Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders

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Feb 5, 2019 10:58 am
No, but now she feels guilty. Damn honorable people.
Feb 5, 2019 9:31 pm
You make it back to Sandpoint with no issues. Where do you want to go first?
Feb 9, 2019 12:45 am
Shadow sighs and scuffs the dirt, "Might as well. We have all this bloody gold to give him, after all."
Feb 9, 2019 10:06 pm
You enter the sheriff's office to find three others already inside talking to him. When he spots you, he waves for you to enter, "I'd like to introduce you to some old friends of mine," he says.
You three new players, please introduce yourselves!
Feb 10, 2019 11:45 am
Victor Valravn is the name, starts the tall one-eyed elf wearing a traveling cloak over a dingy steel breastplate. He turns his head towards a backpack on a corner with a bow strapped to it and nods. That one is mine, I hope what I bring is found adequate. There is an air humility about the man, certainly made more clear by the naturally arrogant features of an elf and what one might expect. What's more, there doesn't seem to be a single elven made article on him. He rubs his missing eye through the faded scarf. I heard from Belor here that you might need help. I've helped him before. His voice is of a singy type, and has an undercurrent of low self-esteem.
Last edited February 10, 2019 11:45 am
Feb 13, 2019 2:49 pm
Belor nods, "Viktor helped me out with an ogre problem a while back. We've kept in touch ever since," he says, "He's real good in a fight and dependable, too."
Bump for the others
Feb 14, 2019 2:45 am
The figure that was leaning against one wall cut a striking figure, with hair that rippled like ebony smoke and skin a deeply burnished brass color. When she turns to face you, a pair of small horns curl up out of the hair, only an inch or two long, just above a delicate looking silver headband. When she speaks, her voice was smooth and silky, with just a touch of smokey etherealness. Hmm, Belor. You didn't mention that the others would be so interesting. Truly an assemblage worthy of song. she says, winking at whichever of the entering party is closest to her. My apologies all, I am Hetris. Singer, chronicler, and student of nearly any subject under the sun or moon.
Feb 14, 2019 2:06 pm
Belor smiles, "You should know by now that all of my friends are interesting," he says, then turns to the party, "Hetris here is one of the most knowledgeable people that I know."
Feb 14, 2019 3:22 pm
Just waiting for the third introduction before Urthask responds.
Feb 14, 2019 4:47 pm
If Belor vouches for you, I know you will do right by us and Sandpoint. My name is Gongar and these are my companions Urthask and Shadow. Happy to make your acquaintances. Gongar strides up and extends his hand...
Feb 14, 2019 8:21 pm
Viktor looks the dwarf in the eye and grabs his hand with a friendly grasp. Gods keep you, he says with a serious face. Our kind have not always seen eye to eye with yours. Know that I do not have such thoughts, friend.
Last edited February 14, 2019 8:21 pm
Feb 15, 2019 6:15 pm
A large smile breaks out on Gongar's face, Our kind never see eye to eye. You're always too damned tall for that. I've trained with many elves at the sanctuary and unlike most dwarves I very much appreciate having one guarding my back.
Feb 15, 2019 8:01 pm
Viktor fails to keep his calm when Gongar cracks his joke.You said it, the elf says and smiles.
Feb 16, 2019 12:37 pm
Shadow giggles, as she can relate as well.
Feb 18, 2019 5:09 pm
I haven't heard from ninja_dano in a bit. We'll move on and let him jump in when he gets the chance!
Now that the introductions are over, the sheriff turns to you, "I had a scared farmer in here not long ago and he said he'd met a group on the road that was traveling with a bear," he says, "He told me that you were going to check out the Hambley farm?"
Feb 20, 2019 7:56 pm
Just as the Sheriff begins talking about the Hambley farm, a small, cloaked figure dashes into the room and skids to a halt. Sweeping its hood down with a white-furred hand, you see a diminutive rat-like creature standing at just over four feet tall and smiling broadly. He... or she... seems to never quite stand still and its jittery motions cause the various skulls and bones tied to its belt to clack and clatter.

"Brodert Quink said you wanted to see me?" The ratfolk asks in a serene voice as his nostrils and whiskers twitch to the smells of the others in the room. With an eloquence that clashes in stark contrast to its features, it continues quickly, "Skriz at your service. Apologies for being late, I was studying Zanathyel's A Treatise on the Hellpacts of Old Cheliax and their Influence on Modern Trade Routes and lost track of time. Quite a fascinating book if you have a chance to read it. Chapters fifty-six and fifty-seven have a particular focus on the coastal ruins along the Lost Coast from Magnimar to Riddleport that I find extraordinarily enlightening."

Skriz blinks twice and blurts, "Oh forgive my manners, I didn't give you my bona fides that pertain to why the Mayor wanted me to be here. I am a scholar of ancient Thassilon, a practitioner of magicks and powers arcane (namely in those focusing on death), and an investigator of the unexplained. Brodert Quink and the Stone of the Seers university of magic in Magnimar can vouch for me if you need further references." Almost as though the thought had just now occurred to it, Skriz bows to all in the room.
[ +- ] Skriz, Master of Powers Arcane and Devotee of Death Magicks
Feb 20, 2019 8:09 pm
Urthask doesn't quite know what to make of the little creature. If Belor thinks this little fellow can help, then Urthask will not doubt it. He's just glad he made it in here without Arktos eating him.
Feb 20, 2019 9:50 pm
"Thank you for coming, Skriz," the sheriff says, "It's becoming more and more clear that these... events have some connection to Thassilon, so I thought we might be able to help one another. If you accompany these adventurers, then we get one step closer to fixing our issues and you get a chance to get more data on Thassilon. How does that sound?"
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