Investigation on a stormy night

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May 30, 2018 2:45 am
I saw that you'd had a bad weekend in the Dungeon World game. Do you want to call this one? You've already helped me out quite a bit.
May 30, 2018 12:01 pm
Yep that works, I'm good and gotta press regardless. 1 XP awarded.
You find yourself the next morning outside Public City Records for City Hall entering and see Pat working. They make eye contact and nod before finish writing something down in a book and clicks a few things on the computer next to them before they come over.

"You come by for a social call or work?" they ask with a smirk regarding you.
May 30, 2018 4:16 pm
"How about, yes?" Sal says with a laugh. "Its always good to see a friendly face. Unfortunately, I need some help digging up some information. Do you have a minute, or would you let me write it down? I hate to put more on your plate."
In other games, when you want to use a contact, you often have to roll. Is it assumed in Savage Worlds that your contact is available to help when you need them? If so then I'll write out an actual request, but I wanted to verify that I wasn't going to need to roll anything. Also, thank you for being willing to press on with the game.
May 30, 2018 4:54 pm
In a normal situation you roll Streetwise to get a hold of your contact and then a Persuade if it's above a level of what they would normally do for you. Since you know where he works and this is within his job as long as it's legal it's auto success, if you ask him to find you information you're not privy to, he'll look it up most likely tell you that you can't see it and go use the bathroom...
May 31, 2018 1:13 am
"Well, I've come into possession of this map," Sal says producing the document. "Do you guys issue these? And if so? Are these a popular request because this looks like a weird thing to ask for? Maybe a co-worker wanted to do a hiking? Maybe this someplace I want to look into for leisure or real-estate? Not sure what to make of it."
May 31, 2018 11:03 am
Pat inspects the map and his brow furrows as he looks at various points, "Well it has our stamp. It's a public record and besides a fee to have them printed anyone can request it. Possibly hiking I guess but these lines here are hand written." he begins to explain tapping the map, "The map was topographical but these lines hand written in are measuring the changes in waterways over several decades. Not sure what to make of that. It's not really an area you can purchase cheaply, it's state owned and open to the public. Not much out there due to the area's nature, hilling enviroments with little resources have little value, even logging would be a challenge since it's cost too much to flatten the area for equipment to ingress." he explains looking around at various notes on the map, "Are these food or coffee stains?" he asks squinting at a few dark reddish small stains you notice here in there with more visible light.
Jun 1, 2018 2:55 am
"Hmmm....that means I might need to do a bit more research," Sal says, clearly a bit perplexed. He's also thinking back to the cat he found, but says nothing about it. "Could be coffee. Not sure. Maybe I'll head out there, and see what I see. Snap a few pics and what not." Sal notes as well that the land is public. Likely protected by state or federal services. The stains should also be looked at, but not until he thinks he can make up a reasonable alibi for having the map. "Thanks Pat, I'm going to go check this place out, but is it ok if I give you a call if I find anything weird. Might be good to keep the records up to date, you know? I'm going to head over tot he library quickly though."
Library would be for books on local history to see if there was anything he could pick up qucikly and take with him. Although if a search of the mapped out area turns up nothing, maybe microfilm would be a good idea.
Jun 1, 2018 2:52 pm
"Ok, be careful if you're out hiking about though. And definitely let us know if you find something odd like a major change in terrain and topography so we can update our records accordingly." he replies.

Sal finds himself going to the library for further research.
Since this isn't CoC there's no Library use skill, lets go with some RP about your approach and get an Investigation check for you to skim what books would be the most beneficial to check out for further research. Also you're pretty sure mentally assuming the stains are actually just blood wouldn't be a far off guess.
Jun 1, 2018 6:06 pm
"Will do, and thank you for your help," Sal says as he leaves. "I owe you a beer."

He heads to the library and looks for books on local history. Specifically, anything that discusses where people lived in the area, as well as anything might collect fringe stories "Weird but true" from the area. Most libraries will have some kind of local history/folklore section, and that's what Sal heads for. He describes it to a librarian, and leave them with a request for information, as well as an email account he can be reached at.
Do I get a bonus for asking the librarian?


Investigation - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Wild die - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 1, 2018 6:27 pm
Not enough to give you a raise.
Sal spends enough time at the library that he goes out for lunch and comes back with coffee. With a search for anything odd in the library resources he finally finds a few things in newspaper archives while scrolling through them on microfiche. There's a small piece about a missing young boy fifty years ago, oddly enough he was never found. Looking into the waterways going through the wooded area mentioned by Pat you're curious why one would move or interrupt the flow of water's natural route. Looking at older maps to the current one you've borrowed you figure you have a general idea where the source was.
Jun 2, 2018 2:17 am
"Alright, time to look into this,"
I'll assume Sal can pick up a sandwich along the way, and simple stuff like that in case this is a long term ordeal.
he says. He brings as many photocopies as he can with him, and notes the call numbers of everything else.
Jun 4, 2018 6:25 pm
That works it's modern times, convenience store to take out from a chain or deli I guess are options.
Sal eyes the pile of information to review once he gets closer to the forest in his bag getting dangerously close to his lunch and drink as the car is jostled about, the closer to the forest on the back road he's on the rougher it gets. You pull into what looks like a simple lot by a footpath into the green section on the map you're looking at the woods. You have a lot of light left today and information to review or learn before going in unless you wanted to take it along.
Jun 5, 2018 3:00 am
I rolled Notice to look for tracks or signs of activity that might look like they are leading off in the direction he wants to go. Is that the right skill?
Sal thinks it over, and decides to take his information with him. "Why not?" he thinks. "Its a stakeout/campout or whatever this is, but I'm not going to be staring at an empty campsite the whole time. I got work to do, and I need to do it quickly."
Last edited June 5, 2018 3:02 am


Notice - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Wild die - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jun 5, 2018 1:48 pm
Tracks would go off Tracking Skill, Notice for the most part is a roll up of Spot/Listen if you're familiar with D&D, if it's map reading and land nav, I'd probably say survival unless you want to stick with your roll.
Jun 6, 2018 3:00 am
Let's play it as it rolls. I can handle a botched roll!
Jun 6, 2018 1:40 pm
Sal looks around and realizes he's not that good at tracking. He realizes he's not that good at noticing things as well since he falls and sits up realizing he's in an old riverbed. Looking at the map it's someplace a waterway was before it was moved.
Jun 7, 2018 2:32 am
"I think maybe it's good I have some time before it gets dark," he thinks to himself while sitting in the dirt. He looks at the map where his buddy had indicated that the river hadn't always been in the same place. "So, now where does this actually put me on this map?"
Despite the botched roll, would Sal still be able to make out where he is on the map, even if he can't figure out where a decent path might be?
Jun 7, 2018 2:39 pm
Lets get a survival roll since you're basically trying to land navigate now.
Jun 8, 2018 1:56 am


Survival - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Wild die - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jun 8, 2018 12:43 pm
One raise is good enough, usually you reroll max dice.
Sal knows exactly where he is looking at the empty riverbed and where it beds when he looks at the map. You realize water way although it's changed over time for some reason it seems the origin point is the same.
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