs that created snow from the small pieces of wood he picked up from the ground. In the time since the wererat incident he had finally translated a passage giving him insight into the art of transmutation. He was enjoying the benefits from his new found abilities practicing turning matter from one form into another. "You see, nothing to it!" he adds with a smirk.

"What do we know of this Witchwood?" he asks aloud as they continue their walk.
Jul 17, 2015 3:24 am
I limp along behind the rest of the group, largely keeping my own council. My thoughts have turned darker since breathing in the essence of the werecreatures we had fought at the tower. Corban's lack of maturity and constant needling has been especially grating and more than once I've thought about speaking in demonic foul enough to give him a migraine. Only realizing that the resulting lecture from Kaiakas prevent the less pleasant aspects of my impulses under control.
Jul 17, 2015 1:58 pm
The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then you glimpse the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors - tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces - are lying in wait!

You stop for a moment and one of the hidden figures lets out a howl, a hound of some sort to your flank, and the ambushers leap from the woods and begin their attack.

Enemies: Three Hobgoblins and One Hellhound
Location: You are at the bottom right of this map walking along the path, the hellhound is in the woods directly beside you and the hobgoblins are along the escarpment in the bushes ahead.

Corban, Kaiakas, Rurik
Zaris, Zara
Jul 17, 2015 3:10 pm
"I'll clear out the hound!" Corban raises his Shield, and draws his sword while rushing over to the hell hound. "I'm sorry, pup" he says as he thrusts with his longsword.


Attack! - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Damage w/ Longsword - (1D8+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Jul 17, 2015 3:49 pm
Corban scrambles up the steep escarpment and lays into the hellhound with a heavy slash of his sword. The creature lets out a yowl as the blade cuts deep into its side.

Corban hits for 11 Damage
Jul 18, 2015 12:48 am
Sword and shield at the ready, I spin toward the unnatural stench of the hellhound and drive my sword tip at its throat.


Attack - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Damage - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Jul 18, 2015 12:54 am
Kaiakas scrambles up the escarpment behind Corban and plunges his blade into the beasts throat as his companions blade pulls away. The sudden thrust silences the beasts' yowling.

Hellhound is dead.

Zaris and Xara, I've deleted both of your posts as your planned target will be dead by the time your turn rolls around. Also, you're both after the Hobgoblins and so you may want to see what they do before committing yourself to killing a Hellhound corpse ;)
Jul 19, 2015 2:09 pm
I point to the Hobgoblin nearest to Xara and bark a single word "Grovel" it slides out of my mouth to surround the creature in the form of demonic commands.
ooc: casting Command for it to grovel which makes it drop prone and end its turn if it fails a will save of 12
Jul 19, 2015 3:02 pm
The hobgoblin tilts its head at Rurik while pulling out its longbow, then suddenly drops its weapon and falls to the ground on its hands and knees. The other two are not so influence and knock arrows, one shooting at Zaris and the other Rurik. Rurik manages to sidestep the arrow, but Zaris, who is in the middle of pulling out his own hefty crossbow, is struck square in the shoulder.

Three more hobgoblins leap out onto the road from within the bushes, draw blades and charge down the pathway, engaging Xara and Rurik in melee combat.

Zaris is hit for 8 Damage

One Hobgoblin is prone on the ridge (right side). Two, armed with bows, are on the left ridge up the road a bit (they cannot be reached by anyone using regular movement this round, it would take a double move to reach them).

Corban and Kaiakas are up the ridge, it will take a move action to scramble down and engage the hobgoblins fighting their allies below, or a move action to go along the ridge towards the prone hobgoblin.

Three Hobgoblins, Rurik and Xara are engaged (moving away provokes, unless you use the Disengage Action -- the road isn't very wide, so moving away will mean moving up the ridge).

Zaris is not engaged with anyone, but he does have an arrow in the shoulder.

With the Hellhound Dead we're not effectively in Us vs Them initiative. It's player turn.
Jul 20, 2015 2:17 pm
"ZARIS!" Corban bellows as the arrow strikes his old friend. Corban curses as he realizes that the archers are a little too far for his comfort. Going to have to study harder, a fire bolt would be useful about now... Corban thinks to himseld. "Find some cover Zaris!" Corban rushes down the hill, and, sword dancing in a whirling rage, strikes at the nearest hobgoblin engaged with Xara and Rurik.

Corban will attack, then use action surge to attack again. If the first falls he'll move to the next target...


Attack 1 w/longsword - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Dam 1 w/longsword - (1D8+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Attack 2 (Action Surge) - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Dam 2 w/longsword - (1d8+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Jul 20, 2015 2:27 pm
In his flurry of attacks Corban fells the first hobgoblin, steps forward and kills a second with the follow-through. He puts himself between the last hobgoblin and Rurik and Xara, sword held at the ready to strike it down next.

Corban hits both for lethal damage

Zaris is hit for 8 Damage

One Hobgoblin is engaged with Rurik, Xara and Corban (moving away provokes, unless you use the Disengage Action -- the road isn't very wide, so moving away will mean moving up the ridge).

Zaris is not engaged

Rurik, Zaris, Xara, Kaiakas - in any order
Jul 20, 2015 3:08 pm
I notice the hobgoblins with bows and move to engage with them. I keep my shield ready to protect from any incoming projectiles during my move. I will cut down the first hobgoblin I meet.
[ooc: rolls for next round's attack.]


Attack - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Damage - (1d8+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jul 20, 2015 3:15 pm
Kaikas raises his shield and moves carefully along the ridge towards the archer hiding in the woods on his side of the road. As he nears the hobgoblin it fires and arrow that deflects of the shield, then, in a panic, drops its bow and pulls out a longsword to defend itself.

Kaikas is now Engaged with the Hobgoblin on the right hand ridge.

The arrow was descriptive fluff, no action expended on the hobgoblin's part

Rurik, Zaris,Xara - in any order
Jul 20, 2015 5:12 pm
I snort derisively at the hobgoblin, watching the fool scrambling. "Yer not worth the effort". I drop my hand to my side and pull the crossbow up pulling the trigger dismissively, not even bothering to finely aim, or even sully my dark gifts on the wretch


Crossbow attack roll - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Crossbow damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Jul 20, 2015 5:36 pm
Rurik's crossbow fires with a loud SHUNK and the bolt strikes the hobgoblin square in the chest. It is briefly staggered, but maintains its grip on its weapon and steps forward to strike back...

Rurik hits for 7 Damage.

Zaris and Xara are up


Disadvantaged Attack - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Jul 21, 2015 1:01 am
Zaris screams out in agony as the arrow lodges itself into his shoulder. He staggers back a few steps, his mind becoming cloudy from the pain. He looks at Corban and shrugs before stumbling into the thickest part of the trees he can find. He collapses down and pulls a small piece of leather from his pack. He bites down hard and tries to pull the arrow from his flesh and then chants as coherently as he can holding the piece of leather to his chest.

OOC. Casting mage armor. AC = 15 for the next 8 hours.
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